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Since its inception Microsoft has collected data from our computers, only now it would become legal, since by giving "OK" to the contract we would be allowing the company to make ALL our information no longer private.


Hard Zone

If you have not yet upgraded to Windows 10, you may be interested in reading these lines before even considering it, because from our personal point of view the "free" upgrade to Windows 10 is not as profitable as they want us to see, at least not in terms of privacy. At the beginning of the month we already prepared an article to tell you how to "tame" Windows 10

once installed, and there are many configurations (and other things) that put the user's privacy at risk. In fact, Windows 10 is a real disaster in this regard, since practically every mouse movement, every keystroke and even images from our camera are sent to Microsoft's servers, even if we disable it and against our will.

Windows 10 is a real trap for users
Since its launch, Windows 10 has become a major headache for computer security specialists. According to the latest discoveries, Microsoft's operating system is in continuous communication with the company's servers, sending them our private data, and it even does so even if we disable these options.

And it is that in an ArsTechnica publication it has been discovered that although we deactivate these options to send anonymous data to Microsoft, Windows 10 continues to do so, and they are not anonymous at all. They claim to have analyzed the data that comes out of our system with Windows 10 and have found that data relating to:

Our personal data is sent to Microsoft servers .
Our passwords.
Every keystroke that is made.
Images taken from the webcam. In this last regard, the analyst was surprised to find that as soon as he connected a USB camera to the Windows 10 PC, the system sent 35 MB of data to Microsoft's servers. In fact, the user's voice is even sent to Microsoft even if Cortana is disabled. They have detected more than 80 MB of transfer to Microsoft every 15 minutes, so imagine.

And the most worrying thing of all is that the data is sent to Microsoft's servers even if we work under a proxy server (it somehow skips it).

Microsoft the Evil Doctor
This situation honestly seems to us like a James Bond movie plan (or Austin Powers) in which Microsoft is the Evil Doctor, the evil “bad guy” unscrupulous when it comes to carrying out his perverse plans.

This situation has already been reported to Microsoft, and the company has not yet commented on it (perhaps it should be reported to an official body). I don't know about you, but for the moment Windows 10 is not going to enter my home (only in the test bench because I have no other, but it will be disconnected from the network).

Sources: told-not-to-windows-10-just-cant-stop-talking-to-microsoft /

The note says: "Windows 10 is not going to enter my home (only in the test bench because I have no other, but it will be disconnected from the network)", apparently this decision does not help much, both for Win 10 as for the other versions, since for a long time it has been said that the hard can connect to the network wirelessly, even when we disconnect the PC from the modem and this in turn from the network.

Who only now finds out that ALL the information stored and / or transmitted through electronic means is permanently scanned by the system, has learned the truth with a few years of delay ...


Emotions in the Digital Age ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

emotions communication in the digital age - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have taken an interest in the ways in which you all communicate with each other, and we recognize that there have been a lot of changes over the years in regards to the types of communication devices you have had available to you. You now have several ways to get a message to someone else or to talk to someone else instantly. This brings you closer together as a collective.
Yes, that face-to-face contact is still ideal, but there are distances between you and your loved ones because of school, travel, work, and for a variety of other reasons. Isn’t it wonderful that you have the opportunity to connect so easily with one another in spite of those distances? Now, it is ideal for you to be able to talk about your feelings with one another. It is preferred. It is healthy. It gives everyone else permission to talk about their feelings, and believe it or not, your technology is assisting in this regard.
If you only had face-to-face contact with others as that one and only opportunity to share what you were feeling, then the likelihood that you would share it would diminish greatly. But because you can send a text, an email, or leave a voicemail message where you are able then to express yourself and know that your message will be received, there is that greater likelihood that you will be authentic, genuine, and honest about what is going on with you, emotionally.
Sometimes it is very challenging to find the right words to express how you feel, and so you get to edit that text or that email over and over again until you get it just right. Now, of course, you have had letter writing and other ways of communicating prior to this digital age you are in, but you get such instant delivery now, and that is helpful. That is, as we said, bringing you closer together.
We want you all to take advantage of the fact that you have this technology and use it to start those difficult conversations around feelings with those who are so significant in your lives. Be more open because you want to deepen the connection that you have with another person, but also do it because you owe it to yourself to express how you feel. When you share what you have to share, it is also important to use emotional words, like ‘sad,’ ‘angry,’ ‘afraid,’ and so on.
When you are telling someone else how you feel, make sure you know how you feel. Make sure you are feeling it and not just telling the other person that they hurt you, for example. That’s not enough information. It is important to recognize the feeling that is there. That is the only way to share it, and with all of these different devices that you have now, it is easier than ever for humans to be in touch with each other and to recognize the opportunity that you have to connect and raise the level of awareness of those emotions that are so important.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


- 5G and GMO - Electromagnetic Waves and Genetic Engineering: Profit Driven Destruction

by Julian Rose
February 25, 2019
from GlobalResearch Website

Julian Rose is an international activist, writer, organic farming pioneer and actor.
In 1987 and 1998, he led a campaign that saved unpasteurized milk from being banned in the UK; and, with Jadwiga Lopata, a 'Say No to GMO' campaign in Poland which led to a national ban of GM seeds and plants in that country in 2006.
 Julian is currently campaigning to 'Stop 5G' WiFi.
He is the author of two acclaimed titles: Changing Course for Life and In Defence of Life and is a long time exponent of yoga/meditation.


Common to both GMO and 5G,
is a continuation of the process of rendering nature
- and indeed man -
a slave to the insatiable corporate appetite
for profit, power and control...

We know that the genetic engineering of the plant and animal kingdom alters their DNA, and does the same to those who regularly ingest GM foods.

People, animals, fish, insects and plants that absorb or are cross contaminated by other genetically modified species, are the victims of the recombinant DNA laboratory techniques used in genetic engineering.

It's not for nothing that the engineered produce that emerges out of this process earned the title 'Frankenstein Food'.

But, as GMO hit the fields, another Frankenstein was in development that was to have its own special set of devastating consequences for life on this planet:
Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF).
This synthetic form of pulsed electricity started its life as a military/secret service weapon, using microwave frequencies to penetrate buildings and spy on human activities.

We now know that both GMO and EMF come from the same stable and that both are being used as 'intentional' weapons of biological destabilization.

There is no chance that (EMF) technologies capable of such drastic alteration to the genome responsible for the propagation of life on Earth, were commercialized simply to,
provide people with convenient pocket-sized wireless communication "tools" and "Flavor Saver tomatoes"...
GMO and 5G share the same basic goal:
to alter living matter in such a way as to exert 100% control over it.
In the case of GMO, for example, genetically altering the DNA of maize, soya, cotton or a tomato, so they can be sprayed with the toxic herbicide glyphosate (Roundup- and remain unaffected - while the weeds around them shrivel to the ground and die.

In human terms, this technique is called eugenics...

The EMF known as 5G, starts from the same basic premise, but moves from eugenics into genocide. The microwave pulses emitted by EMF already form the foundation of 2G, 3G, 4G telecommunications and of Wi-Fi.

Scientists now have irrefutable evidence that these pulses (resonances) denature and distort the cellular composition and DNA of living matter.

5G shortens the resonance spaces into millimeter pulses and raises the output by a factor of at least ten; so that being within their range has been compared to being closed into an activated microwave oven.

Wi-Fi and cell phone tower microwave transmissions are non-targeted, they are delivered as 'broad spectrum'; just like the agrichemical herbicides that kill every living plant they hit and most soil organisms too.
They are blanket attacks on nature and man, and the Wi-Fi is tuned to wavelengths almost identical to the natural vibrational levels received by the human brain.
Thus their operators can exert a direct controllinginfluence over the thought and behavioral patterns of those in the firing line; and these days, that is all of us.

And of course, people are no aware that this ishappening to them.

Wi-Fi and electromagnetic microwaves were developed as secretive weapons of war in the 1950's.

'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars' as their promoters described them, in the course of US military defense programs secretively rolled-out during the cold war period of stand-off between Russia and the USA.

Scientific minds engaged in single pointed deliverance of a weapons system, do not concern themselves with the affect their products have on human animal and ecological life.

They accept lucrative contracts which are designed to keep them quiet, while superpower government defense agencies demand ever more 'effective' technologies to maintain their domination over world events.

So when you place your cell-phone next to your ear, remember it's a weapon and not a harmless play-thing...
In mainstream commercial agriculture the same ethos is practiced. Plant breeding R&D is paid for by agribusiness corporations determined to dominate and control, in a global market centered around supplying super and hypermarket chains, animal feed conglomerates and raw material processing units.

Genetic engineering the staple dietary commodities enables a corporation to patent - and therefore 'own' - the plant genome.

In this way, the corporate body exerts a despotic power over planetary diversity, reducing the soils of fields in which their crops are sown, to a sterile waste land, in which just one patented crop stands - while everything around it is poisoned to death.

This is called 'ecocide'...

Thus we can add ecocide to eugenics in defining the practice of corporate agriculture under the auspices of such names as,
And indeed, research the background of corporations at the forefront of global agribusiness and you will find many have military origins and war related agendas.

The war on nature is at least as drastic to the future of the planet as is the war on mankind.

GM foods and all monoculturally raised mass produced supermarket foods, are treated by agrichemical pesticides known for their toxic biological impacts, including,
  • malignant neuro-degenerative
  • reproductive disorders
  • carcinogenic disorders
  • respiratory disorders
  • metabolic disorders, humans.

And if that wasn't bad enough they also, as I mentioned earlier, sterilize the soil of living matter, rendering it largely lifeless.

Wi-Fi does its life diminishing sterilization from above.

During the coming two years (2019/2020) the proposed 5G roll-out is to include the launching of 20,000 satellites whose multi targeting antennae - known as 'phased arrays' - will steadily irradiate (industry states: 'will provide lag free internet') 'every square inch of the planet', with electromagnetic microwaves beamed from the edge of space.

Common to both GMO and 5G, is a continuation of the process of rendering nature - and indeed man - a slave to the insatiable corporate appetite for profitpower and control.

Both GMO and EMF are tools for rendering the planet inhospitable to humanity and devoid of natural diversity of flora and fauna, essential for the health and welfare of us all.

Ultimately rendering this planet as a place only suited to those who feel no empathy, no compassion and no sense of belonging.

For, let us be clear, this is the actual psychological state of mind of those who are attempting to block humanity from developing its creative essence and spiritual aspirations.

Block these unique gifts, so as to put in place a robotic substitute entirely devoid of free will and emotion: the cyborg...

We need to recognize that inhuman minds are behind inhuman technologies. Just think of the tens of thousands who have suffered a cruel fate under the commercial villainy of Monsanto over the past decades.

With its asbestos, agent orange and aspartame - well before toxic GM soya beans ever saw the light of day. Its marriage to ex-Nazi Bayer corporation, reveals common fascistic ideologies.

These same ideologies fuel the ambitions of politicians, media tycoons, bankers, corporate executives, technocrats and military hegemonists who rule the world today.

The proposed 20,000 5G satellite global microwaving exercise, which threatens all life on Earth, goes even further. It is a display of cold, calculating megalomania on the part of its 'Star Link' backers.

It displays, in many respects, ambitions that are a mirror image of the corporate GMO gene splicer's stated intention of dominating planetary agriculture.

But 5G Wi-Fi exponents have their eyes on controlling the input and output of 'the internet of things' - thereby designing and controlling the matrix of daily life.

GoogleFacebook and other social media operatives are at work on this agenda as I write.

Until now, many have fought-shy of recognizing the dark-side agenda that underpins such operations.

But the time is soon coming when a critical mass of individuals will realize that the sinister manipulation of planet Earth and its inhabitants, by a tiny ascendant corporate cabal, would never have been possible without the unspoken complicity of around 95% of humanity.

And if you and I look carefully, we will find our own contribution in there too.

Sign the 'Global Appeal to Stop 5g'! Click here.

None of us are outside 'the system'. But more and more of us are at least waking-up to an admission of our duplicity/hypocrisy; and that is a crucial step in the process of liberation.

The next step is to act on one's new found knowledge. Decisively...

To become aware - and not to act on this awareness - is a betrayal of the unique gift each of us inherited at birth. It is like consigning one's life to a prison camp. Don't do it.

From this day forth, get on the front foot 'in defense of life' - and never look back...!


The New Hack-Proof, Super-Conscious, Quantum Computer Global Financial System

Written by Rev. Dennis Shipman - July 12, 2018

Introduction: It's a fact of life: We live in a quantum world. Ever since German physicist Max Planck (1858-1947) won the Nobel Prize in Physics (1918) for his work in quantum physics, scientists have been increasingly fascinated with unlocking the secrets of the sub-atomic world beyond the atomic level of atoms and molecules.
Everything in our lives is moving deeper into the quantum level because it already exists in nature – as well as in us – but, more importantly, I suggest to you that this is what Ascension or The Great Shift in Consciousness (aka The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness) is all about: To become one with the quantum level.
This movement into a deeper level of quantum is a harbinger in flashing neon lights that is trying to wake us up and get our attention to let us know that it is time for a transformation of our thinking in how we view the laws of nature, solids, matter, energy, vibrations, frequencies, consciousness, and ultimately who and what we believe ourselves to be.
Sketchy reports and cryptic videos about the existence of the QFS keep surfacing in the alternative news media. This article attempts to organize these reports into a general understanding about the QFS. It’s not meant to be a definitive or comprehensive report. It’s meant to acclimate you to this advanced technology so you can feel safe with its benefits.
The upshot of these alternative news reports indicate that QFS exists. It has been in place for quite a long time, and is currently working on a global scale. It’s capabilities are mind-blowing. And, we – humanity – are the beneficiaries of the QFS.
In addition to transforming the banking and financial sectors, and securing a safe and peaceful future for us, reports indicate the quantum computer has been contributing to the demise of the Dark Cabal.
Disclaimer: As always, readers are advised to use their discernment as some of the sources and information from the alternative news media cannot be verified as accurate.
We Are All Connected at the Quantum Level
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Tesla is credited with discovering the first alternating current (AC) motor and developed AC generation and transmission technology. He obtained around 300 patents worldwide for his inventions. Tesla is considered the foremost electrical engineer genius of the twentieth century, and possibly the greatest inventor the world has seen.
The spirit guide Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks, has said: “Everything in the universe is vibrationally-based. We could use the word “energy,” and there are many words in your language that accurately apply. Your air, dirt, water, cars, physical matter, and your bodies are vibration in motion. You are living in a pulsating, vibrational universe of advanced harmonics. And, all of it is managed by the powerful Law of Attraction.” Source: The Universal Energy of Frequency and Vibration / YouTube Video
The spirit guide Kryon, channeled by Lee Carroll, has been telling us for years that humans are quantum, multi-dimensional beings of pure consciousness in human form. Kryon: “The first civilization on the planet was called Lemuria . . . Existing from 35,000 years to 15,000 years ago . . . Their quantum DNA was at 90 percent, compared to 30 percent that yours is today . . . Lemurians had a quantum understanding of life . . . A quantum DNA, working at 90 percent, creates a consciousness that is one with the universe . . . Quantum DNA produces quality intuitive information . . . Lemurians knew all about the solar system, about the galaxy in general, about the stars . . . This created a seemingly advanced society, but without any technical advancement as you now have . . . They never saw war . . . One of the most ancient of your spiritual beliefs on the planet asks you to be one with everything. It’s not an accident.” Source: Kryon: The Gaia Effect by Monika Muranyi, pages 23-26.
Quantum Physics Challenging Accepted Knowledge
Quantum physics (also known as quantum mechanics or quantum field theory) explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and sub-atomic levels (Wikipedia definition). When we get into the sub-atomic area, things change according to potentiality. This means that there can be more than one result that can appear or happen in a whole array of potentials that can be tapped into. In order to understand these natural phenomena, quantum principles have required fundamental changes in how humans view nature.
Quantum physics is verifying (proving) what spiritual practitioners have been saying for years: We are fundamentally connected to everything around us in the so-called physical world of matter. Science and spirituality have been considered to be opposing views for a long time. But now, we’re observing a merging of both science and spirituality through quantum physics and the study of consciousness. This merging is causing a shattering and transformation of old accepted beliefs and old theories and old thought patterns.
Today, quantum physicists know that nothing is solid, and everything is energy. Below the sub-atomic level there is pure intelligent energy. Physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature. Atoms are made of energy that are invisible to the human eye, and are not made of tangible matter. Physical things (including the human body) are composed of invisible forces that manifests in what appears to be a solid, physical structure. We are more than we perceive ourselves to be, yet our senses tell us that matter is solid. Or, is it solid because we have been taught to believe that matter is solid? Metaphysics tells us that our invisible beliefs create our reality. Quantum physics tells us everything in the universe has its own vibrational frequency. And, vibration creates matter. The invisible creates the visible. Source: Scientists Explain the World of Quantum Physics

Global Quantum Financial System (QFS)

The New Quantum Financial System (QFS) is a super-advanced “out-of-this-world” technology that the Dark Cabal does not have. It has the capacity to map information sources throughout the multi-universe (time/space continuum and no time/space), and holds massive amounts of data in a compilation of materials the size of a grain of sand. Gone are the days of data server centers the size of football fields.It’s power source is not electricity. It is not dependent on any electrical grid, and not even crystals. It is powered by the limitless energy source of life itself (consciousness). The very source of limitless energy that powers the human individual also powers the Quantum Financial System.
It can only operate in the light, and rejects darkness and evil intent. It reads into all organic lifeforms, and understands growth patterns. The way it’s programmed, it is not possible for the Dark Cabal to steal money or wealth from another person or another nation any longer. The system does not recognize any royal line, only the line of “Source of Consciousness” which is present in all of us.
It knows intention by reading human brainwaves. It knows a person’s intention because intention is locked in the DNA (living DNA) sequencing of the individual. Not one individual, but all. In the case of nations, it is RNA of the original source of the asset. It calculates true trade values based on REAL production, not what the Dark Cabal wants the world to see. True production of commodities and their respective values will begin to unfold. Money is just a bunch of numbers in a consistently running algorithm tied to the RNA or origin of its asset base placing all proceeds into that bucket tied to its origin (RNA) and its people (living DNA) of that original location.
This is what the Quantum Financial System is programmed to do, and cannot be stopped or changed until the task is complete. This is why the Dark Cabal’s Central Banks cannot register any assets of the USA/Russia/Africa to a server in, for example, Shanghai. RNA is not a match. The Quantum Financial System was launched on Friday, June 22, 2018, after business hours, according to Kim Possible - who claims to have programmed the Quantum Financial Computer System. Source: Kim Possible Update June 24, 2018.
August 23, 2018: Two independent alternative news sources have verified the Quantum Financial Computer System was activated "live" worldwide. One source claims the QFS was activated between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (USA) on August 22, 2018. Final preparations are underway and authorization pending for the release of the currency revaluation (RV). Transition imminent.Sources: The Big Call with Bruce August 23, 2018 and Intel Report August 23, 2018.
August 18, 2017: The alternative news source Intel reported that “the new financial system (which some say and some debate that the Asian Dragon Families control) has already been backed with gold, for all central banks, all currencies, all bonds, all markets, all trades and all current and future transactions worldwide.
Every sovereign nation in the free world has signed onto accepting this new quantum system with digital currencies as part of a secrete GESARA Treaty (disguised as the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change). The new financial system starts in the restored Republic of the United States of America on October 1, 2017, which is also the start of the 2018 fiscal year in the U.S.
No more paper currency will be printed anywhere in the world unless it is accepted on the new digital and quantum financial system. Whatever needed to be converted from old to new has already occurred through sovereign government negotiations with the Asian Dragon families. This all happened years ago without the public’s knowledge. Similar radical transitions have occurred in military, diplomatic, banking and corporate board circles.” Source: Quantum – GCR/RV Intel SITREP, Friday, August 18, 2017
March 28, 2018: The alternative news source Final Wake Up Call reported that the new financial system has been online for months and is hosted on a protected quantum server that cannot be hacked or accessed without permission. Source: Final Wake Up Call
July 10, 2018: Nearly a year later after the Intel report, Benjamin Fulford, an independent journalist at, reported that “As things now stand, according to U.S. Pentagon sources: The asset-backed quantum financial system is ready, but awaits the Trump-Putin summit (July 16, 2018), the global financial reset, mass arrests and geo-political resolutions.” Source: Benjamin Fulford Report: Quantum Computer
July 7, 2018: Alternative news source Operation Disclosure published a report that briefly described the capabilities of the Quantum Financial System (QFS). I’ve also included capabilities I’ve found from additional alternative news sources. These capabilities include, but are not limited to: Source: Various Alternative Intel Sources and Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for July 7, 2018
The QFS is “alive” with consciousness, and can identify your DNA and frequency of your brain waves. What the majority of modern quantum physicists do not agree on or have not accepted yet is the quantum energy field is alive with super-intelligent consciousness far beyond human understanding. Because the quantum energy field is located within the consciousness of each human being, it can be contacted by each human being. Even without a quantum computer, the quantum energy field knows who you are, and what you are doing. Because you are part and parcel of the super-intelligent, multi-dimensional, quantum energy field. Even as is all physical matter in creation.
QFS can read your mind and knows your location at all times through frequency waves.This connects back to earlier discoveries by pioneer physicists Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Max Planck, and modern quantum physicists and spiritual sources that say we are all connected at the sub-atomic quantum level through our unique energy signature, vibration and frequency. As well as our thought-energy.
QFS was gifted to us by the Galactics – According to the book “Messages from the Hollow Earth” by Dianne Robbins, benevolent, highly spiritually advanced human civilizations of Agartha in hollow earth use amino-acid based computers (highly advanced Artificial Intelligence that is “alive” with consciousness) that impact every area of human endeavor. All of the sub-cities are linked by this highly conscious computer system. It monitors inter-city and galactic communications, while simultaneously, serving the needs of individuals at home. For example, it can report a person’s vitamin or mineral deficiency or when necessary covey pertinent information from the akashic records for personal growth. The akashic records are the living library of your soul life. This writer believes that it’s reasonable to assume the Agarthans and the Galactic Federation of Light have shared their super-conscious, quantum computer technology with surface humanity, and the QFS interfaces with the computers in hollow earth and with the Federation’s starships.
July 24, 2018: The Galactic Federation of Light reported: "We have provided the Alliance with a new "computer" system, the Quantum Financial System, which will eliminate any way to steal or manipulate money. It is designed to be the death of the central banking system, which is the means by which the cabal keeps you in debt slavery. You are meant to live in the Light, basking in the divine Truths given you freely by Heaven. In this new reality, we are to shepherd you back to your fully conscious selves. Together, we are to bring greater Light to every corner of this galaxy." Source: Galactic Federation of Light through Sheldan Nidle.
The quantum computer system cannot be hacked or misused. The Dark Cabal loves to steal money, digitally. However, hackers are doomed to break into the QFS due to its highly advanced technology. Several hacking attempts have been tried by the Dark Cabal, and all attempts have met with failure. In fact, in an alternative news report, it said that once the quantum system has identified the location of the hacker’s computer server, the QFS has the ability to send a signal back to the hacker’s server and destroy it. It has been reported that all assets, wealth or funds stolen by the Dark Cabal will be returned to every human being on the planet via the QFS.
All funds under the QFS will be digital. A cashless society is on the horizon. This promises to pave the way for currently suppressed technologies to be released to the public, such as replicators and quantum technology medical beds. Replicators could be used for money laundering since replicators can create or produce anything. Therefore, a cashless society is a way to prevent such issues. Hospitals and factories will become obsolete with replicators and med beds as med beds can heal any illness, sickness or damage to the body and restore the individual back to perfect health.
The Quantum Financial System (QFS) and humanitarian funds. On July 2, 2018, a YouTube video was published that involved a hypnosis regression session that talked about the Quantum Financial System and humanitarian prosperity funds. The following are excerpts from the published video:
“The funds that are coming forward, they belong to the energy of the Earth as given through Source. Those that are supposed to receive the funds will receive the funds. And, yes it’s done through the action of your DNA. When people go to the exchange, they will be energetically scanned, and they will be given the money, or not, based on their DNA and brain waves which tell of their intentions.
There are others who have just learned about the program that want to make a quick buck for themselves, but do not intend to do any humanitarian work. It is written in their DNA. That (DNA) is the true quantum system. They will attempt to receive funding, but if the quantum system works as it is designed to work, they will receive very little, and in all likelihood, it will not stay in their hands. It’s like the lottery winner who wins big and is broke within a short period of time.
There has to be a common denominator that moves people to that place of higher consciousness. While the higher consciousness doesn’t use money, the third dimension does. It’s the way we have been programmed. In order for everyone to raise their vibration, we must bring something to the masses that everyone universally understands and finds of value.
The funds that are coming are meant to take care of people in need. To create the programs and structures to move forward. When you move to the New Earth, you won’t need money. This money is only going to be used for a short period of time. To help people live in the way they should live, in a way they can release the burdens of their lives to be creators on planet Earth, to help lift the consciousness of those who want to ascend. Once we are in a higher vibration of joy and love, people will be able to ascend and move to the New Earth.” Source: Financial Reset, Quantum System, July 2, 2018
Rev. Dennis Shipman received a first-class education in the Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness. From 1996-2001, he worked with Kahu Fred Sterling, head pastor of the Honolulu Church of Light, who is the channel for Master Kirael, a senior member of the Guidance Realm in the seventh dimension. There, he met Sheldan Nidle, channel for Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation of Light, and has followed Sheldan’s weekly reports on the progress of the shift ever since. He is the author of two free eBooks, "Oneness - The Awakening Experience" and "The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness".



Scientists are now inventing the “ultimate intelligent machine”, a computer which will beat man in every way. If the machine can outstrip man, then what is man? What are you? What is the future of man? If the machine can take over all the operations that thought does now, and do it far swifter, if it can learn much more quickly, if it can compete and, in fact, do everything that man can — except of course look at the beautiful evening star alone in the sky, and see and feel the extraordinary quietness, steadiness, immensity and beauty of it—then what is going to happen to the mind, to the brain of man? Our brains have lived so far by struggling to survive through knowledge, and when the machine takes all that over, what is going to happen? There are only two possibilities: either man will commit himself totally to entertainment — football, sports, every form of demonstration, going to the temple, and playing with all that stuff — or he will turn inward. ~ J Krishnamurti (A Timeless Spring)
So predicted Krishnamurti a decade-and-a-half before the emergence of the Internet.  I have previously written about technology’s ability to disconnect us from ourselves.  Today, I would like to explore this a bit further.


After performing a series of experiments with hungry rats locked in a box with a lever, behavioral psychologist B. F. Skinner coined a term known as “Schedules of Reinforcement” or “Intermittent Reinforcement”.
The experimented went as follows; The rats were divided into two groups  The first group was the Fixed Schedule group who received a food pellet after pressing the lever a fixed amount of times, say 20.  In the second group, known as the Variable Schedule group, the rat earned the food pellet after it pressed the lever a random number of times.  Sometimes it would receive the food after pressing 10 times, and sometimes after pressing 200 times.
To the second group, the arrival of food was unpredictable.  This made the addiction or reinforcement to the lever a lot more stronger.  Skinner found that the first group of rats stopped pressing the lever almost immediately after the food stopped being supplied.  The second group however was a lot more motivated, and they kept on pressing the lever for a very long time afterwards.
After returning from our Involution workshops in Europe where I spent 3 months with no smartphone at all, I’ve become noticeably more aware of the tendency in myself and others of checking our phone constantly like rats waiting for that stimulating fix; that latest Facebook message, status or photo, email, or latest shocking news headline.
Most of the emails and Facebook updates are junk, but every now and again you will get that one little pellet that makes checking your phone once every 10 minutes worthwhile.


One of the feelings that stood out the most from my technological minimalist experience (a candle lit house with no televisions in a 2 km radius), is that I found it a lot easier to center myself.
My mind felt a lot more clear and inspired; I found it a lot easier to be mindful, to find the heart, the center of myself.
I’ve experienced something very similar when researching information.  When I Google something, as you expect, I get a ‘Googol’ of results.  Although I have more information at my disposal, I feel I am retaining a lot less than I do when I solely focus all my attention on a single book of that particular topic.
Linda Stone, a former employee of Apple and Microsoft, has coined the term “continuous partial attention” to describe life in the era of e-mail, instant messaging, cellphones, and other distractions.  And it is this “continuous partial attention” that I feel exactly reflects my own dilemma.
Whenever I immerse myself into an activity, I must do it with the fullest of my heart, with all of my focus and attention encapsulating that action.  It is here that spiritual mindfulness comes into play.


Can externally focused technology and internally focused mindfulness co-exist?  I think they not only can, but they must.
Technology is a tool, an instrument to make our lives easier and better.  But it has its limitations.  Technology cannot fulfill us spiritually, it cannot makes us feel more connected with ourselves – only with the external world.
For spiritual mindfulness to become relevant to our modern day lives, we first have to separate them from the supernatural and mystical baggage   that makes them so difficult for us to accept.
The moment will come when, as technology simplifies our work and our lives, we will realize that just like in the Pixar movie ‘WALL-E’ – physical comfort and mental stimulation isn’t enough.  That we want to feel more meaningful experiences in life than having someone “Like” our witty status updates every few hours.
That moment will see technology reach the point where computers will be able to outperform us, and humans will scratch their heads and ask themselves … What now?
Technology will never be able to write beautiful poetry like Blake, it will never be able to compose musical pieces like Bach.  That is our purpose with soulwork, to focus our attention on our inner world, our emotions, our thoughts and passionate desire to express them, that is what we will have left.  That is all that we will have left.
To live with greater presence, meaning, and mindfulness in the technology age is what we must strive for.
A few years ago a neighbor asked me why I cut my lawn with a push-mower.  I told him that motor-operated lawn mowers are corrupting society; that life is an infinite lawn, a composition of unexciting simple moments with a few ‘spikes’ of stimulation here and there.
Cutting the lawn this way has taught me to cultivate patience, to enjoy a task that is found a chore by most.  Trying to get it over and done with as quickly as possible steals you of the opportunity to engage in the feelings of falling in love with the smells, the textures, the light formations, sounds and everything that simply existing offers.
The paradox is that the more you accept the unexciting aspects of life, the more exciting they become.
Unless we learn to embrace these mundane moments, without avoidance or frustration, without trying to escape the lack of stimulation that this very moment presents, we will never find peace and will insatiably hit that smartphone lever chasing after that food pellet.
Here, I’ll throw you one last pellet in the shape of a video to illustrate all of this.  I hope you enjoy:
Mindfulness can not only coexist with technology, but it can enhance the experience itself.  How often do you sit down on the computer, surf the internet and think “wow, I have infinite information at my fingertips.  I have hundreds of thousands of people from all across planet earth to connect to, if I wish.  I can share my thoughts with thousands of faces from Afghanistan to Albania, and can befriend anyone from any culture from Belarus to Brazil.”  Try it.  You may like it


Take back your privacy from the evil gatekeepers


Thomas Dishaw  
June 9 2018

Privacy is a hot-button issue nowadays, and it should be. Information bloodsuckers likeFacebook and Google are having a heyday selling your browsing habits to the highest bidder day in and day out. The truth is that’s really how these companies make their money. In case you didn’t know, as soon as you connect to the internet and visit your favorite site, you’re virtually getting raped by hundreds of corporate vampires who want to suck every last bit of personal information out of you. Luckily, there’s a way to stop this. No, you don’t have to get off the internet altogether (although that’s not a bad idea) but what you do need to do is start taking your privacy seriously. 

Listed below are 150 great tools (courtesy everyone should try to integrate into their online habits. Most of these tools are free and easy to set up. And, after reading my list, if you feel I’ve missed something, I ask that you leave any recommendations or reviews in the comment section for all readers to see. 

As a disclaimer, I’m not receiving financial compensation from any of these companies. I’m merely interested in ‘sticking it’ to the information whores that have no respect for your privacy and do not compensate you for exploiting it.



Confidant Mail – An open-source non-SMTP cryptographic email system optimized for large file attachments. It is a secure and spam-resistant alternative to regular email and online file drop services. It uses GNU Privacy Guard 

(GPG) for content encryption and authentication, and TLS 1.2 with ephemeral keys for transport encryption.
Become Your Own Email Provider with Mail-in-a-Box
Take it a step further and get control of your email with this easy-to-deploy mail server in a box.  

Mail-in-a-Box lets you become your own mail service provider in a few easy steps. It’s sort of like making your own gmail, but one you control from top to bottom. Technically, Mail-in-a-Box turns a fresh cloud computer into a working mail server. But you don’t need to be a technology expert to set it up.


gpg4usb – A very easy to use and small portable editor to encrypt and decrypt any text-message or -file. For Windows and Linux. GPG tutorial.

Mailvelope – A browser extension that enables the exchange of encrypted emails following the OpenPGP encryption standard.

Enigmail – A security extension to Thunderbird and Seamonkey. It enables you to write and receive email messages signed and/or encrypted with the OpenPGP standard.

TorBirdy – This extension configures Thunderbird to make connections over the Tor anonymity network.

Email Privacy Tester – This tool will send an Email to your address and perform privacy related tests.


Thunderbird – Mozilla Thunderbird is a free, open source, cross-platform email, news, and chat client developed by the Mozilla Foundation. Thunderbird is an email, newsgroup, news feed, and chat (XMPP, IRC, Twitter) client.

Claws Mail is a free and open source, GTK+-based email and news client. It offers easy configuration and an abundance of features. It is included with Gpg4win, an encryption suite for Windows.

K-9 Mail – An independent mail application for Android. It supports both POP3 and IMAP mailboxes, but only supports push mail for IMAP.

GNU Privacy Guard – Email Encryption. GnuPG is a GPL Licensed alternative to the PGP suite of cryptographic software.Tutorial. Use GPGTools for Mac OS X.<

Mailpile (Beta) – A modern, fast web-mail client with user-friendly encryption and privacy features.


I2P-Bote is a fully decentralized and distributed email system. It supports different identities and does not expose email headers. Currently (2015), it is still in beta version and can be accessed via its web application interface or IMAP and SMTP. All bote-mails are transparently end-to-end encrypted and, optionally, signed by the sender’s private key.

Bitmessage is a P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages to another person or to many subscribers. It is decentralized and trustless, meaning that you need-not inherently trust any entities like root certificate authorities. It uses strong authentication which means that the sender of a message cannot be spoofed, and it aims to hide “non-content” data.

Retroshare creates encrypted connections to your friends. Nobody can spy on you. Retroshare is completely decentralized. This means there are no central servers. It is entirely Open-Source and free. There are no costs, no ads and no Terms of Service.


Tor Browser is your choice if you need an extra layer of anonymity. It’s a modified version of Firefox, it comes with pre-installed privacy add-ons, encryption and an advanced proxy.

Brave the new open source browser automatically blocks ads and trackers, making it faster and safer than your current browser. Brave is based on Chromium.

Firefox is fast, reliable, open source and respects your privacy.

Configure these add ons and make your Firefox browser even safer. – Returns the top results from multiple search engines. Based in the Netherlands.

Stop Tracking with “Privacy Badger”<
Block Ads and Trackers with “uBlock Origin”
Automatically Delete Cookies with “Cookie AutoDelete”
Encryption with “HTTPS Everywhere”<
Block Content Delivery Networks with “Decentraleyes”
Stop cross-site requests with “uMatrix”<
Be in total control with “NoScript Security Suite”


searx – An open source metasearch engine, aggregating the results of other search engines while not storing information about its users. No logs, no ads and no tracking.

StartPage – Google search results, with complete privacy protection. Behind StartPage is an european company that has been obsessive about privacy since 2006.

DuckDuckGo – The search engine that doesn’t track you. Some of DuckDuckGo’s code is free software hosted at  

GitHub, but the core is proprietary. The company is based in the USA

findx – Open Source. No logging. No tracking. Transparent algorithms. Hosted in Europe.

Qwant – Qwant’s philosophy is based on two principles: no user tracking and no filter bubble. Qwant was launched in France in February 2013. Privacy Policy.

MetaGer – An open source metasearch engine, which is based in Germany. It focuses on protecting the user’s privacy.


PLEASE NOTE: Using a VPN will not make you anonymous. But it will give you a better privacy. A VPN is not a tool for illegal activities. Don’t rely on a “no log” policy to save you. Nothing is ANONYMOUS!


Signal is a mobile app developed by Open Whisper Systems. The app provides instant messaging, as well as voice and video calling. All communications are end-to-end encrypted. Signal is free and open source, enabling anyone to verify its security by auditing the code. The development team is supported by community donations and grants. There are no advertisements, and it doesn’t cost anything to use.

Wire is an app developed by Wire Swiss GmbH. The Wire app allows users to exchange end-to-end encrypted instant messages, as well as make voice and video calls. Wire is free and open source, enabling anyone to verify its security by auditing the code. The development team is backed by Iconical and they will monetize in the future with premium features/services.

Caution: The company keeps a list of all the users you contact until you delete your account.

Linphone is an open source SIP Phone and a free voice over IP service, available on mobile and desktop environments and on web browsers. It supports ZRTP for end-to-end encrypted voice and video communication

Jitsi – Jitsi is a free and open source multiplatform voice (VoIP), videoconferencing and instant messaging application

Tox – A free and open-source, peer-to-peer, encrypted instant messaging and video calling software.

Ring (formerly SFLphone) – Gives you a full control over your communications and an unmatched level of privacy.


OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share a file of any size. It works by starting a web server, making it accessible as a Tor onion service, and generating an unguessable URL to access and download the files. It doesn’t require setting up a server on the internet somewhere or using a third party filesharing service. You host the file on your own computer and use a Tor onion service to make it temporarily accessible over the internet.

Magic Wormhole – Get things from one computer to another, safely. This package provides a library and a command-line tool named 'wormhole', which makes it possible to get arbitrary-sized files and directories (or short pieces of text) from one computer to another. The two endpoints are identified by using identical “wormhole codes”: in general, the sending machine generates and displays the code, which must then be typed into the receiving machine. The codes are short and human-pronounceable, using a phonetically-distinct wordlist. The receiving side offers tab-completion on the codewords, so usually only a few characters must be typed. Wormhole codes are single-use and do not need to be memorized.


If you are currently using Cloud Storage Services like Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Apple iCloud you should pick an alternative here.

Seafile offers 100 GB Storage for $10/month but also gives you the opportunity to host on your own server. Your data is stored in Germany or with Amazon Web Service in the US for the cloud version. Encrypt files with your own password.

If you are currently using Cloud Storage Services like Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Apple iCloud you should pick an alternative here

Seafile offers 100 GB Storage for $10/month but also gives you the opportunity to host on your own server. Your data is stored in Germany or with Amazon Web Service in the US for the cloud version. Encrypt files with your own password.

Nextcloud – Similar functionally to the widely used Dropbox, with the difference being that Nextcloud is free and open-source, and thereby allowing anyone to install and operate it without charge on a private server, with no limits on storage space or the number of connected clients.

Least Authority S4 – S4 (Simple Secure Storage Service) is Least Authority’s verifiably secure off-site backup system for individuals and businesses. 100% client-side encryption and open source transparency. 250GB for $9.95/month or 5TB for $25.95/month. Servers are hosted with Amazon S3 in the US.

Muonium – Free encrypted cloud storage for your files.


If you are currently using a Cloud Storage Services like Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Apple iCloud you should think about hosting it on your own.

Seafile is a file hosting software system. Files are stored on a central server and can by synchronized with personal computers and mobile devices via the Seafile client. Files can also be accessed via the server’s web interface.

Pydio is open source software that turns instantly any server (on premise, NAS, cloud IaaS or PaaS) into a file sharing platform for your company. It is an alternative to SaaS Boxes and Drives, with more control, safety and privacy, and favorable TCOs.

Tahoe-LAFS is a Free and Open decentralized cloud storage system. It distributes your data across multiple servers. Even if some of the servers fail or are taken over by an attacker, the entire file store continues to function correctly, preserving your privacy and security.

Nextcloud – Free and open-source, allows anyone to install and operate it for free on a private server, with no limits on storage space or the number of connected clients.

Muonium – Free encrypted cloud storage for your files.


SparkleShare – creates a special folder on your computer. You can add remotely hosted folders (or “projects”) to this folder. These projects will be automatically kept in sync with both the host and all of your peers when someone adds, removes or edits a file.

Syncany – allows users to backup and share certain folders of their workstations using any kind of storage. Syncany is open-source and provides data encryption and incredible flexibility in terms of storage type and provider. Files are encrypted before uploading.

Syncthing – replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it’s transmitted over the Internet.

git-annex – Allows managing files with git, without checking the file contents into git. While that may seem paradoxical, it is useful when dealing with files larger than git can currently easily handle, whether due to limitations in memory, time, or disk space.

If you are currently using a Cloud Storage Services like Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Apple iCloud, you should think about hosting it on your own.

Seafile is a file hosting software system. Files are stored on a central server and can by synchronized with personal computers and mobile devices via the Seafile client. Files can also be accessed via the server’s web interface.

Pydio is open source software that turns instantly any server (on premise, NAS, cloud IaaS or PaaS) into a file sharing platform for your company. It is an alternative to SaaS Boxes and Drives, with more control, safety and privacy, and favorable TCOs.

Tahoe-LAFS is a Free and Open decentralized cloud storage system. It distributes your data across multiple servers. Even if some of the servers fail or are taken over by an attacker, the entire file store continues to function correctly, preserving your privacy and security.

Nextcloud – Free and open-source, allows anyone to install and operate it for free on a private server, with no limits on storage space or the number of connected clients.

Muonium – Free encrypted cloud storage for your files.
If you are currently using a password manager software like 1Password, LastPass, Roboform or iCloud Keychain you should pick an alternative here.

Master Password is based on an ingenious password generation algorithm that guarantees your passwords can never be lost. Its passwords aren’t stored: they are generated on-demand from your name, the site and your master password. No syncing, backups or internet access needed.

KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. All passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key file. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known: AES and Twofish. 

See also: KeePassX (not regularly updated)and KeePassXCLessPass is a free and open source password manager that generates unique passwords for websites, email accounts, or anything else based on a master password and information you know. No sync needed. Uses PBKDF2 and SHA-256. It’s advised to use the browser addons for more security.

Secure Password Generator – generates a unique set of custom, high quality, cryptographic-strength password strings which are safe for you to use.

SuperGenPass – A master password and the domain name of the Web site you are visiting is used as the “seed” for a one-way hash algorithm (base-64 MD5). The output of this algorithm is your generated password. You remember one password (your “master password”), and SGP uses it to generate unique, complex passwords for the Web sites you visit. Your generated passwords are never stored or transmitted, so you can use SGP on as many computers as you like without having to “sync” anything.

Password Safe – Whether the answer is one or hundreds, Password Safe allows you to safely and easily create a secured and encrypted user name/password list. With Password Safe all you have to do is create and remember a single “Master Password” of your choice in order to unlock and access your entire user name/password list.


If you are currently using a calendar and or contacts synchronization service like Google Sync or iCloud you should pick an alternative here.

NextCloud is a suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services. This includes calendar sync via CalDAV and contacts sync via CardDAV. Nextcloud is free and open-source, thereby allowing anyone to install and operate it without charge on a private server.

EteSync is a secure, end-to-end encrypted and journaled personal information (e.g. contacts and calendar) cloud synchronization and backup for Android and any OS that supports CalDAV/CardDAV. It costs $14 per year to use, or you can host the server yourself for free.

fruux – a unified contacts/calendaring system that works across platforms and devices.

Flock – a discontinued calendar and contacts sync service by Open Whisper Systems. Despite being shut down thesource code is still available on GitHub.

cloud backups – consider regularly exporting your calendar and or contacts and backing them up on a separate storage drive or uploading them to cloud storage (ideally after encrypting them).


If you are currently not using encryption software for your hard disk, emails or file archives you should pick an encryption software here.

VeraCrypt is a source-available freeware utility used for on-the-fly encryption. It can create a virtual encrypted disk within a file or encrypt a partition or the entire storage device with pre-boot authentication. VeraCrypt is a fork of the discontinued TrueCrypt project. It was initially released on June 22, 2013. According to its developers, security improvements have been implemented and issues raised by the initial TrueCrypt code audit have been addressed.

GnuPG is a GPL Licensed alternative to the PGP suite of cryptographic software. GnuPG is compliant with RFC 4880, which is the current IETF standards track specification of OpenPGP. Current versions of PGP (and Veridis’ Filecrypt) are interoperable with GnuPG and other OpenPGP-compliant systems. GnuPG is a part of the Free Software Foundation’s GNU software project, and has received major funding from the German government. GPGTools for Mac OS X.

PeaZip is a free and open-source file manager and file archiver made by Giorgio Tani. It supports its native PEA archive format (featuring compression, multi volume split and flexible authenticated encryption and integrity check schemes) and other mainstream formats, with special focus on handling open formats. It supports 181 file extensions (as of version 5.5.1).

Mac alternative: Keka is a free file archiver.

Cryptomator – Free client-side AES encryption for your cloud files. Open source software: No backdoors, no registration.

miniLock – Browser plugin for Google Chrome / Chromium to encrypt files using a secret passphrase. Easy to use. From the developer of Cryptocat.

AES Crypt – Using a powerful 256-bit encryption algorithm, AES Crypt can safely secure your most sensitive files. For Windows, Mac, Linux and Android.

DiskCryptor – A full disk and partition encryption system for Windows including the ability to encrypt the partition and disk on which the OS is installed.

Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) – A full disk encryption system for Linux using dm-crypt as the disk encryption backend. Included by default in Ubuntu. Available for Windows and Linux.


If you are currently browsing the Clearnetand you want to access the Dark web this section is for you.

The Tor network is a group of volunteer-operated servers that allows people to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. Tor’s users employ this network by connecting through a series of virtual tunnels rather than making a direct connection, thus allowing both organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy. Tor is an effective censorship circumvention tool.

The Invisible Internet Project (I2P) is a computer network layer that allows applications to send messages to each other pseudonymously and securely. Uses include anonymous Web surfing, chatting, blogging and file transfers. The software that implements this layer is called an I2P router and a computer running I2P is called an I2P node. The software is free and open source and is published under multiple licenses.

Freenet is a peer-to-peer platform for censorship-resistant communication. It uses a decentralized distributed data store to keep and deliver information, and has a suite of free software for publishing and communicating on the Web without fear of censorship. Both Freenet and some of its associated tools were originally designed by Ian Clarke, who defined Freenet’s goal as providing freedom of speech on the Internet with strong anonymity protection.

ZeroNet – Open, free and uncensorable websites, using Bitcoin cryptography and BitTorrent network.

RetroShare – Open Source cross-platform, Friend-2-Friend and secure decentralised communication platform.

GNUnet – GNUnet provides a strong foundation of free software for a global, distributed network that provides security and privacy.

IPFS – A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open. (important privacy warning)


Njalla only needs your email or an jabber address in order to register a domain name for you. Created by people from The Pirate Bay and IPredator VPN. Accepted Payments: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero, DASH, Bitcoin Cash and PayPal. A privacy-aware domain registration service.

DNSCrypt A protocol for securing communications between a client and a DNS resolver. The DNSCrypt protocol uses high-speed high-security elliptic-curve cryptography and is very similar to DNSCurve, but focuses on securing communications between a client and its first-level resolver.

OpenNIC is an alternate network information center/alternative DNS root which lists itself as an alternative to ICANN and its registries. Like all alternative root DNS systems, OpenNIC-hosted domains are unreachable to the vast majority of the Internet. Only specific configuration in one’s DNS resolver makes these reachable, and very few Internet service providers have this configuration.

NoTrack – A network-wide DNS server which blocks Tracking sites. Currently works in Debian and Ubuntu.

Namecoin – A decentralized DNS open source information registration and transfer system based on the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.
If you are currently using an application like Evernote, Google Keep or Microsoft OneNote you should pick an alternative here.

Laverna is a JavaScript note-taking web application with a Markdown editor and encryption support. The application stores all your notes in your browser databases, which is good for security and privacy reasons, because only you have access.

Turtl lets you take notes, bookmark websites, and store documents for sensitive projects. From sharing passwords with your coworkers to tracking research on an article you’re writing, Turtl keeps it all safe from everyone but you and those you share with.

Standard Notes is a simple and private notes app that makes your notes easy and available everywhere you are. Features end-to-end encryption on every platform, and a powerful desktop experience with themes and custom editors.

Paperwork – Open source and self-hosted solution. For PHP / MySQL servers.

Org-mode – A major mode for GNU Emacs. Org-mode is for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system.


Ghostbin supports encryption, expiration, sessions, grant users to edit your notes and pastes up to one megabyte. You can also create your own account to keep track of your pastes.

PrivateBin is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256bit AES.

0bin is a client side encrypted pastebin that can run without a database. 0bin allows anybody to host a pastebin while welcoming any type of content to be pasted in it. – Free privacy friendly service that offers PrivateBin and other applications. – Haste is an open-source pastebin software written in node.js, which is easily installable in any network.


Etherpad is a highly customizable Open Source online editor providing collaborative editing in really real-time. Etherpad allows you to edit documents collaboratively in real-time, much like a live multi-player editor that runs in your browser. Write articles, press releases, to-do lists, etc. is a cross-platform, privacy-oriented blogging platform. It’s anonymous by default, letting you publish without signing up. If you create an account, it doesn’t require any personal information. No ads, distraction-free, and built on a sustainable business model.

ProtectedText is an open source web application. It encrypts and decrypts text in the browser, and password (or its hash) is never sent to the server – so that text can’t be decrypted even if requested by authorities. No cookies, no sessions, no registration, no users tracking.

EtherCalc – EtherCalc is a web spreadsheet. Data is saved on the web, and people can edit the same document at the same time. Changes are instantly reflected on all screens. Work together on inventories, survey forms, list management, brainstorming sessions. – Free privacy friendly service that offers Etherpad, EtherCalc and PrivateBin.

dudle – An online scheduling application, which is free and OpenSource. Schedule meetings or make small online polls. No email collection or the need of registration.

If you are currently using a operating system like Microsoft Windows or Apple Mac OS X you should pick an alternative here.

Qubes is an open-source operating system designed to provide strong security for desktop computing. Qubes is based on Xen, the X Window System, and Linux, and can run most Linux applications and utilize most of the Linux drivers.

Debian is a Unix-like computer operating system and a Linux distribution that is composed entirely of free and open-source software, most of which is under the GNU General Public License, and packaged by a group of individuals known as the Debian project.

Trisquel is a Linux-based operating system derived from Ubuntu. The project aims for a fully free software system without proprietary software or firmware and uses Linux-libre, a version of the Linux kernel with the non-free code (binary blobs) removed.

OpenBSD – A project that produces a free, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. Emphasizes portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography.

Arch Linux – A simple, lightweight Linux distribution. It is composed predominantly of free and open-source software, and supports community involvement.

Parabola is a completely open source version of Arch Linux.

Whonix – A Debian GNU/Linux based security-focused Linux distribution. It aims to provide privacy, security and anonymity on the internet. The operating system consists of two virtual machines, a “Workstation” and a Tor “Gateway”. All communication are forced through the Tor network to accomplish this.

Subgraph OS – Another Debian based Linux distribution, it features security hardening which makes it more resistant to security vulnerabilities. Subgraph runs many desktop applications in a security sandbox to limit their risk in case of compromise. By default, it anonymizes Internet traffic by sending it through the Tor network. Note: It is still in alpha, and much testing and bug fixing still has to be done.


Tails is a live operating system, that starts on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card. It aims at preserving privacy and anonymity, and helps to: Use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship; Internet connections go through the Tor network; leave no trace on the computer; use state-of-the-art cryptographic tools to encrypt files, emails and instant messaging.

Knoppix is an operating system based on Debian designed to be run directly from a CD / DVD (Live CD) or a USB flash drive (Live USB), one of the first of its kind for any operating system. When starting a program, it is loaded from the removable medium and decompressed into a RAM drive. The decompression is transparent and on-the-fly.

Puppy Linux operating system is a lightweight Linux distribution that focuses on ease of use and minimal memory footprint. The entire system can be run from RAM with current versions generally taking up about 210 MB, allowing the boot medium to be removed after the operating system has started.

Tiny Core Linux – A minimal Linux operating system focusing on providing a base system using BusyBox and FLTK. The distribution is notable for its size (15 MB) and minimalism, with additional functionality provided by extensions.


Even though the source code of the following OS is provided, installing Google Apps may compromise your setup. The MicroG project can serve as a FLOSS replacement, depending on your threat model.

LineageOS is a free and open-source operating system for smartphones and tablets, based on the official releases of Android by Google. It is the continuation of the CyanogenMod project.

CopperheadOS is a hardened mobile open-source operating system by Copperhead Security and based on Android. It aims to provide stronger security and privacy. It also contains a hardened kernel and sandbox features for app isolation. Available for select Pixel and Nexus devices.

Sailfish OS is a mobile operating system combining the Linux kernel for a particular hardware platform use, the open-source Mer core middleware, a proprietary UI contributed by Jolla, and other third-party components.

Replicant – An open-source operating system based on Android, aiming to replace all proprietary components with free software.

OmniROM – A free software operating system for smartphones and tablet computers, based on the Android mobile platform.

MicroG – A project that aims to reimplement the proprietary Google Play Services in the Android operating sytem with a FLOSS replacement.

OpenWrt is an operating system (in particular, an embedded operating system) based on the Linux kernel, primarily used on embedded devices to route network traffic. The main components are the Linux kernel, util-linux, uClibc and BusyBox. All components have been optimized for size, to be small enough for fitting into the limited storage and memory available in home routers.

pfSense is an open source firewall/router computer software distribution based on FreeBSD. It is installed on a computer to make a dedicated firewall/router for a network and is noted for its reliability and offering features often only found in expensive commercial firewalls. pfSense is commonly deployed as a perimeter firewall, router, wireless access point, DHCP server, DNS server, and as a VPN endpoint.

LibreWRT is a GNU/Linux-libre distribution for computers with minimal resources, such as the Ben Nanonote, ath9k based wifi routers, and other hardware that respects your freedom with emphasis on free software. It is used by the Free Software Foundation on their access point and router which provides network connectivity to portable computers in their office.

OpenBSD – A project that produces a free, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. Emphasizes portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography.

DD-WRT – A is Linux-based firmware for wireless routers and wireless access points. It is compatible with several models of routers and access points.

Surveillance Self-Defense by EFF – Guide to defending yourself from surveillance by using secure technology and developing careful practices.

The Crypto Paper – Privacy, Security and Anonymity for Every Internet User.

Email Self-Defense by FSF – A guide to fighting surveillance with GnuPG encryption.

The Ultimate Privacy Guide – Excellent privacy guide written by the creators of website.

IVPN Privacy Guides – These privacy guides explain how to obtain vastly greater freedom, privacy and anonymity through compartmentalization and isolation.

The Ultimate Guide to Online Privacy – Comprehensive “Ninja Privacy Tips” and 150+ tools. – IP/DNS Detect – What is your IP, what is your DNS, what informations you send to websites.

The ultimate Online Privacy Test Resource List – A collection of Internet sites that check whether your web browser leaks information.

PRISM Break – We all have a right to privacy, which you can exercise today by encrypting your communications and ending your reliance on proprietary services.

Security in-a-Box – A guide to digital security for activists and human rights defenders throughout the world. – Great collection of open source online and self-hosted software sorted by likes.

SecureDrop – An open-source whistleblower submission system that media organizations can use to securely accept documents from and communicate with anonymous sources. It was originally created by the late Aaron Swartz and is currently managed by Freedom of the Press Foundation.

Reset The Net – Privacy Pack – Help fight to end mass surveillance. Get these tools to protect yourself and your friends.

Security First – Umbrella is an Android app that provides all the advice needed to operate safely in a hostile environment.

Block Cloudflare MiTM Attack – Firefox add-on to detect and block corporate MITM attack.

Thomas Dishaw is long-time blogger and entrepreneur. His writings have appeared on, and his influence has shown up on sites like InfowarsThe Daily MailNew York Daily NewsForbes and Gawker. Thomas currently resides outside Philadelphia, PA with his wife and dog. You can reach Thomas via email at   

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...