
8 de agosto de 2019

Message to humanity of planet Earth. Time to go home starts now

You are living an illusion created by your thoughts, everything is created by your mind manipulated by a group of a few individuals which we call Cabal. The cabal is strategically located worldwide such as trade, banking, politics and religion sites. Controlled humanity through the economy, fear and em education schools.  The Cabal created  a secret and dark society which they calledalliance, while the benevolent races united to form the Galactic Federation of Light, also created a command to fight these dark beings. Thus was born the Ashtar Command which is CommanderAshtar Sheran and its subdivisions Galactic Federation Galactic Federation of Free Worlds and Command Estela Vibrational FENIX. 

These commands currently surrounds the galaxy preventing the dark to escape the Ashtar Command has a wide range of technologies, technologies that dark wish to have to continue to have low control humanity. This technology is very advanced in our time can create or destroy entire solar systems. You can change your body and sex by DNA cells, replicate biological objects of non - animal origin, remove any disease, etc. 


Human is a mixture of different dimensions galactic and came to Earth races, only 4 out of 100 are from the Earth, the other 96% came from outside The true human is born in your prehistory: the Cro-Magnon man and homo sapiens. The first area of influence was what is now known as the African continent, while the homo sapiens was located in the Netherlands and central Europe  RACES NEGATIVEArchons Seres parasites occupying a body to survive suckling his energy besides stealing energy people close to him. Symptoms : fatigue, listlessness, bad luck, bad dreams. 
Archons result image

These beings hate and fear dogs and cats, especially if they are black, because these animals discover their presence and may override                                    Archons:

                              Image result gray aliens
                                     Cats are actually alien spiessome famous 

Result image Mariano Rajoy Brey 
                                                                  Result image Theresa May
           Mariano Brey Rayoy                                        Theresa May

Reptilians ( not all)   succumbed to the desire of power away from the teachings of the Creator. You 'll find them in all monarchies ,  costumed human  examples of Reptilian: 
    Reptilian image result     Resultado de imagen de reptilian queen Isabel II
              Barack Obama,                      Queen Elizabeth II        

                            GRAY SMALL 
These beings are manipulated by their big gray older siblings argue and experiment with human beings implanting a chip that dominates the will of the person running this at will and controlImage result gray aliens


Image result gray aliens

                                                Transformation of a gray alien '

s race in addition to controlling the grays have little contact with the Reptilians and the Anunnaki, another galactic species. They are in the upper echelons of power on Earth controlling all the negative racesthe planet.

ANUNNAKI  Original Race Orion Constellation Physical appearance can be high as a tree and change its appearance. Annunaki an example in the Bible: Goliath.                                                                                                     

Anunnaki result image

RACES Benevolent 

Member Name:  Andromedan Star Nations.
Accepted into the Galactic Federation: makes  approximately 3.5 million years.
Location:  The constellation Andromeda.
Distance from Earth:  Approximately 150 to over 4,000 light years.
Type of lifestyle:  Humanoid.
Physical appearance:  Similar humanoid in appearance to Earth humans. Usually they wear traditional costumes jump multicolored Galactic Federation. Andromedans consist of two basic Earth human types:
The first is a Caucasian varying the type called "Nordic" (blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin), to a type "Mediterranean" (light to dark brown hair, gray to brown eyes, tanned skin).
The second is a typical Oriental, with dark hair, dark Asian eyes and a skin color that varies from very pale brown to a dark brown.
The eyes of all Andromedans are slightly larger than those of Earth humans. The lips are thin and pale nearly pink, while the ears are a bit lower on the side of the head and are slightly smaller. Hands and feet are delicate in appearance with long fingers and toes.
Men height ranges from 5 feet, 7 inches to almost 7 feet (1.7 to 2.12 meters). Women range from 5 feet, 4 inches to almost 6 feet, 4 inches (1.63 to 1.93 meters) tall. Andromedan women are noted for their alluring energies and their quite exuberant figures features and special abilities: the  Andromedans are highlighted in the Galactic Federation for their mastery of all forms of scientific endeavor.

                                     Image of tau result Cetians

Average amount of sleep needed:  about 2 hours per day.
Language: the  Andromedans speak a language whose dialects vary from Spanish or Italian - like sound, to one that is more tonal and gutteral in his intonation.
Boat  mothership  and other ships: the  boats Andromedan vary in shape from their traditional explorers boat-shaped hat that measure about 50 to 65 feet (15 to 20 meters) wide, to small boats atmospheric command lens - shaped having up tohalf a mile (805 meters) in length.

Member Name:  The Arcturian Confederation.
Accepted into the Galactic Federation: makes  about 3.75 million years.
Location:  The star Arcturus in the constellation Bootes.
Distance from Earth:  about 36 light years.
Type of lifestyle:  a sentient being like a horse.
Physical Appearance:  Arcturians are a highly sensitive mamíloide species that closely resembles a horse. The body is rather tall and slender with a somewhat stylized horse head. The skin color varies from vanilla shade to a very dark brown. Arcturians possess a mane on the back of the neck and head and an extremely thin tail slightly reminiscent of a horse.
The hands end in 4 fingers that are very long, flexible and extremely thin. Arms, legs and body have a very muscular. Arcturian's eyes are much bigger than those of Earth humans and are pale blue or dark brown. The ears somewhat correspond to those of a horse, but are smaller and rounder than those of their earthly counterparts.
In size, the Arcturians males vary 7 feet to almost 8 feet 6 inches (2.31 to 2.64 meters). Females vary from just under 7 feet to about 8 feet 2 inches (2.11 to 2.49 meters).

                                 Arcturans result image 

Features and special abilities  in the Galactic Federation, Arcturians are known for their mastery of time (galactic calendars, etc.) and their exceptional abilities in science and philosophy.
Average amount of sleep needed:  usually 1 to 3 hours daily.
Language: the  Arcturians speak a tonal language that sounds similar to Chinese or Vietnamese.
Boat  mothership  and other ships: the  Arcturian ships range from a scout boat-shaped diving bell ranging from about 40 to 75 feet (12.2 to 22.9 meters) in diameter, to a mother ship planetary command shaped lens having more than 14 miles (22.5 kilometers) long

Member name:  Nation star Bellatrix. Former member of the League of Orion and this sector's Headquarters for the former Alliance.
Accepted into the Galactic Federation: it makes  three years.
Location:  one of the brightest stars in Constellation of Orion; It is the bright star found just to the right and above Belt of Orion.
Distance from Earth:  a 112.5 light years.
Type of lifestyle:  The main species is the hybrid Dinoide-Reptoid. He emigrated from the constellation Sagittarius about 25 million years ago.
Physical Appearance:  Very scaly and bony. The top of the head is surrounded by a bony ridge. Big red eyes or opaque yellow (which resemble those of Earth's reptiles) are placed just above and on both sides of the very small nose. The mouth has thin lips extending from one side of the head to the other. Ears do not exist: the only sign of them is an extra smooth circle 3 inches (7.62 cm) on each side of the head and just behind the eyes. Flaky skin is like a crocodile, and green, yellow, brown or red. The small bone ridge runs along the middle of the back and connected to the largest peak which is at the top of the head.
Being is bi-pedal. The thin hand has six long fingers with claws. The feet have five toes ending in small , very sharp claws. The very small, thick like a crocodile tail extends only to the feet. The male is lower than the female. The height of the cores varies from 8 to 10 feet (2.44 to 3 meter): females are from 8.5 to 10.25 feet (2.6 to 3.12 meters).

           Bellatricianos result image Result hands image 6 fingers 

Features and special abilities  known for its excellent diplomatic and leadership skills. Paid Over the past six million years, of all the forces of the former Alliance for this sector of the Milky Way.
Average amount of sleep needed:  5 to 8 hours.
Language:  Very coarse and guttural; full of deep growls and hisses.
Boat  mothership  and other craft:  Scout craft look like dew drops and beetles; Ranging from 100 to 400 feet (30.5 to 122 meters) in length. Mother ships range from 1 to 400 miles (1.6 to 640 kilometers) long and look great tadpoles.

Member Name:  The Great Star Union of Centaurus.
Accepted into the Galactic Federation: it makes  1.1 million years.
Location:  The Constellation of Centaurus is located between the constellations of Lupus and Vela. He is best known for its brightest star, the triple star system Alpha Centauri (also known as Rigel Kentaurus). One of its triple stars is Proximi Centauri, which, with 4.3 light years away , is the closest known star to Earth.
Distance from Earth:  4.3 to over 1,000 light years.
Type of lifestyle:  a humanoid species and reptoid.
Physical Appearance:  The humanoid Centauri is a lot like humans now found on Earth. The male is very muscular and well - proportioned with blonde, brown, black or red hair. The eyes have a slightly Asian form or are rounded , and are brown, black, blue, green or hazel. Height, males vary from about 6 feet to about 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 meters). Their skin color can be very dark brown or a slightly tanned white color. The female is also well proportioned but less muscular, and has a range of 5 feet 5 inches to about 7 feet (1.65 to 2.1 meters) high.
The reptoid Centauro has a very scaly lizard - like and muscular body. Its skin color is in patches of green and blue, or red and green. Hands are narrower than those of a human and containing six digits ending in a sharp curved claw. The eyes are rounded and bulged with a vertical slit reptoid type, and are bright red or gold. No tail, but the feet have five long toes ending in the same curved claw. Female, of slightly less than 8 feet (2.4 meters), is slightly higher.


Features and special abilities: the  Centaurs are known for their abilities as great strategists and counselors liaison Federation. They stand for bringing together diverse groups of sentient beings and accomplish their goals in the most peaceful and harmonious manner.
Average amount of sleep needed:  2 to 4 hours.
Language: The  Humanoid language is quite guttural like German, but tonal sounds like Chinese. The reptoid language is extremely guttural and filled with sounds that are difficult to replicate for most humans.
Mother ship and other craft: the  Centaurs have two types of ships visible in Earth's skies. The first boat is a browser-purpose. It is bell - shaped, with acircular shaped lens attached to its bottom a large wing. It is about 45 feet (14 meters) in diameter and nearly 30 feet (9.1 meters) tall. The second is a command ship, shaped like a cigar with a small bulge in the center, and is approximately 200 feet (60 meters)  
in length.

Member Name:  Star-Nation of Mintaka (formerly part of the Orion League).
Accepted into the Galactic Federation: it makes  three years.
Location:  one of the three bright stars in the famed Belt of Orion (the other two are Alnitak and Alnilam).
Distance from Earth:  about 233 light years from Earth.
Type of lifestyle:  primarily a anfibioide species; dinoid hybrids and some reptilians living among them.
Physical appearance:  In many ways, the Mintakans resemble the frogs and toads of Earth. There are, however, some important differences. They are mainly bipedal in stature. Her skin, smooth and hairless, is noted for its iridescent colors, ranging from bright reds, oranges and greens, to yellows and browns.
Unlike amphibians on Earth, the eyes are not too bulky, but they are quite large, 'wraparound' and bright red or greenish yellow, orange. The nose consists of two small slits on a very thin set of lips. The mouth, when opened, is very large and shaped like a frog. The ears are two small round circles on either side of the head.
The head is large and seemingly disproportionate to the rest of the body, while the neck seems not to exist. The body, arms and legs are very muscular. The toes and hands are long, thin, webbed and four in number: the toes have small claws.
Males slightly smaller than females are between 7 and 8 feet (2.13 to 2.44 meters). Females slightly larger, measuring between 7.5 and 8.5 feet (2.29 to 2.59 meters) tall. The Mintakans are also known for a series of three small, thin, interconnected riles running down their backs and end at the top of their head.

                             Result hands image 4 fingers 
Features and special abilities:  Noted for their great skill in psychology as well as in all methods of mental manipulation. They have a large body of scientific knowledge and vast libraries of inner wisdom that go back over 15 million years.
Average amount of sleep needed:  4-6 hours per day.
Language:  Sounds very tonal, but also very deep and guttural.
Mother Ship and Other Craft:  almost appearance of fungus: the big spaceship resembles the end of the movie "Close Encounters". It ranges in size from 50 to 150 feet (15.2 to 46 meters) in diameter. Mother ships are very large, from almost 100 to 1000 miles (160-1600 kilometers) wide. The larger ones are very self -sufficient and are usually kept only in deep space.

Tau Cetians
Member Name:  The Star Nation of Tau Ceti.
Accepted into the Galactic Federation: it makes  almost 2.5 million years. The mamaloides bear shaped (the original inhabitants) permitted a human colony from the Constellation of Hercules to settle on the fourth planet of its system some 2.4 million years ago.
Location:  closest to Earth in the constellation Cetus (whale) star.
Distance from Earth:  about 11.8 light years.
Type of lifestyle: the  conscious inhabitants are a galactic humanoid and mammaloide shaped bear.
Physical Appearance:  Galactic humanoids closely resemble humans from Constellation of Hercules. Three major skin colors: brown (including a copper tone), red and green (light and dark). Brown leather humans have light brown hair coppery, orange or black hair red. Eyes ranging from greens and blues to browns and grays. Males are nicely provided and measuring 7 feet to 8.5 feet (2.13 to 2.59 meters). Women range from just over 6.5 feet to almost 8 feet (1.98 to 2.40 meters) tall. Green - skinned humans have light brown to blond or with green eyes, hazel or green steel blue hair, and have the same relative height brown human skin. Redskin humans have red, orange or blonde hair with red eyes, brown or dark blue, and are also the same size as the other two types of humans. In all cases, females are quite lush.
The mamaloides bear shaped Tau Ceti are huge, furry creatures with small furry tails and bear - like covered brown skin, black or blonde bodies. Heads are bear -shaped but with a smaller muzzle. Teeth resemble those of a galactic human rather than of an Earth bear. The eyes are developed and, like humans, are brown, blue or black. Ears, on the side of the head just above the eyes, resemble those of Earth's bears. Highly sentient Beings walk on two legs, hence have a higher center of bears on Earth gravity. Two muscular arms with paw - shaped hands containing five stubby fingers laden with claws. Very muscular legs end in very short feet with five stubby fingers. Height range of 9 to 12 feet (3.66 meters to 2.74).
                                         Arcturans image result Venusian Pleiadians and Andromedans 

Features and special abilities:  Known for their abilities to design some of the most advanced fleets of the Galactic Federation exploration ships. They are also considered some of the best pilots and navigators of the galaxy.
Average Amount of Sleep Needed:  Average amount of sleep needed: Both species require only 1 to 2 hours per day.
Language:  Human language is very guttural, like German or Arabic. The language of being like the bear sounds similar, but is deeper and more guttural.
Mother Ship and other vessels: the  Scouts are huge boats diamond-shaped plasma of about 200 to 250 feet (61 to 76.2 meters) long. Mother ships are usually the command ships of exploration fleets of the Galactic Federation. They appear a number of blood cells in multilayer stacks of 20 to 50 cells, and vary from 4 miles to 44 miles (6.44 to 70.84 km) in diameter.

Member Name:  Pegasus Star League.
Accepted into the Galactic Federation: it makes  3.78 million years (originally a series of special colonies founded by the Syrian Government Council some 4 million years ago).
Location:  The constellation of Pegasus is a vast cluster of over 1,000 stars, located between the constellations of Cygnus and Aquarius.
Distance from Earth:  between 200 and 3,000 light years.
Type of lifestyle:  There are three main types of humanoids located in this star league. The first type strongly resembles the Sirian human in height and appearance and is divided into the same types of white and blue skin. The second type is a thinner human type with red or orange skin. The final type is a hybrid formed by the dinoide and second humanoid race.
Physical appearance:  The first type resembles that of humanoids settlers Sirius original B: men vary from muscular physiques perfectly formed children 's bodies, and are 6 feet, 6 inches to 7 feet, 4 inches (1.98 to 2.24 meters) in tall, with blond hair and light brown eyes blue to green. The woman is extremely voluptuous in appearance and is 6 feet, 2 inches to 6 feet, 8 inches (1.88 meters to 2.03 meters) tall. They have a clear pale or blue skin extremely white.
The second humanoid type slightly resembles the first in height and / or body types, except for two major differences. First, the skin and the hair is light red or dark orange. Second, the eyes are more like those of a cat and the iris is red or dark blue. This group originally came from some of the most distant stars in the constellation Lyra. 
Webmaster note: these eyes resemble the animated eyes on the website entry 'Members of the Galactic Federation'.
The hybrid third type has a scaly type of skin with more pronounced cat eyes that are red, brown or pale yellow. The body, legs, neck and arms are more muscular than humans and have a number of thick veins like protrusions extending along. Each hand and foot ends in 4 thin, long fingers or toes, with a small claw at its end. Males are between 7 and 8 feet (2.13 to 2.44 meters), while females ranging from 6 feet to 7 feet 10 inches, 7 inches (2.08 to 2.31 meters) .

                                 Result image of people with green eyes and blue skin

Features and special abilities  beings Pegasus are known for their prowess as innovators, scientists and diplomats.
Average amount of sleep needed:  an hour and a half to three hours, depending on the species.
Language: are  two types of languages spoken. One is slightly toned and harmonic sounds, while the other is more guttural and harsh.
Mother ship and other craft:  Three types of ships are operating.

Member Name:  The Confederation of Fomalhaut.
Accepted into the Galactic Federation:  a stellar neutral nation that became a member some 3 years ago.
Location:  the brightest star in the constellation Piscus Austrinus (the Southern Fish) star. Piscus Austrinus is among the constellations of Aquarius and Grus.
Distance from Earth:  about 23 light years from Earth.
Type of lifestyle:  two members. First, a human rebel group from the Pleiades that first colonized Fomalhaut for about 250,000 years ago, and now in the third and fourth planet Fomalhaut. Second, a small dinoide-reptoid Bellatrix in Orion, that colonized the second planet in this solar system some 200,000 years group. The two parties created this Confederation after a series of very destructive wars that ended some 20,000 years ago.
Physical appearance:  the first variety of Fomalhaut humans closely resembles the type of ETs called "Nordic" and are usually blonde with very blue eyes, hazel or gray steel. The men are muscular and measuring about six feet (1.85 meters) tall. Women are very lush and range from 5 feet, six inches to just under six feet (1.68 to 1.83 meters) tall. The second type is darker - skinned and looks almost tanned, with dark hair and brown, gray or black eyes. Same height and appearance on the first type called "Nordic".
The dinoid-reptoid inhabitants of the Confederation are an original hybrid of the star Bellatrix in Orion. Very scaly and bony. The top of the head is surrounded by a bony ridge. Big red eyes or opaque yellow (which resemble those of Earth's reptiles), are large and placed forward, just on either side of the very small nose. The mouth has thin lips extending from one side of the head to the other. Ears do not exist: the only sign of them is an extra smooth circle 3 inches (7.62 cm) on each side of the head and just behind the eyes. Flaky skin is as alligator and green, yellow, brown or red. The small ridge of bone material extends to the middle of the back and connected to the largest peak which is at the top of the head.
Being is bi-pedal. The thin hand has six long fingers with claws. The feet have five toes ending in small , very sharp claws. The very small, thick like a crocodile tail extends only to the feet. The male is lower than the female. The similarities in males Bellatrician Formalhaut have a height of 8 to 10 feet (2.44 to 3m): females have a height of 8.5 to 10.25 feet (2.6 to 3.12 meters).

                                Fomalhaut image result Ans nordicos

Features and special abilities:  Outstanding for its prowess in all scientific endeavors. Now they comprise a large part of the staff first major Science and Exploration Team sent to Andromeda (some 2 million light years from our galaxy).
Average amount of sleep needed:  2 to 6 hours daily.
Language:  Human language is lyrical but guttural: dinoide-reptoideo language is much more guttural.
Boat  mothership  and other ships:  human explorers ships are ovoid, like a drop of water to fall from the tap. Ranging from 60 to 85 feet (18.3 to 26 meters) in diameter. Mother ships look like huge multi - layered cigars and have a width of 2 to 1200 miles (3.2 to 1,920 kilometers).
The scoutships dinoid-reptilians are shaped like huge beetles, approximately 100 feet (30.5 meters) in diameter. Motherships are shaped like amoeba and are between 8 and 900 miles (13 to 14,400 kilometers) wide.

Member Name:  The Procyon star - nations.
Accepted into the Galactic Federation: makes  about 3.5 million years. Initially it settled over 3.8 million years ago by colonists from Sirius-B, as well as hybrid anfibioides-reptoid fleeing galactic wars in the constellation Cancer.
Location:  Just above the star Sirius in the night sky. The brightest star in the constellation Canis Minoris star, Procyon is a binary star with only the inner star or A having inhabitable planets. The Procyon-A star system consists of six relatively small planets. The human colony occupies the fourth planet, while anfibioides-reptoid colonies are in the second and third planets from the star.
Distance from Earth:  about 11.4 light years from Earth.
Type of lifestyle:  Two types of sentient beings. The first is a Lyran-Sirian humanoid type pure. As in Sirius-B they are blue or white skin and are fully aware. The anfibioides-reptoid hybrids are slightly taller than humanoids and have fur green or blue, brown.
Physical Appearance:  Galactic humans of Procyon are typically liran-Syrian appearance and look like typical Earth humans, with two major differences. First, eyes are much larger and appear more alive: color ranges from shades of blue, green and brown. Two smaller ears are attached slightly lower head. Second, the top and back of the head is enlarged to accommodate a larger brain capacity. Like other human Lira-Sirios, males are about 6 feet, 6 inches (1.83 meters) to 7 feet 4 inches (2.24 meters) high. Females shapely are 6 feet 4 inches (1.93 meters) to about 7 feet (2.13 meters) high.
The reptoid anfibioides-beings have a body covered with scaly skin lizard. Bulky brown, yellow or red eyes are set far apart from very thin ridge - shaped nose that ends in two small nostrils slit - shaped. Eyes can move independently of each other. The ears are small ovals 2 inches (5 centimeters) placed just behind each eye. The mouth is a thin slit that runs from ear to ear. The almost round head is in proportion to the body. Small, well - defined neck. Very muscular body and appendices. Four slender fingers without nails. Three long fingers ending in long sharp claws. Very small tail looks like a bump at the base of the spine. Slightly larger females range from 7 to 8 feet (2.13 to 2.44 meters) tall. More compact males are 7-7 feet, 8 inches (2.13 to 2.34 meters).

                                 Procyonans result image

Features and special abilities:  Featured as avid explorers and consummate scientists. They have led some of the most successful previously unexplored parts of this and other galaxies expeditions.
Average amount of sleep needed: the  Humanoids require only about 1-2 hours: the anfibioides-reptilians need about 3-4 hours.
Language:  Humanoid language is very tonal, with few guttural sounds. The anfibioide-reptoid language is tonal and guttural.   

                          Arcturans image result Venusian Pleiadians and Andromedans
 © Posted by Everth THENANSHED Officer 1st Galactic Federation of Free Planets

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