
24 de noviembre de 2017

The Anunnaki, part five - The Great Flood

The Great Flood
The  flood story  is almost universal.

The same narrative exists in written records of several ancient civilizations being present not only in the biblical Genesis but also in ancient Mesopotamian epics, the Greek mythological writings and Hindu literature.

However, the earliest version of this story is among the Sumerian texts dating from the third millennium BCE. The  list Real Sumeria , a chronology of the antediluvian royal dynasties, place the date of the flood in a while around 10,000 BCE.

This fact is very significant since that date corresponds to the end of the last glacial period. 

The Judeo - Christian version of this story seeks to make us believe that the Lord sent the flood because the antediluvian humanity had corrupted their interbreeding with the "fallen angels".

In the Book of Genesis it states that the heart of every man (except Noah and his family) was inclined only to evil (Genesis 6: 5). Biblical storytellers want to convince us that global genocide carried out by their foreign god was not only necessary but just. 

However, the original Mesopotamian version tell a different from the later Hebrew plagiarism story.

In the  poem Atrahasis  Akkadian, we see that the noise Men began to annoy some of the gods, especially Enlil, the half - brother of Enki, and therefore the Celestial Council of Anu made the decision to raze the world human.

Here the expression  noise , whose equivalent in the original Akkadian text is  rigmumay include semantic nuances of rebellion and revolt (Kvanvig, 2011). ii

The man had become more intelligent and therefore uncontrollable through divine blood was added to mankind through its crossbreeding with Igigi or 'sons of gods'.

Therefore, man could no longer be a simple worker of the Gods and in that sense their rebellion was just and natural. 

In addition, contrary to the allegations of the Bible that blames all mankind, in the oldest Mesopotamian version found an episode in which Enki, after saving the human race against the will of the Heavenly Council, defends his human children and he explains that the gods must not punish all mankind for the crimes of a few (Atrahasis 6: 16-19).

Here the benevolent Enki suggests that criminals worthy of being punished were only a small minority group.

The biblical accusation that "every imagination of the thoughts of man was evil continually" was nothing but a deceptive pretext to justify the illegal destruction of our entire race! 

Now let's see how the flood happened and how the human race survived. 

At that time human civilization flourished and Men, and potentiated by its mingling with the divine blood of the Igigi, they multiplied enormously.

His  noise  began to annoy Enlil who still lived in his earthly sanctuary.

Enlil complained about the  noise  of Men and convened a meeting between senior gods. At that time Enlil still wanted to humanity and kept misanthropy he had inherited from his father Anu (Yahweh).

Many people mistakenly think that Enlil was responsible for the flood against humanity. However, in the Sumerian Eridu Genesis, the oldest version of the story of the flood, we see that Anu was proclaimed a mandate to destroy the human world (Genesis Eridu 98-100).

Similarly, in the Babylonian version presented in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Anu is the first to take the oath to exterminate humanity and then it is followed by other senior gods.

Anyway, the real architect of genocide is none other than Anu, the Anu himself who opposed the lighting of Man and then cursed him in the Garden of Eden. 

At the Council, Enki was forced to take the oath to destroy the human race, but then he deceived his divine companions and warned his loyal devotee Ziusudra, the enkista king of the region Shuruppak, appearing to him in a vision and telling what Anu and his henchmen plotting.

Enki taught him to build a vehicle for the salvation of his lineage. Consider the story of Ziusudra is much older than the biblical Noah's Ark plagiarism for millennia. 

When the flood came and the waters rose, Enki rescued Ziusudra and many of his lineage Human deadly waves.

The flood was caused by Anuistas who used their  alien climatological technology to change the temperature of the planet and melt the ice caps covering the north of our world.

On the other hand, Enki used his advanced ships to evacuate their human children and save their genetic seed. 

It is important to note that El Salvador of Man is always Enki, the rebel god in all pre-diluvian biblical stories. In mesopotámicas versions is Enki-Ea, the Ushumgal Eridu Sanctuary (Snake of Eden), who rises against Council and saves Ziusudra Anu.

Similarly, in the Greek version, it is Prometheus, the same benevolent god who opposed the Titans and gave the man the Fire of the Gods, who subverts the plan malevolent deities and save  Deucalion .

And surprisingly, according to the Hindu story is  Matsya , the first avatar of divinity, who saves Manu, the wise man, the destruction of water.

Sanskrit  Matsya  means 'fish' and his namesake was a Piscean avatar deity. Let usremember that in the Sumerian culture Enki, the lord of the waters, was associated with the fish!

All pre-biblical accounts indicate that Enki was our savior unanimously.

Only the Bible  ascribes the  saving act  of Yahweh.


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