
24 de noviembre de 2017

The Anunnaki part 4 - The Great Flood, Babel and the Celestial Wars Thrusts against humanity

Antediluvian World

In the Sanctuary of Eridu, the Garden of Eden Sumerian Enki, the great benefactor of mankind, opposed the obscurantism of his tyrannical father Anu-Jehovah and revealed to man the knowledge of the plan of Heaven and Earth.

Enki established the office of priest and gave him Adapa, a model of civilized man and the first of the Seven Great Sages of the Abkallu antediluvian tradition.

Enki and founded the first schools of the esoteric mysteries teaching his priests much hidden knowledge.

Thanks to the teachings of Enki, the man already had the need to govern their own civilization and it was not a simple worker of the Anunnaki knowledge. Enki had given the man his freedom and autonomy.

Anu-Jehovah, angered by the challenge of Enki, cursed the man and despite increased their suffering on Earth (Genesis 3: 14-19; Legend of Adapa).

Consequently, many new diseases and sources of pain entered the human world.

That was not because the man committed a sin as ancestral religions teach, but because he was the man Yahweh much rancor and at the end he cursed humanity.

Anu knew he had lost his "slave race". The great schism between  Enkistas  and Anuistas  occurred. After punishing the whole of humanity, Anu left Earth and returned to 'heaven'. 

Meanwhile, the first wave of human civilization began to flourish on Earth. We read in  Sumeria Real List  the various antediluvian royal lineages were established and human enjoyed very prosperous civilizations.

At that time the level of spiritual knowledge was higher and men were much more long-lived.

This world corresponds to the legendary  Golden Age  of the various ancient mythologies. It was then that the mythical antediluvian civilizations like Atlantis were founded. 

The antediluvian world was characterized by frequent interbreeding between the gods celestial and terrestrial humans. The  Atrahasis Epic , the account of the more detailed mesopotámico creation, makes a subtle reference to divine-human crossbreeding presenting a symbolic allegory in which the Igigi spit on clay site.

This greatly strengthens hybridizing the antediluvian mankind and the divine vitality which provides makes the man more rebellious and even become a rival of the gods (Kvanvig, 2011). i

Similarly, much like the  Epic of Gilgamesh  we find great demigods and superhuman heroes who rule the kingdoms of the antediluvian world.

These are the result of sexual intercourse between the gods 'heaven' and women on Earth.

In fact, it is said that Gilgamesh, the hero of the epic, is a demigod whose blood is two thirds divine and human - third. This interbreeding with Igigi might explain why we found extremely long - lived characters in the stories of the antediluvian era. 

It is in the later Hebrew texts where we find the most detailed descriptions of the episode.

In Genesis 6: 2 we read that the mysterious  Bene ha Elohim  , sons of God in Hebrew, they see that the daughters of men are beautiful and decide to take him human women.

Note that the phrase "sons of God" in modern Bibles is a misleading translation since the true meaning of the term  Bene ha Elohim is "sons of the gods". In the Bible there are still many hidden polytheistic elements.

Returning to the subject, the children of the gods rebelling against the authority of Yahweh and go to bed with the daughters of men, which begets the famous  Nephilim of the antediluvian world (Genesis 6: 4). 

The  Book of Enoch , apocryphal Hebrew text of the Second Temple period, tells the same story with more details.

According to the Enochian literature,  Bene ha Elohim  of Genesis 6: 2 are 'Vigilantes ' angelic guards, who leave their home in the 'heaven', descend to Earth, have sex with earthly women and beget a race of superhuman half-divine against laws Lord (Enoch 6: 2, 7: 1-5; Jubileos 4:15, 5: 1).

The narrative of these apocryphal texts are very interesting and shed light on the reason why the Lord forbade the Rangers mingle with humans.

The Book of Enoch reveals that the rebellious angels taught men the divine arts like magic, astrology, omens, divination, healing (Enoch 7: 1; 8: 1; 8: 3) and to the secrets of 'sky' (Enoch 9: 6).

The 'Vigilantes' Igigi were allied with Enki, who taught initiates the mysteries of the Gods. 

When the "angels" of Yahweh, led by the evil "archangels" Michael, Raphael, Sariel and Gabriel, heard what was happening on Earth, those evil aliens Anuistas descended into our world and fought our enkistas Gods.

Anu-Jehovah's tyrannical does not allow the knowledge of 'heaven' is taught to men.

Spiritual progress of humanity and the consequent antediluvian "rebellion" perceived were the main reasons for his decision to send the worldwide flood.




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