
18 de diciembre de 2017


AYER saturated INSS RECEIVING CALLS OUT OF SPAIN TO RESIDENTS HAVE NOT YET CHARGED THE PENSION PENSIONERS. Yesterday it became official that the bank pension ran out and had to resort to debt to pay pensions, which has caused a delay in the payment of some pensioners (I do notknow if nationals but all who reside outside Spain) . This is the prelude to that the money is gone and it 's something we should explain very well to the Catalans Albiol, Arrimadas and Iceta, but Domenech when he says it will negotiate with Iceta.

Iceta recognized that there will be cuts, because it is old cat and knows that it is impossible to deny it, but put a carrot the donkey talking about managing a Catalan hacienda half with the Spanish state, something already provided for in the statute but has never created. ... What does it solve? Nothing. Spain still has no money and is collected here or there, if no money is worthless ... If someone thinks his head will not follow that carrot. An insult to the intelligence of the Catalans.

Albiol indicated that independence would disappear pensions which is an insult to the intelligence of the Catalans since pensions disappear never in any case be paid more or less, but never disappear. We just need to see the example of Greece. There they have lost almost all social pensions coverage less, yes, half charged ... And everyone is prepared if we continue in Spain, because that is the reality of pensions .... It is logical, if no money, they have to lower or higher taxes are created, or clipped on the other, or impossible .... And if we add that Spain, in September lost its sole purchaser of debt .... . it is clear that without Catalonia Spain that half of 16,000 million euros to stay,

Arrimadas not touch pensions, is too keen to blow up the mantra of companies that have gone and the jobs that have disappeared ..... Another it insulting to the intelligence of the Catalans ... Changing the Registered office and / or tax, does not involve changing the production center and offices. All companies that "have been" remain where they were, and has not lost a single job. We will have to explain to everyone if someone is stupid enough to believe that the B. Sabadell will throw away 385 million won last year in Catalunya and will be converted into staff transfers and layoffs that they will cost a lot of money? .... Someone will believe that Freixenet and Codorniu Cava leave the business? ...

Domenech ..... not "fish nor fowl" ... Being against 155 antidemocratic and say you want a pact with the PSOE was the necessary accomplice of 155, since, if it had been against, with a motion of censure would have been avoided, it is the height of folly ... why speak of pensions if another argument not to follow in Spain? Whoever has doubts about the pensions reread my post of 21/11/17 about it: And again remember that everyone is responsible for what rate. Not worth that of "I've been cheated" in any case people are "self - deceiving" when voting Spain is threatening our social coverage. Jordi Mas Font PASS. NO MORE LIES

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