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lsrael, the great global farce

lsrael, the great global farce

Website  TrinityATierra

Zionism is a movement created by  the Rothschilds  to support the false claim of the land we now know as Israel and belongs by  historical right  to the Palestinians. Many people believe that 'Zionism' is synonymous with 'Jew' but is actually a political movement, designed, funded and promoted by the House of Rothschild to the creation of the state of Israel. The claim of a "homeland" of the Jews in ancient Palestine was from the beginning a strategy of the Rothschilds, with the help of his secret network established globally. A grandson of the Rothschilds noted that,

"The Rothschilds had created the state of Israel as his personal toy to make them richer and more powerful."
They are tested that Rochschilds, always through their agents, financed the first settlers of the new state of Israel, manipulated events of World War II and the Nazi rise in Germany (through Warburg and made  ​​IG Farben ) and later they used the argument of persecution and holocaust of the Jews by Nazi Germany to achieve its ultimate goal, which was simply to create their own "fiefdom" in Palestine where people could be controlled and abused since its inception . Israel the plan was called "Zionism" and planning had already begun in the nineteenth century, when it began to claim, through political pay of the Rochshilds, the need to create a state in Palestine for Jews " return "to their 'mother country'. to definitively clarify what is  Zionism  see what it says in a letter to the Zionist executive in December 1938  David Ben Gurion , Prime Minister of Israel:

Save lives of Jews from the hands of Hitler here is considered a potential threat to Zionism, unless they are brought to Palestine. If Zionism has to choose between the Jews and the Jewish state, always prefer, without hesitation, the latter.
It is clear then that Zionism is nothing but  a particular form of fascism . After World War II, the Zionist movement supported continuously to far - right groups and always ignoring the criminal charges against them. The Canadian writer  Greg Felton he wrote:

"Israel would not be possible today if the World Zionist Congress and other Zionist agencies had not made common front with Hitler exterminators to rid Europe of Jews. In exchange for sabotaging Jewish resistance, help exterminate the Jews non-Zionists and betray the trust of the Jews, Zionists secured passage to Palestine "
The Arab population living in Palestine was expelled or eliminated, for which the Zionist state itself supported terrorist groups performing this work.

Some of the leaders of those terrorist groups were Nenachem Begin, Yitzzhak Shamir and Ariel Sharon, they all come to later become prime ministers of Israel widely condemned Arab terrorism ( precisely  them , who had led  Zionist terrorist groups for years in Israel). Israel, today, is what its creators dreamed: a state absolutely militarized, based on caste, hierarchical, fascist, racist, where, for example, is forbidden to speak Arabic in school and to provide a housing the State applies a system discriminative selection based on genetics and national origin (first Ashkenazi in Europe, after Ashkenazi United States after Sephardic Jews and finally Muslims, Christians and others.) But perhaps no surprise you to know that no there is such a thing as the  Jewish race . Being  Jewish means to profess a faith, but  there is no Jewish race , nor is there the  Aryan race . . There are Chinese Jews, American or Spanish Raphael Patai  in the Encyclopaedia Britannica writes:

"The findings of physical anthropology, contrary to widespread belief, show that  there is no Jewish race .Anthropometric measurements of Jewish groups in many parts of the world indicate that they differ greatly from each other with respect to the most important physical characteristics; height, color of skin, brain tissue, facial index, blood group, etc. "
Harry Shapiro  issued a report for UNESCO on the same terms indicating the enormous polymorphism of the Jews in the world. However, when we speak of 'Jew', many come to mind an individual with aquiline nose and certain facial features very characteristic; others associate Jews with extremely well endowed intellectually individuals who excel in the intellectual world and are generally regarded as working for finance, mathematics and other subjects that require a high degree of abstraction.

Let 's see , however , what are what we usually call "Jews" (though not even know the religion they profess some people who a priori classified as "Jews"). Benjamin Freedman , Jewish businessmen in New York, who had openly criticized Zionism after the Second World war and was personally linked to prominent political figures such as Woodrow Wilson and Joseph Kennedy said:

"What are the facts about the Jews? I call them Jews now, because they are well known, but I myself do not call them Jews, I refer to them as "so-called Jews" because I know exactly what they are ... There is not one of them whose ancestors have trod never the Promised Land. Neither one of them !.

And yet, they will Christians and ask them for help to form an armed insurrection against the Palestinians."You want to help repatriate the  Chosen Sons of God  to the  Promised Land , right? It is your Christian duty ", but it's so ridiculous to call them " children of the Holy Land "as it would be called 'Arab' to the 54 million Chinese Muslims."
What concerns Freedman here? Could it be that the Jews did not come from the Middle East as we have been led to believe for years? Jews very brave as writers  Arthur Koestler  have confirmed that Jews have no historical claim to the land of Israel because they do not consider the biblical Jews and certainly not  Semites  (the people  Semites  are those that are located in north Africa, including Sudan and Ethiopia and the Middle East from Syria and Iraq to the south including Yemen and Oman).

The true origins of the vast majority of the "Jews" back to the 'Khazar', Sumerians  who became known under that name in the southern regions of Russia and the Caucasus Mountains. Historians believe the Khazars comes from  the Huns , Turkic tribes who invaded Europe coming from Central Asia, Siberia, China and Northern India.

The Khazars lived as merchants, they controlled a vast empire and its influence extended into what is now Poland, Austria, Romania, Hungary, etc. They were worshipers of the phallus and performed rites of human sacrifice. About 740 DC King of Khazaria (Khazars), King Bulan, I adopt Judaism for political reasons, not to disappear being absorbed by the Christian west kingdoms and Muslim west . So 90% of what we now call "Jews" are descended from these Khazars who populated the central region of Russia and Eastern Europe.

These lands are now occupied by the State of Georgia, in the Caucasus region, and the distinctive physical trait of the people who live there even today is the aquiline nose that many still associate with  typically Jewish nose .

Koestler, born in Budapest into a Jewish family, wrote:
"Your ancestors therefore not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not the land of Canaan but from the Caucasus, which is still associated with the origin of the" Aryan "race, and are genetically related to the Huns,  Uighur  and the Magyar tribes and not with the seeds of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

This would mean that the term "anti-Semitism" itself has absolutely no sense to refer to anti-Jewish because it is based on the confusion of the term by the victim and his executioners. The story of the Khazar Empire (Khazar) begins to see the light and is presented as the most cruel hoax that has ever perpetrated in history "

Koestler points to many common distinctive features ( "The Thirteenth Tribe") as the  yarmulke  (the cap of the common Jews to Uzbeks and other peoples of the former Soviet Union) and which is also used by Muslims and the Roman Catholic hierarchy (whose true origin dates back to  ancient Babylon ). the Khazars descendants became known as "Jews" and their true origin was lost to history, but not for the families of the elite and the  Roman Church  who preferred to keep the false version the story for the rest of the world. What were the Khazars today are known as 'Ashkenazi' (Jews from Eastern Europe), and figures and studies indicate that between 90 and 95 percent of those who call themselves "Jews" are Ashkenazi , is  ancient Khazars .

Other Jews are known as "Sephardim" and they do have connections with theMiddle East, although of course this does not mean that the idea of a race chosen by God has any reason to exist or that its claim to the land populated by Palestinians is legitimate in the least. it is also not true that the Jews have needed or pursued the claim to return to their "motherland" as we have said, on the contrary, throughout history, and Spain is an example, Jews have coexisted peacefully with Christians and Muslims in many countries and states. the Ashkenazi are the ethnic group that holds power in Israel since 1948.

For centuries Ashkenazi Jews did not speak Hebrew Semitic language, which is not surprising since they were not Jews.They developed their own language known as Yiddish began to speak in Germany and spread to Central and Eastern Europe. 

Yiddish later it evolved to include elements of Slav, Aramaic, Hebrew and other influences. . So what we know as 'Ashkenazi' is a genetic cocktail of Sumerian, Turkish, Far East, North Europe and Western Europe Koestler says in his book " The Thirteenth Tribe ":

"To add more, the Jews of today do not have a common cultural tradition, just certain habits and behavior derived from their social inheritance from the traumatic experience of the ghetto, and a religion that most do not practice and where not believed, but nevertheless gives some kind of pseudo-national status.

The influence of racial and historical message, though based on an illusion, acts as an important emotional spring that appeals to loyalty to the tribe. "
By the way, the symbol of the hexagram that is now present in the flag of the State of Israel and is the symbol world best known of the Jews,  was the symbol of the shield of the House of Rothschilds , also known as the  Star of David or  Seal of Solomon (right).

He was not considered a Jewish symbol until adopted by the Rothschilds and can be found in many places of other religions cultures; they used such Arab magicians, Druids and Satanists.

A Star of David was found on the floor of a mosque built in 1200 in Tel Aviv. Again we meet with a historical truth that has been hidden from most of them with the sole purpose of  manipulating the masses , Jews (practitioners or no) and non - Jews for the creation of a state-toy, Israel, with a huge cost in human lives of Palestinians and untold suffering of millions of people, by the House of the Rothschilds and their agents.

Of course, muffler role and complicity of the Catholic Church, the Vatican Library contains books and documents that would reveal it as many perpetrated throughout history deceptions, was and is absolutely fundamental. In fact, the House the Rothschilds owns the title of  "Keepers of the Treasures of the Vatican"  . and ensures that the assets, finance and the secrets of the Church of Rome remains hidden the author  Tupper Saussy  wrote:

"Aware that the Rothschilds are an important Jewish family, I searched the Encyclopedia Judaica and discovered that they have the title 'Guardians of the Vatican Treasury'. The appointment of Rothschild gave him the  Pope Black  (Pontifex Maximus Jesuit hierarchy) absolute financial privacy. Who ever would seek the key to the wealth of the Vatican in the House of some Orthodox Jews? "
And  Hill Hughes  writes in "The Secret terrorists and the enemy unmasked":
"The Rothschilds are Jesuits who used their Jewish past as a facade to cover their sinister activities. The Jesuits, working through the Rothschilds and financial Nicholas Biddle, always pursued the control of the banking system of the United States. "
It seems that the circle of power gradually is closing ....

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Who are the Khazarians or Khazar Jews? Texe Marrs explains w / Rense [Videos]
It might be true that in fact we have been harboring the Synagouge of Satan over the years and have been those who have been labeled as conspiracy theorists and other ad-homimen names?



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