
4 de agosto de 2018

Vibrational withdrawal symptoms

Accelerated mind and anxiety within your energy. The feeling that not enough time and being pushed along its own path. An inflexible mind and a sense of not feeling a disconnection from one 's own emotions. An open mind but overwhelmingly full of spontaneous emotion. A feeling of immense change and no sense of control of your reality or know the address where you are going . 

Feeling that time is running out , that there is time to do what is lacking, time seems to fly away, does not reach us, the days and weeks go flying. Nonconformity with things, life and the world. We feel that things are bad, so there must be a better way of doing them.

Changes in the pattern of dreams. Now we dream every night, but most of the time we can not remember what we dream. Vivid dreams. We wake up at the same time each night between 3 and 4 am. Dawn just tired or more tired than when we went to bed. Having repetitive dreams, dream always the same. 1Caer in a state of semi - consciousness + or asleep nor awake which can last hours or days. 

Frequent palpitations that make us think we have a heart problem. Hollow feeling in the heart, tarugo stake or stuck in the middle of the chest. Heartlessness, complete insensitivity above all, that nothing we care and we can not feel anything for anyone or anything. Total detachment.
Emergence or intensification of acute tinnitus (Cosmic Grillo). Sharpening of his senses (hearing, smell, touch) and appearance of new (telepathy, telepathic vision, clairvoyance, claripercepción). 

feel you touch or fondle while sleeping or sleeping. Shortness of breath, breathlessness. Frequent colds and respiratory symptoms, asthma attacks and increased respiratory allergies. Goosebumps in body parts and feeling of bugs walking down the body and head. Waves of energy that travel us both ways. Intense heat or intense cold. Heat, tingling or numbness of the hands.
Currents flowing through the body and out intensely hands (corrientazas when we touch something or someone). 

Sudden loss of vision, blurred vision, one day you look good and another bad. Candelillas eyes or visualizations of mirages or arcs of light and bright geometric figures. 

Presences feel close to us, shadows or beings that we see across our peripheral visual field. Increased interest in spiritual matters. Feel the need to look at the sky, get in touch with the earth, the sea, trees and animals. Semiconscious, neither asleep nor awake which can last hours or days.

Frequent diarrhea, which do not improve with no treatment and unrelated to food. They are very offensive and explosive or anything fetid and may have characteristic color. 
Eg. Green, pink, etc. Nausea, occasional vomiting, feeling of fullness. Increased intestinal gas, bloating (bowel sounds). Increased water intake. Dizziness, loss of balance, difficulty measuring the distance to objects, falls frequently. Frequent headaches, tightness as if they had grabbed by the head. Feel that bugs walk by the body and head as if she had lice. Itching in different parts of the body.
Loss of memory, can not remember exactly what he did just now or what he did yesterday, you forget the names of people, streets and telephone numbers that is usually related. Occasional lost consciousness for several hours and no apparent cause seizures. When checked by doctors everything is normal. 

You feeling. Is a different person each day, according to the known things will never be, feels it is a new person every day is different and unique. Disorientation not know the address of somewhere that is accustomed to go or wander aimlessly, feeling not get anywhere. Feeling of being in more than one place at the same time.
Feel that parts of your body vibrate intensely or objects that come into contact with your body. 

Back pain, in the legs and feet, large joints, pain migrating from one place to another or down by a limb or body part. Weight and tingling sensation in the feet, sometimes seem to have iron boots that weigh tons, sometimes it is as if you pinched his legs with elastic bands. 

Emergence of meaningful coincidences. Eg. Think or talk about someone and when out on the street sees or phone calls. Think of something you need and easily get or give it away. Books, documents and other information related to self - help and spiritual issues come unexpectedly.
Increasing your inner dialogue, you discover sometimes talking to himself. Its sensitivity for ecological causes, environmental or human calamities will be increased. Discard concepts, traditions, patterns and customs that were inculcated him and his family during their education in the culture to which it belongs. New friendships where talk of mystical themes. Increasing your extrasensory perception, you know what others want or think. No one can cheat or lie. He feels that communicates with people without using language, just think about something and your son or friend or the person who is close to you talk about what you thought or give it begins to hum a song in your mind and another begins to sing.

Feel that unfolds, leaving his physical body floats in your room or out of it looking sleeping in bed and can see the world without opening his eyes. Feel in the morning when you wake up tremendous anguish, rise with the feeling that something big will happen. Mourn without a reason because you have desires. Want to eat weird things: plants that are not edible, bark or rare fruits in their midst. Stigmata appearance of rashes or skin without explanation. Changes in preferences and priorities, material things suddenly change meaning for you. And now everything is simpler and feel you have everything you need.
Abandonment of their religious beliefs and change in the way that you. It relates to God. He feels there is more and goes to look for
Changes in the way we enjoy spending free time or, if before he liked to drink and go to parties now see that that does not make happy. 
Changes in their habits and customs. Breaking routines and unable to do the same thing every day. Feels the need to make changes in their relationships and life patterns, present do not happy. Need to spend time alone with himself without anything or anyone to disturb you 

Suddenly becomes the center of their social group or colleagues, he feels that attracts people and animals.

Teachers who guide us in this process have given us a series of tools that will help move this process in the best way possible but generally will make us much good not resist the process, accept, spend time alone with yourself, search contact with the earth and nature, breathing and meditation time every day ....
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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...