
15 de febrero de 2019

Corey Goode Update: New Briefings

I have been overwhelmed with briefings and new information coming in from Gonzales, the SSP Alliance, Blue Avians and the Anshar.
The Alliance briefings have been sporadic at best, but when they do occur they are filled with gems of new information that correlate with what we are seeing play out in the media in real time.
I recently announced that I had introduced people like David Wilcock and Dr. Salla (Among others) to Alliance contacts. Depending on the meeting/briefing, there were people that were retired Colonels, Generals, and politicians from this and other countries. I have been providing briefings to Wilcock and Salla along with them receiving direct communications and briefings at times from the Alliance.
Over the last month, I have been giving Wilcock a series of briefings that will be integrated into his upcoming highly anticipated article. We expect this next article to be bursting with new information.
I have provided some troubling updates to Wilcock about the SSP Alliance and the recent and tragic death of ‘Sigmon’ during a ‘Dark Fleet’ attempt to destroy the intelligence that was leaked by a former ‘Dark Fleet’ Surgeon who we call ‘Bones’. Some sort of exotic device was used in an attack at LOC Alpha while in a conference room.
Apparently, a ‘bomb’ of sorts had been planted in the room’s ceiling tiles. It was not a chemical explosive device like we would think of but a device that releases a very powerful ‘flash’ of a specific type of radiation. It is meant to destroy/kill ‘organic systems’ (aka living tissue) and not affect technology or infrastructure. The goal appears to have been to kill the SSP Alliance leadership and retrieve the intel and trace it back to those that leaked it. Thankfully, Sigmund had taken precautions with the evidence and it didn’t fall into ‘Dark Fleet’ hands. In addition to Sigmund, I am now being told that a hand full of other SSP Alliance Leadership were killed. I received further information about internal wars breaking out within various SSP’s including ‘Dark Fleet’.
I will be reporting details of this very soon. I was picked up a few weeks ago and taken to the LOC Alpha where I was briefed on the recent attack. In that briefing, I was told that Sigmund had been taken to the equivalent of a ‘safe house’ along with his team where he was in critical condition and didn’t have access to the most advanced medical technologies. This ‘safe house’ was a base that was created out of older space vessels that had been decommissioned.
They found an area underground/within caverns on a local planetary body and docked the vessels together in a configuration and built out infrastructure between them to create a base. I am told that this is the method that most of the ‘Dark Fleet Rebels’ are using to form bases in other Star Systems, rumored to be the closest 13 stars or so. I was also told that I needed to hang on to some of the info from my tour of the Ancient ET structures that are within the Moon until things stabilized with the SSP Alliance.
I am hoping to clear the info soon as this is a topic I would love to cover in our follow-up documentary to ‘Above Majestic, the Implications of a Secret Space Program’ that hit #1 in its category on iTunes and Amazon for 6 weeks. I have also had more Anshar contact than I could ever hope to report.
I have had in-person meetings with ‘El Lil’ (Anshar Elder) and Aree (Anshar Priestess) as well as strange ‘Dreamtime’ meetings’ with Aree where we are in a dimly lit cave. She is not addressing me directly but seems to be teaching or preparing others in the cave.
I looked around and could see features of the other people here and there and realized they were all there to listen to what she said. She was speaking of ascension and the solar event. One of the topics was that most humans are so full of aluminum and other metal alloys, that when the solar event does occur, many will conduct the extremely intense EM energy and cause spontaneous combustion. The topic of purging these metals from our bodies came up as well as the importance of not only staying mentally balanced but also physically balanced (Concerning general health).
I will be sharing much more about these meetings with the Anshar and what info was imparted to me. They discussed that during this time we are our worst enemies in incurring karma during this energetic change. Karma/Trauma healing is extremely important as is being extra mindful of karma. The energies are enhancing 3rd density energies as they begin to drown them out. In that time, black magic from the enemy is more effective/powerful as is our power of consciousness magic. If we could harness those energies now we could manifest amazing things. The fact is, the dark side and the light side are so frazzled mentally from these energies that they cannot focus enough to take advantage of these energetic perks. There are most likely monks in caves that are able to harness these energies but for the most part, I am being told that we are still too far out of tune to harness them right now.
I will get into the details of these meetings as well as some very interesting Blue Avian meetings in dreams very soon. I may be releasing some of it with Wilcock in some fashion as well as Edge of Wonder in future interviews. I have been close to making updates on a few occasions when new briefings changed everything. Please keep an eye out for Wilcock’s new article as much of the recent briefings we have gotten should be included. I hope to make some video’s and post some updates of my own very soon. We are also heavily engaged in working on the Graphic Novel/Marvel situation. As all of you know, they challenged one of our trademarks ‘Return of the Guardians’. We are close to a resolution that will make all parties happy. In the meantime, we are getting the 2nd edition Comic to the letterer and then to the printer and sending those out with the completed Graphic Novel to follow soon after. We are also working on a number of documentary and feature film projects that once announced will excite the community as well as bring millions of more people into this community to then access all of our work on disclosure and expansion of consciousness. We hope to make those announcements and share some of these projects at our Cosmic Waves event in Hawaii (April 8-13 I am also excited to spend time with everyone there on the boats and swimming with the wild dolphins. Last year, I was able to connect with one of the dolphins. It was an amazing experience. I was taken off guard by the mix of extremely high intelligence/emotion and ‘WILD mental energy’ this wonderful being had and it sort of jolted me at the time.
I look forward to experiencing that again but being a bit more prepared for it this time. I would love to see you there. After this year I may be doing far fewer public events as the before mentioned feature film and documentary projects take off.
More to come very soon,
Corey Goode.

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