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28 de junio de 2018

"A Voter’s Guide to the RV" by Fireswan

Entry Submitted by Fireswan at 10:02 AM EDT on June 28, 2018

Yesterday a millennial campaigner came by with a package of glossy fliers to “inform” me about who to vote for in the Colorado Democratic primaries. Somehow I got on a list, or so he said, of registered Democratics.

I asked him to show me my name. Sure enough, registered Democrat.

I said that there must be some mistake. I voted for Trump and if anything, I’m leaning Republican, although there is corruption in both parties and it takes a lot of research to sort out good guys from bad, but Trump is definitely a good guy. I’m proud to have voted for him.

Apparently my vote didn’t count. Apparently I am on a list of having voted Democrat.

It turned my stomach. I avoided the voting machines and requested a paper ballot. Filled in the Trump bubble with my black pen. I put it in the voting box myself. There was a lot of pomp and circumstance with security sleeves and signing the sleeve and not the ballot. A lot of show to provide confidence.

Follow the ballot.

What happened next. The paper ballots are run through a machine to count them. What if the machine was rigged just like the voting machines.

I decided to red pill the supposed “volunteer”. There must be some kind of error. I very deliberately voted for Trump. There is no way that I can tolerate my name being associated with Hillary, a known child rapist along with her creepy drug addicted drug trafficking husband. Do you know of a way for me to get my name off this list?

“Register Republican and vote in the primary. That way they won’t change your vote... I’ll be back when it’s time to vote in the Republican primaries. I work for both sides, they’re the same, like you figured out.” Millennials know how to game the system. After all, canvassing is just a job and we need several to survive these days...

I’ve often said to friends and family that I vote for the world I want to live in through how I invest my time and attention. Like K often says, your consciousness IS your currency. So true. But, when is my vote going to start counting? Like many on IDC, when will we see results from having voted for years for a better world starting with us?

I am fortunate that I work in a company that is aware of what’s going on with the new financial system. I am fortunate to be trained in block chain and XBRL for financial reporting. Boring accounting/fintech software company. Certainly not flashy, especially my field... cybersecurity compliance. Very few would jump up and down for joy that I figured out how we can meet the requirements of CP-2 in NIST 800-53 by temporarily failing over to a read-replica mirror at the secondary site to retain evidence of data corruption.

Data corruption.

I did not vote for Hillary. I voted for Trump. I am not a registered Democrat or Republican. I want my intentions to count. I want my vote to count. This isn’t a matter of database corruption, where yes is no and no is yes and up is down and down is up. Eventually WE the people will be honored by the universe and what is dear to us like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness will be honored. No one can or will switch our votes.

Our consciousness is our currency.
Our currency is our vote.

Hillary somehow lost a rigged election. A whole lot more people voted for Trump than the riggers ever anticipated and their vote changing algorithms were too conservative.

One day we will live in a world where no one steals our votes or money out of our accounts. We will have block chains to protect our signatures, our frequencies, our intent, our integrity.

Soon we’re kept being told.

The stars need to align.
209 countries need to agree.
Bad actors need to be caught and removed.
Voting machines need to be replaced.
Financial systems switched over.
Behind-the-scenes are working on it.
Don’t despair, progress is being made in the background.
Study the Q drops.

All that is great, and I appreciate it.

But... I want to get started making a difference. I want my intentions to matter (in matter, in the real tangible world). I want my vote to count.

I don’t want to feel like a beggar for real-tangible results to appear in our real-tangible lives. I don’t want to feel helpless while the NPTB to get the job done, to remain silently trusting that promises will be kept or God’s true intentions for our world be the basis for the “rule of law”.

When law breakers rule and there are two sets of books, votes that count and those that don’t, it is easy to see that there’s nothing we can do to contribute to changing this. Money buys influence. No money, no influence. We are ready to vote for the world we want to live in. With real dollars and cents.

Ready to make a front room difference.

Forward not Backwards


26 de junio de 2018

"POTUS: His Own Worst Enemy" by (Anonymous)

Entry Submitted Anonymously at 11:13 AM EDT on June 26, 2018

My daughter is convinced that President Trump is a menace to society. 

I try to tell her that he is trying to wake people up to the corruption that is rampant in the world. 

I tell her about human trafficking. I tell her the government he has to work with are satanists. I tell her the legal system that is supposed to be serving the people are still serving the cabal. I tell her he is trying to wake people up to a food and drug industry that is trying to kill us. I tell her that the current world trade system is not set up for the benefit of consumers but to make the most profit possible for corrupt corporations. 

The things he says and does are working to some extent but the way he says and does things are turning the whole world against him. Unlike most of the previous presidents before him he didn’t take this job to win popularity contests while plotting our extinction behind closed doors. He took the job to not just make empty promises to make a difference but to actually do it and most of the world hate him for it. 

My daughter tells me the latest horrible thing that President Trump has just done and I try to explain why he did it. This always ends with the typical you're so stupid dad parent child interaction. 

On a side note where does a person buy a healing bed for $2000. I assume this is the med-bed we have heard about. That is a steal. You can spend twice that on a regular bed. If they are available we need to pool our resources and buy a bunch of them.

4 de mayo de 2018

The Future Is in Supercomputers

May 3, 2018

Technology is easy to take for granted, but it has an incredible impact. Computers, for instance, are commonplace, but they give us extraordinary capabilities. And we may only be seeing the beginnings of their potential.
Imagine a computer that can determine the appropriate medical treatments on a personalized basis. Imagine a computer that can predict extreme weather events like hurricanes with acute accuracy, enabling quicker and more effective responses.
I have the privilege of overseeing the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) 17 national laboratories — or what I like to call our country’s “crown jewels” of science and innovation — which house some of the most significant computing resources and supercomputers in the world.
Each day, DOE’s supercomputers are being used to explore fundamental scientific questions and address some of our nation’s most complex challenges.
But while we used to lead the world in supercomputing, the United States has recently slipped in the rankings of the world’s fastest machines, falling behind systems from China, Switzerland and Japan.
We cannot continue to fall behind. The advances and innovations that top supercomputers can bring — to say nothing of their importance to America’s security and economic prosperity — are far too valuable to miss out on. I know we have the brainpower and resources to succeed. We just need the will to do it.
I’m convinced of that, and the Trump administration is committed to it.
That’s why earlier this year, I authorized the deployment of the first US exascale system at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) in Illinois. By 2021, it is expected to come online, making it the fastest and most powerful supercomputer in the world.
To be clear, exascale systems are capable of at least a billion-billion calculations per second, which means they are 10 to 20 times faster than the world’s fastest supercomputer today and 50 to 100 times more powerful than the fastest computer in the United States.
So, the jump to exascale would be like going from a flip phone to the latest smartphone or from dial-up to 4G internet speed.
And we are committed to expanding the use of exascale systems. We recently announced a request for proposals of up to $1.8 billion for the development of two new exascale computers to be deployed between 2021-2023 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. This RFP also envisions the possibility of upgrading Argonne’s exascale system — ranging from small, cosmetic upgrades to the restructuring of certain computational aspects of the new supercomputer.
The completion of these systems will help the United States reassert itself as a global leader in high-performance computing. They will also enable medical breakthroughs that have the potential to be life-changing.
One such example is in the area of precision medicine, or the ability to tailor medical treatments for individual patients based on their unique genetic, environmental or historical variations. To create precision medicines, however, requires the analysis of enormous amounts of data. For instance, a typical cancer study requires more than 8 million measurements from a single tumor. We need faster computers to process this amount of data, which is where the DOE’s systems come in.
For instance, researchers at ANL, in conjunction with the National Cancer Institute, have developed the CANcer Distributed Learning Environment (CANDLE) program to accelerate cancer research and to ultimately tailor treatment plans for individual patients.
Another example is DOE’s Advanced Computational and Translation Initiatives for Veterans — or ACTIV program. Working with the Department of Veterans Affairs, ACTIV seeks to use DOE’s fastest supercomputers to analyze our vast sets of veteran’s medical data in order to optimize their treatments and improve their health outcomes. Those studies could benefit all other Americans, too.
However, as Dr. Geoff Manley from University of California, San Francisco recently told me, that time is often of the essence in medical treatments, and at current computing levels, processing this complex brain imaging takes days to complete. This is not clinically actionable. But with exascale computers, the same process could be accomplished in two and a half minutes.
That’s why we cannot fall behind in supercomputing. That’s why we must push ahead into exascale. In medicine and health, in discovery and innovation, we have the opportunity to build new systems which will truly improve our nation.
Rick Perry is the United States Secretary of Energy and former Governor of Texas. This op-ed appeared in CNN on May 3, 2018.

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