
9 de noviembre de 2019

Archangel Metatron: A Channel for the World


I AM a gift to myself and in the world,
I AM a channel of myself and in the world,
As myself I AM all that is the Creator,
All that is the Creator flows through me,
I AM a gift, a channel, and the flow of the Creator,
I invite all aspects of my cells and energy to hear me now,
This confirmation is directed into the depths of my being for awakening, rather than into the world around me for all to see and hear,
I Am as I Am, a reflection and expression of the Creator and all who express the Creator.
Please accept my invocation and awakening confirmation, designed to focus your energies deep within your being, so you may seek your truth and the beauty within. I, Archangel Metatron, wish to remind you of the beauty existing within your being. As well as the beauty which extends through your being into the Creator. The beauty within you is the infinite, glowing, magnificence of the Creator. Something that is unfathomable, yet you live and breath it every day, often without even realising it.
I AM a Gift
Can you imagine you are already everything you seek; you are already the magnificence that is the Creator, you are already connected to and an expression of the Creator? If you are willing to recognise this, you are ready to recognise yourself beyond your personality, your physical body, your circumstances, and even beyond the energy of the Creator you believe to be within you. In doing so, you are ready to seek the beauty of the Creator within you, allowing it to blossom and unfold with ease and perfection. Focusing deep within your being, means that you to some extent let go of your attachment to all you know yourself to be as a physical being living on the Earth, instead you begin to identify with yourself in a new way, which is unique to you. You may recognise yourself as an expression of the Creator, as a gift to yourself and the world. The challenge is to recognise yourself as a gift and uniquely valuable from a space of love and truth within you, rather than from the ego. When your ego is involved your understanding of the oneness becomes askew; you believe you are the one and only, rather than a part of a larger puzzle where everyone is a gift. Recognising yourself as a gift is to recognise the presence of the Creator within you, this is an aspect of your mastery and inner awakening. It encourages you to shift between the energy of oneness and the ego, bringing both into unification, serving their appropriate roles. During this lesson of mastery, you may find yourself lost in illusion of being the Creator’s gift to humanity, then the extreme of experiencing the humbleness of expressing the Creator as an essence through you. When you reach a state of balance within you, your knowingness of yourself as a gift will truly blossom, and your understanding of this will be beyond anything I, Archangel Metatron, can describe to you. By using my invocation and confirmation, repeating it gently, you can begin to seek and explore within you, allowing yourself to study deeper than ever before.
I AM a Channel
If you are willing to explore the magnificent nature of your being, the presence of the Creator within you and your infinite connection to all that is the Creator, you will naturally recognise yourself as a channel. To channel is to be an expression of the Creator, expressing the Creator through all you are as an essence of the Creator living a physical, emotional and mental existence on the Earth. To channel is to distribute what is needed at the most appropriate and divine timing. This is different to channeling when your mind feels it is appropriate or when you feel others need to experience your truth because they need to make changes in their life. To channel is to allow the essence of the Creator to flow through you, while you remain in your power.
It has been said by many that certain souls will come to the Earth as gifts to humanity, channeling the Creator, destined to transform the Earth and life for many. Many people are waiting for these special ones to emerge to make the changes that are needed to the world and bring the healing which is essential. I, Archangel Metatron, wish to share that you are that gift, channel, and special soul that the Earth and humanity has been waiting for to bring transformation and healing. Can you imagine this, can you connect with this, does it feel remotely real? I, Archangel Metatron, also wish to say that your neighbours, loved ones, those in other countries and everyone across the world are also gifts, channels and special souls present to heal and transform the world. Even those who seems to be creating chaos in the world at this time. Can you imagine and connect with this? Could you recognise you are all?
You are all gifts, channels and special souls ready to work in unison as guided to achieve more than is imaginable in the world.
You are a channel for the world; to aid and assist healing and transformation in the world. This is true for everyone, even if you feel you do not know how to channel and have no gifts to share. If you do believe you can’t channel and have no gifts to share, now is the time to seek within you, once you recognise that you are a gift, an essence and expression of the Creator, everything else will unfold. There is simply a need to connect with the presence of the Creator within you. In doing so, you will connect with your truth. Beliefs and fears about not being good enough, not having skills or abilities, not knowing where to start and so forth, will fall away as the truth emerges.
You are a channel for the world, the unique way you bring forth the Creator will heal and transform yourself and many souls on the Earth. This is not a reality only for the select few, it is your reality. I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to contemplate the word and concept of channeling. Let go of everything you know channeling to be and ask within you what channeling is for you, in your reality. Through this discovery, you will affirm to yourself your natural existence as a spiritual being and a physical being on the Earth. Through the invocation and confirmation, I shared with you at the beginning of my communication, I wish to encourage you to recognise yourself anew and to realise yourself in a new light within your reality. You are a channel for the world, what does the Creator wish to express through you? What is blossoming and emerging within you to be delivered into the world? All the questions I, Archangel Metatron, put to you and you seek are all within you. There is simply a need to first recognise yourself as a gift in the purest and more humble way. In doing so you will awaken the truth of the Creator within you, understanding the purpose of the Creator as it flows through your being, connecting with you and so many souls upon the Earth.
Why is it Important Now to Seek Within?
Your own inner power in many ways is so fragile, it can seem as if it is so easily taken from you or given away. To hold onto your power in a world with so many opinions, rules and judgments can be challenging. Rejecting your power can also be easily experienced because of wounds, pain and suffering. Yet you only really know yourself and are yourself when you allow yourself to exist in the centre of your power. Now is the time to do so. When you are in your power you are a gift, a channel and transformational person for yourself and all. You empower others to be the same, you unite the presence of the Creator within you, around you and within all beings. It is time to claim your power and claim all you seek. Thus, you will assist the ascension, healing and transformation of all.
Your constant loving companion,
Archangel Metatron.
» Source » Channel: Natalie Glasson

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