
13 de abril de 2017

Trump spokesman: US will attack Syria without any doubt

Trump spokesman: US will attack Syria without any doubt

Amid high tensions between Russia and the United States, White House spokesman says his country will attack Syria '100%'.

The US Government shuffle "definitely" take further military action against Syria, Sean Spicer said in an interview on Wednesday at the Newseum local television.

"President (US, Donald Trump) expressed on Thursday night that will launch a decisive, proportionate and justified action to correct errors , " he said, referring to  the barrage of Tomahawk cruise missiles model  that American country has laid on the military airfield of Al-Shairat, in western Syria.

With these statements, Spicer contradicted himself Trump, who made it clear on Tuesday that his administration will no longer take action against Damascus. "Our policy remains the same (...) nothing has changed. We will not enter Syria, "said the president.

The first US direct attack on the Syrian government was presented by Washington as a reprisal for an attack in which a toxic gas used in the province of Idlib (Syrian northwest), which accused without proof the Damascus government. Both Damascus and Moscow denied the US version of the event.

In this context, Spicer returned to blame the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, etching, while threatened with "all options on the table , " according to British newspaper picked up the  Independent . After the US bombing, the gap between Washington and Moscow has gone in crescendo. Moscow has denounced the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Friday that the bombing is a "illegitimate act of aggression". Russia has also sent several warships  to its naval base on the west coast of Syria. The attack on Syria has sparked a wave of condemnation and rejection both regionally and internationally. Damascus has blamed the measure to an attempt to bolster extremist groups  fighting against the Syrian government and undermine the nation. Russia has also sent several warships to its naval base on the west coast of Syria. The attack on Syria has sparked a wave of condemnation and rejection both regionally and internationally. Damascus has blamed the measure to an attempt to bolster extremist groups fighting against the Syrian government and undermine the nation. Russia has also sent several warships to its naval base on the west coast of Syria. The attack on Syria has sparked a wave of condemnation and rejection both regionally and internationally. Damascus has blamed the measure to an  attempt to bolster extremist groups fighting against the Syrian government and undermine the nation.

misteri1963 publicado sin Fines de Lucro 

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