
11 de septiembre de 2018

Historical revisionism is dismantling the farce of the Jews 


Why Jews would plan a war in which many Jews died? Historical revisionism has revealed that Jews are not a homogeneous group and that there are antagonistic Jewish factions against each other. But also, "Jews go through life" has served certain factions of the elite as a perfect alibi to run their global control projects without being identified. A team of researchers through communication patriot Veterans Today, says he traced the lines of the actual financing of Adolf Hitler. Thus they have discovered, like many other sources, money from Jewish-American families Bush, Rockefeller and Harriman financed Nazi Germany. But in his research Veterans Today has also exposed to other less widespread character who was involved in the highest level of Jewish mafia named Jacob Schiff, "the Jewish father of Hitler and the Holocaust, who could be the highest hidden power behind Zionism and the creation of the State of Israel. "in addition, says Veterans Today, we are now learning that Schiff also created the Russian Bolshevism and decimated half a century of murder and suffering.Thus, "the criticism of the revisionist historians against the United States and their 'right' to support Hitler, are just a smokescreen, because behind this plot there is another much more sinister story" "In addition, says Veterans Today, we are now learning that Schiff also created the Russian Bolshevism and decimated half a century of murder and suffering. Thus, "the criticism of the revisionist historians against the United States and their 'right' to support Hitler, are just a smokescreen, because behind this plot there is another much more sinister story" "In addition, says Veterans Today, we are now learning that Schiff also created the Russian Bolshevism and decimated half a century of murder and suffering.Thus, "the criticism of the revisionist historians against the United States and their 'right' to support Hitler, are just a smokescreen, because behind this plot there is another much more sinister story"

Historical revisionism is dismantling the farce of Jews

Many scholars now accept that Jacob Schiff could be the real architect of the hidden power behind Zionism and the eventual creation of the State of Israel. And not only that. Historical revisionism points out that Schiff also created diesmó Bolshevism and Russia with half a century of murder and suffering. In addition, the Jew Jacob Schiff also created Hitler and Nazi Germany. And your heirs now control everything and not just Trump, who is just the icing on the cake. 

"New History" and excuse the term, says Sephardic Jews are actually those who control the world, and that their efforts may well have orchestrated a frenzy of hatred of the "other Jews" which we might call "false Jews . "

While Jews are not a homogeneous group, at least three Jewish factions share "dreams of governance" and have global projects seeking global control: Sadducees Zionists (Jerusalem, Vatican), jásidas Essenes (London) and Talmudic Pharisees (New York) . Therefore, we recommend reading this article carefully, because although the three Jewish groups are fighting the world have obvious differences and conflicts with each other, they also share dark goals. David Icke says, in politics, "everything is a reality show and seemingly opposing factions are actually only heads of the same monster." The elite always uses the modus operandi of the Hegelian dialectic (thesis-antithesis-synthesis) to carry out their plans. This involves creating an antagonistic and more scandalous agenda that originally sought,to discredit and synthesise imposing the originally sought. Thus, the working assumption in mind that the alternative is economic and political dismantling of the US and Israel to shift the axis of power to China involves feeding the idea of ​​opposition and sacrifice some scapegoats to give credibility to the tectonic shift of power. For example, the role of Rothschild (jásidas) in alliance with the British Crown and China has been widely documented and its role in boosting the gold standard and the criptomonedas. Either way Kabbalists are the ones who operate behind the move, because as Daniel Estulin says: "They are conducting a Solomonic 3000 plan years old, and the Chinese know predict the future in ranges 3000 years"

Sephardim powerful banking families are false Jews and owners of the world 

's true scholars have always felt threatened by investigating controversies such as the Federal Reserve; the Jacob Schiff, who has been described as "a really scary guy"; or that of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an alleged anti - Semitic text manufactured in Russia in 1905. If any academic follows and sets out the evidence behind these issues, dismiss him, slandered him or kill him.

The kinds of things that are discovered to beinvolved in these issues is that all lead to the powerful Sephardi banking families of the Middle Ages, all reinvented when settled in northern Germany with new names, new identities and later came to America . They have controlled everything, literally everything: railways, markets, everything. 

It has been shown that they began the Spanish -American War, the Russo-Japanese War and the two World Wars. 

By "them" we are not referring to "Jews" as weknow them They are Sephardic Jews or "Jewish bloodline" who are distinguished from other Jewish groups who actually want to eliminate the planet.

Inexorable evidence have led scholars to conclude that the Sephardi money laundering through Bush, Rockefeller, Harriman and other less obvious Sephardic families, Hitler created and pushed for the genocide of non Sephardic Jews. 

The Holocaust never existed

is known that the Sephardim Jews remained in Europe and were not killed. Moreover, there are many witnesses who have denied the Holocaust, who also claim that few Jews actually were killed.

In addition, scholars and people from other areas claim that the Holocaust never happened and that a Jewish conspiracy designed it so that the Jews could commit monstrous crimes and get away with playing the role of victims. That's why events like the holocaust show that Jews like to be at war with the world. 

Deniers of the Holocaust argue that the gas chambers did not exist, the Germans only "looted" the Jews and the concentration camps were actually labor camps where only 800,000 Jews were killed as people killed is usually killed in any war. But this is far removed from the Holocaust narrative, which is based on a farce. 

Real Jews and false Jews 

Let 's start with some facts. There are two types of Jews, real and fake. About 90% are "false" according to the study of Jewish Genome practiced by the John's Hopkins University. 

Most Jews are a racial mix of Eastern Europeans and Turks eighth century a kingdom called Khazars who took the Jewish religion. Khazaria was crushed later by the Mongol hordes and fathered population in the regions of Europe where most Jews find their roots, as in Ukraine and Poland.

The most consistent narrative about Jews, right now, involves a, smaller than any other singularly small town, with a sense of identity in large part misleading. We're talking about Jews in some way; But when we examine the real story and discard the farce, it 's just not that simple. 

The Jews are hated and there is a covert group or organization seeking to suppress or even kill Jews? History says yes, but also tells the story lies.

The reason for this research is to get to the truth, not justify any kind of hatred. But we know that today only very few Sephardic Jews live in Israel, about 5% and they do have tribal Semitic Israel genetic roots.

The truth is that the Sephardim have been mixed with other groups around the world. So as to Jews the concept of purity of race is so subjective that itmust be used carefully. However, it is clear that key Sephardic families currently control the world's wealth, and they themselves considered themselves as "the chosen people." 

We know that they created the Nazis and organized programs in Russia and worked to create an environment hostile to the Khazars or as they are called Jews "Ashkenazi", whom theyconsider false. (Editor 's Note: This without forgetting that the Khazars are also brutal and negative See for example the case of the Rothschilds.).

We know the real story that Arabs after the rise of Islam respected and revered Sephardic Jews, who led the Ottoman Empire, and that could well be the Saudi Royal Family. There is a compelling reason behind this, since Islam, realistically, should be recognized by its origins as a "reformed Judaism" and not like a totally different religion. 

Muhammad Islam exalts above other prophets, but Islam accepts other prophets, including Christ. Therefore there is no reason for enmity on the basis of religion among the Jews and Islam.

The test that tells us that we can hold the Sephardim used Wall Street, under their ownership and guidance, to build Hitler and crush European Jews. The official version of the story tells about 6 million deaths in gas chambers while the alternative version says that only 880,000 died in the concentration camps. Neither of the two versions, incidentally, mention was Jacob Schiff, who according to our claim, would be the father of the Holocaust. 

Wall Street, CRE and Bush-Rockefeller family financed the rise of Hitler and the Nazis

The Council on Foreign Relations US played an important role in financing the Nazis and orchestrated investigations to prevent their connections are made public and thus perpetuating a great historic lie. This evidence also suggests that Wall Street and the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) not only financed, but created the Nazi war machine. In his book "Wall Street and the ascent of Hitler" Professor Antony Sutton provides a fully documented description of the role played by Morgan, Rockefeller, General Electric Company, Standard Oil, National City Bank, Chase and banks in Manhattan, Kuhn, Loeb & Company, General Motors, Ford and other industrial, to help finance the Nazis. To test their hypothesis, Professor Sutton provides bank statements, letters of ambassadors from the US, sources of conventional media, files of Congress, Congressional Research extracts and statements of the Nuremberg trials. In an article in the October 10, 2003 entitled "ties of Bush with the Nazis are confirmed," The New Hampshire Daily Gazette announced: "After 60 years of inattention and even denial by the US media, government documents recently discovered in the National Archives and the Library of Congress reveal that Prescott Bush served as a trading partner for the financial architect of the Nazi war machine from 1926 to 1942. "a similar article appeared in the London Guardian on 25 September 2004 entitled "How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power"

Jacob Schiff: the 'most valuable Zionist' 

Candidates for the prize of "Most Valuable Zionist" are: Paul Warburg, Bernard Baruch, Adolph Ochs, William Paley, Eugene Meyer, Arthur Hays Sulzberger, David Sarnoff, Jack Warner, Carl Laemmle, Henry Morganthau, George Soros, Henry Kissinger, Sumner Redstone, Michael Eisner and others. Just "googled" each of these names to get an idea of the power that those elected have had over the last century. Rockefeller and Morgan also lacked political and economic force. However if we vote wisely, the award for "Most Valuable Zionist" (irony) should go Financier (lender) Jacob Schiff, Bernard Baruch not far behind.

Jacob Schiff appeared on US shores in 1865, shortly after the Civil War. During the 1700s, Schiff ancestors had actually shared a home with legendary Rothschilds, in the Jewish quarter of Frankfurt. 

Schiff led the firm Kuhn, Loeb & Co. From its base in New York, was the main Jewish leader from 1880 to 1920 in what American Jewish historians now call "The era of Schiff."

He served as director of many major corporations, including National City Bank of New York, Equitable Life Assurance Society, Wells Fargo & Company and Union Pacific Railroad.Schiff, who made his fortune in interest - bearing loans was the main actor behind the "Hebrew Free Loan Society" in 1892, an organization that issued interest - free loans only to Jews (which is still in operation!). 

Schiff's descendants exercised some power and influence in its own right, but nothing like the Patriarch. Schiff's granddaughter, Dorothy Schiff, was owner and publisher of the New York Post for more than 40 years. On one occasion she claimed to have "had a relationship" with Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Kareena Gore Schiff, daughter of former Senator, nearly US president. UU., And swindler global warming Al Gore, is married to Andrew Schiff, the great - grandson of Jacob. 

It is not simply that Schiff has exercised enormous power, but rather the fact that their actions, more than anyone, fundamentally altered the course of American history. 

Schiff was really the first true mega-Mogul US Jew (Judah Benjamin had previously directed the confederation). Like the first, Schiff, more than anyone who followed him, was able to harness its power in eternity. That's why the award for "most valuable Zionist" (ironically) must go to him.

Now, let 's review the impressive record of destruction associated with the "most valuable Zionist" Jacob Schiff. 

1897: Jacob Schiff Trojan horse

The Schiff momentous achievement was his role as a "Trojan Horse" which played late 1890. At a time when Jewish influence in America was relatively minor and the very small number of Jews, was Schiff who convinced the former New York governor and then president of the US. UU., Grover Cleveland, to accept a massive wave of Jewish immigration to the US

The Immigration Act of 1897 would have required immigrants to pass a literacy test; something that Russian Jews could not have done. After passing both houses of Congress, the veto of Cleveland, induced Schiff, saved the day for the communist Jews and Zionists from Russia. 

The parting gift Grover Cleveland Schiff was to keep the floodgates of Jewish immigration for 20 years open. 1905: Jacob Schiff weakens Tsarist Russia 

Schiff hated Christian Russia with passion. He worked tirelessly to overthrow the Romanov dynasty and replace it with red Jewish communists. To that end, he personally financed and sold bonds on behalf of about 50% of the Japanese war effort during the Russo-Japanese War. As a result, the war ended with a Japanese victory. Russia 's loss was also facilitated by the child Schiff, President (and former governor of New York) Teddy Roosevelt, whose negotiating intervention clearly favored Japan over Russia. 

The leftist Roosevelt became president after the conservative William McKinley was assassinated by a red conveniently.

Schiff was personally awarded by the stupid Japanese emperor of the Order of the Rising Sun with a medal for his role in ensuring the victory of Japan. 

We say "silly" because the gang Schiff and his henchmen as Roosevelt at that time were already planning the final disappearance of Japan, a process that began with rising naval movements Teddy in the Pacific (Philippines, Midway, Guam, Pearl Harbor) and culminating in the war of Franklin and killer atomic bombs of 1945 (actually it fell under Truman 4 months after the death of FDR).

Schiff Jewish agents in Russia skillfully used the humiliating loss of the Russo-Japanese war as an occasion to launch a communist revolution. The bloody Revolution of 1905 ultimately failed, but the regime of the czar was considerably weakened. 

Many Russian prisoners of war returned home brainwashed after Schiff organize the communist propaganda while in Japanese captivity. The final overthrow of Bolshevik Russia in 1917 owes its success largely to the damage done to Russia by the team of Jacob Schiff and the Red Ted Roosevelt in 1905. 

1907 -1914: Schiff drives the movement of Galveston

Not content with Northeast future floods with the Communists, progressives and Russian Zionists, Jacob Schiff founded and funded the 'Galveston Movement', an effort to settle Russian-Jewish immigrants in southern and western United States. Schiff himself described the effort in an article he wrote in 1914:

"The committee was placed immediately after its organization in communication with the Territorial Jewish organization, which Israel Zangwill is the boss, and an agreement between that organization and the Galveston Committee was established, under which the former pledged to make propaganda in Russia and Romania familiarize migrants with the advantages of entering the United States through Galveston (Texas), rather than through the crowded and congested North Atlantic ports. " 

instead of limiting the arrival of the Jews areas of New York, New England, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the cunning plan of Schiff facilitate the spread of liberal progressive / plague even the most conservative parts of the country. 

He knew exactly what he was doing!

1909-1914: Schiff and his friends control the NAACP 

The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) is the best known African - American organization. What is not widely known is that its founders were all Zionist Marxist! The first Jews were Julius Rosenwald cofounders, Lillian Wald and Rabbi Emil Hirsch. A black Communist named WE Dubois was cleverly presented as the leader of the NAACP. 

In 1914, Jacob Schiff became a member of the board of the NAACP. With a giant like Schiff on board, the organization was now ready for the big time. The money and Zionist influence long dominated organization of "civil rights" That did not elect a president not Jewish until 1975!

By design, the NAACP controlled by the Jews of Schiff away blacks from the positive influence of conservative African American patriot Booker T. Washington, a political black dominant leader who believed in the founding principles of theUnited States and sought to build bridges between blacks and whites . 

Liberal Democrat NAACP represents the opposite of what he represented the Republican Booker T, who was self - sufficiency. NAACP is a white anti-globalist Marxist tool used to divide Americans while wearing a radicalized black voters (who do not care!) Left the political arena. As a result, even today, 90-95% of the black vote blindly for Democratic candidates.

No Schiff and his friends would not have had to Barack Obama! The black communist leader openly handed the black masses to his Jewish teacher. 

1907: Schiff and his friends set the stage for the creation of the Federal Reserve

bankers artificially inflated the New York market with easy loans. When the loans were tightened, the bubble burst. Shares fell 50% and continued tobank runs. The Zionist NY Times and Wall Street bankers used the Panic of 1907 to defend the establishment of a European - style Central Bank (as predicted by Karl Marx).

Several years later, Senator Robert Owen of Oklahoma accused of conspiracy Banksters "The Panic said was caused by a deliberate conspiracy to enrich those who manipulated." JP Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg all declared that the lesson of the Panic of 1907 was that the US They needed a central bank. 

Nine months before the planned crisis, Jacob Schiff warned in a speech to the Chamber of Commerce that "unless we have a central bank to control credit resources, this country will suffer the most severe and far - reaching in its history monetary panic. "was it this a warning or a threat?

The following year, the child Schiff, Teddy Roosevelt, appointed a "bipartisan" National Monetary Commission to study the causes of panic and make suggestions. The Committee Chairman Senator Nelson Aldrich was, whose daughter would one day be the mother of 5 children of Rockefeller: David, John III, Nelson, Winthrop and Lawrence. 

1912: President Taft Schiff removes and installs Woodrow Wilson

President William H. Taft turned out to be a constitutional conservative, and not great "progressive" ruler as his predecessor Teddy Roosevelt. But what most angered Jacob Schiff was the refusal of Taft, who became Schiff in person, to stop trade relations with Czarist Russia. According to sources of Henry Ford, Schiff and his entourage they left the White House. "This meant war."

To oust the popular Republican Taft in 1912, and the company Schiff Teddy Roosevelt recruited to run for president again, as a third challenger. This maneuver split the Republican vote in two, allowing Democrat Woodrow Wilson to steal the presidency. Jewish Wilson presidency would be disastrous for the United States and the world (the Federal Reserve, World War I, the Russian Revolution, Jewish support in Palestine, 1919-1920 Depression).

"Jacob Schiff then returned to New York, (at that time was the head of the American Jewish Committee) and in the house of my father, in thepresence of many prominent men, they decided toget rid of President Taft. They also made plans to get rid of the Republican Party and impose their own party and their own president. They established the Democratic National Headquarters at No. 200 Fifth Avenue, and Henry Morgenthau Chairman of the Finance Committee was made. I was made his assistant. I saw everything that happened because I drove all the books. Jacob Schiff and the Jews began looking fora man to stand as president. They have to Woodrow Wilson, a rascal who was not worth the powder to take you to hell "(Source: Benjamin Freedman)! 

1913: Brother Schiff takes the control of the Federal Reserve

Paul Warburg is widely regarded as the "father of the Federal Reserve." As the first president of the branch of the City of New York, was Warburg who led the new operation forgery, counterfeiting and credit market, while an Anglo - Saxon named Charles Hamlin gave the "Christian" protective cover as nominal president. 

The grand scheme of power Paul Warburg was overtaken by Schiff, at least in the United States. 

Schiff had already been established in New York for 37 years before Warburg came even from Germany. Warburg settled in New York in 1902 as a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co., where he was less than Schiff. Schiff was actually the brother of Warburg's wife, Nina Loeb.

Remember that it was Schiff who called the Panic of 1907 in advance, and also gave an idea of "solution" to these problems in the future. So if Paul Warburg is considered the "Father of the Federal Reserve , " old Jacob would "Grandpa" 

Brothers Warburg, producers of gas Zyklon B

Max Warburg, a leading German banker, and his brother Paul Warburg, who had been instrumental in establishing the system of the Federal Reserve in the United States, were directors of Interssen Gemeinschaft Farben or IG Farben, the giant German chemical company that produced the Zyklon B gas used in Nazi death camps. the gas apparently was produced with the full support of US manufacturers.

"Funding for Adolph Hitler's rise to power was handled through the Mendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam controlled by Warburg and later by J. Henry Schroeder Bank with branches in Frankfurt, London and New York , " wrote Gary Allen. The main legal counsel of J. Henry Schroeder Bank was the Sullivan and Cromwell firm whose senior partners included John Foster and Allen Dulles. 

1917: Red October / Bolshevik Revolution 

As was the case during the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, the chaos of World War I allowed the Communists (Bolshevik) to organize another uprising in 1917. Commanding the diabolic efforts loyal agent was Jacob Schiff, Leon Trotsky, newly restored in Russia after hiding in Brooklyn during the past decade. Czar had been forced to abdicate earlier that year. The provisional government would be overthrown by the Bolsheviks led by Jews.

The following year, Schiff agents assassinated the Tsar and his family. The reign of terror that the Soviets introduced in the future haunt humanity in the coming decades. Tens of millions would be killed! And this could never have happened without the tireless leadership of Rothschild, Schiff and its junior partners. 

Shortly after the Revolution, Russia Schiff rejoined his "loan list

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