
2 de noviembre de 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Nov. 2 2017

Compiled 12:01 am EDT 2 Nov. 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse; Author, "Twenty Two Faces,"

A. Oct. 1 2017 3:40 pm EDT GCR Intel Alert #2: Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert #2 for November 1, 2017 

1. Paymasters, Banks and Call Center personnel are as dazzled as we are, as to why they were told to be ready for the release.

2. The New Powers That Be (NPTB) gave out these pre-emptive alerts with a 2-3 day window that allowed room to release the funds unexpectedly.

3. Intel on the release was classified and would never be disclosed to the public, as it would threaten the security of the NPTB.

4. This was why the Mass Arrests must occur first, in order to ensure that the Cabal were completely contained.

5. It was clear that the GCR/RV would not happen on it's own, but would be part of one big massive event that would also bring forth GESARA.

6. Behind the scenes arrests of Cabal assets were on-going and indictments were being issued.

7. It was all scripted and happened in real time.

8. We were close, very close and the Mass Arrests would be the final blow.

B. Nov. 1 2017 TNT Call

1. The purpose of today’s call on this Nov. 1 was to inform you about Abadi’s announcement that they may be speeding up the timetable.

2. It was also to tell you that we were looking for the end of this week (Fri-Sat Nov. 3-4) to send us to the bank, or tell us when we might be going.

3. Just because the RV was released, didn't mean that we had to run down to the banks that minute. We could wait to decide when to go to the banks.

4. We anticipated having a call onFri. Nov. 3, with top-level information to share.

5. We were seeking confirmation on some intel right now.

C. Nov. 1 2017 1:39 am EDT GCR Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 1, 2017 

1. Another release window has passed after countless others in the past. Now it is clear that the New Powers That Be (NPTB) will not change their plans.

2. The Global Currency Reset/Currency Revaluation (GCR/RV) will be part of one massive event which will include Mass Arrests and announcement of GESARA (restoration of the US Republic under guidelines of the original Constitution).

3. High level sources have confirmed that the intensity of arrests behind the scenes is increasing rapidly.

4. Pentagon sources also confirmed that the US Republic was being restored lawfully as we speak.

5. Recent indictments signifies how close we are to a main public event: Mass Arrests.

6. Paymasters, banks, Call Center personnel being put on ready status would not affect timing of the release.

7. The actual timing of the release depends upon the Mass Arrests, period. Watch the news, as it is all scripted to play out.

D. Oct. 31 2017 10:58 pm, Intel Mr. Ed: "General Intel" - Intel Update (Real News) by Mr. Ed - 10.31.17 

1. Recently (a 226 page) '$279 Trillion Lien' was placed against the 'International and American BAR' for seizing key 'Patents and Trademarks' used to create and automate their fraud machine. (Mortgages were Trademarks)

2. A 'Sovereign Bill of Lading' has been brought in favor of the 'The United States of America' (unincorporated - in lower case) and a 'Writ of Execution' has been issued.

3. 'Knowledge Centers' will be set up in all cities to guide people and teach about the changes that were made to the system without their knowledge.

4. All 50 'States' are now 'Nations' as of 2012.

5. The key players in this scam are 'Merrill Lynch' and the 'BAR Association' who bought off the 'Courts and Congress' and sold off 'Loans and Documents' into pieces via 'Patents'.

6. The system was created by the Navy and Marine (higher ups) and the Department of Defense systems which shut people out and favored segments like banks and governments by changing definitions and wording.

7. Lockheed Martin is behind a large portion of the pedophilia as they were using child prostitutes to buy off Congress officials and had secret locations around the country like Washington D.C. Pizza shop. (PizzaGate)

8. The JFK revelations will still leave out a few facts because a few of the perpetrators are still alive like Daddy Bush. (triggerman)

9. JFK stepped on too many toes. Printing a U.S. currency (Silver Certificates), CIA dismantling threats and Kennedy's secret deals with China & Indonesia, along with some of his Philandering, were the big reasons.

10. This week the new gold backed Treasury Reserve Notes (TRNs) will be trickling into the banking system and all old dollars (FRNs) will eventually be phased out. 

11. The arrests of the top Cabalists and Oligarchs will occur. They had a chance to get a pass a few years ago but decided to fight us till their end. Now their only choice is to surrender with a total loss of wealth, or face death.

12. Obama and his 30,000 fascists will try an attack on Nov. 4. We are ready for them. The Militia might have to kill some. Obama's future is dim.

13. The Global Collateral Accounts are ready to be released to the Third World first to eliminate poverty. This will entail billions upon billions of dollars to the poor that need it the most.

14. JFK was going to release the GCAs before the banksters and CIA killed him.

15. Trump is releasing documents after 50 years.

16. Most of the conspirators are dead. China has punished 1,537,000 party members since 2012 in a massive effort to rid the country of Cabalists. Some were executed.

17. Investigators are releasing the names of companies and executives and their intentions to defraud WE THE PEOPLE. This damning evidence was found in the records of the U.S. Patent office in Washington D.C.

18. There was never a need for poverty, debt, war, disease and foreclosures. All wars were False Flags. Diseases have been man made. Things have been prepaid over generations, but stolen via paper theft and deceptive schemes. We have been robbed, poisoned and hung out to dry by greedy and evil Satanics for hundreds of years. This is ending.

19. Forget about North Korea. The 124th Intelligence Unit is in Kim Un's compound. North & South Korea will be reunited (once the Cabal was gone).

20. In California space based high energy weapons were used to start the fires. Tree bark is impervious to these selective weapons. Black SUV's were seen throwing fire at houses to help things along. The Government of California was behind this.Some of the residents were Cabal.

21. The Air Force is on alert and ready to shoot down any bad guys trying to escape their fate.

22. Arrest Warrants are ready for 98 Senators and 348 Congressman. (There were 100 members of the Senate and 435 in the House of Representatives, leaving only two Senators and 87 Representatives who would not be issued warrants).

23. If you want to see what the municipalities are hiding go to their CAFR Accounts and look at schedule 40 & 80. That's where they hide their money. Many of them don't even need to charge property taxes. 

24. The scam upon America is ending. Vatican Jesuits (and their Rothschild Banksters), Nazis, Queen, Khazars and pedophiles are under attack. The Jesuits and their Rothschild bankers will be exposed as pedophiles.

25. They are behind the False Flags, Fires, Earthquakes, Hurricanes and Floods.

26. A new currency (gold backed) and world financial system involving all 209 nations is happening now.

27. The old corrupt system of theft from the people via fraudulent schemes has been identified and is being stopped.

28. The IRS funnels money to the Queen and Federal Reserve (Illuminati). This will end and the IRS will be abolished.

29. Stolen monies will be given back to the original owners. Poverty will end worldwide.

30. The perpetrators of 'JFK', '911' and Wars For Profit will be identified down to every level.

31. Massive arrests are secretly taking place everywhere.

E. Oct. 31 2017 Doctors and Cops among 277 arrested in online human trafficking out of Florida:

Predators are going down in a big way now. There's no denying it. Law enforcement all over the planet are infiltrating the Human Trafficking Sex Rings and shutting them down. The sweater is unraveling, and the children will soon no longer be subjugated to grievous perversions of those who consider themselves elite and above the law. It may sound like it's mostly prostitution and other offenses, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. They aren't going to tell the public about the rape, torture, ritual sacrifices, blood-letting, murder, dismemberment, organ harvesting, etc. Not yet. They wouldn't believe it anyway. But we know, and the ones at the top of the food chain will be arrested, along with the rest and put away for their despicable, inhuman acts. These "little fish" lead to the big ones. ~ BP

F. Oct. 31 2017 10:53 pm EDT Online Prostitution Ring Busted: Human Trafficking, Online Prostitution Ring Busted in Florida On Oct. 20 227 people were arrested in Florida online human sex trafficking ring.

G. Oct. 31 2017 10:54 pm EDT Big Pharma Corruption Exposed: Big Pharma's Total Corruption and Control is Now Being Exposed andBig Pharma companies have been systematically suppressing your right to purchase cheaper alternatives from other countries

H. Nov. 1 2017 1:40 am EDT Mass Mind Control, CIA Infiltration through Media: Mass Mind Control Through Media -- JFK Documents Confirm CIA Infiltration through Media, Proof Major News Networks Cannot be Trusted and An exposé of how the dark hats in the CIA control the perception of millions of people and how they have developed false flags to murder people, operate against freedom, and undermine democracies all over the world.

I. Nov. 1 2017 9:34 am EDT Is Michelle Obama transgender?: Is Michelle Obama Michael LaVaughn Robinson from Chicago?

J. Nov. 1 2017 9:41 am EDT Kennedy Assasination: Erasmus of America: President John F. Kennedy Shot in Dallas, Texas Nov. 22, 1963

K. Nov. 1 2017 9:43 am EDT Las Vegas Massacre False Flag: (Video) Sarah Westall -- Robert David Steele: Las Vegas Massacre False Flag Case Study

L. Nov. 1 2017 10:25 am EDT: GCR Scam Alert: Scam Alert: HSBC Payment Advice Malware Email

M. Nov. 1 2017 3:39 pm EDT More Insider Intel: "More Insider Intel About Disclosure and Arrests" by Ruby - 11.1.17

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