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28 de junio de 2018

Ascended Master One Who Serves: GCR, Trump, QAnon and the Galactics

by EraOfLight
mike quinsey eraoflight
One Who Serves

Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om. Om. Greetings to you!

One Who Serves here. [Someone excitedly interrupts saying she “was wishing that you’d come today”.]

One Who Serves come today? We are always here! We are always here to be with you. [I was hoping to hear your chanting and you did it.] Yes. Very good.

We like chanting and we know that you also will begin more and more to enjoy the chanting as well. Not so much the chant that you just heard now but the chants that you have spoken of earlier, the Lemurian chants as you are calling them. They are from the mother tong. They are from the mother tong and they were spoken in those times, in those ways, to bring about frequency changes all around them so that those records as they placed them into their secret places, that they could be protected for many thousands of years.

And these records have been protected for many thousands of years. Not only in this place where you first go but in other places as well as those times come forward and you have unlocked the secret of the frequencies that are needed here. And you will understand this more and more as you come closer to your time in going there as well as when you find yourselves there at that point. Much will be given in those times ahead.

But on other things to speak of here, not only the expedition to the craters but other things here are important as well. You are moving into an understanding.

Each and every one of you are moving into a new understanding. Understanding of yourselves, knowing of yourself, but understanding of the world as well. Understanding that as St Germain said you are the world. You are the light. Each and every one of you. We are all the light. We are all the One and we are all coming together as the One. And at times in the future you will find that everyone in the planet, if you can even begin to imagine the possibilities here, but everyone will understand this.

Can you imagine that you will be in contact with people all over the world and they will all understand this concept?! The Oneness?! Can you imagine what that will be like to the world, to the people of the world?!

And not only to the people but to the animals and the plants. We all are One. You will be able to speak to the animals. You will be able to speak to the plants. You will be the Doctor Doolittle that you have in your fairytales. You will be able to talk to those animals and they will understand what you are saying. And more importantly you will understand what they are saying. Because right now — I’ve got news for you here — they know what you are saying or rather what you are thinking, thinking and feeling. And they can, through their use of telepathy — and they are far advanced in this than the human condition is at this point — but they understand telepathy. And you, those of you are coming more and more to understand this as well, as you are finding that you are able to, through your, to your fellow brothers and sisters, (other people I am speaking of here,) where you think something and they immediately think it or say it after you.

This is happening more and more and will continue to happen more and more as these gifts of spirit become more and more a part of your lives.

They were once a part of your lives in, certainly, the Atlantean and Lemurian times and it was lost through the dark ages, as some of you were able to continue the secrets, continue to work with the mysteries. Whether it was in a monastery or whether it was in a coven in terms of the witch’s coven. Not in terms of black magic but white magic. Those of the Druid societies continued the mysteries, continued working with nature, continued working with the understanding that All is One.

 Coming together with the plants and the trees and the animals and everything being as the Oneness. This is where you are coming back to all of you. And this is what is ahead for mankind at this point.

We are ready now to entertain your questions. That is a good word we would use here: entertainment. Entertain your questions. And we will, hopefully with entertaining answers as well.

Q & A
Q:  [Emailed question] President Trump approved a space force as part of a new military branch. How does that relate to the Secret Space Program or the Galactic disclosure?

OWS:  We can tell you that it is a grand opening to this. It is an attempt to bring out into the open this idea of space. Not only the final frontier, but space as you are moving into it and understanding it. And more and more will come to understand that this is a viable undertaking and movement toward, not to leaving the Earth but exploring beyond the Earth. Exploring the other planets and the solar system and even out into the galaxy. And all of this is a prelude or precursor to that. But it is also an opening to be able to share about what has been called the Secret Space Program.

And yes there is a Secret Space Program. Not so much secret to all of you but secret too much of the planet. Much of the people here on the planet are oblivious to this idea of that there has been this Secret Space Program for some time. But it is an opening to this and it is a way to bring this about gently. Not with a lot of fanfare and huge announcements saying yes, you are not alone. Well, when you hear that certainly you are all going to say, ‘well we already knew we weren’t alone. We’ve known that for some time.’

But it is as we say here and opening into a grander announcement you can say but not great announcement because it will be more of a gradual understanding that is going to come forward. But there will be an Event. There will be various mini events leading to a main Event that will open this wide open in this whole understanding here. It will also come along with the various truths that are being revealed now in the area of your various human trafficking and all of these kinds of things that have been going on for some time. But this is going to be revealed as well. As well as the corruption in your governments and all of these things are coming forward now and will be revealed. It is all a part of the truth shall set you free. Okay?

Q:  St. Germain was talking about the time is nigh and I think all of us on the calls and all of us in this group feel that. And I know there’s going to be a lot of amazing changes and we all want to help our fellow man and the Earth and Gaia. Is the currency reset/the reevaluation part of all these changes that are coming this year or soon to help us to help the planet? Is that part of it?

OWS:  We will certainly say your second word there, “soon”. And we say that, though, what is you’re saying here, tongue-in cheek. (Is that you’re saying here?) That we say this with joyfulness and some laughter here behind this because of your soon. When we say soon it is not so much your soon as you know it. And you know we cannot give the date of this because we do not yet know when that is going to be. We do not know the hour of when the “master cometh again” as you heard in the earlier reading here. [In the session prior to the channeling.] We do not know this and even if we did know this we could not give it directly because it is not for us to give.

But, with that understanding know that everything is nigh as St. Germain said. It is very close. You are coming to the point where many things are going to come together, many different things. You are beginning to hear rumblings of these things coming forward in your various intel that is coming forward in your QAnon, as we understand it. And other things that are being brought forth that are coming to reveal that the understandings that have been held back for some time but are being revealed now little by little here and there.

And as it continues to do so it will be like an avalanche that begins slowly. When an avalanche begins it begins slowly as a rumble in the background. And it begins to rumble forward and gains steam, as you would say, or gain momentum. And the avalanche continues to come down the mountain and takes the trees and the buildings, whatever is in front of it, and it continues to gain more and more and more momentum. This is what is happening now. You are in the process, in the beginning of that avalanche coming down. Or has also been spoken of the dominoes falling. There has been a domino that did fall. You may not have been fully aware of it but it did fall. It was a smaller one, you might say, but it is the beginnings. It is the beginnings that will lead to the next domino and the next one, or the avalanche gaining more and more and more momentum. You see? Does this answer your question?

Q:  It does. And I really hope and pray that Trump has Galactic protection as well as military because people are wanting to kill him because he’s the bright light that is helping us get to this place. So I hope he is Galactic help.
OWS:  Well we can say certainly, since you have brought this up, but he has the Ascended Masters, he has much help much beyond what you can even begin to imagine at this point. Much more than he even knows that he has. There was an incident that occurred sometime not that long ago as we find it where they attempted to shoot down his plane. But that was thwarted as many of you know at this point. They attempted to take down Air Force One but it did not happen. And it did not happen because it cannot happen. He does have protection.

And you all have protection as well otherwise the cabal, those dark forces, would have done much much more than what has already occurred. Those of you know that their plan for whole world takeover and these things, and for the depopulation of the planet. All of that has been thwarted. Otherwise you would’ve had a massive pandemic, or you would’ve had a major war, or many other things that could have happened have not happened because that was the old timeline. That was the old paradigm as St. Germain said many times there. It is the old paradigm. It does not fit into the new paradigm with the new energies.
The new energies are love and peace and harmony and Oneness, and on and on. You see? So there is no place for war. There is no place for famine. There is no place for pestilence. There is no place for disease. None of this in the new higher vibrations of the new higher, of the new paradigm. Okay?

Q:  I’m blessed that you actually said about QAnon. Because many people really want to know if QAnon is real. Of course in my heart I know it’s real but there’s many who listen to the call who are unaware and probably misguided so it’s lovely to hear that you said yes QAnon is who QAnon is — the team — and they are of the light and they are spreading truth. So that was wonderful to hear that.

I’ve been a little bit perplexed because there’s been a huge rally in England for anti-BREXIT. It’s getting worse. And I thought what’s this? Is it part of the plan? Because it looks like in the television media that England wants to get out of this whole BREXIT deal. Of course we don’t want that. Of course we want to get out of the EU. So can you shed some light on that?
OWS:  The people want out. Or rather the people want to be in the BREXIT. The ones that are against it are the part of the European Union and those that are wanting the depopulation of the planet and all of these things; are wanting the takeover of the world and the subjugation of the people of the world. This is what is continuing. [It’s] wanting the old to continue, the old vibrations to continue, the old paradigm, the business as usual. They are the ones that are against the Great Britain leaving the European Union. And they are also the ones that are attempting to block others from leaving this European Union. But we can tell you now that the European Union as you know it and have known it for some time will not be much longer. It is going to fall because it is not a part of the new vibrations, the new higher vibrations. It cannot be. Because it is about derision and dividedness and all of these types of things. So be of good cheer. It is all going to work out as it needs to as things keep going along here. You will see. Okay?

Q:  My question is about the summer solstice energies. This week, the night of the 20th, I knew that something was going to happen so I was ready to encounter someone in my dreams but it happened in kind of in real life. At first that night I thought there was huge physical work done on my knees as if they were inserting a device or something in my left knee. And after that I felt a presence in the room and something like kind of energy — this is from my human perspective how I perceived it — someone on my bed. I have my sheets and blanket like tight on me and I hear the breathing really audible like the flight workers when they are breathing into their masks. It was as loud as that. I freaked out but I was at the same time not too much. I was telling myself: Stay in the positive. You have to stay in the positive. And it lasted for a few seconds. So I’m really curious about that presence and if there are any messages behind it.

OWS:  What we can tell you, and not only to this one who is asking question here but directed to all of you. As these energies continue to arrive here on the planet and continue to increase the vibrations, many of you will begin to have experiences that were not available to you in the lower vibrations. In other words you will begin to have experiences of seeing things, hearing things that would not have been there before or you would not have been aware of before. And you now, at this point, will begin to experience those metaphysical/ beyond physical understandings that will be available to you. And this is going to happen more and more to many of you in many different experiences. Whether you are in your meditation state or whether you are simply walking around outside of your home and you experience something that would not have, you would again, you would not have noticed before but now you will begin to notice it. And some of you will notice things that others around you will be unaware of completely. Certainly as you look at this skies in night and you see the many ships, you are seeing them. They are not seeing them. Those that are not ready at this point have not raised their vibrations enough, are not open to understandings beyond the physical here. They will not see them but you are seeing them. So yes, to the one who is asking this question directly you are seeing into other dimensions here at this point beginning that process. And it will continue the more you allow it to continue. You see?

Q:  I was of the impression that the light body was going to be sort of a physical body but that could hold enough light to bring it to the 5D dimension. And then someone else had said on a call there won’t be any physicality in the light body. So can you tell us a bit more about the light body?

OWS:  We can tell you that your physical body as you know it is going to shift and change and continue to morph, you might say, into a higher vibratory body. And with this higher vibratory body you will move more and more toward what you know or what you are beginning to understand as the light body. Your Merkaba light vehicle, your light body, all of these are somewhat one and the same. And you are moving to that. When you have fully gone through the ascension process — now we say fully gone through the ascension — when you have fully ascended you will then be in that light body. But it is a time coming now. It is not going to be an instantaneous overnight sensation for most of you. Some of you will experience this but it will be very few in the beginnings here as you move through this ascension process. And as you have heard before, many of you, the ascension process will go be in waves as it continues to move forward. Those of you will be, many of you will be the first wavers of this. It does not mean you will fully ascend but you will ascend enough so that you will understand what it is to be completely beyond the three-dimensional and even fourth dimension experience. And then you, those of you will decide to come back and assist those of your brothers and sisters to do as well. Others of you will move in the more second wave and then you will experience more of the ascension and may decide not to come back and be a part of this. May decide to go home as it has been said here. Go home to your various planets and systems where you came from originally. This is all a part of free choice which in some cases, those of you here on the planet now, those of you that we are speaking to, you have had free choice to do pretty much anything you have wanted to do but you have been held back also at a subconscious or unconscious level to be able to know that you had that free choice if you understand what we are saying here. Does this make sense to you?

Q:  Talking about the light body. I’ve often wondered when the kundalini rises is that ascension? I know it’s called an enlightenment but is that the same or is it different?

OWS:  That is a process within ascension as you are going through your transition. It is not the full ascension, no. But it is a major process or part of the ascension process.

Q:  Well what really happens to us when that happens as far as our vibrations and our knowing? What is going on?

OWS:  At that point when your kundalini has fully risen and it is happening at the point where it needs to, in other words you are ready for it, your body is ready for it, your emotional, mental and physical body are already and your astral are all ready for this kundalini rising, then you will be at that enlightenment point where you have realized that You and Your Father Are One. This is where Yeshua came to in his life when he realized fully that He and His Father were One and then he was able to go forward and do those so-called miracles. And we say so-called because they were not miracles as you will come to understand them but they are simply a scientific understanding of how to manipulate the elements, to work with the elements. Okay?

Q:  When I was meditating there came a phrase. First I was thinking it was a phrase in Korean language and I was repeating that phrase. But later on I thought it didn’t sound Korean. It was short phrases I was repeating. So I was wondering if you know anything about what happened to me.

OWS:  What we can tell you again about this type of thing is, as we said earlier to the other one who asked the question, without being fully direct here, you have to understand that more of you, many more of you will begin to have experiences that are beyond the three-dimensional understanding. And this was one of those such experiences. There will be times you have heard before of those that can speak in tongues or they can speak in other languages that they never knew before. This is an understanding. This is a coming to understand when you are finding that connection again, that reconnection we will say, with your higher self. And when that occurs then all these things become more and more possible. You see? It is all about the continuing to move up in vibration and staying in the higher vibration. Okay?

Q:  Okay so it means I was speaking something that I knew before?

OWS:  Very possible yes. That is very possible.

Q:  Can you please provide some illumination around what’s happening or not happening at the US border. Specifically can you offer any advice to us light workers as to how to discuss this topic with friends and family, how to convey perhaps that it’s being used as a mass distraction/division campaign by our power structure without dismissing the very real human sensitivities around the dynamic?

OWS:  Yes. What we can tell you is that there are our happenings there, there are those things that are occurring that are not of high vibration, certainly; they are of lower vibrations. They are of those that are continuing to try to divide the country here into the Democrats and the Republicans, and the left wing and the right wing, and all of these things that you have here. And they are trying to bring derisiveness here between those of you. Trying to divide the country as we say. And they are showing pictures and these things which are older pictures in many respects as we find it, that are not showing directly what is occurring now. And they are not of the one that is the President, the President Trump. It is not his doing. It is those that are trying to bring about these, holding on rather to the old paradigm as we keep saying here. On to the old business as usual. And again trying to bring this division here between those of the light and those of the darkness here. The darkness is continuing to try to hold on here and bring this across in their media and to show the world that, ‘see, this is Trump and see this is what he is doing. He is dividing families and all of these things’.
And it is not his doing. He is attempting to hold the borders here in terms of keeping the those that are not … let’s say those that are not ready to come into the country here trying to hold onto the borders and these things. This is not of the light certainly to do this but it is in some cases necessary here to provide the sense of security for those here in this country. As well as in other countries certainly as well, this is occurring. But it is a process that is happening here to bring about will come actually it will have the opposite effect as we are finding it because it will show the world that it is not the Trump that is doing this but it is those of the dark forces, the cabal. They continue to create this division … derisiveness — is that? How do you pronounce that word? [Divisiveness] 
Divisiveness, derision all of this, all of the same thing.

Q:  So what you’re saying is there will be some revelations to come that will, I think everybody most of the people on this call resonate with what you’re saying but for us in terms of trying to help our fellow brothers and sisters who aren’t quite awake to what’s going on, what you’re saying is that there will be some revelations that will help to expose this particular propaganda campaign.

OWS:  There will be. That is correct. And it is not up to you, though, those of you the light workers and warriors, to attempt to dissuade or persuade those others that are not ready for this. Let them have their understandings, their belief. And you just simply, when you have the opportunity, plant a seed here or there but do not try to convince them of anything. It is not yet time for that. It will come where they, you will not need to convince anyone. They will come to you and ask for your understanding. And many will say, ‘well, you have been saying this for some time and we did not believe you but wow, you were right all along’. And that will be music to your ears at that time. That is not quite here yet. Okay?

Q:  I wanted to see if you could confirm. I heard stories this week of people that have vanished and maybe ascended that are no longer here. I just wondered if you could comment on that.
OWS:  What we can tell you is this people ascending and this type of thing has been going on for some time, but it happened minimally here, you might say, here and there. Not in terms of a mass ascension. You, those of you are moving toward a mass ascension meaning, many people around the planet. Many millions even maybe billions at a time through those waves of ascension that we spoke of here. There will be several waves. It will not all be at one time. It will be a process as you are moving through this. And you are all now moving through this transition that is occurring; the transition that is a part of the ascension process. So if people are disappearing there are many different reasons for this. It could be that they are moving through their ascension but it could also mean other things as well. And some of this can be people disappearing. Children certainly disappear from time to time because of those nefarious operations that are going on which have been called the human trafficking and this type of thing, which will all come to an end certainly as the people of the planet become aware of what has been occurring, and become up-in-arms, you might say — not directly arms in terms of weapons — but up-in-arms that this type of thing could have been going on for so long and they will say then enough is enough. This will not happen anymore. And then it will come to an end when the people rise up and realize what has been occurring. And this will also come with the media. Your mass media will begin to shift and change as those in control over these media operations lose that control — and that is coming as well — and when they can finally begin to come out with the truth, the real truth. And this again, the truth shall set you free. Okay?

Q:  I had a rough week because the energies have been kind of bringing me to my knees. I’m trying to go through it as gracefully as I can but I go into my meditations and I ask questions and when I heard St. Germain talk today when he said zero point it jogged my memory because the meditation said to me, I guess it didn’t really speak to me I just felt it. And I’m asking you why am I feeling so lost right now and I can’t contact you, I can’t get in touch with you, and I don’t feel you the way I’m used to feeling you. And it came through to me, “You’re very spoiled. You rely on your mystical experiences to keep your vibration high and when you don’t get them you lose faith or you slip.” And I said, “Oh, you’re so right because I am spoiled and I’m selfish to even complain about it when all of us are going through this.” And I realize that there’s something more going on I don’t know about. And then I realize that on the high, we’re ascending very high even into new timelines. And it’s like we’re anchoring there. And then when we go back down and we drop back down to the old timeline we’re releasing so much of this density that we’ve carried with us for eons. And then I saw it. I saw this process going on and I’m going up and I’m going down but as I go up I go higher and I anchor higher which is really really good. But when I come back down it’s a release and it’s a process that’s going on. And I saw this process and I understood it and I was just so relieved because I thought, what have I done. I’ve done something wrong. And I realize no I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to do but I need to be more thankful and appreciative of the process. And can you address this for me please.

OWS:  Is there a question there?

Q:  Well my question is, is there a process we’re going through that as the light workers we are anchoring higher levels for everyone. And as we come back down to you know this timeline you know I feel like I’m moving up through different timelines and then coming back down but it’s necessary to do that to release the density so that I can keep ascending higher and higher. Did I interpret this information correctly?

OWS:  Yes. You are all going through the transition here. And as you move through this transition there will be different processes as you go through. And you are experiencing the going up in the vibration as we have spoken of many times, and anchoring the light, anchoring yourself in that vibration, the higher vibrations. And then when you come down from that it is as if you come crashing down back into the old paradigm, the old 3-D illusion into the denseness there and it becomes even more dense. This is why those of us the Ascended Masters, those of the Galactics, those of the Agarthans, they will not come down to your vibration because it is too low. It is too dense for them. It is like a crashing down for them. So this is why it has been said many times that you need to come up to their vibration. You need to come up and meet us and then we can come down a little bit to meet you part way. You see? You must come first to come up. So those of you are going through this transition and as you continue to go through this transition we have spoken before that the familiars in your life whether they be guides or comfort zones, those things which have held you in comfort, in the old paradigm, in the old programming, those things you are used to, they will fade away. And as they fade away they will be replaced by the new guides, the new zones you might say that are not quite as comfortable at least in the beginning. But it will shift and change as you continue to move up in those higher vibrations and anchor yourself there longer and longer and longer. Then it will be as if you are coming home and you will not need to drop down to those lower vibrations again unless you want to. Unless you are wanting to come down and help another to come up. You see?

Q:  I would like your input regarding the accuracy of resources of information. One is the book “The Pleiadian Agenda” by Barbara Hand Clow. And the others are two YouTube channels which deal with extraterrestrial races and those are called The Universe Inside You and the other one is called Mystery And Discover 6.

OWS:  And what would you like to know here? You have not asked the question here.

Q:  Well I’m just wondering about the accuracy levels of the information related in those particular YouTube channels and books.

OWS:  What we will say to you on this is to direct it to everyone here and the idea of your discernment. We will not say directly whether one book or one particular source is greater than another except in certain circumstances. But in terms of various books — and there are many thousands and thousands of books that have been written on extraterrestrials, on conspiracy theories, and all of these things that are out there — and it is not for us to say whether this one is good or this YouTube channel is good or whatever it might be. It is for you to determine that. It is for you to discern that. So if you resonate to it, if it feels right to you then it is right. This is how you can understand and use discernment here. If it feels right it is right. If it does not feel right, if it does not resonate within you then put it aside. It is not for you. You see? So always and in all ways use this discernment. This is what this entire portion of your lives is all about, this entire process that you are going through, this transition you are going through is all about coming to discernment. And coming to understand fully that you need nothing outside of yourself. Everything comes from within self and from your higher God self within self. Even to the point of these channelings. It is wonderful to hear us, we are sure. You enjoy these conversations. You enjoy these discourses that we bring forward, these messages. But it is most important for you to take these messages and then take them within yourself and realize that it is all… all the answers are already within you. We are just providing the guidance here, the nudges here and there to help you along to help you finally realize that you are, have always been connected to your higher self. You have never not been connected to your higher self and you are already One.

And as we say many times be the One. And we say this: be the One because many of you do not yet realize that you are already the One. All of you need to be the Neo in The Matrix. You see? The One.

We are needing to release channel here now.
And before we do, continue in your ways that you have come to understand, the various tools that you have been given whether it is the Violet Flame, whether it is working with crystals, whether it is the Merkaba light vehicle, whatever it might be, various meditation techniques, yoga, shamanism, whatever it might be. All of these are tools that you have at this time to continue to work with. And to continue to bring you that understanding, that final understanding that you and your Father are One … and have always been One.
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.
Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. “Believing is seeing!”

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

27 de junio de 2018

North Korea Cancels Annual ‘anti-US’ Rally As Relations Improve Following Trump-Kim meeting

by EraOfLight
In a sign  of detente following the summit between leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump, North Korea has decided to skip one of the most symbolic and politically charged events of its calendar: the annual “anti-US imperialism” rally marking the start of the Korean War.
Fist-pumping, flag-waving and slogan-shouting masses of Pyongyang residents normally assemble each year for the rally to kick off a month of anti-US Korean War-focused events designed to strengthen nationalism and unity. It all culminates on 27 July, which North Korea celebrates as a national holiday called the day of “Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War”.
Last year’s event was held on Kim Il Sung Square with a reported 100,000 people attending. North Korea even issued special anti-US postage stamps.
Trump says North Korea still poses an ‘extraordinary threat’
Officials had no on-the-record comment on the decision not to hold the event this year. But Associated Press staff in the North Korean capital confirmed it would not be held.
North Korea has noticeably toned down its anti-Washington rhetoric over the past several months to create a more conciliatory atmosphere for the summit and avoid souring attempts by both sides to reduce tensions and increase dialogue.
State media were filled with reports, photos and video of the 12 June meeting between Mr Trump and Mr Kim in Singapore.
A 42-minute documentary-style news special was aired on the state television network two days after the summit and has been repeated frequently since, meaning that by now there are probably few North Koreans who are unaware of the changes in the air. For many North Koreans, the programme was also quite likely the first time they had ever seen what Mr Trump looks like.
Still, North Korea’s handling of the changes and how it presents them to its people remains highly nuanced.
So far, it hasn’t said much about what Washington is interested in the most — denuclearisation. But it has made significantly fewer references to its need to have nuclear weapons than it was making last year, when Mr Kim was test-launching long-range missiles at a record pace and tensions with Washington neared the boiling point.
North Korea’s decidedly less strident posture these days underscores the delicate position it finds itself in after decades of touting the United States as its archenemy.
State media referred to Mr Trump quite deferentially in their reports of the summit, calling him by his full name and adding the title of president of the United States of America — itself a somewhat jarring contrast to the way it normally spits out merely the surname of US officials, with no titles.
Considering how its relations with Washington could quickly slip back into acrimony if the difficult process of negotiating denuclearisation and the lifting of trade sanctions breaks down, it remains unclear how much, or if at all, North Korea intends to recalibrate its other propaganda and indoctrination efforts.
Getting rid of all the anti-American propaganda would be a Herculean task.
The 1950-53 Korean War, and the devastation the country suffered at the hands of the US and its allies, remain a major part of every North Korean’s education. ..Read More at
Negative portrayals of Americans as big-nosed goblins are a common sight at elementary schools and kindergartens and exhortations to beware of American aggression, deceit and brutality are a staple message of textbooks and at “class education” centres around the country. Anti-American slogans can also still be seen in Pyongyang and throughout the countryside, though they are not that numerous.
And while softening its criticism of the current US administration, North Korea has stepped up its attacks on “capitalist values” in general — an oblique warning that its diplomatic outreach to the world should not be taken to mean it’s ready to throw away its socialist ideals anytime soon.
In another sign of easing tensions, South Korea’s prime minister Lee Nak-yon said that North and South Korea are discussing the possible relocation of the North’s long-range artillery systems away from the tense Korean border. The country has deployed an estimated 1,000 artillery pieces along the border, posing a significant threat to Seoul, a capital city with 10 million people, and the metropolitan area.
Mr Lee said that “moving (North Korea’s) long-range artillery to the rear is under discussion,” as he explained what types of good-will steps between the sides have been taken in recent months.
His comments appear to be Seoul’s first official confirmation of media reports that South Korea demanded that the North reposition its forward-deployed artillery pieces during inter-Korean military talks this month. Seoul’s Defence Ministry, which has denied those reports, said it had no immediate comment on Mr Lee’s speech.
South Korean media speculated that during the 14 June military talks, the North likely demanded that South Korea and the United States withdraw their own artillery systems from the border as a reciprocal measure. About 28,500 US soldiers are deployed in South Korea.
Last week, South Korea and the United States announced the suspension of their annual military exercises called the Ulchi Freedom Guardian, part of their efforts to increase the chances of successful nuclear diplomacy with North Korea. Some experts say the drills’ suspension could weaken the allies’ combined defence posture against North Korea.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

26 de junio de 2018

India to Buy Iranian Oil With Rupees in Order to Skirt US Sanctions

by EraOfLight
realnewssource eraoflightdot
US  president Donald Trump not only wanted to placate Israel in pulling out of the Iran nuclear accord, but he wanted to economically strangle the Middle Eastern nation through economic sanctions while calling for a color revolution in typical coded language. Those sanctions have been a hot topic for every nation that wants to save the deal as well as those interested in continuing to do business with Iran. India is another such case, expressing interest in skirting US economic sanctions by conducting oil business with Tehran using India’s national currency, the rupee.
Sputnik reports:

Indian refineries bought a record 27.2 million tons of Iranian crude oil in the past financial year, which wrapped up in March 2018.
India plans to make some oil payments to Iran in rupees in a bid to avoid US economic pressure on Tehran, according to several Indian government sources quoted by Reuters.

“We are looking at reviving a rupee mechanism… we have to prepare ourselves,” one of the sources told Reuters.
Another source said that India’s Central Bank is yet to make a final decision on returning to the rupee payments for Iranian oil.

“So far we don’t know what we are expected to do. We have not asked refiners to cut imports,” the source said, in a reference to the situation that may arise when India’s oil imports from Iran are potentially hit from August 2018 after Indian refiners receive a 60-day credit period for payments to Iran.
The source added that after meeting French, German and UK bankers, an Indian delegation found that it would be “almost impossible to use European banks for payment to Iran.”
During a meeting with his Iranian counterpart, Javad Zarif, late last month, Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj pointed out that his country would ignore US trade sanctions against Iran.
“India will comply with UN sanctions and not any country-specific sanctions,”
In May 2018, President Donald Trump announced Washington’s withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and ordered the re-imposition of US anti-Iranian sanctions, including those related to the oil sector, will be effective as of November 4.
During the economic sanctions slapped against Tehran by the Obama administration in 2012, India and Iran had to make alternative arrangements, including a barter system. India imported $10.5 billion worth of goods, mainly crude oil, and exported commodities worth $2.4 billion.
 Iran remains India’s third-largest oil supplier, with India’s private, as well as public sector, oil refiners being heavily dependent on cheap Iranian crude.
Indian refiners bought a record 27.2 million tons of Iranian crude during the last financial year, which ended in March 2018, a whopping 114 percent year-on-year increase.

This case is an example of another country buying oil with something other than the USD while also disregarding American economic sanctions. But India is not alone in this, as China and Russia are also looking at similar measures as a means of preserving economic ties, price structures, and political agreements. In the Eastern hemisphere, America’s influence is on the wane, and Washington is pushing it down by providing reasons for trade partners to look to other markets, use other payment means, and form or boost economic alliances which previously weren’t as cohesive or geographically extant.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

25 de junio de 2018

US Media in All-out Effort to Stop Trump-Putin Summit

by EraOfLight
eol news source
Even as Russiagate’s death looks certain, “Deep State” seeks any way possible to obstruct progress towards normalizing relations. Recently, plans for a summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin were announced.
The report was first disclosed rather quietly late on a Friday evening three weeks ago in the Wall Street Journal, and subsequent reports indicated more and more details in terms of both the intent and the stage of planning conducted for these meetings. Hopes are rising that this meeting will lead to a normalization of relations between the US and Russia.
Over the past two weeks, the press has tried to destroy this narrative.
First, the “crisis” of immigrants on the border in connection with the application of the existing policy that separates children of illegal aliens from their parents if their parents were imprisoned for a crime.
Reuters launched a story in which this topic was highlighted

After about one week of criticism concerning the separation of illegal immigrant children from their parents, the White House pointed out a photo of a Honduran child who was seen sobbing on the US-Mexican border, to accuse the Democrats and the media that they used this photo to push their agenda for immigration.
The photo taken by Getty Images photographer John Moore at the place of detention at the border this month became a powerful image in media coverage of the division of families on the US-Mexican border.
Dozens of newspapers and magazines, including Time and The Washington Post, published the image.
The image, widely seen as showing the girl crying over being parted from her mother, helped swell outrage at home and abroad that pushed President Donald Trump to back down on Wednesday on his administration’s policy of separating children from their families while the adults were prosecuted for illegally crossing the border.
Getty’s caption on the June 12 picture taken at the Texas border town of McAllen said the photo showed a 2-year-old Honduran asylum seeker crying as her mother was searched and detained. The caption said the detention could lead to possible separation, not that this had occurred.
In an article about the picture, the Washington Post quoted Moore as saying that after he took the picture he feared the girl and her mother might be separated, but he did not know what happened to them.
White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said on Friday the mother and child had not been separated, and accused Democrats and the media of exploiting the picture.
“It’s shameful that dems and the media exploited this photo of a little girl to push their agenda. She was not separated from her mom. The separation here is from the facts. Dems should join POTUS (the president) and fix our broken immigration system,” she tweeted.
And, later, a piece from Reuters confirmed this, noting that the girl’s own father said that she was not separated from her mother.
Representatives from Getty Images did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Friday.
For its cover this week, titled “Welcome to America,” Time magazine cropped the picture to show just the girl, juxtaposing it with a picture of Trump, as though he were looking down at her.
This was Attempt Number One.

© Time
Attempt Number Two might be said to have occurred last night.
In the Duran video report run by Alex Christoforou, we learn about the latest statements by former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, where she went on record as saying that President Putin is a white supremacist.
Reuters ran this report , discussing Hillary’s statements:

Russian President Vladimir Putin has positioned himself as the leader of a xenophobic movement that wants to weaken the United States’ traditional alliances and undermine democracy, former U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Friday.
The former secretary of state described Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election she lost to Donald Trump as “a clear and present danger to western democracy”.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is leading an investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 election. Moscow denies U.S. intelligence agency allegations that it interfered in the election, and Trump has denied colluding with Russia.
“Vladimir Putin has positioned himself as the leader of an authoritarian, white-supremacist and xenophobic movement that wants to break up the EU, weaken America’s traditional alliances and undermine democracy,” Clinton said in a lecture at Trinity College Dublin, where she received an honorary doctorate.
“We can see this authoritarian movement rippling out from the Kremlin, reaching across Europe and beyond. It’s emboldening right-wing nationalists, separatists, racists and even neo-nazis. We are living through an era when fundamental rights, civic virtue, even facts and reason are under assault like never before.”
The Duran’s own Alexander Mercouris explained the dynamics of the upcoming summit at length in his report, here. In particular he focuses on the British leadership’s fears of such a meeting. Fears in certain sectors of the American political and media establishment are also significant.
 It is widely believed that such a summit would result in some kind of sanctions roll-back. For those who have a geopolitical agenda that requires Russia be isolated and diminished in importance as a world power, this would be very bad news.
However, President Trump is not one of these people. He has stated on multiple occasions the need for Russia to be involved with the G7 (making it the G8 once again) and more directly he expressed the need for closer relations, saying “Russia needs our help.”
While this statement is probably intended to make the relations look more attractive, there is some truth to it, as a resumption of US investment and resources could help Russia build, or rebuild her infrastructure.
The other side of this need would be something closer to at least an agreement to cooperate, if not forming an outright alliance.
 Even mutual cooperation in rivalry holds unbelievable potential, such as fewer wars across the world.
Unity in economic affairs could greatly enhance world economic and political stability, most notably with China as the third partner in a distinctly sovereign, but cooperative triad of Great Powers.
While these possibilities seem very bright for the average citizenry of all the nations involved, there are those who stand to lose from such peace, and the media attacks of late are beginning to reflect the anger – and fear – of those who stand to lose from it.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

16 de junio de 2018

Historic Summit with North Korea is a Tremendous Moment for the World

President Donald J. Trump’s successful Singapore summit marks a new pathway to peace on the Korean Peninsula.
FOX NEWS: North Korea Agrees to ‘Complete Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula’ after Trump-Kim Summit
“President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a document on Tuesday stating that Pyongyang would work toward ‘complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula’— a historic concession, which was one of the requirements the U.S. sought at the summit in Singapore. The historic agreement came after the two leaders held several meetings throughout the day.”
THE WASHINGTON TIMES: Trump, Kim Jong-Un Sign Document, Pledge to Work Together for Peace
“After a historic summit that scored North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un’s signed pledge committing to ‘complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,’ President Trump said Tuesday it was a great moment for the world. ‘We are prepared to start a new history and we are prepared to write a new chapter between our nations,’ he told reporters at the summit site at Capella Hotel. He ticked off a laundry list of concessions the U.S. won from North Korea.”
THE DAILY CALLER: Kim Jong-Un Promises ‘Major Change’ At Trump Signing Ceremony
“North Korean leader Kim Jong Un promised historic change Tuesday while signing a letter to cap his summit with President Donald Trump in Singapore on denuclearization. ‘Today, we had a historic meeting and decided to leave the past behind and we are about to sign the historic document,’ Kim said. ‘The world will see a major change.’ He also thanked Trump for the summit.”
NEW YORK POST EDITORIAL BOARD: Singapore Summit is a Good First Step
“It was just the first step on a journey that will be long if it doesn’t derail, but President Trump’s one-day summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was indeed a start. Kim ‘reaffirmed his firm and unwavering commitment to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,’ a statement said. In exchange, Washington ‘committed to provide security guarantees’ to the North. The sides will also work toward ‘stable peace’ on the peninsula, and Pyongyang will move to return the remains of all US soldiers who died there in the Korean War.”
EURASIA GROUP PRESIDENT IAN BREMMER IN THE HILL: The World Should Welcome Trump’s Bold Move to Engage Kim Jong Un
“Make no mistake: The world should welcome Donald Trump’s bold move to engage Kim Jong Un. A lasting peace for the Korean Peninsula, if it can be accomplished at all, will take years to accomplish. No one should ever have expected that Trump and Kim could solve a decades-old problem in a single afternoon. The leaders of these two nuclear-armed nations are talking about peace rather than war, and Kim has taken concrete steps to sharply improve relations with all his neighbors except Japan.”
“Thanks to the creative Olympics diplomacy from President Moon Jae-in of South Korea, which teased the North Koreans out of their self-imposed isolation, and Mr. Trump’s impulsive decision to meet with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, the world witnessed a historic meeting on Tuesday between two countries that have been sworn enemies for almost seven decades … Mr. Trump’s diplomacy, however unconventional, has pierced the isolation bubble of the North Korean leadership, which no previous president could do.”
FORMER CONGRESSWOMAN NAN HAYWORTH (R-NY) IN THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Trump Summit Ends Decades of Failed ‘Patience’ on North Korea
“The U.S. and North Korea have now embarked on a course set for peace and prosperity, including not only the elimination of North Korea’s nuclear capabilities but also the recovery and repatriation of American POW/MIA remains. As President Trump said of the document he signed together with Chairman Kim, ‘A lot of goodwill went into this, a lot of work, a lot of preparation.’ … What we’ve seen during the past 48 hours is the reincarnation of a quintessentially American doctrine: peace through strength.”
“If Trump followed advice from the left he would have stayed home like past presidents. If he’d listened to the right he’d have bulled into the room and said ‘Lose the nukes, number one and we’re done’ and the process would have truly failed. North Korea developed nuclear weapons to guarantee its survival. If the United States and South Korea want the North to give up those weapons, something has to replace them as that assurance of survival. The summit created the platform. The key to what happens next is how Trump, Moon and Kim work to resolve that issue.”
USA TODAY’S JAMES S. ROBBINS: Singapore, North Korea and Donald Trump’s ‘Seat of the Pants’ Success
“Last fall, President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un were trading personal insults and threatening nuclear war. Fast-forward to the Singapore summit, and the two men are smiling and talking on the Island of Tranquility. Just like that, peace broke out … Progress on other issues may follow, such as improvement in human rights and political reform, economic openness and perhaps reunification with South Korea. We will see. But the two men have given birth to a new world of possibilities that no thoughtful person can see as anything but good.”
WASHINGTON EXAMINER’S BYRON YORK: On North Korea, a President Who Tried Something Different
“So now the talks have happened, and North Korea has agreed — much like it has in years past — to denuclearize. Critics rightly point out that Kim and his predecessors never kept their promises before. On the other hand, these talks were the result of a series of events unlike those in the past. Maybe Trump’s plan will work. Maybe it will work a little and not work a little. Or maybe it will fail altogether. But it’s the result of a president re-thinking a problem that desperately needed a new approach.”

28 de mayo de 2018

Two Confederations of the Original National States of States

By Anna Von Reitz

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Confusing, yes?  But necessary. 

The First Confederation formed by the States during the Revolution (1781) was composed of National-Level States of States:  The State of Georgia, The State of Maine, The State of Connecticut..... and these States of States were business entities owned by the States called Georgia, Maine, Connecticut..... 

The States own The States of States.   Maine owns The State of Maine.  

The States formed a Federation of States known as The United States of America to function as a Holding Company for all the assets and powers that they would agree to hold in common.  The States specifically and through their Holding Company retained control of the land and soil jurisdictions of this country.  

That is, the States never gave up a cubic centimeter of soil or land to The States of States. 

The States of States were created to function in the realm of international trade and commerce in behalf of the States and in the global jurisdiction of the air, also in behalf of the States. 

The States of States formed their original Confederation during the Revolution (1781).  When the Constitution was adopted in 1787 the Second Confederation was set up to exercise the Delegated Powers.  

Where the real confusion arises is the idea that the original Confederation disappeared or was "replaced" by the Second Confederation.  It wasn't.  All that happened was that the Second Confederation of The States of States operated the Delegated Powers under British control / influence, and the First Confederation continued to operate the Non-Delegated Powers. 

And in the background, the great Holding Company of the States, The United States of America (unincorporated) was the Source of all the Non-Delegated and Delegated Powers mutually extended by the States. 

So the delegation goes like this:  States combine to form a Federation of States dba The United States of America to hold their international and global powers in common.  They form a first Confederation of States of States to conduct their business in these realms.  They split the powers into "Non-Delegated" and "Delegated" subsets and create a second Confederation to exercise the Delegated powers in 1787.  

We've been hoodwinked into paying attention only to the Delegated Powers and the Federal United States government that was created to exercise these powers, and have "forgotten" about the source of all these "powers" ---- the actual government is not the Federal United States Government in any form. 

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here:

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12 de mayo de 2018

Why America is the Greatest Country

Op-Ed by
That America is the greatest country today and in the history of mankind is of no doubt. It feels really silly to even write an article about such an indisputable fact. We are the sole superpower with the biggest economy, the most desired currency and the mightiest military. If you’re reading this, you can thank the American innovation called the Internet. Throughout the world, people listen to American music, watch American movies and pay a premium for American brands – from clothing to electronics to food – and dream of immigrating to America. That’s called Soft Power.
Of course, America is not a paradise where everything is perfect. Let’s address some of the concerns of the nitpicking naysayers.
Is everyone in America wealthy? Well, a majority of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck, tens of millions don’t earn enough to pay for their own food and healthcare, young people are turning into debt serfs due to student loans, people close to retirement have no savings, and the top 0.1% have as much wealth as the bottom 90%. Jeff Bezos made over $100 million a day in 2017, while Amazon warehouse employees work like slaves who built the pyramids. The takeaway from all this: if you work hard and become rich, you never have to worry about such abysmal statistics.
Our government also has ever-increasing debt that will never be paid off. How will it all end? Will we default or impose severe austerity or use inflation to get rid of the debt? If the interest rates go up in the near future, will the stock market and the housing bubble burst again? Some people say that the Federal Reserve Bank has ruined the free market and our entire economy is inherently a Ponzi system that is destined to collapse. I don’t understand these crazy things, but when you live in the greatest country, you can rest assured that intractable problems will somehow be solved. (Maybe you should buy gold or cryptocurrencies, who knows?)
As a nation, we are getting sicker every day. That’s a puzzle, indeed. I don’t know why 70% of us are now obese or overweight. It wasn’t like that at all thirty or forty years ago. Perhaps it’s because there is abundance of awesome food made from great technology such as GMO and WWII chemical weapons that were turned into pesticides. Regardless of the root cause, isn’t it wonderful that we have had numerous solutions for the weight problems? Stay away from fat … no, it’s the sugar … no, really, it’s the carb … or, just go the gym. Finally, we have settled on the greatest solution: accept yourself, you’re beautiful regardless of your weight. If you have the right attitude, facts don’t matter.
Chronic illnesses are through the roof over the last few decades. Autism, asthma, arthritis, allergies, cancer, diabetes, immune disorders, etc. all have skyrocketed in the recent decades. It’s a little strange that the greatest scientists can’t really figure out why. And nobody ever finds cures for these diseases. All we can do is control the symptoms, be on medications forever and trust science and medicine. If you live in the greatest country, how can you not believe that Big Pharma is working to make the world a better place?
If you’re worried about skyrocketing healthcare expenses, get a good job and don’t be like those 75 million Americans on Medicaid or those other tens of millions with no healthcare coverage at all. There’s no excuse in the greatest country.
When you’re rejoicing the glories of the greatest country, always take the time to thank our military-industrial complex. We have spent $20 trillion on military and wars since the end of Cold War in 1991. What a coincidence … that spending matches our national debt! Anyhow, we wouldn’t be the greatest country if we are not constantly eliminating monsters all over the world. Trust me, we only get rid of Hitlers. Go back and look at all the past media coverage … everyone was a Hitler. And they all had WMDs and were planning to take over the world. That’s why when we killed 500,000 Iraqi children, Madeleine Albright rightly pointed out it was worth it.
Sometimes we drop 25,000 bombs and missiles in one year on ultra-poor people in Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, etc. Thankfully, we never get to see the pictures of dead children — that would ruin the patriotic feeling. Spreading peace and freedom isn’t easy. Sometimes we arm and fund maniacal terrorists when they assist us in regime change operations (like in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, etc.), but I am happy that we eventually kill those terrorists. A happy ending makes everything okay.

The key to realizing the greatness of America is to get information from the mainstream media and then carefully repeat the opinions of wise pundits. You don’t think that the greatest nation would have liars and propagandists on TV, do you? When the same opinion is voiced by hundreds of experts in all the prestigious newspapers, magazines and social media, you know that you don’t have to think. We get prepackaged truth with easy-to-remember talking points!
Trust and faith are key to happiness. If you find yourself worrying about various issues, you’re not using all the wonderful tools that the greatest country provides you – sports, entertainment, social media, movies, TV shows, alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography, consumerism, etc.
I just know that everything is okay because I live in the greatest country. And America is the greatest country because everything is okay.
Chris Kanthan is the author of a new book, Deconstructing the Syrian War. Chris lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, has traveled to 35 countries, and writes about world affairs, politics, economy and health. His other book isDeconstructing Monsanto. Follow him on Twitter: @GMOChannel

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