
1 de marzo de 2018

The break is a fact and not be welded to death or prison

He said yesterday Palinuro ( strength and political ) that the two tracks that can follow the indepes, he called gradualist or "Fabiana" and rupturista of CUP, be more or less equal in their effects. It costs a lot to decide. Sometimes it seems more sensible times in the first and the second. The only difference is the time when the break occurs. The original formula of the CUP abbreviated to about a couple of days. Or less. The  government and the prosecution went ahead to threaten criminal proceedings against the table of the Parliament . Said and, presumably, made

The "Fabiana" track extends over time; but it is not known how much. There is no assurance that things can the government and its judges considered illegal, because although he retired the 155, it would take very little to reactivate with universal acclaim dynastic parties (all state level, ultimately) and provides collaboration beautification judicial brigade. With or without 155, the government will continue to block any initiative of the Government that, in its view, overflowing the statutory framework that is precisely what the Government should do to restart or start (we will not be exquisite in these things) the path of mandate 1-O and revalidated on 21 December 2017.

In short, the starting line for the  Govern  is already the arrival to the government. Only one Aporia Zeno could introduce some distance between one and the other.

Certainly open everyday reality interstices will be used to assert the implication Republic. There will be a general trend implicit. It will resort to all kinds of legal fictions and the state will surely blind eye to many outrages assumptions, resulting row with its most carcundas and ultra-reactionary sectors. symbolic value to the real and real to the symbolic, the judicial repression as far as possible be avoided will be attributed.

But none of that is durable because it is intended to manage a normal seated in an abnormality, the existence of political prisoners and exiles and all kinds of reprisals also political. A situation that goes into the concept of "normality" of B155 (government, political parties, media and judges) but not the block and the independence movement can not accept it. The CUP has done very well accepted, albeit reluctantly, the covenant of JXC and ERC. The criterion of unity prevails which is what must prevail because it is the ultimate guarantee of success. It remains how to articulate this decision when their assembly, which seems more radicalized. Perhaps flourish unitary thesis and the pitfall of parliamentary pact be saved.

But that responds CUP radicalization of a radicalization of the social movement, on the street. It is also likely that the movement accepts gradualism, there comes far before the new blow. And he will do well. But that does not mean that anyone, parties, social organizations, movement in general accept the imposed "normal" because it is unfair abnormality and abnormality. With repression as a response, the State must accept the inevitable and systematic disruption of social and institutional-style which occurred in Philip VI's visit to Mobile relations. Spanish rulers can only circulate Catalunya truncheons. The situation is abnormal and will remain as the political and judicial repression of the state is maintained. To see how institutional control or prevent outbursts, demonstrations, escraches, strikes, caceroladas, boycotts, disobedience. ¿Accentuating repression? Until where? At what price? Does the Gag Law maintained? Intensifies? ¿Indepndentistas associations and parties are prohibited? Is the curfew was decreed?

They are blind. They do not see that in this way have already failed and the more you follow, the more fail. The break is a fact and not be welded to death or prison.

Ramon Cotarelo 

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