
24 de abril de 2017

France, a victim of terrorism for its own NATO allies

France, a victim of terrorism for its own NATO allies

ISIS terrorist wanders the streets of France with flag neck is such misinformation that the media convey that people live in the greatest ignorance of the world and pass it without recognizing ...

France, a victim of terrorism for its own NATO allies

With only 3 days for the first round of the presidential election, France has just been the target of a new terrorist attack. Thierry Meyssan believes that Paris has to stop saying absurd lies and take into account the true importance of what is happening: international terrorism, which has government involvement French- follow orders from their NATO allies ... also it They used against France.

In early 2017 we received reports that there were jihadists preparing actions aimed at forcing France and Germany to postpone elections. It was not clear:

- if it was postponing the French presidential election (scheduled for April and May) or the legislative elections (to be developed in June) or both;

- if France was a target by itself or if the actions were carried out in France would be a prelude to further action against Germany.

Among the candidates for the presidential election,  the only ones who denounce the support of the Muslim Brotherhood are Francois Fillon and Marine Le Pen. Fillon  has made this issue one of his campaign themes.

Ourselves we point our readers to press campaigns and judicial scandals Donald Trump used against the US and against Francois Fillon in France came from the same groups. 

then wrote that Trump and Fillon "will not be possible to restore peace and prosperity without finishing first with the instrumentalization of Islamic terrorism, without releasing the Muslim world the control exercised jihadists without attacking even the matrix of terrorism: the Muslim Brotherhood ".

At that time, the French, mistakenly believing that the Muslim Brotherhood is a trend of Islam, they did not react. 

Then I published a book,  Sous us yeux. Du 11 Septembre Donald Trump , the second part explains in detail for the first time, what is this secret organization created and controlled by MI6, the British secret services.

It's that brotherhood which, since World War II, has been trying to convert Sunni Islam into a political instrument. And the Muslim Brotherhood come all the leaders of jihadist groups from Osama ben Laden to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

On February 26, Francois Fillon Unexplained published a statement that was subject to criticism:

"We are facing an unprecedented situation: a 2 months after the presidential election, we are living a situation of civil war almost coming to disturb the normal development of this campaign (...) 

Remind everyone that we are in a state of emergency and that, despite this, the government is allowing what happens (...) 

As former Prime Minister, as an elected head of the Nation, today solemnly accuse the Prime Minister and the government of failing to guarantee the conditions for the peaceful exercise of democracy.

Above them a grave responsibility falls because they are allowing the country to develop in a climate that is almost civil war and that can only be beneficial to the ends (...)

Whoever the candidates should have the right to express themselves and the government should take measures to ensure that violent and enemies of democracy cease to disrupt the presidential campaign. "

On April 17, the National Police informed the 4 major candidates on the existence of threats to their security and strengthened protection assigned to them.

On April 18, M. (29) and Clement B. (23) were arrested while preparing an attack on a rally in favor of Francois Fillon.

On April 20, a policeman was killed and two seriously wounded in an attack on the Champs Elysees.

Francois Fillon and candidate Marine Le Pen canceled their trips scheduled for 21 April. Following this trend despite the absence of any real threat against him, Emmanuel Macron did the same.

The responsibility of the next president of the French Republic

The next five years will focus on the safety of the French. This issue is a particularly serious nature to the extent that the recent terrorist attacks on French soil are involved 3 of our NATO allies: the US Deep State, the United Kingdom and Turkey.

I have often addressed the issue of attacks in Paris -the 13 November 2015 and in Brussels -the March 22, 2016.

In my most recent book I pointed out that although President [Turkish] Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his press have claimed these attacks were perpetrated by "two different commands, except for a common operating actor Mohammed Abrini MI6" (p. 231).

The successive presidencies of Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande, with their respective foreign ministers, Alain Juppé and Laurent Fabius, have hidden for years their criminal activities to the French and the consequence of what they have sown: terrorism within its own country.

It is absurd to believe that al-Qaeda and the Islamic Emirate (Daesh) can have as much money and weapons without the support of large states.

It is absurd to believe that France could participate in the operation of redesigning the "greater Middle East" without suffering the consequences. It is absurd to believe that it is possible to fight terrorism when those who control it are our own allies within NATO.

Thierry Meyssan
(Source:  Voltaire Network )

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