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Fluorine agenda that is destroying your IQ

 (special promotional publication not related to the topic. ~ Dinar Chronicles)  Fluoride is a nasty poison that can wreak havoc on your body. Countless studies have found that fluoride is associated with lower IQ, fatigue, bone cancer, impaired immune system, thyroid disease and even decreased fertility. Worse, the government's agenda isconvince communities that fluoride is essential to prevent tooth decay, so it keeps adding to drinking water, toothpaste, mouthwash and even prescription drugs. While it is clear that you can not trust the government to protect their health, the good news is that you can use this approach 2 steps to counter and reduce exposure to fluoride and detoxify your body accumulated fluoride.

Step 1: Reduce exposure to fluoride immediately Repeated exposure to fluoride causes accumulation in the body. Only about 50% of the fluoride that is exposed is excreted and the remainder is stored in its teeth, bones, pineal gland and several other tissues. As a result, the more fluoride is exposed, it will be more dangerous for the body. That is why it is essential to immediately reduce their exposure to fluoride. These are the most common sources of fluoride and how to avoid: - Teflon  : pots and pans nonstick can increase the amount of fluoride in their food up to 300%. It adheres to oils heat stable and will not need nonstick cookware. 


- Inorganic : Everything that is not organic, whether wine, fruit or vegetable is contaminated with high levels of fluoride. This is because non - organic farmers often use a fluoride - based pesticide called cryolite. - Tap water: if your tap water is not from a private well, there is a great possibility that is fluoridated. Bottled water is no better. The best option is to install a water filter to remove contaminants such as fluoride. - Toothpaste: the  fact that not swallow the toothpaste does not mean that the fluoride can not enter your body. Simply change your existing tooth paste for a toothpaste without fluoride. 



Step 2: Effectively fluoride detoxification is impossible tocompletely avoid exposure to fluoride, so fluoride should detoxify your body. A particular mineral, zeolite, is known to detoxify fluoride and other toxins and heavy metals unique properties. Zeolite is a natural mineral which ischelated toxins. This means that binds to toxins like a magnet, draws from his system and helps your body to excrete them Since approximately 50% of the fluoride that is exposed is stored in the body, the zeolite is considered an ideal choice to detoxify the toxin.

Also, taking zeolite regularly, you can detoxify fluoride before it has a chance to accumulate in their cells. Not all zeolites are effective to detoxify fluoride. In fact, most are completely ineffective.

When extracted, the zeolite has been on the floor for a time, sucking lead, arsenic and other environmental toxins and heavy metals as a sponge. If ingested in its raw form, the freshly drawn zeolite would be too large and too dirty to function properly. You need is liquid zeolite,  Pure Body manufactured by Touchstone Essentials. Why is it so important this particular zeolite supplement? Pure Body is especially processed so that the zeolite particles are cleaned and the size is small enough to pass through the body where fluoride is stored. Pure Body

  It is then tested by third - party laboratories for purity and size. TL & DR

Fluoride is a dangerous toxin. Despite its huge list of terrible side effects, even fluoride to their drinking water, food and toothpaste is added. What makes fluoride even more dangerous is that accumulates in the body. Only 50% of fluoride is excreted, so the longer you are exposed to fluoride, will become more toxic in your body. It is essential that detoxify fluoride supplemented with Zeolite as  Pure Body  before exposure causes irreversible damage. It is only when it is no longer under the influence of fluoride can be released from the agenda of fluoride government and regain their health. 

Be a lion, not a sheep and start to protect (and IQ) of fluoride.



13 Chemical Threats to Remove from Your Home

doyouknowwhatyouputinyourbody eraoflight
While people are aware of the health risk caused by outdoor air pollution, few may consider that indoor air quality can also have a negative impact on their health. While many of these products are commonly used in the home there are healthier options available.
The average American spends 90 percent of their time indoors. While people are aware of the health risk caused by outdoor air pollution, few may consider that indoor air quality can also have a negative impact on their health.
According to the EPA levels of indoor air pollutants can be 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor pollution levels. In fact indoor air pollutants are ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health.  Since we spend so much time indoors it is important to create a healthy, toxin free environment that is safe for everyone.
1. Non Stick Cookware-It’s been 40 years since nonstick pans were introduced. Although the concept is appealing to most cooks, the hazards just aren’t worth it. Nonstick coating is made of polytetrafluoroethylenewhich release toxic gasses that are linked to cancer, organ failure, reproductive damage and other health risks.
Healthier Options: Consider using stainless steel, cast iron, or porcelain coated pans.
2. Conventional Cleaning Supplies-All purpose cleaners frequently contain toxic chemicals such as ammonia which is a very strong irritant that can cause liver and kidney damage, or bleach which can burn your skin and eyes, and irritate your lungs. Oven cleaners and drain cleaners can cause chemical burns and emit toxic fumes that harm your lungs. Even products labeled “green,” such as Simply Green, are not entirely natural.
Healthier Options: Consider nontoxic cleaning products, or make your own from ingredients around the house, such as baking soda and vinegar. Click here for recipes for homemade cleaners.
3. Air Fresheners-As time passes more negative effects are associated with these incredibly toxic products. Whether they are solids, aerosols, automatic sprayers, diffusers, or plug ins, it doesn’t matter. Petrochemically-based air fresheners aggravate and can trigger respiratory problems, reproductive problems, birth defects, and are now being linked to breast cancer,heart disease and diabetes.
Healthier Options: Consider open windows, air cleaners, search for the origin of the offending odor and remove it.
4. CFL Light Bulbs– People may appreciate the efficiency of these bulbs, as they use less electricity. However these bulbs contain mercury. If you are using these bulbs, the EPA recommends these bulbs be taken to special facilities when broken or recycled. They also offer detailed clean up instructions of broken bulbs.
Healthier Options: Consider sticking with the “old fashion” light bulb or LEDs till something better comes along.
5. Chemical Insecticides and Herbicides-Pests and weeds may be problematic, however the health risk of using these products may cause you to reconsider their use. RoundUp is known to create a host of physical illness. Bug sprays commonly contain cypermethrin, a known eye, skin and respiratory irritant; it is also known to have negative effects on the central nervous system.
Healthier Options: Consider Diatomaceous Earth, or a peppermint castile soap for insects and straight vinegar as a weed killer.
6. Chemical Fertilizers– When it rains or you water your lawn, chemical runoff enters the storm drains. This chemical soup eventually ends up in streams, rivers and the ocean, killing wildlife and destroying water quality.
Healthier Options: Consider an organic fertilizer and compost, or to be more eco friendly consider a xeriscape yard or replacing your grass with a vegetable garden.
7. Flame Retardants-Flame retardants are used in cushions, mattresses, foam pillows, hair dryers, tvs, computers, carpets, appliances, fabrics, even your telephone. The flame retardant used in mattresses, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) accumulates in blood, breast milk, fatty tissue and is linked to liver, thyroid and neuro development issues. Since most people sleep on average 6-8 hours in their bed, you may consider purchasing an organic mattress.
Healthier Options: Consider replacing items when your finances allow.
8. Fabric Softener and Dryer Sheets– According to the EPA and MSDS there are numerous chemicals in fabric softeners and dryer sheets, including benzyl acetate, benzyl alcohol, ethanol, limonene, A-terpineol, ethyl acetate, camphor, chloroform, linalool and pentane. Many of these chemicals are linked to central nervous system disorders, upper respiratory tract infections, and various cancers, they also trigger asthmatic responses.
Healthier Options: Consider using wool dryer balls or spiked dryer balls which fluff your clothes. Another option is to add a ½ cup of vinegar to the fabric softener compartment in your washer. The acidity level of vinegar neutralizes the laundry soap, allowing more residue to wash out in the rinse cycle, clothes come out softer, and vinegar also removes any odor on clothes.
9. Antibacterial Products-Since their widespread use we are seeing new “super-bugs” that are resistant to antibiotics. The Center for Disease Control states concern that these anti-bacterial products may be interfering with the immune systems of young children. There is also concern about the buildup of triclosan  in our bodies and our water supplies.
Healthier Options: Consider washing your hands more often in plain soap and water.
10. Plastic Shopping Bags-Plastic is forever. In the U.S. only 2% of plastic bags are recycled, the other 98% end up in landfills or the ocean.
Healthier Options: Consider reusable cloth or fabric bags. Storage crates that are easily packed up in the store and carried to your car are a great option as they are more stable than bags while driving, and have multiple uses.
11. Plastic Bottles- Most plastic bottles are made with BPA, a chemical that mimics hormones that are harmful to the endocrine system. When exposed to heat, bottles will leach these chemicals at a faster rate into your water.
Healthier Options: Consider stainless steel or glass bottles.
12. Scented Detergents-Almost all detergents contain fragrance, even those that are listed as unscented, usually have a masking ingredient to cover the scent. 95% of the chemicals used in fragrances are made from petroleum products. Many are known to cause cancer, birth defects, and damage to lungs, brain, and nerves. Fragrances are not regulated by any government or health agency. There is no law that requires fragrance ingredients to be put on product labels.
Healthier Options: Consider washing clothes in baking soda, or look for unscented laundry detergents without a masking fragrance.
13. Perfumes and Scented Soaps– As with scented detergents, 95% of the chemicals used in fragrances are made from petroleum products. Many are known to cause cancer, birth defects, and damage to lungs, brain, and nerves. Some chemicals commonly used in fragrances, such as toluene, are listed as hazardous waste worldwide. Fragrances are not regulated by any government or health agency. There is no law that requires fragrance ingredients to be put on product labels. To read more about perfumes click here.
Healthier Options: There are many organic, unscented soaps available in the marketplace


Chemo Does Not Cure: Often It Inflicts Damage and Spreads Cancer

by Tony Isaacs
author of 
Cancer's Natural Enemy
(The Best Years in Life) For years now, many of us who advocate natural health and natural approaches to beating cancer have warned against the dangers and the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy. The following report presented at the 27th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium illustrates how chemo actually spreads cancer cells, as well as points out how little we are being told about the dangers of chemo:
"German investigators from Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena, have shown that taxol (the "gold standard of chemo") causes a massive release of cells into circulation.

"Such a release of cancer cells would result in extensive metastasis months or even years later, long after the chemo would be suspected as the cause of the spread of the cancer. This little known horror of conventional cancer treatment needs to be spread far and wide, but it is not even listed in the side effects of taxol."
As has oft been stated, chemo does not cure cancer - it merely attempts to eliminate the tumors and cancer cells that are symptoms of the underlying causes of cancer, and does so with little success and great risks. In some instances it may appear to eliminate tumors and cancer cell masses, though most often it merely destroys some of the cancer cells. In the process, it often inflicts a very high price.
Besides spreading cancer cells, chemo inflicts serious and perhaps irreversible damage to the immune system, the body's natural first line of defense against cancer and other illness - thus paving the way for the remaining cancer cells or future cancers to overwhelm a body that is even less able to beat the cancer that got past the immune system in the first place.

Chemo also frequently results in serious and even fatal damage, and major organs are also damaged, particularly the liver - which as cancer pioneer Max Gerson observed is always impaired to begin in those who get cancer. The heart is also frequently seriously damaged.
To see just how abysmal chemo has performed for virtually all cancers other than Hodgkin's and Testicular cancer, look at this chart from a recent study:

The end result is that chemo kills more patients than it "cures". Most of those deaths are the result of liver or heart failure. As the above chart indicates, the five year survival rate due to chemo is only 2.1% (a similar study in Australia found the rate to be only 2.3%).  Thus on average fewer than  3% of patients who who opted for chemo survived longer than did those who opted to not undergo chemo. But even that meager statistic is misleading in two key ways:

First of all, though survival rates are slightly higher for the first couple of years compared to those who opted out of chemo, after the third year the survival rate for those who opted out is greater than those who were treated with chemo and the gap widens significantly every year after that.

Secondly, and perhaps most important of all, the survival rates compare all of those who either undergo chemotherapy or decide against it. That includes the very large number of people who do little or nothing to address their cancer naturally and merely forego chemo. If chemo survival rates were compared with those of people who not only opted out of chemo, but also chose a non-invasive natural protocol to eliminate the toxins and other causes of cancer, to boost their immune systems and to attack the cancer naturally without inflicting damage to the rest of the body, there would surely be no comparison.

You can bet that it is a comparison the cancer industry never wants to make.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice


Have you unknowingly been worshiping Satan?

Have you unknowingly been 
worshiping Satan?

Have you unknowingly been worshiping Satan? 
The Illuminati, have hidden God and Satan's true names so that you will be deceived! 
Have we been tricked into worshiping Fallen Angels


Investigators: Anthony Bourdain Was Killed By Clinton Operatives

Investigators say Anthony Bourdain was killed by Hillary Clinton goons
Anthony Bourdain had been harassed and threatened by Hillary Clinton operatives just weeks before he was found dead in an apparent “suicide.” 
According to investigators, Mr. Bourdain was planning to expose pedophile rings connected to Hollywood and D.C. shortly before his death.
His body found Friday after reportedly hanging himself. He was just 61 years old.
Bourdain was fierce critic of Harvey Weinstein and denounced the serial sexual abuser, calling for swift justice to be served.
During his condemnation of Weinstein, he publicly stated that Hillary Clinton had full knowledge of the sexual abuse, and had done so “for years”:
“know what Hillary Clinton is NOT? She’s not stupid. Or unsophisticated about the world. The Weinstein stories had been out there for years.”
So go for it , but no one would give a shit if it wasn’t Trump and he wasn’t President. A lot of people are shady, or assholes , that mean the Feds can jack you up? He was shady 2 years ago no warrants?
..and I am in no way an HRC fan. I’ve been on the receiving end of her operatives’ wrath. And it ain’t fun,

It’s no secret that people who cross the Clinton’s wind up dead … mostly from suicide. Just this week, famous designer and Clinton Foundation member, Kate Spade reportedly killed herself. Spade hung herself as well, NYPD officials said. Are Spade’s and Bourdain’s deaths both coincidences? reports: Back in October of 2017, CNN’s Bourdain made statements regarding Harvey Weinstein, suggesting Hillary Clinton had to know of his history of being a sexual predator. Bourdain’s girlfriend, actress Asia Argento, accused Weinstein of raping her.
The tweet angered Hillary spokesman, Brian Fallon. He took to Twitter to tell Bourdain to “eat a scorpion.” Many other Clinton winged monkeys followed suit.
It’s no secret that people who cross the Clinton’s wind up dead…mostly from suicide. Just this week, famous designer and Clinton Foundation member, Kate Spade reportedly killed herself. Are Spade’s and Bourdain’s deaths both coincidences, or are they added bodies to the list of folks who made the mistake of angering Hillary and Bill?

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