, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : the criminal asbestos industry, consequences ...



the criminal asbestos industry, consequences ...


Interview with Francisco Báez Baquet on criminal asbestos industry 
"The presence of asbestos in various cities and metro asbestos use on the railways in general, is a subject with a prior history" 

Salvador López Arnal 

Francisco Báez, former employees of Uralita in Seville, author of Asbestos: An unpunished genocide, began in the 70s of last century fighting this industry of death from the ranks of union CCOO. He has devoted over 40 years to research on asbestos. 
I rely, as always, in his dear friend information. I begin with this news: "Inspectors of the European Agency ECHA (European Chemical Agency), located asbestos in 14% of various products used: EUROPA file / Le rapport + + complet.pdf   ". 

 The 14%! What products used? Where do these products?  
Mainly, it was home appliances, such as, for example, electric ovens, hair dryers, electric irons, etc., and its manufacturing countries were both non-EU, as those without. In the case of the latter, with manufacturing dates that sometimes predated corresponding to when the ban was established in each of these European nations. 

The purpose of the study is to warn about the risk, confirming their reality, even if only a minority, as this is indeed the case. Today, asbestos can have it in the most unexpected scenarios, and consequently with it, not knowing at the same time, with the consequent danger.


Are we doing the right things in Toledo?  
Roundly no, if what eventually comes to prevail, like almost everything points to assume, is a monumental botch, which would merely bury in situ "all" hazardous waste, leaving future generations that permanent legacy of potential back the atmosphere of an encapsulated asbestos, always possibly subject to spontaneous landslides, settling the land, to the disturbing action of rodents or children with their games, erosion from rain and wind, micro-quakes, the vibrations more or less near traffic, and future generations, after forgetting what has been done and ignorance of the real risk, will eventually remove accidental or voluntarily practiced the dangerous contents and then deposit in a distant time.

Ideally, the appropriate would proceed to inerting which is definitively, by timely and expensive heat treatment at high temperatures. Failing that , and at least we should proceed with its withdrawal, under appropriate security conditions, including transport and permanent storage in an approved landfill in retained indefinitely would be identified and guarded. 

Having regard to the turn taken by the affair, I find it wiser and relevant what has been announced in recent days, that is, the United Left is prepared to refer the matter to the European Parliament. 

Of course you also "unspeakable information:   "

Why incalificable?  
Because it can not be must- No, detracting from its destination a budget that already had its definite purpose- the removal of asbestos from buildings escolares-, for barter for the air conditioning of them. It is as if, in order to pay the teaching materials, he pretended to leave without pay to teachers. These budget "juggling" point zero awareness of the true magnitude of the risk that presupposes stay for even longer and more obsolete, asbestos installed, the dismantlement and is relegated sine die an uncertain future, and for that same "rule of three" could be postponed on ad graecas calendas.

Children, by the very condition of their immature immune defenses and their longer life expectancy, constitute a population at increased risk, singularly for mesothelioma, given his long latency. The greater life expectancy, greater temporal scope for such latency can be met. 

What happened in Madrid? 
This link is for you, I have received many: "The" rain "continues, with new developments continue to emerge in what is being published. Http:// /Entre-4000-y-5000-personas-podrian-morir-en-Madrid-por-el-amianto.html # " 

Four or five thousand people? 
I think there is a strike call in the Madrid: amianto.html-presence

Also this: "the existence of this harmful mineral in 64 underground stations Unions complain that Gallardón, Aguirre and Gonzalez hid the existence of carcinogenic pollutants hid for 15 years" 

What does the current Mayor? ¿Metro Madrid sold against the law and knowingly trains asbestos Argentina? When was that? Who they were responsible?  

It is still early to review and rule on this matter. I would prefer us to leave this issue for an upcoming interview, when he had somewhat informative asuntado pandemonium in which every few hours new data emerge, attitudes, justifications, details, knowledge of past circumstances, etc., which constantly they are changing a scenario that at the time will be contrasted properly on the accuracy of all its intricacies and multifaceted, and they seem so outrageous, at least in our current valuation. 

Agree. For the next.
In addition -not we are ingenuous, here at the end will prevail "official" version, which will be the fruit, have no doubt, the game of opposing forces, among those who try to "downplay" the matter (they are already beginning to do ), and those trying to find out the truth ... or get political mileage wear ideological adversary. Bear in mind, for example, that, apparently, the current Argentine government is considering the opportunity to denounce judicially Spain, for a sale of wagons loaded asbestos, which might have proved fraudulent. 

The presence of asbestos in the subway in different cities, and the use of asbestos in railways in general is an issue that has undoubtedly with a previous history.

On 14 June 2010, remitted by me an e - mail to Angel Cárcoba Alonso, which included the following paragraph: 
In the course of my research on asbestos in railroads, I come across references that mention use in the fixed installations of "METRO" (Seoul, Oslo, etc.). As with so many other issues of asbestos, I would like to refer to some Spanish concrete situation, so it does not appear that the problems do not have more than abroad, a feeling that "haunts me" from my days of National Commission of Asbestos, Uralita. 

Do you have any information that may be published without problems, presence of asbestos in any of the "m" Spanish ?. If not,

On the same date, Angel's answer was: 
I start to look the same and concrete data. Of one thing I am certain: if the subway cars has been building the CAF factory in Zaragoza and Beasain and CAF workers that are dropping like flies, it is logical that workers Metro workshops are also affected. I will look for evidence.  
On 10 December 2015, I gave him another e Angel, with the following contents: 

"Published now: 
... link corresponding to a story titled "Come to court the first cases of death from asbestos workers in Málaga Renfe workshop."
His answer, of the same date, read as follows:
Ay, ay ay! ... as time passes! 1978, 80, 82, 87, 90s ... many meetings with the local union CCOO in Madrid, Seville, Malaga, Valladolid (with risk map included). Few meetings at the Commission of asbestos to your asistías and where we had to partner Valdes to explain the situation in Renfe. And how do we get that Renfe respond to the Working Group medical reports ... in which he admitted the use of various asbestos in various types of wagons and trains. I imagine you have the records and reports of the time. And the report of the Technical Center of Seville, which you sent me, which stated that the workshops of Málaga looked like a barbershop. And the atrocities against occupational health and public health and environmental committed in following years when companies hired Renfe friends, for asbestos removal in Zaragoza, Villaverde, Barcelona, ​​Valladolid, Alcoy, Sevilla .... it's a terrible story, Paco, which are mixed again interests, very strong pressure from the company union leaders to change their minds. And if we add to the tragedy of CAF, we see that the railway sector would have the same epidemiological dimension Uralita or naval sector. Well, maybe it would be useful, choose the three or four most important sectors and make a documented history of them. ! Ah! I forgot RTVE. It's a terrible story, Paco, which are mixed again interests, very strong pressure from the company union leaders to change their minds. And if we add to the tragedy of CAF, we see that the railway sector would have the same epidemiological dimension Uralita or naval sector. Well, maybe it would be useful, choose the three or four most important sectors and make a documented history of them. ! Ah! I forgot RTVE. It's a terrible story, Paco, which are mixed again interests, very strong pressure from the company union leaders to change their minds. And if we add to the tragedy of CAF, we see that the railway sector would have the same epidemiological dimension Uralita or naval sector. Well, maybe it would be useful, choose the three or four most important sectors and make a documented history of them. ! Ah! I forgot RTVE. choose the three or four most important sectors and make a documented history of them. ! Ah! I forgot RTVE. choose the three or four most important sectors and make a documented history of them. ! Ah! I forgot RTVE.

Finally say that in June 2016, information on the presence of asbestos was published in the Santiago metro: -incomodo-pasajero.shtml /   , whose "summary" is as follows: 
the amount of asbestos present in older cars the Santiago metro generated an unexpected rise renewal program, awarded to the same company that originally manufactured, Alstom . Metro had to pay US $ 122 more than contemplated for reuse million, subject their employees and former employees to a medical monitoring program, which so far has not produced cases. For passengers, say experts, the risk is almost nil.
This is also surprising presence of asbestos in dishes and other facilities studies Prado del Rey, an issue that, according to you, and tails off since ancient times .   I ask then about it. Rest a moment.  
Agree. At your service. 

Rebellion has posted this article with the author 's permission through a Creative Commons license, respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere.

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