
22 de junio de 2020

Who are the Pleiadeans 5 «Alcyone, the Pleiades and types of Pleiadian Tribes»

Tayamni is a term coined by the Natives for "White Bison". It is the constellation made up of the Pleiades as its head, the 3 stars of Orion as its spine, Betelgeuse and Rigel as its ribs, and Sirius as the Tail. Uniting all these star points, they form the image of the great "White Bison" Constellation; but today human Astronomy calls it as Constellation of the Bull, or of Taurus, or Tau.

Around 1,000 twinkling stars, among blue giants, white and brown dwarfs, make up the stellar Multisystem or Multiverse known as «The Pleiades», of which this Universe of which the Earth is part together with its Sun, called as OR 5, is the Eighth Universe belonging to it, and it circles around the central Sun Alcione / Alcyone in about 25,920 years (See image).


The central Sun of the Multiverse, Alcyone, is an eclipsing binary star, composed of two giant spectral type B Suns, separated by 0.031 arcsec. Alcione's high speed of rotation at 200 kilometers per second, has caused gas to be released from the star's equator and form a disk / ring around it, like Saturn's; unlike Alcyone's they are radioactive, and not merely physical chemical like Saturn's.

Around Alcione A, there are three companions: Alcione B, Alcione C, Alcione D. The first two are white spectral type A0 V and magnitude 8, separated from the main star 117 and 181 arcsec respectively. Alcione D is a Delta Scuti variable, whose magnitude ranges from + 8.25 to + 8.30 in a period of 1.13 hrs. Alcione D is a star of the main sequence of type F2 of magnitude + of 8.7 separated 191 arcsec from Alcione A.

• Constellation: Taurus
• Ascension: 03 hrs. 47 min. 29.1 sec.
• Declination: + 24 ° 06 '18 "
• Distance from Earth: 400 light-years
• Visual magnitude: + 2.85
• Absolute magnitude: - 2.41
• Luminosity: 1,400 Suns / 2,400 times more than the local Sun of the Earth
• Temperature: 13,000 ° K
• Radius: 8 Soles
• Mass: 7 Soles
• Spectral type: B7 Ille
• Radial speed: + 10.1 km / sec.
• Rotation speed: + 200 km / s


Stars between blue, white and brown colors make up Las Pleiades, located in the Ojo del Toro / Tauro / Tau constellation, 440 light-years from spacecraft travel from the Earth, just seconds away Astrally. The temperature and / or luminosity of the Pleiadian stars / worlds is between 150 to 1,225 ° more than the local Sun of this Universe.

Of the stars or Pleiadian worlds that stand out the most and / or are seen with the naked eye from Earth, there are 8:

• PLEIONE: At 440 light years, with 190% more luminosity and 3.5 times mass than this Sun.

• MEROPE: At 400 light years, with 600% more luminosity and 4.5 times mass than this Sun.

• ELECTRA: With 1,225% more luminosity and 5 times the mass of this Sol.

• CELENO: With 240% more luminosity and 3 times the radius of this Sol.

• TAYGETA A: At 406 light years, with 600% more luminosity and 4 times more than this Sol.

• TAYGETA B: With 150% more luminosity and 3 times radius than this Sun.

• MAIA or MAYA: At 440 light years, with 660% more luminosity and 5.3-5 times mass than this Sun.

• ATLAS: With 940% more luminosity and 5 times mass than this Sun. It is accompanied by its binary Star Atlas B.

• SIRIO: It is a trinary constellation made up of Sirius A, Sirius B and Sirius C. It is also part of the Pleiadian Multisystem. Sirius A is a twin Sun of Sun OR 5 - the Sun of Earth.

Twelve Pleiadian worlds or spheres harbor human crystallized life forms, while others such as Sirius A, B, and C and Orion inhabit feline humans, canine humans, bird humans, snake humans, and, specifically or crystallized, animals and cetaceans. In others, there are subtle intelligences in forms of Energies with their own Consciousness. They have the ability to incarnate in the ways they wish and / or see fit to do so, although they generally find no reason to do so, since they are Fifth Consciousness or Dimensional penta.


There are 6 types of tribes or orders among the Pleiadian Beings:

• The ARIANOS: They are philosophers, thinkers and dreamers, with emotions equal to the human being on Earth. Some of them would not fight under any circumstances.

• The ALDEBARANES: They are a group of rebel Pleiadian warriors who handle themselves autonomously, they usually make alliances with the Reptilians (human serpents) or other races to achieve their objectives, however without protecting each other or mixing with their allies. They are not subject to the non-interference policy; They would come to Earth or go to another world to rescue other Pleiadians or ships belonging to the other groups wherever they were.

• LOS ALDERONES: They are warriors, but also thoughtful. They are the middle ground between Arian philosophers and Aldebarans soldiers. They contacted Hitler and sent him to protect and promote the Aryan race. They believed to protect their brothers, and sometimes they took their intentions to extreme racial points.

• NEVERONES are declining on the bright side, at the pole of Light. Neverona politics is strictly non-interference on the politics, systems and evolution of the worlds.

• The LEVERONS or LEVIATANS (human snakes): They represent the archetype of evil, it consists of the alliance of reptilians with the grays, they come from the Draco Major - Orion sphere, which is why they are also known as The Levers - The Orion Alliance . They are extremely destructive and negative. They would destroy, or have been destroying the humanity of this Earth for millennia to achieve their objectives, and are supported by the Principle "The end justifies the means."

They want more interference in the Cosmos, direct everything; and as for the Earth, they have wanted and still want to annex it to the Draconian empire of the dragon God Jehovah / YHWH. YHWH is a group of Beings among amphibian humans, snake humans and dragon humans. These are also anthropomorphic, they have the ability to transform reptilian or human from their natural forms and vice versa. They influence very unnoticed and subtly through air pollution (chemtrails), aqua and fluorinated products, transgenic foods, music, television, sounds, images, shows, politics, subliminal competition of football and struggles like WWE, misnamed "sports"; religions; the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) - Machines to manipulate and control the weather / climate; the Blue Beam (Blue Ray Project) - Projector of holographic images such as UFOs, famous people and others; the HTC (Hadron Collider) - Portal Opener; the current 5G (Fifth Generation) - High frequency range of telephone transmission and, Biological electromagnetic radiation; abductions; control chip implants and many others; reason why the current battle for planet Earth is brewing. the current 5G (Fifth Generation) - High frequency range of telephone transmission and, Biological electromagnetic radiation; abductions; control chip implants and many others; reason why the current battle for planet Earth is brewing. the current 5G (Fifth Generation) - High frequency range of telephone transmission and, Biological electromagnetic radiation; abductions; control chip implants and many others; reason why the current battle for planet Earth is brewing.

• THE GALACTIC FEDERATION: In this group are the representatives of the different worlds and Universes.

The so-called "Seraphim, Cherubim, Archangels and Angels" are a set of civil entities and military orders that correspond to hierarchies and members of this Galactic Federation. "Although a few of them are allies and servants of YHWH's empire and work before man on their behalf."

The Hebrew term to refer to the entire set of YHWH is ELOHIM. And to refer to only one of them is Elí or El. The Migu-El, Rafa-El, Uri-El and Gabri-El are human beings and animal beings recruited in the service of the YHWH group; and these of the set were called by their created Sumerian Adapites (Adam and Eve) as "An-unna-ki", translated as: "Those who came down from Heaven to Earth".

 Each of the four cited archangels is of a different race and star system than the other three; they have between human, feline-human, bird-human and reptile-human forms. In this case all those archangels and angels whose names end in "El", are in command of one of those Anunnaki / YHWH / Jehovah leaders.

The Galactic Federation patrols the skies under four major Star Systems. And this collective of vigilante races allied to the Anunnaki, the so-called Archangels MIGUEL, RAFAEL, URIEL, and GABRIEL, are components of those Four Star Systems by mandate of the YHWH. Which means that this Galactic Federation is not entirely "impartial and non-interfering":

Miguel's species and family are HUMANS, and are found in the Aldebaran Star System, in the constellation Taurus de Pleiades, Alfa Tau, located to the east of the galaxy.

Rafael's race and family are FELINOS, and they are found in the Régulus Constellation, of the Leo constellation, Alfa Leonis, they would be located in the North.

Uriel's species and family are BIRDS, and are found in the Antares Constellation, in the Scorpio constellation, west of the galaxy.

Gabriel's species and family are SNAKE-AMPHIBIANS, and are found in the Fomalhaut Star / Constellation / Star System, of the Austral Fish constellation, located in the southern galaxy.

These four constellations, outside or beyond those who belong to them, belong to the YOD hierarchy: The "masculine" aspect of "polar and dual existence". The permanent seed of the galaxy, the cosmic Christic plasma, the Consciousness of those who reorganize the cosmological planes and expand the higher Consciousness in the galaxy. They are logos of Unity, love, and Light that acted on the earth in different periods:

Aldebaran exercised his ministry approximately 3,900 to 3,300 years BC, in the astrological time of Aries.

Antares fulfilled his ministry some 3,052 years ago, in Libra.

Fomalhaut marked in Capricorn 2,582 years ago BC

Regulus ministered in Cancer time about 2,345 years BC)

In the Koran - Torah - Talmud - Bible and other parallel books, these four stars are represented as the horses, which is manifested both in the famous four horsemen of the Apocalypse or Revelations 6, and in the horse chariots in the book of Zechariah of the Bible.

The hierarchies of civil and military entities members of the Galactic Federation are divided into: Seraphim, Cherubs, Thrones, Dominations, Powers, Virtues, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.

The Seraphim are also known as the Seraphic Hosts - Order of angels dedicated to focus the Flame of purity and consciousness of the Great Central Sun Alcyone and throughout the cosmos on the planes of Spirit and Matter. They serve the Flame of Ascension in the Temple of Ascension.
The Cherubs are an Order of Beings dedicated to the expansion and protection of the flame of love. On this, the cherubs of the Anunnaki in Adamic times were the guardians who were to the East, called by them as the entrance of the Christ consciousness of ancient Eden, as is the Ark of the Syrian-Pleiadian Alliance for example / the 13 Crystal skulls. Throughout the cosmos the Cherubim are found performing multiple aspects of services to the Galactic Federation and man, while others do it by their Anunnaki allies to gain followers.

The Archangels are Angels who have passed certain advanced initiations that qualify them to direct minor angels and bands of angels. Each of the seven Rays, related to the seven human chakras, has an Archangel who, together with his divine complement, an Archangel who presides over the angels who serve in that Ray.

The Angels. It means "Angle of Divine Consciousness." They are aspects of His self-perception; individualization of the Creative Fires of the Cosmos. The angelic hosts are an evolution distinguished from human evolution by their brand-new individuality and by the purity of their devotion to the Divine and to the divinely free Beings whom they serve. This means that if a human is as pure as possible, he can have an angel as his helper to assist and be assisted. The functions of these Beings is to concentrate, intensify or amplify the Universal energies for the benefit of all perceivable Creation.

These representatives of the Galactic Federation work somewhat neutrally on free will and also on the policy of non-interference, "although not as rigid as the Neverones." There is a convenience code that allows them to interfere in some respects, and one of them is either to maintain Cosmic balance or to save a representative of yours. And if the combat cruiser of some representative race of this Galactic Federation were lost in Terra or another world, they would not fly a city to recover it, they would only send reinforcements to destroy the ship and thus avoid passing to other hands for investigation and misuse .

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