
30 de abril de 2017

Manuel Moix, a prosecutor under suspicion

Result image of Manuel Moix, a prosecutor on suspicion A review of his career and his most controversial decisions by the Genoese

A review of his career and his most controversial decisions

Corrupted image result protected from government

Manuel Maria Moix Blazquez ,  recently appointed Chief Prosecutor of the Special ProsecutorOffice against Corruption and Organized Crime, meet next April 24, 59 years. 

According to the ranking  published by the Ministry of Justice  has more than 30 years of service to MF  although before his full name among the  opponents of Legal Council of State , along with other opponents who over time have occupied and / or still they occupy positions in both the judiciary and public activity, 

as in the case of  Manuel Marchena Gómez,  current President of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court or  Ana de Palacio del Valle Lersundi ,  former Foreign Minister Aznar's government affairs and these businesswoman and Minister of elective State designated by  Mariano Rajoy .

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Of appointment appointment

On his career, according to the  BOE of 27 February 1986 , after passing through the  Center for Judicial Studies  and be appointed prosecuting attorney, he takes possession of his first destination in the  Provincial Court of Ciudad Real .

The happy circumstance given  that among his classmates is a young  Jesus Ignacio Alonso Santos  that over the years and after apply for leave, today is the defense lawyer  of the  Popular Party  in several lawsuits. 

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Among others, the  "PS First Period 1999-2005 Gürtel"  is on trial in the High Court  and whose court has decided to call as a witness  Mariano Rajoy  who vehemently  Santos  objected, as did the Attorney dependent  Moix .

After shooting  inglorious  several destinations his career received in 2001 a strong and decisive impetus. 

On January 16  of that year  he was appointed at the proposal  of the Minister of Justice, then  Angel Acebes Paniagua , Attorney General of the Technical Secretariat of the Attorney General's Office whose owner was  Jesús Cardenal,  also a member of  Opus Dei.

Everything was smooth sailing under full sail

While two years later in July 2003 , another Minister of Genovese Justice,  José María Michavila , he was appointed Chief Prosecutor of the High Court of Justice of the Community of Madrid after being stopped his predecessor  Mariano Fernandez Bermejo  after holding a controversy with the Michavila itself, following a review of the new 'speedy trial'.

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In this position he has held 12 long years  Moix  rubs shoulders with the elite of the original Genoese  and genuine that  since 1995  govern the regional government first with  Alberto Ruiz Gallardon ,  then with  Esperanza Aguirre and later with  Ignacio González .

In June 2015  back  to touch the Genoese tombola with the appointment as Prosecutor of the Prosecutor of the  Supreme Court  which has good sign  Rafael Catalá  then and now Minister of Justice

Image result memes Manuel Moix prosecutors who act as attorneys

But it is from this appointment when closest to the axis circles  Moncloa-Genoa Plaza de las Salesas  his name began to be launched  to fill the vacancy that is expected to occur in the Anti - Corruption Prosecutor 's Office  following the retirement of  Antonio Salinas ... ........  sooner said than done.

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Without thinking twice, according to several media warned of problems in the future could cause,  José Manuel Maza , new  Attorney General , appointed after the sudden cessation by way of non - renewal of the office of his predecessor Consuelo Madrigal ,  he pulls the mountain and decided to propose to  theSupervisory Board to Manuel Moix as Chief Prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor 's Office against Corruption and Organized Crime . 

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After a tight, not least tied vote gets the support of   six members compared to 4 of Luzon Alejandro Romeral Antonio Canovas to 1 Moraleda.

A prosecutor who is always where you expected

But without taking any professional merit, his career has been accompanied by numerous decisions that have been taken and that have increasingly become friendly tax for multiple causes for which Genovese leaders have been involved in recent years. 

Result image of Spain Manuel Moix corruption prosecutor is defense lawyer pp
Very briefly these are some of the best known:

Rato case . Although the most obvious evidence refused to former Minister and Director of the IMF went to prison

If spies Puerta del Sol . Without hesitation, after learning the first information, he said n see no evidence ofcrime and that only monitor and investigate alleged espionage senior regional government ifreceives a complaint about.

15M demonstrations . 
 With wild enthusiasm he joined the disqualifications that had previously made the then President of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre. Moix as "violating a court decision can be a crime of disobedience to the judicial authority, as is also an offense illegally occupying a public road because I want my will (...) There has been a misunderstood tolerance".

Blesa case . Gives orders for the MF querelle against Judge Elpidio José Silva for an offense against individual liberty, another prevarication and a last continuous malicious delay in the administration of justice after ordering the judge the imprisonment of former Box Madrid Miguel Blesa. According Moix agreed tothese measures "after checking with clean hands."

Carril Bus case Aguirre .  Moix's performance was fast and seamless. He rejected the qualification of crime of disobedience against the judgment of the Provincial Court of Madrid, considering that shouldhandled just like a failure.

If Madrid Arena .  In its indictment the prosecution of Madrid reduced from 25 to 14 accused persons. Prosecutors left out all the political and police Madrid City Council to understand that had no direct connection with the death of five young people in the avalancheoccurred on November 1, 2012 responsible.

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A regular participant in FAES
But we could not end this quick tour of his career and decisions without incorporating a data linking the Genoese clans as their participation in courses organized by FAES, the Foundation flagship People 'sParty 

Also  Moix , like other colleagues, have walked their campus like the dining room of their homes. 

To cite some examples, with  Chief Prosecutor of the High Court of Justice of the Community of Madrid  had no qualms about participating in 2014 and 2006 in courses on"Strengthening Democracy"  or  "Reform of the Statute of Public Prosecutions".

In one of them shared a table with today investigated in the  Punic Case , Salvador Victori to , the then Director then  Ignacio González, now detained by Operation Lezo.

Result image of Manuel Moix, a prosecutor on suspicion A review of his career and his most controversial decisions

Result image of Manuel Moix, a prosecutor on suspicion A review of his career and his most controversial decisions
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Image result memes Manuel Moix prosecutors who act as attorneys

Image result memes Manuel Moix prosecutors who act as attorneys

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