
13 de marzo de 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of March 13 2018

Compiled 12:18 am EDT 13 March 2018 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse; Author, "Twenty Two Faces," www.22faces.com

Summary of the Below:

1. The Mass Arrests began quietly at10:00 pm EST Sat. night March 10.

2. The RV exchanges/redemptions would begin just prior to collapse of the Stock Market.

3. There was a set timeframe in place for the RV to go. We were in that 12 hour window right now. Bankers were told that they were to start today March 12 or tomorrow March 13. It was supposed to start this morning, but they requested a delay so they could bring everybody up to speed.

4. TNT was told it would happen prior toMarch 15.

5. Once all exchanges/redemptions have completed, the Alliance would pull the trigger on the Stock Market and begin the collapse.

6. During the collapse, all 18,500+ indictments would be unsealed and a nationwide lock down would occur.

7. The Republic would then step in and sign NESARA into law.

8. NESARA would activate the U.S. gold-standard and the IMF would follow with a global gold-standard monetary system (disclosure of the new financial system).

9. Once the dust settled, GESARA would be announced at the U.N.

10. On March 26 the gold-backed US dollar would be announced, which would mark the end of the Federal Reserve.

A. March 12 2018 TNT Call RayRen98,…

1.There was a set timeframe in place for the RV to go - 12 hour window. We were in that window right now. 

2. Bankers were told that they were to start today March 12 or tomorrow March 13.

3.It was supposed to start this morning. They requested a delay so they could bring everybody up to speed. We’ll see what happens. That’s from both our people here and there and the banking people.

4. They have a 12 hour window to activate it today. Hopefully we will get the 800 #’s right before they activate it.

5. A bunch of people got paid over weekend and some were scheduled for today.

6.Tony has not yet received the 800#s, nor a copy of an NDA.

7. Told the 800 #’s out but we don’t have them.

8. Tony will do one more call before giving out the 800#s so everyone will know the rules of engagement.

9. Told the NDA was finalized but we don’t have it. The NDA was completed but still not in Tony’s hands.

10. The Iraqi budget was to be published in this coming Wednesday’s Gazette.

11. There was a guy with 10 ZIM notes who was told to come back this week. 

12. According to information we’ve been told it would happen prior to March 15. Today was March 1.

13. If you have under $1 million exchanged funds see a teller. $1 million to $10 million exchanged funds see the teller to be referred to a private banker. Over $10 million exchanged funds you will call the 800# and get an appointment with a wealth manager.

14. The exchange fee was .005 or .0025. Tony said when they calculated it the fee came out to $1,000 per million dollars.

15. The lifetime limit for all currencies is (1) one billion dollars.

16. On the Zim: First Exchange is limited to the equivalent of (1) one 100 Trillion note (can be two 50 Trillion notes).

17. The Lifetime Exchange limit on the ZIM was the amount of (10) ten 100 Trillion notes or (1) one billion dollars.

18. There were no exemptions or stipulations for senior citizens.

19. Tony: I’m waiting to get a call back and clarification on the ZIM. We told you one way and the banks were having conference calls and being told something different.

20. Tony Summary: All I can tell you is we gave you the latest greatest that we had today, what we got over the weekend from our sources: bankers, committee members, Iraq, Bankers talking to bankers and then we verified it. That’s what we got over the weekend and this morning. Just waiting to see what happens and where it goes. Supposedly we were in a 12 hour window. All we can do is wait and know it is happening. Iraq said it would show in a couple of weeks to a couple of days. Should be this week with everything we are hearing.

21. I’m hoping this is our last call. Pay attention to Twitter. We’ll send something out if something happens.

B. March 12 2018 7:46 pm EST Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for March 12, 2018

1. Trump and Kim Jong-un already met privately in Nov. 2017.

2. Netanyahu has his resignation pre-recorded and ready. The Alliance forced this upon him late last year.

3. Everything you see on the news is a scripted political play and has already happened behind closed doors. It is all soft disclosure.

4. The Alliance has an ability to collapse the stock market at any given time.

5. The RV exchanges/redemptions are to begin prior to the collapse.

6. Exchanges/redemptions will be accomplished via private appointment acquired through the toll-free 800 number system.

7. Your fiat currencies and historic bonds will be exchanged under the new financial system.

8. Once all exchanges/redemptions have completed, the Alliance will pull the trigger on the stock market and begin it's collapse.

9. The collapse of the stock market will be the final financial death blow to the Cabal.

10. During the collapse, all 18,500+ indictments will be unsealed and a nationwide lock down will occur.

11. The Republic will step in and sign NESARA into law.

12. NESARA will activate the U.S. gold-standard and the IMF will follow with a global gold-standard monetary system (disclosure of the new financial system).

13. Once the dust settles, GESARA will be announced at the U.N

C. March 12 2018 1:00 pm EST Fulford Report: "The Dominoes Keep Falling" - Fulford Report (Excerpt) - 3.12.18Benjamin FulfordWhite Dragon Society

1. The final defeat of the Khazarian mafia was being seen with dramatic political events occurring in Italy, Japan, Korea and the U.S. Soon we would see change in the UK, France, Germany and Israel.
2. Last Nov. U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un met in secret and decided on a reunification plan for the Korean Peninsula.

D. March 12 2018 1:08 pm EST, Hodges, Steele: Anonymous 8Chan Intel Update

1. Mass arrests were to begin Sun. March 11.

2. March 26 would mark the end of the Federal Reserve as the gold-backed US dollar was announced.

3.Likely there would be 90 days of chaos during the transition.

4. Trump: Koreas would unite and we would get out of Syria.

5.There would be a new Social Media replacement for Face Book, Twitter & YouTube

6.Steele has been given 200 million to start the New Truth News Network. 

7.There would be free internet & email that would be encrypted & could not be censored or read.

8.There would be an end to the CIA & the formation of open intel agency.

9.Trump would likely get an election reform act passed.

10. There would likely be a debt jubilee paid for with recovery of the 23 trillion dollars that the Cabal has stolen from the American people.

E. March 12 2018 9:25 pm EST, Dunn:"18,500 Sealed Indictments" by Pat G - 3.12.18 Kent Dunn told Pari on her show this morning,that the arrests began quietly at 10:00 pm EST Sat. night March 10.

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