
14 de agosto de 2018

Karmic Relationships - FEATURES AND 4 LAWS - BRINGING these relationships? abstract

A karmic relationship means that a person, place or circumstance has come into your life to teach you something. Karmic relationships are those that manifest themselves is this life as a couple and come with an unresolved emotional charge of one or more lives. A karmic encounter inevitably always occurs because was already charted in both destinations by the characters themselves before the new transmigration of souls. "If you're happy with someone, you are your ideal person and are fully in love / a why did you get for your karma."

The mission will already be agreed before incarnating. That mission to accomplish is always positive ,  it is given to correct thoughts, actions and words that have been poorly qualified other lives and thus the challenge in life is to generate a dharma on this karma.

These souled encounters  are easily identified by the following characteristics:

1. The coincidence arises almost inexplicably, that is no matter that these people know or not, because perhaps already known and treated but their souls are not connected yet and the souled reunion has not yet been produced, but when the moment of awakening comes recognize them born and unmistakable attraction caused by the magnetism of this new opportunity to be together.
¿Together for what? To cut karmic knots, ie, that this relationship should be or become.

2. E hese people see in the other something unusually familiar and among them are born very intense emotions quickly. This produces a mutual affinity that drives together. 
¿Together for what? To fulfill the mission of settling mutual debts and hence the rush. 

3. U n translates karmic encounter with a ratio of quick resolution, they meet again, they learn quickly and painfully separated in general. These meetings soon become self - destructive relationships, and they quickly springs much obsession, possession, pain, oppression and distress and a vicious circle from which members can not escape and is generated  forced them to be together.
¿Together for what? To learn in this new experience of forgiveness, compassion and letting go with love. 

Since these people have known in other lifetimes, they have formed links, then to relate originated a world between them, why are impregnated with it intense emotions. 

These intense emotions  are unresolved emotions, which brought baggage into this incarnation and must heal this time. They may be emotions unrequited love, guilt, agony, loss, lack, absence, cheating, etc.

These souls have gained a great new opportunity to solve these karmic paradigms. In this case, everything depends on the wisdom of each and connecting with your own inner self to go back not to repeat the old emotional patterns that generated negative energy ties between these souls, incarnation after incarnation .

The universe that hides all the secrets of souls organizes the stage for the encounter as many times as necessary until those souls heal, evolve and released.

We can use four spiritual laws of India with which this situation can be graphed.

1. First Law:
"The person who comes into our lives is the right person".
No person ever appears in our lives happen however, if we consider that this reappearing, you're all synchronized in the large lattice relationships. Every individual who emerges before us, it is that we engage in a learning experience or healing.

2. Second Law:
"What happens in that link is the only thing that could have happened".
The context and circumstances are always given for us to develop our experience satisfactory manner for both. The test time was already defined, the issue is use it. Here do not apply the variables and guesswork.

3. Third Law:
"Any time you start the link is the right time."
Whenever the time is the right time for our learning and understanding, ie nobody appears if we are not prepared to understand the message we want to give that relationship.

4. Fourth Law:
"When the link ends, it is because it is over."
Every story begins at the right time in the right place, moreover, at defined time and place chosen for ourselves before incarnating, and if we found another opportunity is to take advantage, capitalizing on the experience, to heal wounds and flowing each other when the link ends.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, credit is given to theauthor and include this URL https: // and Copyright notice 

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