
24 de noviembre de 2017

The Anunnaki, Part Three - Purpose of Man and the beginning of cosmic conflict (vs. Enki Anu)



The human world is in the midst of a great cosmic conflict for a long time.

Religions  Abrahamic, all deceptions of the enemy to confuse humanity, speak of a primordial struggle between "GodFather" Yahweh (Jehovah) and the old serpent "Satan". 

If the serpent of Eden is identical toSumerian god Enki, then who is his opponent Yahweh-Jehovah? 

This might find something surprising, but the biblical Yahweh, the JudeoChristian God, that the enkiana Snake opposed in the Garden of Eden is no more than the "god of 'heaven'" Anu, the king and father of all the Anunnaki, also known as  He , the Highest of 'sky' and father of all Gd, in the pre-biblical Semitic vault (Canaanite).

In fact, the biblical god Yahweh is known by the Semitic theonym him in many verses of the Hebrew Bible. Remember that the Elohim and Anunnaki are identical. 

I want to make clear that Enlil is not Lord at all.

Many authors erroneously claim that the biblical God is identical to Enlil, the half-brother of Enki, and Enlil is the enemy of humanity, but that's not true.

The Judeo - Christian Yahweh, the deity who sought to hide man knowledge of Heaven in the Garden of Eden, could only have been Anu. You'll soon see why. 

In the Sumerian pantheon, Anu, the King of the Anunnaki, is the biological father of Enki and Enlil. Although called the "god of 'heaven'" Anu was never the  creator of the universe  , let alone the  doer of Man .

In fact, even Anu is a created being, engendered by the primordial gods Anshar and Kishar according to Sumerian cosmology (just like its Semitic equivalent He was sired by the pre-panteónicas Elyon and Beruth in Canaanite mythology ancient deities), and besides, this same Anu came to the throne as a usurper violent, defeating his predecessor Alalu god for the supremacy of 'heaven' (Van Der Toorn, 1996). iv

Anu is not "God" in the monotheistic sense of the word. 

Just like  El-Yahweh in the Bible , whose name is an epithet (Yahweh Sabaoth), meaning "He who believes hosts" Anu was known as 'The Lord of Hosts (armies) Celestials' and feared as a great judge He punishes men.

Also, just as its equivalent in Hebrew, Anu was associated with malefic planet Saturn, the dark Judge of all the planets (Evans, 1998).  v

He (Yahweh) not only was deified on the planet Saturn, but also their holy day, the Sabbath (day of Saturn), Shabbat in Hebrew comes from the Semitic word Shabbathai, the name of God and the planet Saturn in the language Hebrew.

Finally, Anu, he, Yahweh and Saturn are the same entity. 

Then the cosmic conflict is an ancient struggle between noble son Enki and the evil father Anu. It is not a fraternal war between Enki and Enlil as Zecharia Sitchin says. 

What was the source of the cosmic conflict between Enki and Anu? The theme of the Purpose of Man ... 

The Book of Genesis tells us that the wise serpent revealed to Adam and Eve the forbidden knowledge in the Garden of Eden, which would make them one of the Elohim (Genesis 3: 5; 3: 22), against the will of Yahweh.

What the Bible says here is true and is the same story, the original, in Sumerian texts. 

According to the  Legend of Adapa , the Sumero-Akkadian precursor of the Hebrew Adamic story, Enki-Ea, the true creator of Man, trained her human progeny Adapa in the civilization of the gods and taught him the decree of Heaven and Earth , divine knowledge, against the will of Anu, who was angry with his son complaining that Enki had revealed an unworthy and contemptible human (Kramer and Maier, 1989). saw

Enki revealed to man the science of  tree Me  (Sumerian version of the Tree of Knowledge), knowledge of the civilization of the Anunnaki, in their Eridu Sanctuary in the land of Edín. 

When Adapa received the knowledge of the  plan of Heaven and Earth  and remained faithful to Enki, Anu malicious, angered by the actions of Enki, the man returned to Earth and cursed him, increasing their adversities and imposing many ailments.

This episode is almost identical in the later biblical account. In Genesis a wrathful Yahweh curse to mankind expelling the foreign land and imposing various adversities such as disease and enmity (Genesis 3: 14-19).

Man is punished for knowing the science of the gods. 

Note that in the Sumerian version was only Anu, not Enlil, he played the role of obscurantist and punishing God Yahweh of the Hebrew version later. Anu is the real adversary of Enki and the human race. 

In this story we see a conflict of values and interests between two groups of gods, a violent clash between two antithetical philosophies. 

Enki and their gods, the  Anunnaki Enkistas , sought  help us  in our evolution and rise to the level of the Gods. They saw us as human children, because we divine genetics.

For Enki, we would work for the Anunnaki in maintaining their new Earth colony and the Anunnaki accelerate our evolutionary development and we teach the civilization of 'heaven' and the science of divinity, which would make us like the gods themselves (Genesis 3 :5).

So our coexistence entail mutual benefit.

In addition, the Earth colony would be for us, our rightful heritage, and we were going to be their owners.

That's why Enki, Adapa taught him knowledge of divine civilization. That was necessary for the independence and autonomy of the Human Race knowledge on their own planet. 

On the other hand, Anu-Yahweh and his followers, the  Anuistas Anunnaki , only saw man as a slave to exploit and sought to keep docile and ignorant.

That is why Yahweh Anu-imposed policy of obscurantism. The  Anunnaki Anuistas , staunch conservative, resented the mixture of divine and human blood with the consequent quantum leap in the evolution of terrestrial humanity.

Therefore, Anu-Jehovah and his "angels", the evil invaders whom the Gnostics called " Archons " evil Demiurge, seek to destroy our immense ingenuity and catch us in their  obscurantist and misanthropic religions . 

Enki sacrificed everything when he rebelled against the darkness of his "father". Enki made a tremendous sacrifice to enlighten and honor its fundamental principles such as love, life and freedom. Enki is a true cosmic hero who could not stand the tyranny of Anu-Jehovah and fought for good. 

Enki, symbolized by the wise serpent in Genesis and known as the  Ushumgal (Great Serpent) for its immense esoteric wisdom in Sumerian culture, not only taught man the civilization of the gods, but also revealed the secret of the  sacred serpent of the kundalini , the yogic energy, which Man you can achieve the Magnum Opus:
become a god and achieve immortality.
That is why in Genesis, Enki is known as  the Serpent  and says the knowledge he reveals can make man like the gods. 

Enki, the noble rebel, is identical to Prometheus, the benevolent Greek god who was banished by the evil Titans for having committed to man the Fire of the Gods.

Here the "fire" refers both to knowledge of 'heaven' as the Kundalini fire burning by the body and is opening the chakras of our occult anatomy.

Enki-Prometheus taught us the sacred path to divinity. 

For this reason he was slandered as the "devil" and the "adversary" by the Abrahamic religions and called "Satan" by the hysterical followers of the dark god Anu-Yahweh.

Enki true nickname is not "Satan" which means "adversary" in Hebrew but "Satya", a Sanskrit word meaning Eternal Truth.

The scurrilous "Satan" is a corruption of "Satya" Anu Enki imposed. Enki-Satya, a god whose historical presence has been erased by the violent monotheistic religions, is the lord of Satya Yuga, the next golden era on our Earth.

(This will come in the Age of Aquarius, as Enki has always been a water - bearing deity associated with Aquarius. Noten connection!). 

Currently the cosmic conflict continues and we are in  the Kali Yuga  or dark age from about 5000 years ago. Kali Yuga is the time of the reign of the cosmic tyrant Anu-The-Lord-Saturn on Earth.

His kingdom is the infamous  New World Order  of the Zionist people. In this Yuga true knowledge is lost, the truth is forgotten and falsehood prevails.

The world is in very poor condition and at the mercy of religions and philosophies destructive false god of this world. Earth still trapped in the astral vortex of Anu-Jehovah and subjected to the power of his malefic Saturn, the planet of Karma and misery.

  1. Ebeling, E. & Meissner, B. (1997) Meek - Mythologie: Der Reallexikon Assyriologie. Berlin (p. 123)
  2. Reiter, K. (1997) Die Metalle im alten Orient: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung altbabylonischer Quellen (Alter Orient und Altes Testament). Ugarit-Verlag (p. 11)
  3. Kvanvig, HS (2011) Primeval History: Babylonian, Biblical, and Enochic - An Intertextual Reading. Leiden (p. 57)
  4. Van Der Toorn, K. (1996) Family Religion in Babylonia, Ugarit and Israel: Continuity and Changes in the Form of Religious Life. Leiden (p. 159)
  5. Evans, J. (1998) The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy. New York (pp. 8.9)
  6. Kramer, SN & Maier, J. (1989) Myths of Enki, the Crafty God. New York & Oxford. (P. 116)

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