
16 de agosto de 2019

The cabal, control and ascension. Mike Quinsey message

Mike Quinsey message, August 16, 2019                                                  

16  th  August 2019. Mike Quinsey

Many of you know that the Cabal was allowed a comparison to try to prevent mankind reach Ascension freedom. However, they have not succeeded despite use all means at its disposal against you, and were prepared to go as far as to destroy Earth. You had the support of the Forces of Light, but were not allowed to intervene with regard to your free will, but at the same time could help you once you made positive decisions to bring more Light to Earth. In other words, they could not do your work for you, but they could help you succeed and you was. The Cabal threat no longer looms over you, and you have the assurance that such insurance will reach when you know as Ascension. The Cabal still has some power,

Their future is now beginning to take shape and are on track to become Galactic Beings, and that was always envisaged that the future was helping them achieve. In comparison, it is only the beginning of your journey, but now you can actually start and progress grow faster. Currently it comes to finding out the muddle and confusion that exists on Earth. We regret the fact that so many souls do not understand that you are not only part of the whole, but in essence are one.  The differences between all of you because of religion and custom, must be recognized and accepted knowing that there may be also beauty and love in the beliefs of other souls. No need to fight for those who are faithful to the original teachings,

Despite threats of war that are perceived apart from local skirmishes, you will not be allowed topromote it against another nation. Page has passed and no going back to the old ways and wartime. Once trust is established firmly among countries soon they will join for peaceful coexistence and all the trappings of war will be deleted. Humanity as a whole is naturally peaceful and generally have been political, and military despots who have harbored thoughts of world domination through war. Humans are very adaptable and accept the subtle differences between races, and can appreciate their lifestyles and beliefs. In the near future you willchoose those souls who have demonstrated sympathize with your beliefs. Usually only be frowned upon by "self" by placing first "self" is frowned upon, but at this particular time is important to pay full attention to their own needs. Every soul has its own plan for this period and their guides will ensure you adhere to it.

The current cycle is the period of time that craved all the time knowing that there must be something better than a state of almost continuous war, perhaps without realizing it isyou who determines what the future may hold. That is why it is difficult to predict because of time when the potential can change. Your thoughts are more powerful than you think and your influence on events can change the outcome. That's why we have recently emphasized the need for you to be positive at all times. Remember to attract whatever you focus, and that all souls are in different stages of evolution at this time. That's why we are encouraged to allow others to progress at their chosen level at their own speed.

Have you noticed that there is more balance between ensuring that all of you have the same opportunities in life, instead of allowing dominance over others? In part, this obviously depends on how souls can take the changes forward to break the dominance of male souls. Each had qualities that could be used to the advantage of the humanities and has been used to overcome the last hundred years. He has now entered a period with more potential for world peace, and overall female souls are better prepared to establish and maintain it .

Man has always been the warrior and normally even in the physical has been well suited for this role. Napoleon and Hitler were the extreme examples of antichrist, and although both achieved great success in world domination, they were eventually defeated by the forces of Light. All episodes gave the opportunity to all souls involved to clear your karma, that may have accumulated over many lifetimes to have entered what will be known as the beginning of World Peace. No doubt it recalls that the New Age began with the elimination of outstanding karma that gave each soul what we might call a new chance at life. Can you see now how things are guided to obtain the best results, without violating their free will?

As time continues to accelerate, events are also doing the same and the changes we have often mentioned are approaching, the main for you revaluation of currencies. You have to come to give a sense of justice to countries struggling to survive. Clearly, a New Age must address such problems and plans to do so and there will be a big step closer to all countries, achieving greater equality and equity in the money markets. In the past, some countries have been deliberately withheld so that their progress has been much slower. All matters of this nature will be rectified in due time and all souls enjoy a happy and prosperous time.

It is still participating in an experiment was to see how he would handle his freedom to establish their own lives and experiences. With our encouragement and guidance enough, you rose above the lower vibration levels to allow mankind enters the new cycle in which they are now. You could say that has opened the floodgates, has let more light and has risen. Your reward should be able to get more help from their guides and move more quickly to their destination. Regardless of the path you take will result to rise to the higher vibrations. You have reached a level not necessarily owed reach, so you should be congratulated for doing so.

Distractions of those who are still trapped in the lower vibrations should not make waver from the upper path. Every soul is responsible for its evolution, despite the help and guidance are available on the angelic realms. There is no limit to their time in the lower vibrations, because you can go through another cycle if necessary and still benefit from their previous experiences. It understands that a great effort is made to take you through the lower realms, so you're never without help if you need it Just ask and your request will be recorded and permitted karma will get an answer, but not necessarily in the way you wish it was.

I leave you with love and blessings, and that the Light illumine your days and your way to the end. This message comes through my higher self, my Divine Being, and every soul has the same connection with God.

In love and light.
Mike Quinsey

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