
27 de julio de 2017

The Spanish constitution is a fraud

The sources of the law of the Spanish State (1939 - 2017)

The legal bases of the Spanish state are based on ... on what ?, where does the legality and legitimacy of Spain as a state come from ?, the Constitution of 1978? Let's see if it's true ... On July 18, 1936, with the signature of Franco, the rebel army dictates a gang, which supposes the total rupture with all the legal corpus of the Republic against which it rebels. This Bando is the first brick on which, in later times, the Francoist state will build its legal architecture, with which it will justify its crimes and strengthen the empire of the arbitrariness of its dictatorship, until the end.
On November 22, 1975, two days after the extinction of Franco, Juan Carlos de Borbón was proclaimed King. No elections, no referendum, or anything, only by express will of the " So that elections in an environment of coup d'etat, can not offer guarantees of legitimacy and even less of legality. The large parties of the right and emerging left, PSOE and PCE included, do not allow the candidacy of historical Republican parties, such as Esquerra Republicana, so in the style of Juan Palomo, agree to the celebration of the Referendum-trap of 1978: FRANCAISMO SIN FRANCO or DEMOCRACY WITH KING, ignoring the possibility that the Spaniards would decide which form of state they preferred: Monarchy or Republic,deciding the tragedy offered in a pre-war electoral environment, with the tanks of the Brunete Armor heating engines, On the eve of the referendum of December 6, 1978. Or the King or the Chaos, was the choice. And we already know who won. In this way, the source of the right of the Monarchy - the sequence of events proves it - does not come from an election, nor from a referendum carried out with sufficient guarantees of freedom and concurrence, if not as the end of the Franco proletarian laws Transmitted through time, without at any time breaking this greasy tread of illegitimacy and democratic illegality, which would have allowed the Spaniards to decide the form of the Spanish State. Monarchy or Republic. Having thus arrived at the present moment, we verify that the only source of right of the present Spanish monarchic regime, is none other than a War Band pronounced to blow of cornet and bayonet, 81 years ago. We continue in the LXXXI Triumphal Year. We were reminded of the Colonel of AALOG 61 of Valladolid, Juan de Cobos Navarro, who on his own and in the Order of the Association, on the 18th of July published that ephemeris with skillfully calculated language, recalling the ephemeris of That coup d'etat, without condemning it. Floren Dimas is an Air Force Officer, a member of the Democratic military group ANEMOI and a member of the ACMYR Board of Directors

Rebelión has published this article with the author's permission under a  Creative Commons license , respecting its freedom to publish it 

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