
8 de septiembre de 2018


What is explained here is the result of information gathered from various media, which do not necessarily coincide with the reader.

Once you have finished reading have an opinion. The aim of this paper is to clarify certain concepts, not tilt the reader in one direction.

Resultat d'imatges of religion


No matter if you are Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian or any other religion, you should know that all say the same   but explained from different perspectives.

If all religions say the same thing, what sense does it be one religion or another?

The original rules were not the 10 commandments, were 9

These nine standards are lessons with a series of philosophical positions that are designed to achieve mental well - being and growth get   staff


First lesson: you receive BODY, like it or not for the duration of this life

Second lesson: LEARN LESSONS, life is a constant learning experience

Third lesson: NO mistakes, only learning, personal growth is a process of learning errors and      

Fourth lesson: A LESSON IS REPEATED YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN TO BE LEARNED               you will be repeated in different ways but do not stop until you have learned.

Fifth lesson: learning never ends nothing in life is free of lessons, every day you learn something new

Sixth lesson: "There is not better than here" When your "there" becomes "here" will simply "there" and so on. See Lesson Four.

Seventh lesson: OTHERS ARE THE MIRROR OF PERSON TUA                 what you hate or love of others is a reflection of what you love or hate about yourself @

Eighth lesson: WHAT YOUR LIFE JUST DO IT DEPENDS muds have the necessary resources and tools you need you just have to use

Ninth lesson: ALL QUESTIONS YOU DO THE ANSWERS ARE WITHIN YOURSELF @. Trust your instincts and your deepest feelings, they will give you the answers you seek.

Religions were invented so we could have separated from each other, businessmen, bankers are two groups that control us by money. Buy politicians to create laws that benefit them, you thought that politicians make your soul can be free of all restraints? How wrong you ALL THESE SERVING THE VATICAN
 Bankers by controlling your money and the debt owed to them.

Employers by paying your salary, you are busy all the time so you do not think, woe betide you if they find out you're smarter than them, you will not find work.
While you're single, you're in control, you can go and let the employer or you can press it to make more money, but if you marry and have children ... if you marry and have children are lost, as you have mouths to feed take advantage of your weakness they can get off your monthly payment, category or fire you lower yourself by industrial restructuring.


Many of them, the most crafty, not see them  on TV, press, radio ...
If you have the chance to see them you can not identify because you think that they can not be thieves, however if they are.

They may be bankers, politicians, priests of any religion, entrepreneurs prestigious actors and actresses, singers .... Anyone can be a thief.
Resultat d'imatges Kabal
The biggest thief and criminal who has humanity is the Vatican, if you read that right, the Vatican.

This criminal corporation is hiding under a false religion, is believed to be above other religions and rules at will. You might want to stop reading, do not, now comes the good article.

The Vatican by the signatures of personal loans, mortgages, buy property or any other document that you have signed that document can know everything about your life, what you buy, sell, when your child is born ... everything

If your child does not escape its tentacles through civil registration have it, we have followed from birth. Now comes the good ...

YOU ARE multimillionaire and you do not know

You wonder as I'm billionaire and is not reflected in my bankbook?
Cuadno born by the registration number, date of birth and signature of your parents the Vatican opens an account for your child (your not you run away, you too are a child) opening is the initial value of ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($ 1,000,000), this number is increasing every month.

As the Vatican, Other entities (can be companies, bankers, politicians, etc.) open an account in your name with the same value, now you wonder how many accounts I have and how much money I have in them ?, the truth is we do not know but we could talk about trillions


Those who are living in the Vatican are considered untouchable because they simply think they have mastery of all of us. Only 1% of the population believes untouchable, is everywhere, and have control of the economy, governments, businesses, and account for 99% of all the wealth of the planet. The amount of money that moves our view is only 1% of the total, that 99% is hidden in opaque view of the public accounts.

I wonder where these infiltrators are? Rightly I will answer certain names highlighted.

ALL yesteryears
And the list continues until a total of seven million people

NGOs have the orders of George Soros send refugees of war, dictatorships, etc. To create conflict between us, for several reasons: they receive aid denied to you, cause black working (illegally)  lower their wages and your job is precarious ... in short, everything you want to think is true.

There are beings who fight against this criminal organization  of businessmen, bankers, politicians, police, judges, lawyers, prosecutors, which we call CABAL, sers which help us have come from all sides of these galaxy beings are like us and their commander chief sends a fleet of 4,000,000,000 which together form an association that was founded more than 26,000 years ago, this association is appointed Galactic Federation SYSTEMS, CONFEDERATION GALACTICA PLANETS ... of which beings are well known for us: SANANDA (known as JESUS OF NAZARETH) MIGUEL (ARCANGEL) GABRIEL (ARCANGEL AND ANGEL)

Resultat d'imatges of angels and archangels

Resultat d'imatges Kabal

That struggle is being done to our hidden because humanity is not yet prepared, these beings want to free ourselves from the yoke imposed on us the full

How you ask they will if the cabal has this immense power?

This war as it comes from many years, centuries and millennia fight in space and inside the earth, whether inside the earth. Jules Verne was right, the earth is hollow and inside live people like us.

When the war is over, and it lacks little, a number of technologies that have hidden us so we could have controlled will be released.  Some of these technologies are a total of 6,000 ...

Teleportation, this technology instantly brings us to a place we want

BED MED healing machine regenerates amputees members, change sex, height and rejuvenates

Replicator machine duplicates the object by putting it inside, he does not support money to replicate.

Clean Energy: includes light and vehicle fuel . All we can generate electricity and not depend on the company that supplied us, gasoline disappear for another non - polluting fuel.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and include this URL https: // and Copyright notice  

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...