
17 de julio de 2017

Financial Tyranny: The Revelation

Everything I have shared with you is documented. It is a historical fact. Much of it came from privileged sources who separated from the group and revealed their testimony.

This continues to occur today, and as a result, we have strong reasons to believe that the Illuminati are still alive and active.

I have had personal interaction with a woman named Svali, who claims to have been a mid-level member of today's Illuminati - the heirs living on this plan - until she escaped in the early 1990s.

Svali's writings are extremely extensive - enough to fill several books. I was directly responsible for the orchestration and transcription of his only appearance on radio - on the Greg Szymanski show on Republic Broadcasting Network, January 17, 2006.

While studying her discussion forum on her website at that time,, I saw her say in December 2005 that she was ready to break her silence and go out on the radio.

The name of Greg Szymanski emerged as one of two options. Immediately I wrote you an urgent letter with your contact information. She and I also started a written communication that unfortunately ended after the show.

I appeared as a guest of the live calls on the program towards the end and I thanked him for his bravery. I deliberately misread my own surname on the transcript to make it less obvious that it had helped me to orchestrate this:


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Svali has never done a single writing again or any public statement after this show aired in January 2006, but we know she's alive. She was severely tortured for doing this radio show.


If Svali is right, this "pure doctrine of Lucifer, finally brought to the light" is called the revealing. He had been told he was due in 2020.

The revealing was not intended to occur on any ordinary day. The formula demands a global economic collapse to provoke a "social, formidable cataclysm" planned by Pike and Mazzini.

I do not think the revealing will ever happen - due to the widespread awakening that now reaches a critical mass in the audience.

Pike and Mazzini were not wise enough to have foreseen the possibility of a worldwide medium, totally free and unregulated - thanks to the Internet. This was the most critical failure in his plan.

The resulting public awakening has now created an alliance of 122 nations, as we will soon discuss, with a plan to break media mastery, expose the truth and liberate the planet.

Things had to reach a point of crisis in order for there to be a strong enough will throughout the world for this group to finally be defeated - but finally this will has been achieved.


However, before discussing the resolution of this problem, there are additional walls of negation that need to be shattered.

I understand that these following sections will be the most troubling parts of the investigation - but once again, we have reached a point of planetary crisis, and can no longer afford to remain in the denial of truth.

What he is about to read is excerpts from a written interview that Svali had with HJ Springer, the founder of the now defunct Centrex News website, in 2000.

I extracted the original links then out of

All of Svali's works, including these written interviews and the transcript of the radio program, have already been compiled and ordered at

I want to make it very clear that witness testimony is considered as admissible evidence in court. In case the evidence is verifiable then the testimony is considered as a legal proof.

Other authors who validate and strongly support Svali's testimony, and who are extremely difficult to read, include Brice Taylor (Thanks for the Memories), Cathy O'Brien (Trance-Formation of America and Access Denied), Annie McKenna (Paperclip Dolls), Kathleen Sullivan (Unshackled), Carol Rutz (A Nation Betrayed) Lynn and Cheryl Hersha (Secret Weapons), Wanda Karriker (Morning, Come Quickly), "Mauri" ("Rattlers"), Janet Thomas (Day Breaks Over Dharamsala), James Shelby Downward (King-Kill 33 and The Carnivals of Life and Death), and Fritz Springmeier (Bloodlines of the Illuminati, The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind -Controlled Slave and Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula).

A lot of additional resources and witness statements can be found here.

After discussing Svali's testimony, we will briefly explore tangible information that verifies Svali's claims in the everyday world.


The volume of written data generated by Svali is very extensive - several hundred pages. The radio show I've linked to above is extremely shocking ... and totally convincing.

She speaks quickly and confidently about very complex and difficult subjects. In addition, our historical research checks many of the key aspects of your testimony.

Svali's life was threatened after she did this program, and she hid. Not once did he try to make a profit out of the hundreds and hundreds of pages worth of material. He wrote to expose this group.

Although other survivors have appeared, Svali has been the highest ranking member to date, and has provided the most written documentation of his knowledge and experience.

After his interview on the radio, I warned Henry Makow to his work, as he was already publishing research along these lines. Shortly afterwards, he wrote an article that gave a great overview of his testimony.

I have tried to avoid discussions of "ritual abuse" as much as possible in these appointments, in order to protect themselves from having to read about these issues that worry so much, unless they decide to get more involved.

Suffice it to say that hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis and torture - primarily through electric shocks - may seem to create fragments of personality that have their own sense of self separate, and can be isolated from others by "amnesic barriers."


For now, let's focus on some of the specific data about Svali's own organization.

Q: Svali, I think our readers are asking 'Is a religion the Illuminati, secret society, satanism or is it a combination of the same, or something different all together, or more sinister?

A: The Illuminati is a group that practices a form of faith known as "enlightenment." It is luciferin, and teaches its followers that its roots go back to the ancient mystery religions of the Babylonian, Egyptian and Celtic druidism.

They have taken what they consider to be the "best" of each, the fundamental practices, and have gathered in a strong hidden discipline.

Many local worship groups worship the ancient deities like "El", "Baal", and "Ashtarte", as well as "Isis and Osiris" and "Set".

That said, leadership councils sometimes mock the more "primitive" practices of anarchic or lower levels.

I remember when I was on the council in San Diego, and called the high priests and priestesses the "cutters and slicers," who kept "happy to lower levels."

This is not to offend anyone, it just shows that at leadership levels, they often believe they are more scientifically and cognitively driven. But the principles of enlightenment are still practiced.

There are 12 steps to this, also known as "the 12 steps of discipline" and also teach to travel by astral planes, time travel, and other metaphysical phenomena. [We will cover the 12 steps of one minute]

Do people really do this, or is it a drug-induced hallucination? I can not judge.

I saw things that I think can not be explained rationally when I was in this group, things that scared me, but I can only say that it could be a combination of mind control, drugs, hypnosis, and some real demonic activity.

How much of each? I can not begin to guess. What I do know is that these people teach and practice evil.


At the higher levels, the group is no longer made up of people in layers singing in front of a bonfire.

Leadership Councils have managers who manage finances (and trust me, this group makes money. Only that would keep it running even if the rest is simply religious brainwashing).

Leadership levels include entrepreneurs, bankers, and local community leaders. They are intelligent, well educated and active in their churches.

Above local leadership councils are regional councils, which give the dictates of groups below them, help shape the policies and agendas of each region, and interact with local leadership councils.

At the national level, there are very rich people who fund these goals and interact with leaders from other countries.

The Illuminati are international. Secret? By all means. The first thing a child learns from "family, or the Order" as they are called, is "the first rule of the Order is the secret."

That is why he has no news of more survivors remaining. The things that this group does to terrorize its members in not revealing, is incredible.

Q: Are the same Illuminati that were created by Adam Weishaupt in Germany?
A: Weishaupt did not create the Illuminati. They chose him as a decorative figure and told him what to write.

Funding, which dates back to the bankers during the time of the Knights Templar who financed the first kings in Europe, created the Illuminati. Weishaupt was his person who carried out his plan.


Q: Svali, one of the most important points, which I am sure many readers would like to know more about, is, what is the Illuminati / Masonic connection, so you are aware, given your previous position In the Illuminati?

Q: Was - and is - infiltration of the Masonic Order?

A: Masons and Illuminati are hand in glove. I do not care if this steps on the toes, it's a fact.

The Masonic Temple in Alexandria, Virginia (the city itself was named after Alexandria, Egypt, and is a seedbed of Illuminati activity) is a center in the Washington, DC area for Illuminatis, scholarship and teaching.

They took me there at intervals for tests, for passage to a higher level, for scholarship, and high ceremonies. The leaders of this Masonic group were also Enlightenment.

This has been the case in all the major cities I have lived. The main Masons were also first-rate Enlightenment.

My maternal grandfathers were both high ranking Masons in the city of Pittsburgh, Pa. (President of the Eastern Star and 33rd Degree Mason) and both were also leaders of the Illuminati in that area.

Are all Illuminati Masons? No, especially at the lower levels, I think they know nothing of the practices that occur in the middle of the night in the larger temples.

Many of them are probably businessmen and Christians. But I've never met a grade 32 or greater that was not from the Illuminati, and the group helped create Freemasonry as a "front" for their activities.


I want to address another lie. That is, the Illuminati know they are bad.

When I was in the group, I and those around me, viewed the agenda ideologically as a good thing.

I thought I was helping others reach their full potential when I was a coach.

I believed that after years of sweat and hard work, thanks to my intelligence, I had become an excellent leader.

I fought against Jonathan and others, at the council when I thought they were unjust, and I stood up for the people beneath me. Others did the same. They honestly think they are doing something good, and if you tell them they are wrong, or doing something wrong, they would be confused.

It took a lot of therapy and deprogramming of myself, making reality checks with people outside the cult to realize that it was all a lie.

She was devastated. I had dedicated my life to helping others bring a new glorious order, and then I discovered that it was bad and abusive. I went through a period of intense mourning / mourning for this.

Most of the Illuminists I knew were not bad, they were only deceived. Only the dome was perhaps being aware that it was hurting.


The Illuminati believe in controlling an area through their:

Banks and financial institutions (Guess how many sit on the boards of the bank You would be surprised)

Local government: guess how many are elected to the local councils of the city?

Law: Children are encouraged to go to law school or medical school.

Means: Others are encouraged to go to journalism school, and members help finance local newspapers.


I saw a lot of money used to finance the projects of this group, funds came from all over the northern hemisphere and the world.

Messengers were sent to every corner of the world, and many of the major financial institutions had a keen interest in implementing this "new world order."

This was discussed in leadership meetings; Is shown in the videos to members of the group (such as the grainy films I saw in the 1960s showing a large round table with 13 members sitting around it, and the words "these are their leaders" were mentioned while members They stood up and promised loyalty to the new order.)

I will not mention the figures shown in this movie in order to avoid the claim of "defamation", but were well known, influential, and many were behind the banking system of the modern world.

[DW: In this later article, Svali revealed that the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers both have seats in the Supreme World Council which is destined to govern in "the new order that is to come."]

The Illuminati are funding this world order in silence, behind the scenes.

They believe that money not only "speaks" as the saying goes, but buys media coverage, or silence; protection; And the influence necessary to shape our modern world ...

Are the Illuminati who wish to rule the world? Yes, and this is what they teach their members. They are working avidly toward this goal, even as I write.


The Illuminati and their followers are a minority of the population of our world. In San Diego County, where the population has more than 2 million, there were about 5 brothers and sisters five years ago, with 60 to 75 members each. The county board of directors is 13 members.

Thus, in a metropolitan center with more than 2 million, the active Enlightenment constituted less than 1,500 members. The Illuminati are possibly 1% to 2% of the population in the US.

What this means is that 99% of the people you know and work with are NOT Illuminati. They are good, people who work hard (at least most are) who want a paycheck, and a good family life.

Most leaders in our communities and financial systems have never heard of the Illuminati because they are a minority.

So, why bother about them? Because a small group of bad people can do a lot of damage. I'm going to use an analogy.

MOST people in our society are not involved in child pornography, they consider it a crime against children, and they would fight against it if they had the opportunity.

However, the small minority of those involved in it do incalculable damage to the children involved. The effects of delinquency are greater than the numbers involved.

Why does not child pornography stop? We have the evidence, the police know it exists, yet it is a multimillion-dollar industry.

How do these people "hide" from justice and capture? Why do not the police stop them? Because they are not stupid.

They work under cover. They change locations frequently, and kill those who talk to the police. Bribes and other means are used to cover their tracks, and they employ excellent lawyers.

Well, now let's see the Enlightenment. The 1% of our nation is extremely intelligent. They have taken an oath, under pain of death and from early childhood not to reveal their true identity to others.

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