
19 de agosto de 2017


Tell a Tibetan story that one day a teacher asked his students the following: Why do people shout when they are angry?
The men thought for a moment:
- Because we lose the calm (one said), that's why we scream.
- But why shout when the other person is by your side? Asked the teacher; Is it not possible to speak in a low voice?
Why do you yell at a person when you're angry?
The men gave some other answers but none satisfied their teacher.
Finally he explained:
- When two people are angry, their hearts drift away.
To cover that distance they must scream, to be able to listen. The angrier they are, the louder they will have to shout to hear each other across that great distance.
Then he asked, "What happens when two people fall in love?"
They do not scream, they talk softly ... Why? Because their hearts are so close. The distance between them is very small.
And so he went on:
"When they fall in love even more, what happens? They do not talk, they only whisper and they come closer in their love." They do not even need to whisper, they just look at each other and that's it.
Finally he said:
"When they argue, do not let their hearts go away, do not say words that distract them more, there will come a day, when the distance is so much, that they will no longer find the way back.
If you think you deserve it, # share, so that it reaches more people, as it came to you.
Thanks for your time!

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