
11 de septiembre de 2018

Cartas del cielo:El portador de luz

Heavenletters: heavenlettersDios dijo:
Amado, desde el cielo se llega, y se llega a compartir la luz en la Tierra por el bien de la humanidad y todas las criaturas vivientes y el Universo siempre y un día. Estás aquí para revelar la luz como una señal de la vida gloriosa por venir. Usted no está aquí para revelar cortinas de oscuridad se cierne sobre la luzLa luz es la veracidad. La luz brilla a través del corazón humano, no importa lo que las cubiertas pueden figurar en. Usted está en deuda con la luz. La luz es la suya a revelar.
Usted está en deuda con la luz del amor, y así se establece la luz y el amor en llamas en un estallido de luz radiante. Radiante, que está aquí en la Tierra, precisamente, a la luz hasta el amor a revelarse fuera de toda duda. Sé amable con la luz brillar. Cuantos más, mejor. Iluminar el mundo, e iluminar la vida. Esto no es mucho lo que te pido. Brillar su luz sobre el mundo. Que son sin duda no permite ocultar su luz. El brillo de su luz a lo largo y ancho. Hago lo que digo se hacen realidad ante los ojos de todos. Sigue brillando, Harvest Moon. Brillar mi luz del Amor. Brillo alto y ancho. Sí, el amor es para ser tomado como una cuestión de rutina. Introducir luz brillante bajo cualquier atardecer se puede imaginar que está oculto. Salir de las sombras ahora en las luces del escenario brillante que revelan todo.
Absolutely, you are here for something. You are not here for nothing. You are not here on Earth just to float around. There are good reasons why you are here. You are not interim. Maybe you are here on Earth simply to shine light to sparkle forth with brilliance and get-up-and-go.
You do know that light is known, and light is known as a gift.
Who does not like to look at sparkling light beaming off the waves of the ocean with joy? Who does not like to look at eyes that reflect their inner light? Who does not like to look at irridescent light splashing light itself? Light thrills your spine and heart. Everyone knows that light universally suggests a treasure. Starlight reflects volumes of light deep to the core.
There are light displays all over the world. There is light to spare, to say nothing of dawning and setting suns. What kind of Earth would there be without rising and setting suns? Who could think of an Earth without light dazzling? Who would want to get up in the morning without such a spectacle? Hail to the Sun! It stirs your blood. There is nothing like it, this radical radiating moving light that reveals itself brightly. What natural light than this can be released without cease? Now is the time for you to shine for all the world to see. Not even once again are you to cover your eyes. Stand out now in front of the stage lights. You are not a second string light-bringer.
When you hide yourself, you diminish yourself. This is not the way you are to disclose yourself. Stand up straight. This is the way to open yourself up to life and declare life beautiful. Your eyes are to be seen in front of God and everybody. No longer do you shield your eyes. Your eyes are to be seen front and center. Forthright are you now.
Stellar are you. Take your place in the firmament. Make your voice heard. You are a singer of God’s wares. This is not arguable. Stand in the open where you are destined to be.
No longer are you even to consider taking a back seat. You are God-bound. You are elegant, once and for all. Rise to your natural height. Declare yourself once and for all as God’s beloved child.
» Source » Channel: Gloria Wendroff

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