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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta CONSCIOUSNESS-FILOSOFÍA. Mostrar todas las entradas

22 de noviembre de 2017

Activity behind closed doors portends other monumental changes that will end up with long dark reign of the planet.

Matthew Ward-closed - door activity portends other monumental changes that will end up with long dark reign of the planet. November 20, 2017 | Tuesday, November 21, 2017 Matthew Ward-closed - door activity portends other monumental changes that will end up with long dark reign of the planet.

With loving greetings to all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Desires and long-term hopes have expanded into a sea of ​​lawsuits around the world: citizenship, for moral integrity in their governments and justice systems; the poor, on a level playing field in all aspects of life; minority groups, with the same rights as others have; women, equity and personal, professional and cultural respect; people everywhere, peace instead of war.

All concomitant activity, known around the world through social networks and most of the news most countries, is the precursor to radical changes. But only the employees working in the light and all those whose interests are deeply affected, those whose actions are based on the dark, know that the activity behind closed doors portends other monumental changes that will end up with long dark reign of the planet.

Throughout the ages, civilizations on Earth have had other opportunities to get rid of the shackles of control, but the darkness "held over the people through fear and deception that was too formidable, too penetrating, penetrating" . This time, in response to the cry for help from Gaia, our Earth family has the powerful help of the light emitted from distant sources and generated on the planet by volunteers like you. In light of their inner strength, perseverance and confidence has helped embolden people to carry out a global revolution in the name of peace, justice and prosperity for all.

"The arrest of so many in the bureaucracy of Saudi Arabia further destabilize the unstable situation in the Middle East or perhaps a precursor to finally achieve stability and peace in that region?" We are aware that arrests are considered by some of his analysts as worrying, but we see them as an indicator that the country no longer support the interests of the Illuminati funding ISIS and other terrorist groups in the Middle East, and indeed is a step change in the region of an outbreak of violence to a land of stability and peace. We also see the arrests as a setback for Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, who is at the top of the Illuminati; when his countrymen will remove power, whose interests he has never served,

"Could you address what light workers may be physically experiencing right now? You've talked about this topic before, but the energy is stronger now then, what can we expect? Causes the symptoms easier to try when we have information. can we expect our bodies to settle in the new energies and can feel good again? is there a time for all this to happen? "Undoubtedly, the intensified energy is affecting bodies, mainly as fatigue or weakness; hardly has time to adapt to the latest wave of energy before encountering another. Sporadic episodes of headaches, depression, memory problems, muscle and joint pain, ringing in the ears, unusual sleep and wakefulness,

To lessen the effects, getting enough sleep, but do not take pharmaceuticals as sleeping pills or to encourage or calm, do physical exercise appropriate for their age and drink plenty of water. Eat less than usual; avoid sugar, alcohol, except small amounts of red wine, food and chemical additives; If your budget allows, choose organic produce, seafood unalloyed and eggs, poultry and meat "poultry". There is no separation of body, mind and spirit; therefore, it is equally important to reduce mental and emotional stress. Change the negative to positive thoughts; being in nature as often as you can; prioritize your day is spent successfully; reserve time for solitude, free from the power of others;

Dear, you are unique, therefore, their reaction to new energy levels so is; but when you look after yourself well, the cells absorb more light and that makes the adjustment process less abrupt. And note that the effects of power surges are the same as the signs of the onset or progression of a disease. If your symptoms worsen or become chronic, consult a health care professional, preferably one with a holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment.

"Please ask Matthew to comment on owning and be absorbed with iPhones and the Internet at an early age."

 This is a judgment call for parents, and we hope they know that emissions from cell phones and relay towers that are harmful to adult brains are much more for young people whose brains are still developing. The paradox is that children dominate so easily multipurpose phones and laptops that these objects can become appendages, and wise parents will avoid that. They can discuss with doctors safe age for your child to have a phone, put restrictions on their use, limit computer time and block access to inappropriate Internet sites. We believe it is important that young children often interact with family and friends to experience the pleasure of personal contact: talking, smiling, hugging, laughing, having meals and outings together and establish loving relationships that electronic devices can never offer, and much less replace. Let us add this: when the public demands communication systems health safety, the manufacturers provide. Meanwhile, teams of spacecraft are using their own technology to reduce harmful effects, but keep in mind that the energy of fear produces more stress on the bodies that emissions are not aligned with your electrical systems. Readers who asked about the "fireballs" which recently swept through Germany, France and the southwestern United States and the thunderous "explosion" in Alabama, monitors Nirvana on Earth tell us that the power of astral bodies interacts spectacular and harmless way with spacecraft technology continuously as far as possible toxic contaminants in the atmosphere of the Earth. If we are seeing the planet in seconds that such events occur, we see sudden flashes of light; monitors know what causes them. "What about the powerful computers that generate artificial intelligence that can move without our knowledge that has been developed by the secret government now?" First we say, everything in your world is there for experiential learning. Each development from the wheel to the latest technology, is filtered by scientists outside the planet minds on the planet can absorb and process information. Subsequent developments can be used with beneficial or harmful purposes, and individual choices determine the progress or regression in the evolution of the soul. Now, to address the concern the reader about the surreptitious applications of artificial intelligence: it will not reach that point insidious, nothing based on the dark can stay in the vibrational levels always rise in the planet. When its various technologies are used beneficially, they will greatly enhance the life; and the role of artificial intelligence is to increase the accuracy and competition in fields such as health care, scientific research, transportation and manufacturing. Automation, which has already replaced many jobs, will continue to do so, but will lead to expanded education and employment that are much more satisfactory training assembly lines, service and cleanliness mining, for example. Progress is considered disturbing by a society that clings to what is familiar; However, as the people see the great advantages of the upcoming changes, greeted with open arms the exciting new world on the horizon of the earth. " Matthew said that aliens near Earth are benevolent and when they land bring their technology and help us clean up the environment. Please, ask why other sources claim that aliens pretend to be friendly and helpful before acting with the actual intention of annihilating or transferring their dark souls our bodies. "Without knowing the sources, we can offer only possible reasons that blatantly false information has been given. If it originated outside the planet, the basis of fear that claimed perhaps being loved respected and known light entities passed it on to people who can not detect low vibrations emitted by dark entities If the information originated on the planet, remote viewers may have misinterpreted or misunderstood what they saw in one of the parallel or possible worlds of Earth,. or dark individuals devised and spread these falsehoods to invoke fear. The truth is that only light beings may enter the protective electromagnetic grid around the Earth; its brightness is too powerful for dark aliens come to your solar system. That said, the dark beings with origins in other civilizations have lived on the planet at one time or another since it was first inhabited, and time is running out for those who live there now. " Matthew's description of reptiles commanders sounds like small gray that gave the US government. UU. Advanced technology in exchange for carrying out brutal experiments on people who kidnapped. My question is, are the dark reptiles on Earth? "The beings you call small grays are a humanoid species of Zeta Reticuli, and is a misconception that made that arrangement with the government of the United States. They shared their knowledge of the design of spacecraft, missile systems and human cloning, but visitors offered gifts to their hosts, who were not concerned about his reason for coming to Earth before the birth had concluded agreements. With souls who offered them genetic samples. Many eras before that group of gray came 80 years ago, civilization took refuge from the invaders to leave the surface of their home planet and live within it. Cloning and intellectual dexterity concentration that prevented people died during those centuries before they could recover the surface, resulted in an ashen appearance and, much more important for them, loss of emotions in their composition. The desire to restore his people's feelings by cloning of human DNA progeny led to the agreement between them and the souls who incarnated on Earth. However, lack of emotions gray had two serious consequences. Most joined clause agreement that would take tissue samples only people who remembered; It found "in the flesh" triggered the memory. But some people did not have that experience memory, without the capacity for empathy, sensitivity and compassion, gray did not realize they were traumatizing those people. And without an emotional framework for assessing the reliability of the people whom they went, they chose evil and were betrayed. At the same time, the government of the United States ridiculing all reports of UFOs and extraterrestrials, its scientists gave credence to the stories of kidnapping and brutality to perform procedures themselves to instill fear in the population about aliens. Another unexpected situation also came into play for gray, which were hidden in huge underground labyrinths where they took the "abductees" and it was disastrous. They had expected to quickly return to their homeland and their families by the same means that had come to Earth, the power of mind that allowed them to dematerialize, and then re-materialize on arrival. But their bodies were trapped in deep energy of third density on the planet, and since the government's attempts to kill failed, survivors still live underground. These highly intelligent people are not combatants, and if they reach the surface of the Earth, perhaps after arriving other civilizations would never harm anyone. Instrumentally, truths are revealing the depths of deception and fear that the dark have used to maintain slavery Earth civilizations for millennia. The more truths emerge weaker become dark, and finally the people live in the joy of life is there meant to be. Beings of light throughout this universe will honor to help, guide! 

They always forward. LOVE and PAZ Suzanne Ward

19 de agosto de 2017


Tell a Tibetan story that one day a teacher asked his students the following: Why do people shout when they are angry?
The men thought for a moment:
- Because we lose the calm (one said), that's why we scream.
- But why shout when the other person is by your side? Asked the teacher; Is it not possible to speak in a low voice?
Why do you yell at a person when you're angry?
The men gave some other answers but none satisfied their teacher.
Finally he explained:
- When two people are angry, their hearts drift away.
To cover that distance they must scream, to be able to listen. The angrier they are, the louder they will have to shout to hear each other across that great distance.
Then he asked, "What happens when two people fall in love?"
They do not scream, they talk softly ... Why? Because their hearts are so close. The distance between them is very small.
And so he went on:
"When they fall in love even more, what happens? They do not talk, they only whisper and they come closer in their love." They do not even need to whisper, they just look at each other and that's it.
Finally he said:
"When they argue, do not let their hearts go away, do not say words that distract them more, there will come a day, when the distance is so much, that they will no longer find the way back.
If you think you deserve it, # share, so that it reaches more people, as it came to you.
Thanks for your time!

7 de agosto de 2017


The good thing about this chronology is that all of it is based on tablets, archaeological discoveries and verifiable material base.

An alternative theory, which includes the chronology of Annunakis and gives answers to the chronology of Exopolitics the SXX, but starts much earlier and gives a totally different every sense, is that of the Pleiadians.

However the sources of this history are not material. These pieces of information about the Cosmic and Earth history have been passed in several texts by missionaries Rahma as Tell-Elam (Sixto Paz from Peru), NorDac (Ricardo González of Peru), Hell-Aham (Cristian Sánchez de Argentina) Talmir (Mauricio García de Chile) and Camilo Valdivieso (Chile), between 1997 and 2007.

It all began in Peru in 1974 a collective process of communication and contact with "Higher Intelligences," known today as "Mission Rahma."

I have to say that this theory affects me personally. At that time, the 70, I contacted these beings, without meaning to. (I know it was them, chronology data).

The experience was complicated and gradually, we notice how the real world was replaced by another. In each communication session things happened and you had to fulfill instructions were given.

These instructions will definitely diverged from your ordinary life. But you could not get out. You saw things, and were acting in a frame.

For anyone out, we were crazy, possessed of no reason, as belonging to a sect.
It is difficult to establish a theory when your informers are placed in another space, in another field in another reality.

However, this experience left me forever marked. Since then I had another perception of reality. I even experience a special feeling, to do certain things, as they say; It is as if remembering what had never learned.

The passage of time and life returned things to "normal."

Today, from a few years of experience, I can say that the influence persists and the attraction continues.

There are multiple universes , but essentially we can synthesize in threeUniverses, one contained within the other: the Initial or Primordial Universe, which is the internal , is called spiritual universe, Essential or original. É ste has created the Mental Universe, also called Eternal or Intermediate. And this in turn has created the Universe material, physical or external. Each acting through the other.

Material Universe covers the first 7 Dimensions, inhabited by the ascenders in Evolution. The Mental Universe covers Dimensions 8 to 10, inhabited by Beings Ultraterrestrials known as Helel or Glittering. And the spiritual universe encompasses the dimensions 11 and 12, which rests God Almighty One.

The Helel are grouped into 9 orders, known as the Angelology Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Dominions, Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim. The latter, more senior, are children of one God.

os Helel are the real creators of the Universe Material not being the first, and probably not the last. There have been many and very different principles, as the Prime Creator is experienced himself through his creatures.

The material universe was created by the Mental Universe, because the Mental experienced himself through the material, thereby seeking the source of everything. Because it is through action directed material with Consciousness, which mentally can get to experience the spiritual essence.

In this latest creation, the first civilizations that emerged did so directed by Helel, who set a pattern of development, seeking to achieve a mental ideal that they themselves had proposed.

2 de agosto de 2017

7 Signs of emotional intoxication

We must dedicate some time to cultivate ourselves and purify our emotions. Being intoxicated took everything to the extreme and misinterpret the words and actions of others
I feel vulnerable, I get angry easily and, occasionally, feel the need to go away and leave everything behind. Over indifference interest in a split second, as soon as I want to carry out a project like that I bore me.
I live in a constant roller coaster. Laughter and tears accompany me and destabilized in the most unexpected moments. I takes great effort to separate my past and present concerns and insecurity reigns my life.
Often react disproportionately and I can not explain clearly my thoughts and emotions, which is bringing me a lot of trouble. Moreover, as soon I do not feel comfortable with anything or anyone like I'm drowning because I feel a deep need to have someone take my hand ...

Do you identify or identify someone from your environment with these words? This could be the speech of a person under the influence of emotional intoxication or what is the same, with emotional problems related to  stress , the  anxiety  and  depression .
Many of us understand without any problem what are effects of  alcohol intoxication . We know that our perception ability is altered, the heart rate slows down, our resilience decreases, etc. But what we are able to interpret the signs that indicate that we are overwhelmed by our emotions?
If you're going through or have gone through moments of great emotional burden, it is likely to make you debug your emotions missing. Although the causes are different,  the emotional intoxication is the consequence of not giving us a daily time to cultivate our interior.

1. You are constantly on the defensive

As we were discussing,  a person who is intoxicated by their emotions have activated  "self - protection mode" , through which it protects what you think you can hurt him.
When our emotions overwhelm us,  you may consistently misinterpret actions  or perceive the words of others as an  attack . In fact, we look only at times and we are stubbornly take everything to the extreme.
This is because our  self - esteem  is completely diminished, which makes us feel vulnerable to any event. Our emotions block us and we attend selectively cause the negative, making any small thing affects us directly.
As a result, we retorceremos words and wills of others and react aggressively and disproportionate,  believing that we must protect ourselves from danger is only in our minds .

2. Your perceptions are altered

Chances are, to be watching what happens around you with the glasses of your emotions, do not listen to you or others. At the end of the day , you may do seem a waste of time, but  not get rid of these conflicts can cause you many problems.
For example, nervousness, impatience and uncontrolled emotional reactions originate here in  the little that we stop to think about how we are understanding and addressing what surrounds us .

3. You are overly critical

One of the reasons why it is so difficult to deal with an intoxicated person is because  the barrier of self - imposed intransigence.  They do not spend even one, not even themselves.
If you feel this way, it is possible that in your desire to have everything controlled and prevent anything from interfering with your life, do not grant or minimal room for maneuver. Try to be more benevolent with yourself and with others .

4. Outcrops your insecurities

If you feel you are intoxicated you have probably noticed that your insecurities have emerged and direct your life. You become more reactive and you get defensive frequently.
Your self - esteem is completely depleted and feel that you are vulnerable to any event that may arise.  You probably feel that you have no strength and are unable to clearly understand how you feel, how you are and even what you can do.
As a result,  you think you  need someone  on your side that mitigates your shortcomings, to protect you and direct your day , because you can not do anything for yourself. Obviously, this aspect have to work in order to regenerate our autonomy and our emotional identity.

5. You feel off

Emotional overload can overwhelm reach to the point of apagarnos.  Feeling off means no forces and not be able to reactivate itself.
When goes our  vitality , we decided to close the curtains and protect us from our own feelings, giving up an essential part of our being. In short, you  is a great effort, mental and physical, make decisions and be aware of everything, because you have no strength to face everyday challenges .

6. Your emotional lock prevents you from moving forward

When we are inundated by our emotions we are unable to mentally filter our emotional and sentimental reactions.  As a result, our ability to communicate, to make decisions and progress is hampered, so we find situations in which we respond inappropriately or simply know no answer.
Be emotionally  intoxicated prevents you think before you speak and take perspective  on what is happening. Your attention and your  memory  is too selective, which  is compounded by a discussion, then start twisting the words you hear and draw your own conclusions , which help you to substantiate your frustrations and your problems.
Should always be cold, warm the heart long head and hand , said  Confucius . A hot reaction causes us to control our emotions and our impulses break out, so  we will not be ourselves if we act at the time.

We are afraid to get rid of what has been with us, either very close or long.
 Why do not we let go of it or let it go, even though we are creating suffering.

7. The emotional vertigo not let you say goodbye

If normal costs us when our emotions have invaded us we face a  fear of emotional void  even greater. This is because  we understand that although our emotional architecture is about to collapse, there are some basic pillars that we can not tear down .
We are obviously wrong, this perception is the  result of exhaustion and emotional blockage that causes intoxication.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...