(special promotional publication not related to the topic. ~ Dinar Chronicles) Fluoride is a nasty poison that can wreak havoc on your body. Countless studies have found that fluoride is associated with lower IQ, fatigue, bone cancer, impaired immune system, thyroid disease and even decreased fertility. Worse, the government's agenda isconvince communities that fluoride is essential to prevent tooth decay, so it keeps adding to drinking water, toothpaste, mouthwash and even prescription drugs. While it is clear that you can not trust the government to protect their health, the good news is that you can use this approach 2 steps to counter and reduce exposure to fluoride and detoxify your body accumulated fluoride.
Step 1: Reduce exposure to fluoride immediately Repeated exposure to fluoride causes accumulation in the body. Only about 50% of the fluoride that is exposed is excreted and the remainder is stored in its teeth, bones, pineal gland and several other tissues. As a result, the more fluoride is exposed, it will be more dangerous for the body. That is why it is essential to immediately reduce their exposure to fluoride. These are the most common sources of fluoride and how to avoid: - Teflon : pots and pans nonstick can increase the amount of fluoride in their food up to 300%. It adheres to oils heat stable and will not need nonstick cookware.
- Inorganic : Everything that is not organic, whether wine, fruit or vegetable is contaminated with high levels of fluoride. This is because non - organic farmers often use a fluoride - based pesticide called cryolite. - Tap water: if your tap water is not from a private well, there is a great possibility that is fluoridated. Bottled water is no better. The best option is to install a water filter to remove contaminants such as fluoride. - Toothpaste: the fact that not swallow the toothpaste does not mean that the fluoride can not enter your body. Simply change your existing tooth paste for a toothpaste without fluoride.
Step 2: Effectively fluoride detoxification is impossible tocompletely avoid exposure to fluoride, so fluoride should detoxify your body. A particular mineral, zeolite, is known to detoxify fluoride and other toxins and heavy metals unique properties. Zeolite is a natural mineral which ischelated toxins. This means that binds to toxins like a magnet, draws from his system and helps your body to excrete them . Since approximately 50% of the fluoride that is exposed is stored in the body, the zeolite is considered an ideal choice to detoxify the toxin.
Also, taking zeolite regularly, you can detoxify fluoride before it has a chance to accumulate in their cells. Not all zeolites are effective to detoxify fluoride. In fact, most are completely ineffective.
When extracted, the zeolite has been on the floor for a time, sucking lead, arsenic and other environmental toxins and heavy metals as a sponge. If ingested in its raw form, the freshly drawn zeolite would be too large and too dirty to function properly. You need is liquid zeolite, Pure Body manufactured by Touchstone Essentials. Why is it so important this particular zeolite supplement? Pure Body is especially processed so that the zeolite particles are cleaned and the size is small enough to pass through the body where fluoride is stored. Pure Body
It is then tested by third - party laboratories for purity and size. TL & DR
Fluoride is a dangerous toxin. Despite its huge list of terrible side effects, even fluoride to their drinking water, food and toothpaste is added. What makes fluoride even more dangerous is that accumulates in the body. Only 50% of fluoride is excreted, so the longer you are exposed to fluoride, will become more toxic in your body. It is essential that detoxify fluoride supplemented with Zeolite as Pure Body before exposure causes irreversible damage. It is only when it is no longer under the influence of fluoride can be released from the agenda of fluoride government and regain their health.
Be a lion, not a sheep and start to protect (and IQ) of fluoride.