
2 de agosto de 2017

7 Signs of emotional intoxication

We must dedicate some time to cultivate ourselves and purify our emotions. Being intoxicated took everything to the extreme and misinterpret the words and actions of others
I feel vulnerable, I get angry easily and, occasionally, feel the need to go away and leave everything behind. Over indifference interest in a split second, as soon as I want to carry out a project like that I bore me.
I live in a constant roller coaster. Laughter and tears accompany me and destabilized in the most unexpected moments. I takes great effort to separate my past and present concerns and insecurity reigns my life.
Often react disproportionately and I can not explain clearly my thoughts and emotions, which is bringing me a lot of trouble. Moreover, as soon I do not feel comfortable with anything or anyone like I'm drowning because I feel a deep need to have someone take my hand ...

Do you identify or identify someone from your environment with these words? This could be the speech of a person under the influence of emotional intoxication or what is the same, with emotional problems related to  stress , the  anxiety  and  depression .
Many of us understand without any problem what are effects of  alcohol intoxication . We know that our perception ability is altered, the heart rate slows down, our resilience decreases, etc. But what we are able to interpret the signs that indicate that we are overwhelmed by our emotions?
If you're going through or have gone through moments of great emotional burden, it is likely to make you debug your emotions missing. Although the causes are different,  the emotional intoxication is the consequence of not giving us a daily time to cultivate our interior.

1. You are constantly on the defensive

As we were discussing,  a person who is intoxicated by their emotions have activated  "self - protection mode" , through which it protects what you think you can hurt him.
When our emotions overwhelm us,  you may consistently misinterpret actions  or perceive the words of others as an  attack . In fact, we look only at times and we are stubbornly take everything to the extreme.
This is because our  self - esteem  is completely diminished, which makes us feel vulnerable to any event. Our emotions block us and we attend selectively cause the negative, making any small thing affects us directly.
As a result, we retorceremos words and wills of others and react aggressively and disproportionate,  believing that we must protect ourselves from danger is only in our minds .

2. Your perceptions are altered

Chances are, to be watching what happens around you with the glasses of your emotions, do not listen to you or others. At the end of the day , you may do seem a waste of time, but  not get rid of these conflicts can cause you many problems.
For example, nervousness, impatience and uncontrolled emotional reactions originate here in  the little that we stop to think about how we are understanding and addressing what surrounds us .

3. You are overly critical

One of the reasons why it is so difficult to deal with an intoxicated person is because  the barrier of self - imposed intransigence.  They do not spend even one, not even themselves.
If you feel this way, it is possible that in your desire to have everything controlled and prevent anything from interfering with your life, do not grant or minimal room for maneuver. Try to be more benevolent with yourself and with others .

4. Outcrops your insecurities

If you feel you are intoxicated you have probably noticed that your insecurities have emerged and direct your life. You become more reactive and you get defensive frequently.
Your self - esteem is completely depleted and feel that you are vulnerable to any event that may arise.  You probably feel that you have no strength and are unable to clearly understand how you feel, how you are and even what you can do.
As a result,  you think you  need someone  on your side that mitigates your shortcomings, to protect you and direct your day , because you can not do anything for yourself. Obviously, this aspect have to work in order to regenerate our autonomy and our emotional identity.

5. You feel off

Emotional overload can overwhelm reach to the point of apagarnos.  Feeling off means no forces and not be able to reactivate itself.
When goes our  vitality , we decided to close the curtains and protect us from our own feelings, giving up an essential part of our being. In short, you  is a great effort, mental and physical, make decisions and be aware of everything, because you have no strength to face everyday challenges .

6. Your emotional lock prevents you from moving forward

When we are inundated by our emotions we are unable to mentally filter our emotional and sentimental reactions.  As a result, our ability to communicate, to make decisions and progress is hampered, so we find situations in which we respond inappropriately or simply know no answer.
Be emotionally  intoxicated prevents you think before you speak and take perspective  on what is happening. Your attention and your  memory  is too selective, which  is compounded by a discussion, then start twisting the words you hear and draw your own conclusions , which help you to substantiate your frustrations and your problems.
Should always be cold, warm the heart long head and hand , said  Confucius . A hot reaction causes us to control our emotions and our impulses break out, so  we will not be ourselves if we act at the time.

We are afraid to get rid of what has been with us, either very close or long.
 Why do not we let go of it or let it go, even though we are creating suffering.

7. The emotional vertigo not let you say goodbye

If normal costs us when our emotions have invaded us we face a  fear of emotional void  even greater. This is because  we understand that although our emotional architecture is about to collapse, there are some basic pillars that we can not tear down .
We are obviously wrong, this perception is the  result of exhaustion and emotional blockage that causes intoxication.

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