" Ron Giles

A lot of misinformation or misunderstanding surrounding the QFS (Quantum Financial System), is very apparent when posters/gurus/con-call hosts, etc., talk about the banks doing the exchanges. The banks/bankers are only agents of the QFS – nothing more. They have a job to do to support your Sovereign will. The QFS has complete oversight of their agents and will ensure that the whole redemption/exchange process is done honestly and securely.
If one does not have Zim, you may be directed to an established bank to do your exchange. Even Zim holders in rural areas might be asked to redeem and/or exchange at a bank for convenience purposes only. The underlying fact should be clear…, when using the 800# to set up your appointment, any exchange using a bank is subject to QFS oversight. Why? Because ALL funds from exchange or redemption will be deposited directly into your own personal account within the QFS, NOT A BANK. To participate in the exchange process, all banks that exchange/redeem are only acting as an agent of the QFS. They will also be a source of information about the QFS and will explain how the QFS is to be used, and will have the necessary software package for you to gain entrance into the QFS to use your funds. They will also have a website address for further explanation. The QFS has complete control of any banking transaction once the QFS is switched on. The RV/GCR will never happen until the QFS is in complete control of all funds. So, when the RV happens, know in advance that the QFS is in operation and will be the financial system you will be using. Any information that contradicts this truism, is false and fallacious. That source might also be peddling other false narratives as well; IE lopping of zeros off the Zim Bonds notes. This is the death knoll for the Cabal banking system. John Q. Public will take some time to transition but the transition will take place before John Q, realizes it has happened. The shills and Cabal agents know this and want to lessen the effects of the RV on their system, but, it is dead. Believing in this false narrative only hurts yourself.
There will be no slip-ups or messing around with the RV/GCR funds by any banking institution during or after the QFS has been fully implemented. Even after tiers 1-4 have been completed and received their funds, the tier 5, public will exchange through the same bank agency agreement with the QFS. Once the QFS has been activated and the exchange/redemption has begun, even John Q. Public, will have their funds deposited into their personal account with the QFS, as that will be the the only financial system in place. Absolutely no bank or banker can, or will, do anything that interferes with your funds. It is not to say they won’t try, but when your funds are in the QFS, all financial transactions including attempts at theft or re-channeling your funds to any other account, are tracked and are traceable. There is NO PLACE to hide digital funds. The criminal attempts will be known and investigated by the proper authorities and your funds will be returned and the criminals arrested. This is not to say that you do not keep track of your funds yourself. It is your responsibility to police your own accounts and report any suspicious activity when and if they occur.
One should be extremely happy, and relieved to know that their money is safe and secure. The confusion that has been created is a result of not understanding and believing in the QFS. The QFS/Alliance will not allow banks/bankers to be in charge of any funds within the QFS. Cabal banks are crooked and even claim that, once you deposit YOUR money into THEIR bank, it then belongs to them and they can either honor your ownership or not. The Alliance knows that the Cabal banking system has holes in it that are designed to confiscate your money. That's why the QFS was created. This Cabal thinking and banking must/has been, changed to the more sophisticated and secure QFS. YEA!
One thing that one must know, is that those posters/gurus/con-call hosts, and etc., that continue to talk about banks holding up money, or being in charge of the exchange/redemption process are, either, not up-to-date on the latest intel, or they are using their positions/narrative to give misinformation on purpose. Again, the QFS will be in place before funds are exchanged/redeemed - that means the talk about banks/bankers being in charge is fake news. Have we had enough fake news yet? I think so. You get to choose what these people are doing on your own. Your currency and exchange/redemption, is extremely personal and will make a major difference for your, once-in-a-lifetime, chance to get the funds you deserve and want, to do your humanitarian work. If you are only in the RV for your own selfish reasons, who knows in advance what you will really get. However, you WILL GET WHAT YOU DESERVE. Seek your inner guidance and intuition to be sure and place your confidence on the right body of knowledge that is designed for your best interest. Believe who and what you want, the consequences are yours to enjoy one way or the other. I do not have to be right in my assessment, as only I will enjoy or suffer the consequences of what happens to me. In this process it is very personal and your complete essence is being brought to bare on the results you intend, same for me.
Give yourself the best chance to succeed and from that point on, rest assured you will get what is intended for you to receive. That’s the way the Heavens work. The QFS is the tool the RV has been waiting for; now it is here, we will get unleashed when all else lines up to support our humanitarian activities. We are the Sovereigns and, in harmony with the Heavens, we get to dictate what will happen to us in this Free Agency, Universe. That’s who we are. Put on the full mantle of our Godliness and our Sovereignty, and see what we will achieve.
Wanting to be in harmony with the Heavens, I desire all to achieve the full measure of their creation and the purpose for being here at this time. So be it…
Love and Light
Ron Giles
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