
9 de julio de 2017

Never in a referendum abstention has joined with the opposing vote count.

Which he will not stay home because otherwise illegally voting against it would represent two potions: NO and abstention.

The most antidemocratic trap is to ask for abstention. Of course, they have seen that they will lose. And that way, they can play with that the result is not representative. 
Vileness of them is so great that then go into the same bag the submissive abstencionista that it is out of conviction.

Remember that, except for the last two elections Parlament de Catalunya, the Catalan voter is quite "pasota" ...

For example, in the last European one  52.37%  of the voting Catalan stayed home.

And in the last referendum it has been organized in Spain (on the European constitution) in Catalonia there was a brutal  59%  abstention ... 
In the last Spanish was a 34.39% .

And where there is less participation in the elections of Catalunya (except the last two, as I said earlier com):

The average participation of 11 calls is of 63.32%, that means that abstention is the  37.68% ...

We can say that the structural aspects abstention in Catalonia goes from 35% to 40% . And all that has motivated greater participation is precisely when Catalonia's sovereignty is at stake ... 
But we will never know what percentage of those people who were mobilized belonging to unionist or independence ...

The abstencionista is usually a citizen who does not vote for several reasons: because he is illiterate, because it is intellectual, because both given the result, because we do not believe in democracy, why not believe in the system, because it is anarchist, nihilist, onanista or Real Madrid who never vote ...

No one can say that people either right or left. O separatist or españolista ...  
Nobody can add them his side ... 
For the PP-C's-PSC and now the Podemitas-Colaus claim that the abstention is considered as pro-NO ...

In any case, before a campaign for abstention by the not only be fair ( as long as there were no campaign for the NO) account which exceed the 35-40% orquilla structural ... 
Take an example ; if finally abstaining out 50% could say that perhaps between 10% and 15% belong to NO. Although it would be a fictionalized account because, I repeat, no one knows the reasons for each of the millions of abstainers ... 
And by the way, could only 'count' by placing them as an option. Never above the result of participation, but the census. 
I mean, before results that I put as an example, there should be as follows : 
YES: 35% 
NO: 10% 
Abstention: 55%

55% of abstention could consider that 20% is not structural. Therefore the 'moral result' of NO could reach 30% ...

But that way to see or tell, again, would only make speculations.Extrapolated, that 35% Si, come from 77% of the vote ... I mean, overwhelming victory and independence.

It's like those we say that 30.16% abstention in the 2016 general are anti-Rajoy ... And that's why the PP can not send ... It 
would be indigent intellectuals pretend that, right?

Although someone will say that there have been referendums in which he has set a minimum participation ... 
Yes, but in referenda where NO campaigning for the YES and NO campaigning for the YES. 
When the abstention do not ask (for the win) then the participatory process perverts. 
In that case put a minimum would give victory to those who boycott the referendum ...

Sad to say but the most miserable attitude is to tell the people to stay at home ...  
First do so for a referendum and then ask for a general ... To then impose their dictatorships short term ... 
And that radicals equal rights as the left ... 
the worst Colau swallow is that in two years (or much less) should try again to deceive the populace. If it were it would make a coup to eternalize her and her dynasty.

Why not ask those of you not listen to functional illiterates, who go on the street and vote. Because then they can not complain. And you may be asked to whom responsibility is to those who bet for abstention and boycott ... When you see that Catalonia declares independence will say that "I was against me but told me to stay at home, nothing would happen ... 

Well, let them

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