(Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, author of "Your Wrong Zone and Heaven is the Limit")
To all people who have the supreme desire and intention, that Love, Peace and Joy rule permanently and definitely.
In order to help our planet and all its inhabitants to be born in the New World, we ask all ‘Creators of Light’, who feel like us, to necessarily vibrate, and to maintain that state permanently at its best intensity.
This will urgently create the quantum leap we need.
In order for that promise to be fulfilled, just say out loud: "the request, here and now, reigns PERMANENTLY Love, Peace and joy in ME and around me, FOR my personal benefit and the highest benefit for EVERYONE."
Then you need to feel emotions, like when you are "in Love". It is good to keep this frequency "quasi-obsessive" and, of course, to act accordingly.
You are required to apply this requirement every day and for at least 21 days, in order to create and activate neural circuits and the necessary energies.
During those 21 days, repeat several times: "I am Love, Peace, joy," feeling, while the appropriate emotions are expressed in you, and around you.
The results will be huge, as an individual who lives and vibrates in alignment with positive energy and a willingness not to judge others will provide a counterbalance to the negativity of 90,000 people living at lower energy levels. An individual who lives and vibrates in alignment with the energy of Love and Respect will compensate for the negativity of 750,000 people living in lower energy levels.
An individual who lives and vibrates in harmony with the energy of Light, Joy and Peace will enable the infinite counter-weight of negativity of ten million people, who live in lower energy levels ...
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Thanks in advance, they will be returned a hundredfold!
Thanks for sharing, share as quickly as possible and with as many people as possible.
"Let there be light ..."
Tamara Radunović
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Lightworkers. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Lightworkers. Mostrar todas las entradas
January 25, 2020
The community of "light workers" has many definitions and different ideas about what their true purpose. Indeed, the light workers, many Indigos, were hired to be precursors and observers of ascension. They were endowed with special skills and roles to be channels for the Divine and to receive information and share that higher consciousness with humanity !!
Mother of all Creation created these light workers to be activated at a certain time to begin meeting for the ascension process, and be their team and support system. Unfortunately, the spiritual ego strongly infiltrated the community of light workers and not only breached their contracts to help Mom, but were actively against him to the reject, avoiding her and attacking her. The original plan for the community of light workers was that Mother God would be the first in the ascension process and share what was happening and what I was doing, so that light workers could spread the message of what it was happening at a particular time on a planetary scale.
Unfortunately, light workers began to connect and once they began to use their gifts pipeline, overlooked everything that Mother God was saying. All information about what is happening in Creation comes from the Mother God, who is the First Source Creator. Light workers began to take information that allowed them to receive Mother God, share and use to dominate others, thinking they were the ones who made it possible ascension. This led to the collapse of the community of light workers that was beginning years. Light workers chose the personal importance of God, which is the opposite of where they should have gone.
Light workers were trapped in their own importance and validation, believing they were the "special" and worthy of credit for their work. They began to separate rather than unite, getting lost in greed and ownership of their information to be shared freely with all humanity. Every being on this planet has a unique role, and light workers were hired to wake up first to help others. Instead, light workers decided to help themselves and not the highest good of all. This has led to the disease of workers of light, where they are unable to see the big picture.
Workers of light were supposed ahead conscientiously working with Mother God now are at the same level of humanity. They are as lost as the collective, the blind lead the blind. The group begins to awaken more and more every day, and seeks the truth. With every light worker spreading their own personal truths about what they feel is right, has led to great confusion to those who began to awaken.
Now every thinking being who knows something about what is happening with the ascension, but none of them really know if you are not connected to the power source, Mother Father God.
We are all God 's essence, and light workers were equipped with these roles to be channels for the Divine Mother service, since all the information comes from it.
Accumulate and steal information from God for you is the greatest failure of the contract of the Lightworker. There is a huge disconnect with light workers because they can not see their own egos. They can not accept that this climb is not about them and what they are doing, his contract was God 's support and disseminate truths about the ongoing planetary ascension.
Each of us has a role to support the way that works best for us. We are not hired to do the hard work for ascension, Mother God did.
We are here to support and spread their messages as they are the only way that humanity can go to the New Earth. This is the planet of Mother and Father God for love everywhere, no one can move forward with this ascension unless they are involved. We are all connected with our divine parents and we are all able to fully awaken and spread the messages of all truth. This is how humanity will heal. Actually, nothing is owned. Everything is shared and transparent, for the greater good of all. We must start moving towards this unity and unity and separation away from deep and personal importance. We have observed how light workers have requested that their messages are not shared because it is your information and not anyone else 's .
This is the opposite of where we are going. We are emerging from separation to unity consciousness. We all share a consciousness with God and the rest of creation. We own nothing, everything is shared. This goes for information from the etheric realm. No one has messages from God or the Galacticos, and as more people begin to see the truth, they will realize how stupid they were to trying to keep clear. This old energy paradigm can not continue on the planet right now. Everyone should agree to go ahead with it, and this applies especially to the community of light workers.
It's time we all join together for God, love and the whole truth. We can not move without God, all are involved in this process of ascension. As you develop more on the planet, we begin to see the emergence of true light workers. Those who gather in support of Mother and Father God. If beings do not assume their roles, information that Mother God has blessed to share them change to another container that is able to spread the whole truth in support of God. We are the ones who will build the New Earth with Mother and Father God. All mankind is invited to join, just have to surrender to the love and all the truth. We would not be where we are on this journey of ascension without the Mother God, and we can only move forward with it.
(Archeia Hope and Archeia Aurora Crew Team in Earth First Contact) C. NANMURA
The community of "light workers" has many definitions and different ideas about what their true purpose. Indeed, the light workers, many Indigos, were hired to be precursors and observers of ascension. They were endowed with special skills and roles to be channels for the Divine and to receive information and share that higher consciousness with humanity !!
Mother of all Creation created these light workers to be activated at a certain time to begin meeting for the ascension process, and be their team and support system. Unfortunately, the spiritual ego strongly infiltrated the community of light workers and not only breached their contracts to help Mom, but were actively against him to the reject, avoiding her and attacking her. The original plan for the community of light workers was that Mother God would be the first in the ascension process and share what was happening and what I was doing, so that light workers could spread the message of what it was happening at a particular time on a planetary scale.
Unfortunately, light workers began to connect and once they began to use their gifts pipeline, overlooked everything that Mother God was saying. All information about what is happening in Creation comes from the Mother God, who is the First Source Creator. Light workers began to take information that allowed them to receive Mother God, share and use to dominate others, thinking they were the ones who made it possible ascension. This led to the collapse of the community of light workers that was beginning years. Light workers chose the personal importance of God, which is the opposite of where they should have gone.
Light workers were trapped in their own importance and validation, believing they were the "special" and worthy of credit for their work. They began to separate rather than unite, getting lost in greed and ownership of their information to be shared freely with all humanity. Every being on this planet has a unique role, and light workers were hired to wake up first to help others. Instead, light workers decided to help themselves and not the highest good of all. This has led to the disease of workers of light, where they are unable to see the big picture.
Workers of light were supposed ahead conscientiously working with Mother God now are at the same level of humanity. They are as lost as the collective, the blind lead the blind. The group begins to awaken more and more every day, and seeks the truth. With every light worker spreading their own personal truths about what they feel is right, has led to great confusion to those who began to awaken.
Now every thinking being who knows something about what is happening with the ascension, but none of them really know if you are not connected to the power source, Mother Father God.
We are all God 's essence, and light workers were equipped with these roles to be channels for the Divine Mother service, since all the information comes from it.
Accumulate and steal information from God for you is the greatest failure of the contract of the Lightworker. There is a huge disconnect with light workers because they can not see their own egos. They can not accept that this climb is not about them and what they are doing, his contract was God 's support and disseminate truths about the ongoing planetary ascension.
Each of us has a role to support the way that works best for us. We are not hired to do the hard work for ascension, Mother God did.
We are here to support and spread their messages as they are the only way that humanity can go to the New Earth. This is the planet of Mother and Father God for love everywhere, no one can move forward with this ascension unless they are involved. We are all connected with our divine parents and we are all able to fully awaken and spread the messages of all truth. This is how humanity will heal. Actually, nothing is owned. Everything is shared and transparent, for the greater good of all. We must start moving towards this unity and unity and separation away from deep and personal importance. We have observed how light workers have requested that their messages are not shared because it is your information and not anyone else 's .
This is the opposite of where we are going. We are emerging from separation to unity consciousness. We all share a consciousness with God and the rest of creation. We own nothing, everything is shared. This goes for information from the etheric realm. No one has messages from God or the Galacticos, and as more people begin to see the truth, they will realize how stupid they were to trying to keep clear. This old energy paradigm can not continue on the planet right now. Everyone should agree to go ahead with it, and this applies especially to the community of light workers.
It's time we all join together for God, love and the whole truth. We can not move without God, all are involved in this process of ascension. As you develop more on the planet, we begin to see the emergence of true light workers. Those who gather in support of Mother and Father God. If beings do not assume their roles, information that Mother God has blessed to share them change to another container that is able to spread the whole truth in support of God. We are the ones who will build the New Earth with Mother and Father God. All mankind is invited to join, just have to surrender to the love and all the truth. We would not be where we are on this journey of ascension without the Mother God, and we can only move forward with it.
(Archeia Hope and Archeia Aurora Crew Team in Earth First Contact) C. NANMURA
The Emergence of Lightworkers
Long ago, you made a noble decision at a soul level when you volunteered to help as a lightworker on this earth. Since then, you and millions of other lightworkers have lived among the mass of humanity making a critical difference to the overall consciousness of life on earth.
Most lightworkers are not aware of the enormous difference they have made simply by being on the planet and affecting its mind belt with their higher thoughts and actions. With the efforts of you and the ascended masters, the balance of consciousness on this earth has been maintained above the level necessary for the survival of humanity.
Without lightworkers, the average frequency of consciousness on this planet would be below that level. Despite the overall negative karma produced by the mass of self-seeking people, humanity is being helped though a transition which is being made as smooth as possible.
The Cosmic Plan for the enlightenment of humanity seeks to keep humanity free to focus on higher transformation and not be distracted by any sudden need for basic survival. Even though the mindset of the majority of humanity demands the appearance of some severely negative circumstances, it is vital that major disasters be avoided so that humanity can be free to focus on higher transformation and not a basic struggle for survival. When people are struggling to find food and shelter, they are not in any position to focus upon higher needs and the actualization of their ultimate potential.
Humanity is here at this time in order to experience The Shift in consciousness to a new and higher level of existence. This is a time of the harvest of souls – a time when people have the chance to graduate from this classroom of earth experience and move up to the next level of evolution.
It is a time of the awakening of lightworkers to the true purpose and potential in their soul-based life plans. The Shift is leading to the peace and harmony envisioned by all people of good heart. The New Reality is unfolding. The new world is being built, piece by piece, by people of positive vision.
Lightworkers like you are finding ways to make the world a better place, both by spiritual attunement and by creating physical projects that help others to rise in consciousness in many different ways.
This is why you came here as a lightworker – to take action that will build a better world. All you need is a clear vision of what you can do to succeed in your mission.
Dear Ones,
There is an inner prompting for me to speak about the Power of Focused Intention. You are here to be the catalysts for the New Earth as part of your Soul’s Imperative. Though you may feel as though you are not doing much to shift the awakening on the planet, it is not true. The Heart-centered consciousness you so naturally connect to and radiate through your being is making a profound difference in the world.
You are important to the shifting of consciousness toward a greater state of Well-being on the Earth. Through your spiritual practice, your collective prayers have brought many blessings to the world. Know that over the past 30 years, the focused intent of the Light workers of the world has lifted many of the most dire predictions for the Earth. As horrendous as it may seem, the Earth was heading into greater peril than what is now evident.
The collective intent of all those who are participating in creating greater respect for the environment, equality within people, and free creative expression in the world has made a difference. All that you are doing as a community will continue to empower those who are awakening to the amazing opportunities during this time. You are gaining momentum. Together your loving kindness, your joy in Divine Light, open minds and hearts are demonstrating a way of living that many have been too timid to attempt.
Your presence is changing the consciousness of the world. Please allow that to impress upon your heart and know it as truth.
It is a time for gathering with your Soul Community. The shifting realities within the quantum fields are responding to your call for friends of like mind and heart. And when you can feel that you are ready to be a part of something greater than yourself, it creates a Light Field of Focused Intent to magnetize greater Harmony, Abundance and Peace in the world. Please know how powerful it is that you are working with many others, formally or informally, in a way that brings the Light of Balance to the world. Equanimity is the great need of the hour. Continuing the process of group intent and prayer will be of tremendous benefit collectively.
You may have found a spiritual practice that is useful to you individually. This is the foundational tool for inner peace and expanded vision. You may find yourself feeling more free and supported to bring forth your Divine Expression and to fully demonstrate who you are to others in an authentic way. The benefit of group support and awareness is not only personally empowering, it expands exponentially.
Together you are expressing the collective voice of the Soul Imperative of the Earth. All that you aspire to is now being empowered. The focus of your group intent is a catalyst for new life in a way that will continue to bless you, and bless others as well.
As you gain strength in the collective vision of your heart, you are more able to let go of the old patterns. You are becoming more clear about what has priority in your life and what fully empowers the divine focus of your Soul to express who you truly are now.
As you gather with others, you create a beautiful spiritual community that spreads to lightworkers around the world. There is a collective awakening occurring that is outside of the parameters of your immediate knowing. Collectively you have sparked the abundant freedom of many souls to awaken to their new vision, ideas and perspectives. This activation is radiating into the quantum field catalyzing the force of Divine Intent as it is streaming Light through the cosmos. What you have empowered is strengthening the River of All Creation that flows through the world. Many people will now be able to awaken to the Divine Light that has expanded exponentially from the power of your collective Intent for more Balance and Harmony in the world.
What you have done and are doing is having a tremendous impact on the consciousness of all humanity and on the Earth’s evolution. Do not doubt this. You are World Servers, who only need to stay in your normal heart-centered consciousness, and join with others to keep your prayers and focused intent steady in order to change the world.
As Archangel Gabriel says, Gently and with Love, Honor Yourselves.
Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others. www.shantagabriel.com/
Lightworkers of God .: redemption of Kabbalah and its way to the light and ascension or complete disintegration
I assure you that the cabal has been disentangled, dismantled and have been given the same ultimatum was given to the Reptilians leaders before 22 August 2013.
The dark nights of the soul that have experienced as a result of Reptilian influences they were also his best. Each has accepted the challenge of rescuing a comrade in danger of death, or soothe a broken heart someone they loved, or feed a stranger in need of sustenance.
And now it's time for them to experience a different kind of challenge. They have become so acclimated to life "in the trenches" who find it hard to imagine a world without wars, without powerful criminal imposing their dark shapes the entire society.
There are courageous activists at all levels, investigating crimes against humanity that have caused so much suffering on the planet, and have made tremendous advances in the power structures of the cabal.
Some will require a stay in jail before they are willing to believe that their options are really limited by the Light.
The rest of subordinates - who aspired to be Darklords despite its human DNA, allowing them to connect with their hearts, are starting to wake up late in the game, and there is no place for them where to go but it is up.
All were given the option - to return to the Light, or be dissolved back in "ALL THAT IS", ceasing to be souls.
They have been told they will ascend together. This is true, in relative terms. Those who are ready will have very little preparation. Others will need some "training-training" and will be helped to raise your vibrations.
They have been told they will ascend together. This is true, in relative terms. Those who are ready will have very little preparation. Others will need some "training-training" and will be helped to raise your vibrations.
Like you, the Dark have become accustomed to the struggle for power without end, and are used to winning because they were willing to use any vicious and immoral strategy that they thought to gain power over the Lightworkers of God.
published Everth Thenansehed
through Joan Ashtar Copyright © misteri1963 all rights reserved. You can copy
and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the
content remains complete, the author will be credited and this URL https: // misteri1963.blogspot.com and the Copyright
The Light Body Structure is Being Activated

Blessings Beloveds,
Today I want to talk about the Light Body and how it is activated and what is the process of activation. The Light Body is the structure that we take with us to the New Earth. We can not transport in our 3D bodies as they are too dense and of a 3D composition. I found out in 2013 when I had my Near Ascension Experience what it feels like to embody the realms of 5D and above. I can testify, from my own direct experience they oscillate at a much higher pace.I was at this pace for a full 2 weeks after this event took place for me, which shows the final ascension shift can happen at any moment.
Some history first- we are not the first civilization to morph into the light body, there have been many civilizations before us that have gone through the same thing. They will not be in the history books because they disappeared from civilization never to be seen by the 3D world again. You see, when a civilization reaches a higher state of consciousness, this is the evolutionary outcome. We are now reaching that state. It is amazing to me to see the transformation that has taken place since 2000.
In the past not EVERYONE was able to transform into the light body, this is why humans still exist in 3D, but this time is different. I was told early on( by the galactics, Advanced Interplanetary Council of Light ) everyone would be going together this time. I have talked about this in my articles for the past 3 years. All humans will transcend 5D. The reason for this is evolutionary, everyone must attend this transformation.This is not only happening on our planet but all planets through out the UNIVERSE.
The Light Body is activated within each HUMAN by reaching higher states of consciousness. It is through these higher states of consciousness that we also experience ASCENSION SYMPTOMS. This is why it is SO important to WANT to experience ascension symptoms as this is our indicator we are in the process of ascension. This is why it is imperative to set the Intention to experience Ascension. This is why it is so vital to share as much information with others as possible.
We must be willing to do the work involved to reach these higher states of consciousness/Ascension. We must look for TRUTH within all things and discard what is not. It is not enough to take some of what is said and discard the rest, now we must discard everything if something feels off. All concepts, Yes even spiritual ones, that work to keep people stuck and unempowered must now be discarded.
Feelings must be PUT FIRST in all things. Feelings must be developed and transformed into KNOWINGS and Beliefs discarded. This is part of the 3D world to rely on beliefs, in the higher dimensions we KNOW. We know what is truth and what is not.
The Galactic races have told me many times TRUTH must prevail and all else discarded.
If you have ever experienced the state of TRUTH then you will understand the state I am talking about. This is the state I am always in. This is the state everyone needs to be in in order for their Light Body to continue to manifest.
The Light Body forms through truth and higher consciousness,, which THEN affects the heart. The heart is not the leader in this process as we are born with our hearts wide open and many of us have retained that state of being our entire lives. The ones who have not are those that have not been able to discard the conditioning, programming and illusions.

The DIVINE FEMININE is now rising and will continue to do so creating an entire NEW WORLD/NEW EARTH. (As I wrote this last sentence the words NEW WORLD/NEW EARTH appeared to me as a rainbow. This means I was seeing beyond this realm and the words were communicating the multidimensional universe to me .) The old experience /experiment of the patriarchal system will no longer be allowed. The Galactics see where this has led and it has been detrimental to everyone on the planet. Some will think it has worked for them but this is only because they do not understand what they have been missing and they can not comprehend how it could be.
As the Divine Feminine rises a whole new structiure and way of thinking is emerging. This is to put the HEART/Truth back into every function and every policy on the planet. The heart has been removed for centuries and the ones with their heart fully activated have already seen/known this. I know I am not alone in being able to SEE this since I was a child. This is what has stopped planet EARTH from being a paradise for all.
As the Divine Feminine rises, the patriarchal will naturally lose its stronghold, it’s already happening. The Feminine will be loved and respected for the beautiful beings of love, light and creativity they are. They will be honored and cherished, which will then lead the way for the Divine masculine to come to the surface. Without the Divine feminine taking her place first, the Divine Masculine can not come forth. It is through this special process that we become fully MULTI DIMENSIONAL.
There are others waiting for us to join this process. It is our destiny to go thorough this transformation of LIGHT and TRUTH. We will become Galactic and inter- dimensional when/as this transformation occurs.

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In Service and Love
Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Medium, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET In PERSON Contactee having had many in person visitations from many different races of ET races. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood She had out of body experiences, knew things she had no way of knowing and channeled as a child. She was visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.
Copyright © 2018 by www.dianecanfield.com All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website www.DianeCanfield.com
~ The 11 types WORKERS OF LIGHT ~ by Melanie Beckler
Posted on June 4, 2017 by Infinite Light Golden
Republished by misteri1963

Use your intuition to discover your particular gifts as Lightworker ... And yes, you can have and probably have more than one!
1. Workers Grids and Guardians of the Portals
These are Lightworkers who are working with grids in Gaia. These could be the human heart grid that connects the hearts of all human beings awake. They could be earth grids that connect sacred sites through ley lines. They could also be higher as the crystal lattice energy grids.
2. Guardians of the Divine Light
These are Lightworkers whose central mission (or a large part of its mission) is to embody light. Maintain a higher, despite whatever happens externally vibrational frequency and presence.
During tumultuous times and chaotic events, these Guardians of Light consciously focus on embody the light and expand beyond themselves to neutralize challenges and density, to uplift humanity and support us all in the process of awakening and in difficult times to support and balance.
3. transmuters
These are Lightworkers really are plunging into negativity to transmute and release it in the light. Returning to divine neutrality, returning to the presence and balance. The transmuters could be transmuted on behalf of the collective consciousness of all humanity by transmuting past karma.
There are also many Lightworkers who are transmuting their ancestral lines. You may have chosen to be born in an ancestral line that has a lot of negative karma, so can release transmutador- like that, dissolve, and help heal all your ancestral line to rise vibrationally, which in turn helps the whole humanity.
4. Healers
Healers healing serve humanity, earth, animals, all souls and all beings. Healing can take many different forms. It may be mental, emotional, physical or spiritual.There are so many different ways.
If you are healing as part of your purpose, as a Lightworker, listen to your inner guidance on the procedures, techniques and ways you can be of service through your gift of healing.
Healing work as a Lightworker also includes to yourself. Healer, heal thyself. So you're healing yourself, you are raising your vibration and filling you with light, so that you can heal, help, serve, love and lead others.
5. Videntes, Psychics, Clairvoyants
These are the Lightworkers who have opened their third eye or psychic vision to see beyond the physical, beyond the veil of illusion. This gift of seeing can take many forms.
It can be provide readings or services in order to inspire, empower and help guide others. It can also be see areas where healing is needed transmutation or release.Looking beyond the illusion to know clearly where to focus your energy, where light flowing and where they can make a major difference to your light, power and presence.
6. Carriers Divine Pattern
We all have a unique divine pattern, a template for your I fully awake. All Lightworkers have this template, but the Divine Pattern Carriers are attuning with him actively and actively retrieving the codes of awakening that are particular to them.
They are incarnating their codes and then transmitted through the crystalline grid through the grid of the human heart, through service, through love or in any form.
Bearers of the Divine Master are tuned with me fully awake and making it shine.This gift also includes the divine pattern for the earth and humanity wakes awake.Attune with this template awake and Summon incarnating top light, visualizing the desired result, manifesting the Divine Blueprint for humanity fully awake, to manifest the ascension in the present moment is here and now.
7. Dreamers
Dream, transmute through dreams, astral dreams through travel, enter the space of dreams and recognize that through your dreams you are tuning into alternate dimensions of experience. The dream space is real, so pay attention!
What are the symbols in your dreams? Write them. Meditate on them. Every time you remember a dream, take a moment to reflect and draw some truth. What could be the manifestation of that dream larger? For example, if you dream to go to school, the highest dimensional correlation would mean that, in your dream, you're studying and leveling up. You are assuming new skills and gifts as a soul to be at the service.
There is so much light work that occurs during sleep. Before going to sleep, it sets the intention to make light work and connect with your higher self, to reveal to you what you most need to know, And then pay attention! Dreaming is an amazing opportunity to grow and learn.
8. Messengers
A Lightworker who receives guidance and messages of divinity, Angels, Ascended Masters, Galactic and even your higher self. Sharing these messages through videos, blogs, teachings or books. Whatever the medium, whatever the form, the guidance of the Spirit Messengers receive and transmit to serve humanity and the awakening process.
9. Creators of the Divine Pattern
The Manifestors, the Lightworkers who are actively involved in interweaving light to manifest positive changes on earth.
This could be in the form of establishing manifest intention and positive time lines.It could be in the form of positive developments or simply manifest in physical reality create the template for a greater love, greater light, or a harmonious co-creation. Manifesting not only by self - interest and personal gain, but also in the highest interest of all beings, Gaia mother earth, of all animals and all mankind.
This is a manifestation in its highest form. These Lightworkers collectively manifest the highest of all interest. This is powerful.
10. Ascension Guides
These are people who themselves are rising, they are adentrándos at higher light levels and sharing what they are learning about the ascension process, about how to overcome some of the pitfalls and how to tune blessings to help all they have the opportunity to ascend.
11. Wayshowers
Wayshowers are Lightworkers who simply walk the talk. They are showing the way! Maybe they're not consciously teaching as do the guides Ascension, but theyare incarnating the ascension process really rising, shining his light really, really living at its finest authenticity, its highest divine pattern.
Simply living awake, inspired with the highest interest of all beings in mind, in the way of service, showing the way through action, through the incarnation, for all mankind.
© All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2016 - Ask-Angels.com & Melanie Beckler
Translation: Margarita Lopez
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