
31 de diciembre de 2017

FATHER GOD by Galaxygirl


Hello children, it's me, father God.

When you look up at the sky and see all the twinkling lights, I know those are all the times I thought of you.

As numeric stars are too numerous for the human mind to fully grasp, this also sounds true for the depth of love and joy we feel when I speak with you at the heart level.

I am pleased to listen and ask, but when you can go further in the part where I walk and experience life with you, then we have achieved a deeper connection.

It's nice to be more than Santa Claus with wish lists, although we love the legend of Santa Claus and the way of thinking that is very much alive and well in the hearts of humanity and significantly increases the excitement and vibration during the holiday season .

I want to experience what you experience, see what you see, let it enter into the deepest painful parts of you that have walled up and closed your heart so that we can heal it together.

I love you

There are many human parents who struggle with this concept of tender masculinity.

Learn from me

I'll show you.

True manhood is raw compassion wrapped in a powerful love full of action. That is the look I see you in, children.

I see all its parts and pieces, all its lessons of pain and triumph.

I cry when you cry.

I laugh with you.

I am truly here for you in any capacity.

My depth of love for you is indescribable in your terms and human understandings.

Fortunately for all of us, you are expanding rapidly, I must add, to understand more of these ideas at the level of the soul and the heart.

Because by rising in vibration, all this will make more sense because you will feel it.

They will know it because their inner truth button that has been dusty and buried under dogmas and lies - these lies and distortions of truth - are being stripped and eroded as they all begin to see with the minds of their hearts.

Will not you ask me to expand it?

It is one of my specialties.

What do you think it means to ask me about your heart?

Allow me to enter.

Allow me to help, heal and hold your hand as we take these last lower dimensional steps together.

I'm ready for great things for Gaia, right? Yes!

So, let's take advantage of this energy of expectation and hope and joy and together we create this wonderful new kingdom.

I am your father, God.

I love you infinitely.

Please, feel free to talk to me at any time.

Great things are advancing rapidly.

Everything is, and will be, and will continue to be, good

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...