
22 de septiembre de 2018

Warriors of Light - 144,000 represent the number of Elite Light Workers / Elite Warriors of Light

144,000 Elite Light Workers -

144,000 represent the number of Elite Light Workers / Elite Warriors of Light that are guaranteed a mass transfer of wealth that will completely reform and change our world.

These Elite Light Workers will be given the opportunity to invest in the massive transfer of wealth for the greater good of humanity.  Their investment will be bought and paid for with their on money. 

Guided only by "Seers of the Future", ancient texts, their intuition, their hearts and a deep yearning to change humanity as a whole.  This Elite Team lay in wait to unleash massive reform and transformation.  Sent here to perform their duty / dharma and their soul mission. 

These treasures will fund massive Humanitarian projects worldwide. These projects will bring relief to all human suffering and address environmental issues. Everything on God's Green Earth is set to change.  And is currently in the works.

These funds will also be used to completely reform and build new ways of doing business, commerce, health care, spirituality and religion, education, agriculture, the advancement of our technology, how we treat fellow humans to the energy we use and everything in between world wide.  Nothing will remain untouched.

The 144,000 Elite Light Workers that are entrusted with this  assignment are mighty warriors.  You may compare them to a Military Seal Team.  Highly trained highly decorated and able to withstand conditions that would easily crush other warriors.

These Elite Warriors have been tested far beyond this earthly realm.  Many have spent several soul life times literally dirt poor and shunned by society.  They know nothing of greed or corruption.  They have been tested to their very core.  Life time after, soul life time,  after soul life time. 

An excruciatingly painful training process.  Thousands of years in the making.  Many have washed out unable to withstand the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual pain of isolation separation and gut wrenching temptations. 

Their hearts and souls truly reside on Gods counsel.  Currently living on little to no money now in mere survival mode.  Wondering how to pay their bills and feed their families. 

These Elite Warriors of Light are shrouded in torn and tattered clothes overlooked by a blind 3rd eye and society as a whole.  They don't fit into societies "norm".  They ring true to their beliefs and WILL INDEED use their riches for the advancement of our world.

When they make their assignments know to man please bow in reverence to their journeys as truly on high they reside.  They have given up everything and all in this life time and many others to hold such a position in heaven and on earth. 

These Elite Light Warriors will soon shift into their wealth and life as we currently know it WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.

Lea Rowley Shamanic Warrior Woman Channeling the Divine on assignment to change the world.

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