
7 de agosto de 2017


The good thing about this chronology is that all of it is based on tablets, archaeological discoveries and verifiable material base.

An alternative theory, which includes the chronology of Annunakis and gives answers to the chronology of Exopolitics the SXX, but starts much earlier and gives a totally different every sense, is that of the Pleiadians.

However the sources of this history are not material. These pieces of information about the Cosmic and Earth history have been passed in several texts by missionaries Rahma as Tell-Elam (Sixto Paz from Peru), NorDac (Ricardo González of Peru), Hell-Aham (Cristian Sánchez de Argentina) Talmir (Mauricio García de Chile) and Camilo Valdivieso (Chile), between 1997 and 2007.

It all began in Peru in 1974 a collective process of communication and contact with "Higher Intelligences," known today as "Mission Rahma."

I have to say that this theory affects me personally. At that time, the 70, I contacted these beings, without meaning to. (I know it was them, chronology data).

The experience was complicated and gradually, we notice how the real world was replaced by another. In each communication session things happened and you had to fulfill instructions were given.

These instructions will definitely diverged from your ordinary life. But you could not get out. You saw things, and were acting in a frame.

For anyone out, we were crazy, possessed of no reason, as belonging to a sect.
It is difficult to establish a theory when your informers are placed in another space, in another field in another reality.

However, this experience left me forever marked. Since then I had another perception of reality. I even experience a special feeling, to do certain things, as they say; It is as if remembering what had never learned.

The passage of time and life returned things to "normal."

Today, from a few years of experience, I can say that the influence persists and the attraction continues.

There are multiple universes , but essentially we can synthesize in threeUniverses, one contained within the other: the Initial or Primordial Universe, which is the internal , is called spiritual universe, Essential or original. É ste has created the Mental Universe, also called Eternal or Intermediate. And this in turn has created the Universe material, physical or external. Each acting through the other.

Material Universe covers the first 7 Dimensions, inhabited by the ascenders in Evolution. The Mental Universe covers Dimensions 8 to 10, inhabited by Beings Ultraterrestrials known as Helel or Glittering. And the spiritual universe encompasses the dimensions 11 and 12, which rests God Almighty One.

The Helel are grouped into 9 orders, known as the Angelology Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Dominions, Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim. The latter, more senior, are children of one God.

os Helel are the real creators of the Universe Material not being the first, and probably not the last. There have been many and very different principles, as the Prime Creator is experienced himself through his creatures.

The material universe was created by the Mental Universe, because the Mental experienced himself through the material, thereby seeking the source of everything. Because it is through action directed material with Consciousness, which mentally can get to experience the spiritual essence.

In this latest creation, the first civilizations that emerged did so directed by Helel, who set a pattern of development, seeking to achieve a mental ideal that they themselves had proposed.

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