
15 de noviembre de 2017

How can the government keep a president and a party up to their necks in the Gürtel? The Gürtel against the rule of law

The Gürtel against the rule of law The question many analysts are asking is how can the government keep a president and a party up to their necks in the Gürtel? Usually they add that in no country in Europe would something. So one of two, or this is not Europe or Rajoy has nothing to do with the Gürtel. Choose. Rajoy has everything to do with the Gürtel. Not only it has protected and has benefited from it, but it is reasonable to think that was its instigator. The instigator of an association that judges considered criminal.

Indeed, how could someone so remain prime minister? Very simple, because the operation Catalonia is not only dirty war of the state but wide smokescreen to cover up the structural corruption of the government and his party. While, therefore they will probably looting the public coffers. The proof that Spain is not a rule of law, says El País what he says is well cap. And it is not because there is not only one who is above the law but who are outside the law, in government and his party. 

Añádese this painful situation that Rajoy governs so dictatorial. Not only in Catalonia but throughout the state. Charitably what the newspaper called "cripple his political rivals"It is actually paralyze the institutions. Political rivals are literally wiped from the moment they have not even managed to repeal the gag rule and labor reform, nor put a motion of censure, or ... nothing. The paralysis of the institutions, in fact, their destruction is more serious. Rajoy vetoes all bills of the opposition with that ridiculous "budgetary privilege" and, in turn, governs by decree. If I am not mistaken, so far legislature, Congress has passed two laws. 

It is a dictatorship by the absolute irresponsibility of the executive, legislative irrelevance and submission of court. Democracy has neither the facade; Just think of the media. And the opposition does nothing but ridicule.

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