
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Deep State. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Deep State. Mostrar todas las entradas

25 de diciembre de 2018

Potus Vs deep state

POS American Traitor Chuck Schumer played right into Trump's hand with his resistance for the wall funding...because the truth is...they had planned to shut down the government anyway to make the change over.

POTUS is about to 'Rock The Boat" BIG TIME because the swamp has not been drained yet.

All of this drama over the wall...when it was already funded under the military budget. It is the military building the wall (corp of engineers) as all the fuss is smoke & mirrors.

We have a Christmas party for the cabal. Many of them got a personal invitation at the funeral for the special party at GITMO this holiday. (transportation and all expenses paid) :)

If I were Chuck...I would be careful about rising to the top of the POS list...because the first two on the list are gone now.

(no name mccain...and poppy nazi bush) You will learn later that neither of these guys were human. (and if you think that sounds need to wake the hell up)

The NAZI's didn't lose the war (WW2) ...they took over the world...and now they rule the universe. (look into Solar Warden)
They run America and been traveling & trading with alien races for over 70 years right in your face...and you never blinked. NASA is nothing more that a distraction to keep you dumbed down and ignorant...and guess what? worked.

The people are asleep. They let a tranny in the WH 8 years and never blinked!!! (IN YOUR FACE)

Well folks...take my advise...and go get supplies for about 2 weeks and hunker down and watch the show.

When we come out the other side of will be blown away.

And get ready for lots of SHOCKING revelations which will just keep on coming.

It's time to wake up folks. Mr.Ed :)

Imploding Wall Street in the week of 24, 27, 28 December 2018? By Rinus Verhagen

Rinus Verhagen -- Imploding Wall Street in the Week of 24, 27, 28 December 2018?

Submitted to Operation Disclosure | 

The checkmate for the Deep State puppets has entered its final phase through inborn stupidity of the Democrats.

The government has now been deactivated by the breaking point to get the cost of the wall approved., so all signals are on deep Blood Red.

The Temporary Military Law will make it possible to continue the plan, investors will try to sell their shares and masse, so the stock market can easily drop between 10 and 25% or more further.

All politicians who are not in active service lose their immunity over the period that they have done damage to the US and world population.

This Christmas time will be very special, everyone is at home with his family, and so to be picked up by the US Marshals, there will be no chance to escape, as these people are constantly under surveillance.

The long awaited dismissal of Netanyahu will work like a fire accelerator thanks GESARA.

For us, these are the signs that the NWO is losing ground, the remaining NWO structure in the unelected corrupt UN and EU, making frantic attempts to further destroy Europe, pushing through the climate lies based on false foundations.

The unelected EU fascists are now admitting to deliberately replacing Europe's population to demolish the sovereign states and demanding that the European population pay taxes to the criminals in Brussels.

The European people do not give agreement with an unelected EU, paying a tax to this mafia is therefore no legal basis that would justify this.

To turn the tide, GESARA will prevent the destruction of the economy, free the populations from the game of bankers and politics.

The joke of the whole story is, by fear, the Democrats have put their own demise into operation, everything will be revealed, paedophile, corrupt and Satanists among the worldwide 66,568 indictments.

An Audit of the FED will immediately mean the end of the FED, because their books can never be correct as their money consists of hot air, the Petrodollar is completely worthless to Multinationals and the world trade organization.

All criminals will be expropriated from their stolen wealth, Soros, Fake Kings, Vatican, and their political accomplices.

These are beautiful prospects in this time of reflection, December 25 is a day to celebrate the birth of dark to light, but has nothing to do with the actual birth date of Christ.

This deception was caused by the introduction of the Roman Catholic Church by Emperor Constantine in 325 n.C. in Constantinople which became Christian several hundred years later.

The biblical Jesus is 2 years younger than the historical Jesus. He was not born on December 25 in the year 0, but on June 17 in 2 BC. Conclusion: our era started 2 years too late. And moreover, we celebrate Christmas in the wrong season.

We see that there is a constant lie to keep power and to keep the population stupid, in favour of a small core of rulers.

All this will now be changed by the implosion of the FIAT debt money system.

For the Christian population December 25th will be a feast of peace and tolerance, for other religions and atheists only as a turn of the century.

Crime against the world's population will stop.

I wish all people a peaceful time of reflection and a Merry Christmas holiday.

19 de diciembre de 2018

“Deep State” Cries “We Don’t Know How To Stop It” As “QAnon” Forces Backing Trump Prepare For Mass Arrests

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A pointed new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today documenting for the Security Council (SC) continuing operations being conducted by the mysterious US military intelligence organization backing President Trump called “QAnon”, notes that following the 10 Decemberradar disappearing combat maneuver performed over the heartland of America by a US military aircraft tasked with transporting high level prisoners, at least two more of these high level prisoner transport US military aircraft have performed radar disappearing combat maneuvers over Maine and Florida—the one in Florida to be particularly noted as it was combined with a mysterious shadowy combat extraction exercise conducted in Miami Beach by US commandos and selected local police officers—one of whom was a SWATofficer said to have been reprimanded because he wore his “QAnon” patch while posing with Vice President Pence—all of which brings into sharp relief why, this past August, the “Deep State” aligned Washington Post fearfully declared: “QAnon is scary because it’s getting bigger, it’s scary because we don’t know how to stop it, and it’s scary because the people behind it won’t be stopped”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, most important to know about the “Deep State” aligned Washington Post is whom it conveys its fearful “QAnon” messages to—which is, most certainly, not to the American people, as like the equally “Deep State” aligned New York Times, they’ve erected around themselves a paywall to keep all but the elite classes from being able to read their screeds—but whose cryptic messages, instead, are meant to further the coup plot against President Trump—best exampled this past week by their publishing an article titled “New Report On Russian Disinformation, Prepared For The Senate, Shows The Operation’s Scale And Sweep” that laughably asserted “the most sweeping analysis yet of Russia’s disinformation campaign around the 2016 election found the operation used every major social media platform to deliver words, images and videos tailored to voters’ interests to help elect President Trump — and worked even harder to support him while in office”.

The main viewers, therefore, of the anti-Trumppropaganda messages being spewed out by the Washington Post, this report explains, are those like the Obama Regime’s national intelligence director, James Clapper, and CIAdirector, John BrennanBrennan, in particular, who has waged an unprecedented war for a former CIA director against a sitting president whom he likens to a Russian double agent in the White House—most outrageously his leaking to the New York Times, in February-2017 that the US intelligence community owns substantial quantities of intercepted talks and phone records of Trumpcampaign people communicating with Russianintelligence—but then saw the FBI having to inform the US Congress that no such documents exist.

With American investigative reporter Michael Isikoff (whose report on alleged Trump-Russia links was cited extensively by the FBI to secure a warrant to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page) now conceding that many of the dossier’s most scandalous allegations have yet to be supported by real evidence, and who just wrote “when you actually get into the details of the Steele dossier, the specific allegations, we have not seen the evidence to support them, and, in fact, there's good grounds to think that some of the more sensational allegations will never be proven and are likely false”, this report continues, he becomes the first “Deep State” aligned journalist to admit the reality of the just released British Court documents showing that the Russia-Trump dossier creator, MI6 operative Christopher Steeletestified under oath and admitted that Hillary Clinton paid to him to make up these Trump-Russia collusion lies so she could use them to contest her election loss to Trump and overthrow him in a coup.
As to why “Deep State” aligned journalist Michael Isikoff went from being one of the main creators of the Russiagate hoax, to his now admitting it was all lies, this report concludes, shows clearly the fear spreading all across the elite leftist strongholds of Americadue to the actions of “QAnon”—that began within weeks of Trump being elected when they showed their power in being able to protect them—continued with their commando extraction exercises to capture high value prisoners in Obama’s hometown of Chicago—another such high value prisoner capture exercise being conducted just mere miles from Hillary Clinton’s New York compound—all of which, and more, were met with this past weekends QAnon” message sent from top USgenerals to the American people warning them of what is soon to occur—and further explains why Trump is about to order the immediate creation of the US Space Command (that  the previous link detailed about).    

December 18, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

6 de diciembre de 2018

BSO sergeant who wore ‘QAnon’ patch in photo with Pence has been disciplined

By Carli Teproff
December 03, 2018 07:26 PM
Updated December 04, 2018 07:24 AM
The Broward Sheriff’s Office SWAT sergeant who wore a “QAnon” conspiracy patch on his official uniform when he posed in a photo with Vice President Mike Pence at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport last week received a written reprimand and will be reassigned, the department announced Monday.
Sgt. Matthew Patten, a 27-year veteran of the sheriff’s office, was found to have violated the department’s uniform code and displayed “conduct unbecoming an employee,” according to the official reprimand signed by Patten. He was removed from BSO’s Strategic Investigations Division’s Office of Homeland Security and the agency’s S.W.A.T. Team and will be reassigned to the Department of Law Enforcement.
The decision comes days after the photo of Patten with Pence and other deputies was posted on the Vice President’s official Twitter page. The tweet was later deleted.
Pence was in town Friday for the 2018 Israeli-American Council National Conference. Patten was part of a group of deputies assisting the U.S. Secret Service with a security detail, according to the reprimand. Pence asked for a group photo, Capt. Steven Robson said in the letter.
Patten could be seen clearly sporting the patch, which included an upper-case “Q” and the phrase “Question the Narrative.” The patch refers to a baseless, far-right conspiracy theory birthed online that purports the existence of an international pedophilia ring affiliated with prominent Democrats.
On Friday afternoon, Jared Holt, a reporter for Right Wing Watch, was the first to flag the tweet to his followers. The picture quickly spread across the internet.
In the two-page “Counseling Report,” Robson explained that “the symbolism of the patch is very controversial as ‘Q’ is representative of a controversial conservative political conspiracy group identified as ‘QAnon.’
“Being a highly political entity with a narrow one-sided scope of positioning, public alignment and representation of such group is in contrast with the core values of political neutrality within the Broward Sheriff’s Office,” he wrote, adding that the story was shared on national and local platforms including the Washington Post, the Miami Herald and the Sun Sentinel. “This resulted in negative ramifications on a national platform as a controversy for the Broward Sheriff’s Office, the county, S.W.A.T. team and Sgt. Patten.”

28 de noviembre de 2018

U.S. Attorney Takes First Step toward Prosecuting Explosive Destruction of World Trade Center on 9/11

AE911 Truth Staff, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, 27 de noviembre de 2018
Arquitectos e ingenieros de 9/11 Truth se complace en compartir el siguiente anuncio hecho por el Comité de Abogados para la Investigación del 11 de septiembre del 26 de noviembre de 2018:
United States Attorney Agrees to Comply with Federal Law Requiring Submission to Special Grand Jury of Report by Lawyers’ Committee and 9/11 Victim Family Members of Yet-To-Be-Prosecuted 9/11 Related Federal Crimes
The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, a nonprofit public interest organization, announces its receipt of a letter from the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York in response to the Lawyers’ Committee’s April 10, 2018 Petition and July 30, 2018 Amended Petition demanding that the U.S. Attorney present to a Special Grand Jury extensive evidence of yet-to-be-prosecuted federal crimes relating to the destruction of three World Trade Center Towers on 9/11 (WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7).
The U.S. Attorney, in his November 7, 2018 letter to the Lawyers’ Committee, stated: We have received and reviewed The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, Inc.’s submissions of April 10 and July 30, 2018. We will comply with the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 3332 as they relate to your submissions”(emphasis added). (The U.S. Attorney’s letter is available here.)
The U.S. Attorney’s letter does not spell out the steps that will be taken to comply, but 18 U.S.C. § 3332 is clear as to what these steps must be. This law states: “[a]ny such [United States] attorney receiving information concerning such an alleged offense from any other person shall, if requested by such other person, inform the [Special] grand jury of such alleged offense, the identity of such other person, and such attorney’s action or recommendation.” This law also states that “(a) It shall be the duty of each such [special] grand jury impaneled within any judicial district to inquire into offenses against the criminal laws of the United States alleged to have been committed within that district.”
This letter from the U.S. Attorney was signed by Michael Ferrara and Ilan Graff, Chiefs, Terrorism and International Narcotics Unit. On November 24, 2018, the Lawyers’ Committee replied, thanking the U.S. Attorney and expressing support for a thorough inquiry into the crimes reported in the Lawyers’ Committee’s petitions.
The Lawyers’ Committee’s April 10th 52-page original Petition was accompanied by 57 exhibits and presented extensive evidence that explosives were used to destroy three WTC buildings.
That evidence included independent scientific laboratory analysis of WTC dust samples showing the presence of high-tech explosives and/or incendiaries; numerous first-hand reports by First Responders of explosions at the WTC on 9/11; expert analysis of seismic evidence that explosions occurred at the WTC towers on 9/11 prior to the airplane impacts and prior to the building collapses; and expert analysis by architects, engineers, and scientists concluding that the rapid onset symmetrical near-free-fall acceleration collapse of three WTC high rise buildings on 9/11 exhibited the key characteristics of controlled demolition.
The Lawyers’ Committee’s July 30th Amended Petition addresses several additional federal crimes beyond the federal bombing crime addressed in the original Petition. The Lawyers’ Committee concluded in the petitions that explosive and incendiary devices preplaced at the WTC were detonated causing the complete collapse of the WTC Twin Towers on 9/11 and increasing the tragic loss of life.
Attorney Mick Harrison, Litigation Director, stated: “The failure of our government to diligently investigate this disturbing evidence has contributed to the erosion of trust in our institutions. The Lawyers’ Committee felt it was our duty as public citizens to submit this evidence to the U.S. Attorney for submission to the Special Grand Jury.”
Attorney David Meiswinkle, President of the Lawyers’ Committee’s Board of Directors, stated: “We have offered to assist the U.S. Attorney in the presentation of this evidence to a Special Grand Jury. We have also requested that Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth provide us expert support in the hope that our organizations will be invited to make a joint presentation of relevant evidence to the Special Grand Jury.”
Attorney William Jacoby, Lawyers’ Committee Board Member, stated: “We call upon the public and legal community to contact us and support our efforts to contribute to this grand jury process and to monitor and ensure compliance by the Justice Department.”
Executive Director and Actor Ed Asner stated: “The U.S. Attorney’s decision to comply with the Special Grand Jury Statute regarding our petitions is an important step towards greater transparency and accountability regarding the tragic events of 9/11.”

Q: Extreme Panic in DC" by Sierra (NZ) - 11.26.18

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 2:44 AM EST on November 26, 2018

Q post number 2499 indicates that the Deep State is now in a state of EXTREME PANIC...

Excerpt from Q post number 2499...

'...Be 'extremely' vigilant in Dec.
See something
Say something.

Q post number 2501 discusses the timing of Whitaker's release of the classified documents, and how it will affect the testimonies of Deep State members. Here are excerpts from the post...

'WHITAKER (in conjunction with OIG) approved the release of 
CLAS docs 1-4 as requested by the House Committee and as 
...If those testifying 'know' select CLAS docs will become public
(self incrimination) how might that alter/change their testimony?
DC has become RAT infested.'

Finally, President Trump/Q has fun 'trolling' George Soros in Q post number 2502. Here are excerpts...

'Border Security = National Security.
FY 2019 Defense Spending Bill...
...What vested auth does the Constitution grant a sitting President re:
matter of NAT SEC?
Thank you, Mr Soros.'

George Soros funded the migrant invasion which created the opportunity for President Trump to send troops to the southern border in the name of National Security. Those same troops will now be available when the arrests start to happen, and potential martial law. And George Soros created the entire situation himself! Q often says, 'These people are stupid...'

The Q posts are providing us with a steady stream of intel as the situation unfolds in USA. The United States of America is the seat of the Deep State, therefore it must be the main focus for the Alliance. However liberating USA will also liberate the rest of the world. Freedom, abundance and peace for humanity at last.


Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)

22 de noviembre de 2018


Systhesis of the restart published on November 22 at

1. The GCR has moved to December 1.

 3. Global currency restart: according to David Steele, the implementation of the GCR has been moved to December 1.

It was planned that at the time we received the 800 # s, there would also be an announcement of the Restored Republic and the implementation of the GESARA Act. The GESARA Act would expose the fiduciary financial system in bankruptcy, which would force all Central Banks (including the privately owned Federal Reserve and the IRS) to close.

Stock market:

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has lost approximately $ 42 billion since his net worth reached its peak in September at $ 168 billion.


Going down to the fiat banking, the Vatican, the CIA, the mafia and the secret societies in our movement towards a quantum financial system backed by assets / gold

It is believed that the secret societies are interconnected with the CIA, the Mossad, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, the round tables and Freemasonry, and even more in the history of the Illuminati, the Templars, the Maltese Knights and the Priory of Sion.

 Members of royal circles, the orders of the neo-knights, the Masonic sects, the CIA, the Mossad, the Maltese knights and the Vatican often come together to temporarily join forces with a common purpose.

His continued agenda was to discredit both national and ecclesiastical authorities in his attempt to forge a united Europe and then unite the rest of the world, that is, to realize the New World Order.

Trump was achieving an economic restart and the Rothchilds had already surrendered. Deep Staters will not enjoy eggnog this Christmas. Instead, many of them will be dressed festively in orange prison costumes and adorning the halls of GITMO. Let's practice compassion and forgiveness on the way to military courts. None of us would want to exchange places with the perpetrators, knowing the karmic path ahead of them.

It seems that the meek will inherit the Earth before the end of the year. Where we go one, we all go Love and Light Sierra (NZ)

©Published by alternative website

restored through a GCR Republic: update from November 22, 2018

eraoflight alternative news.jpgCompiled on November 22 at 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Recovery of child abuse, Author, "Twenty Two Faces , " Byington's Before It's News articlesa satanic ring CIA and international trafficking of children pedophiles sponsored by the Vatican:  Source 
The following is a summary of information on the Internet. Correspond to theindividual reader do your own research and decide whether it is valid or not. Patience is a virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.
Judy Note:  This may be my last update, offering 800 # s release on  Friday, November 23  . If we do RV this weekend, my reports will resume on  November 24 . A special thanks to Martha and others who chose to remain anonymous. I have provided a steady stream of special information and valuable ideas. Patrick is unique and we should all be eternally grateful for their dedication to reveal the truth through their websites. I hope we all can find and enjoy each other on the other side of the Global Currency Reset. And in all your donations, please do not forget to abused children. These innocent can be found throughout the world and right next door. They need your help, support and protection against the evil that lies around us.
A. The Plan - What we know from the Thursday morning. November 22th:
1. 800 # s Released:
Bruce:  800 # s would be out and would begin to exchange the  Friday. November 23  .
Tony:  Banks said we should see this on  Friday. November 22  or Saturday. November 23  .
Multiple sources have indicated that the 800 # s would come out on Friday. November 23  or this weekend.
2.  RV:
China RV'd and started trading on  Tuesday. November 13  .
Trump has a written agreement with China that the US. UU. RV would move just after China would support its assets.
RV'd Iraq on  Tuesday. November 20.
3.  Global Restarting the coin:  as David Steele, the implementation of GCR has been moved to  December 1  .
4.  Stock market: it  was planned that the RV began during a deliberate implosion of the market. For  Wednesday  November 21,  the three major indexes had given up their gains for the year 2018. As a guru of the stock exchange said  on November 21 : "The roads will be filled tonight when the race starts Action thanks, but this morning investors rush for the exits. "
5. Some said the  Thanksgiving, Thursday. On November 22  it would be a logical place to announce the return of the US currency now. UU. A standard gold - backed / active (if announced). That  November 22  was the anniversary of the death of JFK: it is believed that the assassination of the President of the United States occurred because Kennedy was in the process of closing the Federal Reserve and making the country's transition to the gold standard.  They had printed new US notes in preparation. UST also our new notes have been printed and stored in banks and Redemption Centers in preparation for RV / GCR (this week in honor of JFK?).
6. It was planned that by the time we received the 800 # s, also would be an announcement of the Restored Republic and the implementation of the Law GESARA. GESARA Act would expose the bankruptcy trustee financial system, which would force all Central Banks (including privately owned Federal Reserve and the IRS) to close.
7. On  5 December, the  Attorney General Huber, (which has been more than 79 researchers investigating questionable political activities since Trump took office), appeared before Congress to testify about their findings about Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation .
B. November 21, 2018 3:06 pm EST TNT Call Ray, Tony, Sunny:  TNT Showtime CC with RayRen, Tony Cliff Notes by Sunny 11-21-18
1. Banks said we should see this on  Friday. November 22  or  Saturday. November 23  .
2. Banks were preparing to start making appointments on Friday or Saturday and had a rate for Zim.
3. Exchange rates: Dinar $ 3.47, contract fee $ 28; Dong $ .47, $ 2.47 fee contract; Rs $ 1.08 - $ 1.38; ZIM $ 0.22 - $ 0.27.
4. It was predicted that the 2nd basket of currencies to RV would in six months.
C. 1:18 pm Nov. 21 2018 EST SWG report, Steele (Video)  (Video) SGTReport - Robert David Steele: The deep state against Trump and America
1. GCR has moved to  December 1  .
2. The Clintons were involved in child trafficking and child sexual abuse. Steele wrote to Comey asking Hillary Clinton's accusation of treason, pedophilia, fraud and electoral fraud charity.
3. Watergate tried to kill pedophiles in the upper echelons of the Democratic and Republican Party.
4. Bin Laden was a CIA agent who died in 2001 and his obituary was published.
5. Trump was making an economic restart and Rothchild had already surrendered.
D. Tuesday. tomorrow, November 20 at 8 am Iraqi time (midnight, EE. UU.) Q cards of Iraqi citizens were liquid and used (Tony).
Iraq has RVD. $ 6.78 rate in the country.
F. November 21, 2018 1:48 pm EST GOP probe the Clinton Foundation, Durden: House GOP is "working with informants" in the probe of the Clinton Foundation
1. On  December 5  , Republicans in the House  of  Representatives will hear the testimony of former attorney general of Utah, John Huber, in an investigation with the Department of Justice to investigate allegations of irregularities in the Clinton Foundation.
2. Meetings Huber appointed last year to work with the Department of Justice to discuss conservative claims of misconduct in the FBI and review several issues related to the Clintons. This includes  links  Hillary Clinton  with a Russian nuclear agency and concerns about the Clinton Foundation.
3. The  work  of Huber  has remained shrouded in mystery  .
4. The Clinton Foundation has been under investigation by the IRS since July 2016.
G. November 21, 2018 3:17 a.m. ET Q December 5, Sierra:  "New Q: 5 December is D5" by Sierra (NZ) - 11.21.18
1. Publications Q: Legal action against Hillary Clinton & Clinton Foundation starts  on 5 December  .
2. Lisa Mei Crowley:
3. Q post # 2494: The GOP in the House of Representatives held a hearing on the investigation of Clinton on the Clinton Foundation  on December 5  . Huber testify.
Nothing can stop what's coming. 
This choice was not to fix the economy, trade, borders, military, protect our children, etc., all of a corrupt politician or "insider" that can simply undo [priest]. This was not just another choice of 4 years but a crossroads in the history of civilization that will determine whether we, the people, we demand control over our government . '' 
Panic in DC. 
4. Publication Q indicating that military courts will begin  on January 1, 2019  :
5. Deep Staters will not enjoy this Christmas eggnog. Instead, many of them will be festively dressed in orange prison outfits and decorating the halls of GITMO. We practice compassion and forgiveness on the road to military courts. None of us would exchange places with the perpetrators, knowing the karmic path ahead of them.
It seems that the meek shall inherit the Earth before the end of the year. Where we go one, all we  Love and Light Sierra (NZ)
I. Nov. 21 Market:
On  Tuesday  November 20,  the Dow was nearly 2,500 points from its peak and fell 552 points.
Paul Hickey, co - founder of Bespoke Investment Group, wrote to clients on Tuesday. The selloff this week marks the continuation of two sad months on Wall Street. The S & P 500 fell nearly 10% from its record high, flirting with the official correction territory. Investors were prepared for the end of a fantastic economic growth and profit that marked last year.
Technology stocks in Asia were mixed after big US technology stocks recorded volatility on Tuesday. 
On Wednesday, Asian technology stocks were mixed after seeing losses a day earlier, after another technological collapse in the state. Major indexes in Australia, Japan and South Korea declined amid shaky investor confidence after falls overnight in US stocks.
There is a 'bubbly' corporate debt pump $ 9 trillions in the US economy. UU. Ready to detonate, corporate debt burden has continued to increase thanks to easy loan terms and the seemingly endless thirst for investors. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has lost approximately $ 42 billion since their net worth peaked in September with $ 168 billion. Mark Zuckerberg has lost approximately $ 34 billion of its maximum value in July and now has a value of $ 52 billion.
J. The Deep State, Q and JFK Jr.  Https://
K. Nov. 21 2018 3:09 a.m. ET The victim of the fire exposes weapons of direct energy used to light fires in California:  the intelligence of the American media interview the victim of the fire in California Robert Otey In August and October, massive forest fires in California used a generalized pattern of broken homes and cars, while nearby trees remained relatively unscathed. These grisly events appeared to be the result of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs). There was a shocking video of several cars charred skeletons sitting in car seats, where people were overcome by flames while trying to escape. The estimate of 1,000 missing persons was low. There were paths in the forest where cars metal bodies appeared tobe used as accelerators for the DEW masers to feed these fires. Chemtrails that sprayed almost daily for years with aluminum, strontium and barium, desiccants and acted as accelerants to ignite and spread the fire, possibly together with DEW.
L. Going down to the fiat banking, the Vatican, the CIA, the Mafia and secret societies in our movement towards a quantum asset-backed financial system / gold
1. There was irrefutable evidence of the involvement of the Priory of Sion, the Mafia and the Vatican merger with secret societies and intelligence services to use large amounts of money with illegal purposes where the lines between politics, religion, espionage, the banking world and organized crime fades and becomes negligible.
2. Members of the royal circles, orders of knights neo, Masonic sects, the CIA, the Mossad, the Maltese Knights and the Vatican often join to join forces temporarily with a common purpose.
3. The Priory of Sion represents the pinnacle of the pyramid of power current and recruits Freemasons for society through the Rosicrucians.
4. It is believed that secret societies are interconnected with the CIA, Mossad, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, round tables and Freemasonry, and even more in the history of the Illuminati, the Templars, the Maltese Knights and the Priory Zion.
5. Your continued agenda was to discredit both national and ecclesiastical authorities in their attempt to forge a united Europe and then join the rest of the world, ie, make the New World Order.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...