
15 de abril de 2018

El pentagrama de Siria

La verdadera razón oculta para el conflicto sirio es la batalla por el vórtice de la diosa siria, que es uno de los puntos clave de energía más importantes en la red de energía planetaria.

Quien controle ese punto de energía está muy cerca de controlar la mayoría del sistema de leyline de energía en la superficie planetariaQuien controla el sistema de ley de energía tiene acceso directo a la conciencia global de la humanidad.

Esta es la razón por la cual los jesuitas han diseñado la creación de Daesh (Estado Islámico).

El vórtice de energía sirio es en realidad un pentagrama. En manos de las fuerzas de la Luz, este pentagrama es un instrumento de bien que puede transformar todo el Medio Oriente y puede ser un gran transmisor de energía femenina positiva. En manos de la oscuridad, este pentagrama puede crear mucho sufrimiento, como la gente en Siria ha experimentado en los últimos años.

Los cinco puntos del pentagrama de Siria son ciudades clave en Siria que tenían una fuerte conexión con la energía de la Diosa en su rico pasado

Estos cinco puntos son:

Aleppo, una ciudad con una fuerte presencia de diosa:

Homs, el lugar de nacimiento de Julia Domna. Julia Domna era una emperatriz romana que intentó llevar la sabiduría a la corte romana:

Palmyra, el lugar de nacimiento de Zenobia, una reina que encabezó la revuelta contra la opresión del imperio romano:

Raqqa, el área donde nació la cultura Halaf:

Manbij, que era el centro de culto de la diosa siria de la fertilidad, Atargatis:

Tres de esos puntos, Aleppo, Homs y Palmyra, ya han sido liberados de las garras de Daesh, Palmyra muy recientemente:

Manbij también estará libre pronto:

La liberación de Palmyra ha despejado el camino hacia la liberación de Raqqa, el principal Daesh fortaleza en Siria:

Cuando Raqqa sea liberado, eso conducirá rápidamente a la liberación completa del pentagrama sirio y mejorará drásticamente la situación en Medio Oriente.

Aquellos que se sienten guiados, pueden ayudar a apoyar la curación del pentagrama de Siria visualizando esta pieza de alfarería antigua de Halafia girando sobre todo el pentagrama de Siria, fortaleciendo el vórtice de la Diosa allí y eliminando toda la oscuridad de la región: 


Esta pieza de cerámica halafiana, hecha hace 7000 años, contiene códigos de geometría sagrada que activan la presencia de la Diosa y eliminan la oscuridad de las cuatro direcciones.

¡Victoria de la Luz!


Mucha gente pregunta qué hay detrás de los papeles de Panamá. Este enlace lo explica todo:

Libertad de los/as presas/os políticas/os

Mi tocayo, Ramón de Mesonero Romanos (1803-1882), madrileño como yo, además de muy estimable escritor, era un tipo inquieto y por eso firmaba a veces como el curioso parlante. Anduvo curioseando por muchas partes para escribir sus interesantísimas Escenas y tipos matritenses, fuente de documentación sobre cómo eran Madrid y los madrileños a mediados del XIX y como son ahora en buena medida. Algo parecido me pasa con Barcelona. Pero confieso que, si hubiera de escribir unas Escenas barcelonesas, lo tendría más fácil que Mesonero porque hace años que Barcelona ha sustituido a Madrid como manifestódromo. Si no en cantidad, sí en calidad. No porque las barcelonesas sean mejores que las otras en ningún sentido sino porque son las más reiteradas y frecuentes en el ámbito político decisivo hoy en España: independencia de Catalunya sí o no. Manifestaciones, movilizaciones, concentraciones en favor y en contra de la independencia con evidente frecuencia. 

Un juego interesante luego es comparar las manifestaciones pro y contra la independencia respecto a varios asuntos: cantidad de asistentes, organizaciones convocantes, violencia sí o no, agresiones a viandantes sí o no, limpieza y cuidado del mobiliario urbano sí o no, agresividad y amenazas en los discursos sí o no, tratamiento equilibrado en los medios sí o no. Y, con eso, cada cual saca luego sus conclusiones.

Hoy hay una enésima manifestación independentista en Barcelona específicamente dedicada a reclamar la libertad de los presos, los exiliados y los embargados por razones políticas. Promete ser un acto de enorme asistencia y seguro que es de muy civilizado recorrido y sin incidentes, salvo los que puedan seguirse de provocaciones externas. Es una manifestación con un doble mensaje: al interior y al exterior. Al interior va directamente a Bassa, Forcadell, Junqueras, Forn, Turull, Rull, Romeva, Sánchez y Cuixart, sobrevolando los cientos de kms que los separan de su casa y haciéndoles sentir al cariño y el aliento de un pueblo. Al exterior se dirige a Gabriel, Rovira, Puigdemont, Ponsatí, Borrás, Comín y Serret con el mismo significado y también a la comunidad internacional. Es una manifestación para hacer ver al mundo la falta de libertades en una España que dice ser Estado de derecho pero funciona como una dictadura de hecho.

Una manifestación gigantesca, probablemente como no la haya habido hasta ahora, con dos consecuencias una dependiente de la otra. La primera la unidad del movimiento independentista es tan fuerte como siempre y eso se observa en que no hay diferencias entre detenidos y represaliados: son gentes de PDeCat, JxC, ERC y CUP. Todos. Unidad que hace gala de un apoyo social inmenso, un grado de implicación de la sociedad civil (la de verdad) nunca antes visto y un compromiso que garantiza la solidez del movimiento (incluso económica porque funcionan a todo meter las cajas de resistencia) y su reproducción en la medida en que cada lugar que quede vacante por procesamiento será cubierto por otra persona hasta que el Estado acabe negociando una solución a la desobediencia civil que no sea acusarla de terrorismo. Cosa que ya ha visto que no puede hacer.

La segunda consecuencia: el fracaso rotundo del plan gubernativo de represión. El bloque del 155 aplicó este artículo ilegalmente y convocó elecciones creyendo que las ganaría los llamados "constitucionalistas", o sea, unionistas. Las perdieron. No quieren reconocerlo ninguno, ni PP ni C's ni PSOE; pero las perdieron y, mientras no lo reconozcan, la situación no tendrá arreglo. 

Además de este fracaso se da el mucho más sonoro del plan de sofocar el independentismo a sangre y fuego, aplicando aquí la plantilla del País Vasco. Dijeron (lo dijo Sáez de Santamaría) que, encarcelando a las "cabezas" del independentismo, no pasaría nada: un par de semanas de algaradas y luego tranquilidad, como en el País Vasco. Llevamos cinco meses y la presión y movilización sociales no solo no disminuye sino que aumenta. Fracaso absoluto.

Tan absoluto que ahora lo han intensificado, aplicando a Catalunya la plantilla País Vasco/ETA y por eso el fiscal empezó la tirada pidiendo imputación de terrorismo para Tamara Carrasco, miembro de un CDR. El intento de criminalizar a los CDR e imputar al conjunto del movimiento una violencia inexistente pero que necesitan todos como agua de mayo, sobre todo los jueces, para poder construir unos imaginarios delitos de rebelión y disfrazar de judicial una decisión puramente política: encarcelar a los adversarios del gobierno.

Tampoco van a conseguirlo, como se verá por la manifestación de hoy en Barcelona, masiva y pacífica y su eco en el extranjero

Lo que sabemos sobre los ataques aéreos de EE. UU. En Siria

Actualizado 6:41 a.m. GMT + 2 15 de abril de 2018

Trump ordena ataques con misiles contra el régimen sirio
El presidente Trump dice que los ataques tienen la intención de disuadir el uso de armas químicas, que el gobierno sirio está acusado de utilizar contra civiles en Douma, un suburbio de Damasco.

Estados Unidos lideró ataques aéreos en un ataque coordinado con aliados del Reino Unido y Francia contra el régimen del dictador sirio Bashar Assad.

Esto es lo que sabemos sobre el ataque:
¿Que pasó?

Los ataques con misiles de precisión se concentraron en tres instalaciones sirias de armas químicas: un centro de investigación científica cerca de Damasco, una instalación de almacenamiento de armas químicas al oeste de Homs y una instalación de almacenamiento y un puesto de mando cerca de Homs. Al liberar 105 misiles, las fuerzas estadounidenses, británicas y francesas arrasaron al menos un edificio y retrasaron el programa de armas químicas del país "durante años",dijeron funcionarios del Pentágono. Trump lo llamó una "huelga perfectamente ejecutada" en un tuit el sábado.

In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, shows the damage of the Syrian Scientific Research Center which was attacked by U.S., … Show more


El general Joseph Dunford, presidente del Estado Mayor Conjunto, dijo que había cierta "actividad" por parte de los misiles sirios de superficie-aire, pero no hubo informes de bajas estadounidenses o aliadas.

Las secuencias de video en crudo y las imágenes de Siria muestran misiles lanzándose por el cielo durante el ataque.

¿Cuándo tomo lugar?

El presidente Trump anunció el viernes que ordenó los ataques con misiles , que ocurrieron alrededor de las 4 a.m. del sábado en Siria. Fueron una jugada predecible , considerando que Trump hizo amenazas a principios de semana.

¿Por qué los EE. UU. Atacaron?

Trump dijo que los ataques tenían la intención de impedir el uso de armas químicas, como el ataque contra civiles en la ciudad siria de Douma la semana pasada.

Siria ha negado el uso de armas químicas. Pero el viernes por la noche, la Casa Blanca dio a conocer lo que dijo que era "un cuerpo de información significativo" que apuntaba al uso de cloro gaseoso , y posiblemente también al mortífero agente nervioso sarín. Esa evidencia incluye declaraciones de víctimas, imágenes de fragmentos de bombas de barril e informes confiables de helicópteros del gobierno sirio en el área.

Más: Explicación del conflicto en Siria: ¿cómo terminamos aquí?

View|39 Photos

From U.S. strike to Assad chemical attack: Destruction in Syria
¿Qué tan exitoso fue la misión?

El ataque hizo retroceder el programa de armas químicas de Siria "durante años", dijeron funcionarios del Pentágono.

El teniente general Kenneth McKenzie, director del Estado Mayor Conjunto del Pentágono, dijo a los reporteros el sábado que las armas utilizadas en la operación eran una mezcla de misiles lanzados desde el mar y lanzados por las fuerzas estadounidenses, británicas y francesas y que "alcanzaron exitosamente cada objetivo". "
Una mirada de antes y después en el Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Barzah:

¿Qué dicen otros sobre el ataque?

El presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, calificó los ataques aéreos como un "acto de agresión" y una "influencia destructiva en todo el sistema de relaciones internacionales". El presidente sirio Bashar Assad anunció que su país respondería, mientras que el embajador de Rusia en Washington advirtió de "consecuencias" no especificadas.

La primera ministra británica, Theresa May, dijo que el ataque "envía un mensaje claro de que la comunidad internacional no va a tolerar el uso de armas químicas".

Muchos líderes mundiales dijeron que los ataques aéreos fueron "necesarios y apropiados".
¿Qué pasa después?

El presidente de Siria, Bashar Assad, anunció que su país respondería al ataque aliado, pero no ofreció detalles. La embajada de Rusia en Estados Unidos emitió un comunicado advirtiendo que los ataques aéreos "no se dejarán sin consecuencias". Dijo que "toda responsabilidad" recae en Washington, Londres y París.

En una reunión de emergencia del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU el sábado, el enviado estadounidense Nikki Haley dijo que Estados Unidos está "bloqueado y cargado" si el régimen sirio es "lo suficientemente tonto como para poner a prueba nuestra voluntad". Trump también dijo que Estados Unidos está preparado para continuar los ataques hasta que el régimen sirio deje de usar armas químicas.

Originalmente publicado 1:20 pm GMT + 2 14 de abril de 2018
Actualizado 6:41 a.m. GMT + 2 15 de abril de 2018

Sobre los misiles y demás...Ataque de "BANDERA FALSA"

Pues yo no lo considero, proporcionado y mucho menos legítimo, como no sea que los grandes poderes tienen leyes a "su medida".
Sé, que ésta página es para hablar más de España y sus gobernantes, pero no puedo mirar para otro lado, mientras bombardean un pais, que ya solo queda tierra.
Voy a colgar un vídeo, que aunque no es la primera vez que se utiliza este medio de "Bandera Falsa", al menos para algunos, puede que haya gente que aún no sepa, que es muy habitual entre los grandes poderes.Tienen miedo perder dichos poderes y hacen lo que sea con tal de hacer que estalle hasta una 3ª guerra mundial: Su interés, acabar con gran número de seres humanos (ellos están a buen recaudo).
No les va a salir bien el "plan", porque ahora muchos sabemos de que se sirven, estos criminales, para engañar hasta a otros países. (solo a los títeres que los gobiernan).
Como veréis, los que apoyan a estos asesinos del cabal (Israel), son los que más miran por el capitalismo duro y puro...
Inglaterra (con la corona a la cabeza), Francia con un títere que no sabe ni quien le puso ahí....Y una facción (no todos) de los EEUU. Ponen a Trump a la cabeza, pero éste por otro lado hace cosas bien diferentes: Por eso necesitaban un presidente loco, para poder echarle la culpa de todo.Ya lo tienen. Y no digamos España, con el tonto de baba, que tenemos por presidente con un partido podrido hasta la médula.

¡¡¡¡¡ACORDAROS DE LAS ARMAS DE DESTRUCCIÓN MASIVA!!!!!. Al final no había nada de nada.Solo necesitaban la excusa de dichas armas, para entrar e invadir un pais, que con sus estructuras buenas o malas, salían adelante muy bien.
Libia, les echaron en cara que instruian terroristas, y quien les daba las armas?...Los países occidentales que viven de esa venta.Los mismos que condenan, por detrás les proveian...
Afganistán: Grandes terrenos de otro medio que les encanta a los criminales: LAS DROGAS.....
Y así sucesivamente....No tenía intención de alargarme tanto, pero no puedo por menos, que pensar en nuestros hijos, nietos y seres queridos, personas de bien que solo quieren vivir de manera que todos podamos beneficiarnos del BIEN COMÚN.
Mirarlo pronto, porque lo quitarán. Y daros cuenta como se nos ha engañado durante muchos años.Es fácil hacer un "montaje", para aquellos que no tienen conciencia.Pero los hay que sí la tienen y son los que nos hacen llegar estas noticias, jugándose el pellejo.
Me gustaría que lo difundiérais lo más posible. La gente tiene que saber, en manos de quien está.
Marina De Dios

Tota la veritat sobre Síria

1. A Síria no hi Banc Central Rothschild.

2. Síria ha prohibit els aliments transgènics i el cultiu i importació dels mateixos.

3. Síria és l'únic país àrab que no té deutes amb el Fons Monetari Internacional ni amb el Banc Mundial ni amb ningú més.

4.La família Al-Assad pertany a la tolerant orientació Alawi de l'Islam.

5. Les dones sirianes tenen els mateixos drets que els homes a l'estudi, salut i educació.

6.En Síria les dones NO tenen l'obligació de portar el burca. La Sharia (llei islàmica) és inconstitucional.

7. Síria és l'únic país àrab amb una Constitució Laica i no tolera els moviments extremistes islamistes.

8. Al voltant del 10% de la població siriana pertany a alguna de les moltes branques cristianes presents des de sempre en la vida política i social.

9. En altres països àrabs la població cristiana no arriba a l'1% a causa del fustigament sofert.

10. Síria és l'únic país de la Mediterrània que segueix sent propietari de la seva empresa petroliera, que no l'ha volgut privatitzar.

11. Síria té una obertura cap a la societat i cultura occidental com cap altre país àrab.

12. Al llarg de la història 5 Papes van ser d'origen sirià. La tolerància religiosa és única a la zona.

13. Abans de la Conspiració Mundial, Síria era l'únic país pacífic a la zona sense guerres ni conflictes interns.

14.Siria és l'únic país del món que ha admès refugiats iraquians sense cap discriminació social, política o religiosa.

15. Bashar A l'Assad té una aprovació extremadament popular.

16. Sabies que Síria posseeix unes reserves de petroli de 2.500 milions de barrils, l'explotació està reservada a les empreses estatals.

17. Síria s'oposa al Sionisme i el criminal apartheid israelià.

18. La població està ben informada i discuteix amb freqüència l'establiment del Nou Ordre Mundial.

19. Síria és l'últim obstacle que impedeix l'esclavitud de la Humanitat i la creació de l'Estat talmúdic Gran Israel.

Potser ara puguis comprendre perquè Estats Units té tant interes $$$ a Síria ....

Els éssers humans no volem més guerres ... només ho decideixen alguns hdp closques d'humans ..... només per satisfer la seva bestiola .... mitjançant SACRIFICIS humans actuals
fotono s'a FET +1 cap vega

The truth about Syria

1. In Syria there is no central bank Rothschild.

2. Syria has banned genetically modified foods and cultivation and import of the same.

3. Syria is the only Arab country that has no debts to the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank or anyone else.

4.La Al Assad family belongs to the Alawi orientation tolerant Islam.

5. Syrian women have the same rights as men to study health and education.

6.The Syrian women have the obligation to wear the burka. Sharia (Islamic law) is unconstitutional.

7. Syria is the only Arab country with a secular constitution and does not tolerate extremist Islamist movements.

8. About 10% of the Syrian population belongs to one of the many Christian denominations always present in political and social life.

9. In other Arab countries the Christian population is less than 1% due to the harassment suffered.

10. Syria is the only Mediterranean country which still owns the oil company that wanted to privatize not.

11. Syria has an opening towards society and Western culture like no other Arab country.

12. Throughout history 5 Papas were of Syrian origin. Religious tolerance is unique in the area.

13. Before the World Conspiracy, Syria was the only peaceful country in the region without wars or internal conflicts.

14.Siria is the only country that has admitted Iraqi refugees without any social, political or religious discrimination.

15. Bashar Al Assad has an extremely popular approval.

16. Did you know that Syria has oil reserves of 2,500 million barrels, whose exploitation is reserved for state enterprises.

17. Syria opposes Zionism and the Israeli apartheid criminal.

18. The population is well informed and often discussed the establishment of the New World Order.

19. Syria is the last obstacle preventing the enslavement of mankind and the creation of the State Talmudic Greater Israel.

Perhaps now you can understand why the United States has both intere ... $$$ in Syria.

Humans do not want more wars ... only they choose some HDP eggshells human ..... just to satisfy your bug .... by current human SACRIFICES
Photos'ha not fet +1 vega cap

By the III Spanish Republic against false republics that divide us and distance themselves


[Sabatinas Chronicles] Remembering the Democratic Republic of workers of all kinds!

Federico García Lorca (1898-1936), Republican poet murdered by fascism to 38 years. In memoriam et voluntary basis.
Carlos Jiménez Villarejo for a Machadian lawyer from head to toe, from mind to heart.
Mario Gaviria (1938-2018), which we learned so much. In memoriam et voluntary basis.
From a theoretical point of view, I am not a Marxist, I have not ever been, is likely to not be ever. My thought has not followed the path that descends from Hegel to Karl Marx. Maybe because I'm too romantic, by the influence, perhaps a too idealistic education, I lack sympathy for the central ideal of Marxism, I refuse to believe that the economic factor, whose enormous importance not unmindful, is the most essential of life human and the great engine of history. I see, however, quite clearly, that socialism, as is a way of human coexistence based on work, equality of the means granted to everyone to do it, and the abolition of class privileges is a unavoidable stage on the way of justice; clearly I see that this is the great human experience today,
Antonio Machado (1 May 1937)

For us, culture and energy that comes from degraded to spread or flow that is detracting from the divide; his defense will be generous work activity it implies the two deepest paradoxes of ethics:  only lose what you save, earn only what is given.
Antonio Machado (1937)

Spain, fortunately, fair Spain to our glorious Republic, those who fight foreign invasion, without fear of overwhelming brute force, have saved the honor of Western Europe, the reason for our continuity in history.
Antonio Machado (1939)

Because the Republic can only come from popular hands tend to forget that the Second Spanish Republic represented in Europe looked shaken the fascist monster of another capitalist rationality, hope in the resilience of honesty and democratic decency; He symbolized trust, but was defeated in the value of resistance to barbarism, the antifascist breath;but also the certainties deposited on a horizon that wanted to restore the human dimension which could otherwise be experienced.
Higinio Polo (2018)

Finally, not less but more importantly, as many people were interested in him stand out,  a lot more , seems to have also imported with an equal record admirable during  all  time of human history,  to maintain equality and that ' no more than anyone else.
Victor M. Fernández Martínez (2007)

The poet, our poet, always traveling light, almost naked, like the children of the sea, would have pleased reflection with Victor M. Fernández Martínez closes  Prehistory. The long road Site  [1]. Also, of course, the republican-democratic considerations Higinio Polo. His, the words of l author of Juan de Mairena  , d the poet who conversed with the man who always went with him, also forever in our memory. In all, in all (and even not approach well, that 1 May 1937 is not that, is not why you are calling, without being, central idea of l marxis mo).
A reflection of Professor José Luis Martín Ramos, on an essential aspect of international politics that concerns us all in war times can be even more warlike:
Macron says it has evidence of attack by Al Assad chemical weapons; Theresa May said that too;Merkel does not risk much and says it probably was.Trump does not need to talk. Even the publisher of La Vanguardia and is tempted to speak of "increasingly apparent new attack with chemical weapons", in which the "new" is not innocent and validates previous attacks that also said he had evidence ... that have never been shown to irrefutably. Now they are not in any way. All test are curious images with children cleaned hosed or masks placed on the face, not absolutely prove anything, and information that comes from the organization "White Helmets", an Islamist NGO funded by NATO governments. I repeat that even the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights impartially London -nothing has dared to validate.
Strange, very strange. Of course our suspicions could be the result of that inveterate habit of recalcitrant red falling into the temptation of conspiracy theory (btw, why Thomas Alcoverro has not spoken in his article in The V of "The Plot", convicted and large-confessed part of the trio of the Azores, fabricating "evidence" and brazenly showing them to the world to justify the evil that is at the origin of the current imbroglio: the invasion and destruction of Iraq as a unified state?). They could be the result of our prejudices ... if it were not in the same LV, which editorialized the way it does, its correspondent in Istanbul reports that yesterday the Secretary of Defense United States, Jim Mattis, "admitted he had no proof beyond what I had seen and read on social networks ". Amazing? And Mattis has not resigned or been forced to resign by belie Trump, Macron, May, Merkel.
If Mattis has no evidence and all you know is social networking and this is not an assembly down and see God.
Today's topic without further preámbulos.Nos Brecht taught about Galileo: "much truth is imposed on the extent that we impose; the victory of reason can only be the victory of those who reason. " Us reason therefore say and fight for truth (and have in mind the warning of Martin Luther King: "What we say can help you get a scholarship from a foundation, but will not make you enter the Kingdom of Truth") and also remember the wise words of l sing the maestro Fosforito: "not all the river water and seawater all can extinguish the fire of a heart on". And ours, our hearts today, 14 April, a heart on. No abettor will feed yet no myth, no interested historical falsehood, nor forget dark moments, black, even criminals, during those years full of hope and esperancismo but reaction: the right not stopped stalking from the outset. But, yes, we will think (and feel) what it meant and means for us, for the history of our country (thought and felt from below, from the most disadvantaged) that democratic Republic of workers of all kinds, which was organized system of freedom and justice and renounced war as an instrument of national policy. That Republic which represented a true and real hope of transformation, of change, of social progress, equity, justice, solidarity, real freedom, for millions and millions of citizens-workers, laborers and poor peasants (very poor) of our country. That Republic which drove away the Bourbons. The same as last! - made it possible for women to exercise their vote (anticipating a lot of other "civilized nations"). That Republic which allowed children class empobrecid as that just never been able to go to school (Philipon de La Madeleine, a sort of Bravo Murillo eighteenth century: "There is no weapon more dangerous than knowledge in the hands of people who must be tricked into not break their chains "), populate their classrooms. That Republic that managed to extract a lot of people, not just proletarian people, their best-us your best you just never been able to go to school (Philipon de La Madeleine, a sort of Bravo Murillo eighteenth century: "There is no more dangerous weapon than knowledge in the hands of the people to be tricked into not break their chains" ), populate their classrooms. That Republic that managed to extract a lot of people, not just proletarian people, their best-us your best you just never been able to go to school (Philipon de La Madeleine, a sort of Bravo Murillo eighteenth century: "There is no more dangerous weapon than knowledge in the hands of the people to be tricked into not break their chains" ), populate their classrooms. That Republic that managed to extract a lot of people, not just proletarian people, their best-us your best be  and be  free, fraternal and equitable community. The same Republic which gave great strides in the autonomous developments of the Spanish nationalities and consideration of their languages and stated in its Constitution that the Spanish state had no official religion.The same Republic of workers who knew what to expect in matters of land reform (Miguel Hernandez -¡Josefina, Josefina, Josefina -: " Andalusians of Jaén,  /  proud olive, / tell me in the soul, who, / who raised olives , / Andalusian Jaen"), Aware of the frightening and likely reaction of the landowners and their action groups. Also think of the triumph of the Popular Front, the subject today of review by historians, criticized and refuted, among others, by Professor José Luis Martín Ramos. We remember the names of Manuel Azana, Juan Negrin, Joan Comorera, Buenaventura Durriti ( "To us do not give us fear the ruins, because we have a new world in our hearts. That world is growing this minute"), Joseph Diaz, and many others. Also Federica Montseny, Passiflora, Clara Campoamor, Maria Teresa Leon, Maria Zambrano ( "What I have today was, and am, is Republican"), Rosa Chacel. We do not forget the names of Salvador Segui, Joan Salvat-Papasseit ( " Vosaltres SABEU not  that  és Save whip the moll! "), Salvador Espriu, Rodoreda and Bartomeu Rosselló-Pòrcel. Let us remember with sadness and unworthiness moral turpitude of those who took up arms against republican democracy (León Felipe: "The truth is that when Franco, that Iscariot toad and a thief, with his large squad of cardinals and bankers, dared to say that the war in Spain was a "religious crusade" and that God was with them ... the poet entered a uncontrollable desire to blaspheme "). Remember, wanting to justice but not revenge, countless and almost unspeakable criminal practices (Victor Pardo Lancina: "There are stories that go beyond imagination as mayor of the town of Loporzano, Rafael Montori Ara, 39, father four daughters, imprisoned in Huesca from the first moment after the uprising. On August 12, when her daughter Presentation, 15, took him to jail lunchbox with food they returned the basket with the severed head of her father. Presentation went mad, became seriously ill and died young. That head was exposed in the most central square of Huesca as a warning and threatens the entire population "). Dwelleth not in our forgetfulness -word ajustada- heroism of millions and millions of citizens-resistant workers, many of them our ancestors, bles fault, they said, crowing about unworthiness, "military rebellion" to defend the Constitution and republican legality to be later sentence two to death, shot and dumped manure. We feel again and we will do our the "remember you and remember other" Sevillian poet of forbidden pleasures. We will honor our souls to international brigade (and to the brigade!), Those indispensable fighters never forgotten. Think of his anti-fascism in his delivery, his generosity, in many of their lives stolen by thieves lives a thousand centuries ago ( "Thanks, partner, thanks / by example. Thank you for telling me / That man is free / Nothing matter that so few are: / One, one only enough / as irrefutable / witness all human nobility "). Think of them and also our dead, our missing in our tortured in our vejados in our murdered in the village women who resisted the unspeakable, facing down in circumstances that we can not even imagine without barely nobody talks about them once dead. We remember the bombing of the Italian fascist aviation and the German Condor Legion. Think of Operation Rügen, in Gernika, in Barcelona, ​​in Madrid (Octavio Paz: "Madrid, 1937 / in the Plaza del Angel Women / sewed and sang with their children, / after the alarm sounded and there were cries, / houses kneeling in the dust, / cloven towers, carved fronts / and hurricane engines, steady / undressed and the two loved each other / to defend our eternal portion ... ") and in many other cities and towns. We think of the people that we come from, their struggles, their work in the "paid with their lives fighting for dignity". Us they have done to us. We will not forget. Remember the names of our poets, poets of all. Antonio Machado'll figure in León Felipe ( "And I saw: / The cradle of man swaying stories, / the cries of anguish of man are choked with tales, / the tears of man clogged with tales, / that the man's bones are buried with tales, / and that the fear of man ... / invented all the stories ... "), the murdered poet (" ... because we want our daily bread, / flower alder and perennial threshed tenderness, / because we want to meet the Earth will / that bears fruit for all ") and many others ... and others that sometimes we do not remember enough. Nor inhabits our forgetfulness about backstabbing that some gave the II Republic. Remember the cynical policies of the "Western democracies", the antihumanist hypocrisy of nonintervention, and decisive solidarity of the peoples of the Soviet Union and Mexico and other places and countries. Remember to Norman Bethune, Cesar Vallejo, the "Spain in the heart" of Pablo Neruda ( "Jackals that the jackals would despise, / p hinestones that the dry thistle would bite spitting, / vipers that the vipers would abominate / In front of you I have seen blood / of Spain up / to drown you in one wave / of pride and knives! "). We will think with emotion in Winnipeg and Chilean friends, Salvador Allende among them ( "History is ours and make the people"), which were to receive our Republican refugees. Also we think of the exiles (these yes, really) and in the harsh conditions of exile. We remember Argelès-sur-Mer (Argelers) and Eduard Rodriguez Farré think of (and in Iglesias Alvaro Barriga, the paternal grandfather of my wife-partner). Also political prisoners (also these really), and the people who were entrusted by not participating in violence and were killed in times of war (which were properly war), for ten or fifteen years in Barcelona, for example, in the Camp de la Bota, unceremoniously, without mercy, without compassion (José Arnal, no Josep Arnau, for example). Remember, we admired those antifascist fighters who continued to fight fascism in Europe, which liberated Paris, some of them prisoners in concentration camps and extermination where so many lost their lives. Montserrat Roig and think of other writers who made us aware of it. We remember Democratic Women's Movement, as we remember the free women. Infundios which reject most hurt in a deep breath as the false assertion of a Spanish war against Catalonia. Remember all the people, all the comrades who fought, almost from the outset, in a Spain full of Falangists, traditionalists, fascist military and harriers in all who took the time, effort and even their lives in order to bring again a federal republic of workers to our country. A republic for all, a republic that would unite us in our various diversities. Remember, it do not make mistakes, the days of the abdication of Bourbon and corrupt as here, in Barcelona, ​​in Plaça Catalunya and indignant, while some were talking about the Third Republic, other (ERC and groups global Revolta) spoke Catalan Republic, unrelated to the republican sentiment that erupted in many parts of Spain ( despite the harsh repression suffered Bourbon). A feeling, a tradition that has nothing to do with false republics operetta that break us in half and aspire to build walls between us and our brothers, as they say, advertise and have those, theirs are democratic and revolutionary purposes (Higinio Polo: "esa" "theater and meretricious who proclaimed all that has been done today or damage claim of the Republic, favor the monarchy, putting difficulties essential and necessary III Spanish Republic" republic). Not on our behalf, not on behalf of a tradition that they, who now Republicans say, have hardly grown while others, they have never considered (or even joint events), we have tried to fill streets and squares on this day, as ours, remembering what is part of our common history, history of all. But they also want to throw it into the ditch of history when they say, without qualification or consideration that Spain -the Spanish state ofensivo- say in their language has always been a country of fachas, carcas and corrupted, not like his country, they want for themselves and exclusive, more cultured, more modern, more democratic, more just, more of everything. We've heard all the stories and forgers do not want more stories. We do not want to be stones of any church or any palace or any center of power. Only humble pebbles road. Not suffer verb (logo) phobia or gefidrofobia. We are not afraid of words or transit through the bridges of our ways, we want to share, but we are not willing to discuss any form, swearing at times, distinguishing between those who live on this side of the Ebro, they say without knowing what they say of those who live beyond those who have called murcianos or xarnegos when has come to our land to play, most of the time, harder work, the most ungrateful, the least considered, the lowest paid. The work of those who never speak. They are not in their world. We are not afraid of words or transit through the bridges of our ways, we want to share, but we are not willing to discuss any form, swearing at times, distinguishing between those who live on this side of the Ebro, they say without knowing what they say of those who live beyond those who have called murcianos or xarnegos when has come to our land to play, most of the time, harder work, the most ungrateful, the least considered, the lowest paid. The work of those who never speak. They are not in their world.We are not afraid of words or transit through the bridges of our ways, we want to share, but we are not willing to discuss any form, swearing at times, distinguishing between those who live on this side of the Ebro, they say without knowing what they say of those who live beyond those who have called murcianos or xarnegos when has come to our land to play, most of the time, harder work, the most ungrateful, the least considered, the lowest paid. The work of those who never speak. They are not in their world. those who have called murcianos or xarnegos when has come to our land to play, most of the time, harder work, the most ungrateful, the least considered, the lowest paid. The work of those who never speak. They are not in their world. those who have called murcianos or xarnegos when has come to our land to play, most of the time, harder work, the most ungrateful, the least considered, the lowest paid. The work of those who never speak. They are not in their world.
Not forgetting dwell in us this April 14 (or any other), so close to another beautiful day almost as our Republican like that: semper April 25, April 25 semper! Never again. The Republican Spain always in my heart. And, without leaving laughter and jokes that deserve to be shared (not all, not those of Poland, the "flagship program" pure emetic nationalism, its secessionist TV3), let's get serious, seriously, as we were shown three Republican philosophers, teachers of many who were very seriously, Manuel Sacristan, Paco Fernández Buey and Antoni Domènech. They were never, as they have never been our traditions of social emancipation, by building walls that separate peoples and citizens-workers.
It is all for today dear friends. These blue days and this sun of childhood, The Republican Spain at heart and among our goals! For our unit, against those who want to break us into pieces and faced solitary confinement relying on historical stories and biased readings of what we're living! No support, therefore separatist and secessionist fanatical manifestations of this April 15 representing, speaking clearly, investment, total investment goals of our values ​​and goals. How is it possible that unions, forces and people who call themselves left to participate in a nationalistic-supremacist act of these features! Shames in the depths read these names - Comissions Obreres de Catalunya (CCOO) It Confederació d'Associacions Veïnals de Catalunya (CONFAVC), Federació d'Associacions Peer i Mares de Catalunya (FAPAC), General Union of Treballadors of Catalonia (UGT), Unió de Pagesos- alongside these others: Assemblea Nacional Catalana (ANC ) Consell Nacional de la Joventut de Catalunya (CNJC), Omnium Cultural. Hard to say, it costs a lot to say, but in the background is the old motto that we had forgotten and we said to have rejected forever: all for the homeland, the homeland per tot. But is not the case p ara many. A lthough the country is another, hiding their chrematistic background and power interests ue sig still in force. Consell Nacional de la Joventut de Catalunya (CNJC), Omnium Cultural. Hard to say, it costs a lot to say, but in the background is the old motto that we had forgotten and we said to have rejected forever: all for the homeland, the homeland per tot. But is not the case p ara many. A lthough the country is another, hiding their chrematistic background and power interests ue sig still in force. Consell Nacional de la Joventut de Catalunya (CNJC), Omnium Cultural. Hard to say, it costs a lot to say, but in the background is the old motto that we had forgotten and we said to have rejected forever: all for the homeland, the homeland per tot. But is not the case p ara many. A lthough the country is another, hiding their chrematistic background and power interests ue sig still in force.
A good alternative: if you live in Barcelona or around (or are here), we pass an appointment for this afternoon from the Liceu to the Sant Jaume, ancient Piazza della Repubblica square. See you? Do we share meeting and demonstration?
Five concluding observations on judicial and non - judicial aspects of monotema and a picture of sanity and rebellion, this time, is worth a thousand words: 
1. Read this, please, "The crisis of plastic is more serious than you think is not enough to recycle bottles ". botellas_0_756624939.htmlAnd then think of the environmental disaster that plastics am ar n illos is causing in Catalonia, this earth who claim to love both supporters of secessionism, without anyone saying anything. .2 silence. Call the Argentine MST against the visit and economic agreements Rajoy-Magri. Perfect, fine. Lema in one of the concentrations: "Get out !, Visca Catalunya Rajoy". What sense does this exclusive disjunction? Does the MST is in favor of Catalonia Puigdemont? But what happens to us! 
3. and allies (common among them, that pain most of the time) that have offered champagne or whatever by more than questionable judgment of the German judges, if they are accepted -consiguientemente that coherentes- defendants are not political prisoners (as stated in the resolution) but political prisoners. Then then why these slogans and banners on "Llibertat prisoners politics" in the Barcelona City Hall and other buildings of the town hall and numerous institutions of the Generalitat they represent, they should represent all Catalan citizens, not only one hand, the "secessionist people"?
4. From an article by Javier Cercas in  El País (12/04/2018): "In this blatant attack on the rule of law, perpetrated in fullview of everyone and stunned impotence before the Spanish Government, it is what I call an attempted coup. Inadequate expression seem to have forgotten that the best coups occur without physical violence, precisely because they seem coups; But he did not seem to remember that, as Hans Kelsen wrote in  The General Theory of Law and State , a stroke occurs when "the legal order of a community is nullified and replaced illegitimately by a new order".
5. A text of Professor Miguel Candel (with complementary observations Teresa Freixes) on the ruling of the German judges:
I agree with the analysis of S. and D. on the best options for Catalonia government now [a secessionist government, legally viable candidate, very controlled by the opposition]. As for what it says Teresa Freixes (more so than their patron saint) it is, generally, that German judges have drei Dörfer past (three German towns, although I would say five or six) in plan to seek five feet to EAW cat. An amazing detail: compare the attempted coup Puigdemont (all illegal attempt to change -not to mention ring, as in this case the constitution is) with resistance at 1983 the expansion of Frankfurt airport ... on the other hand, and as I thought from the beginning,
I do not know if the possible use of our TS to the European Court prosper, but I think what they have done German judges is a legal enormity such that sits very dangerous precedent. I like to see what face to put possible future attempts at secession in Bavaria, for example. While it is clear that there are several Europes with different yardsticks, and it is up to us third division. I give absolutely right when he says Gonzalez Pons that, in fact so, may have to rethink the Schengen agreement. I, of course, take advantage to rethink the Monetary Union.
To make matters worse, statements by the Minister of Justice (?) German, the Barley socialignorante, glad the court ruling and giving virtually reason to Puigdemont show the degree of respect they spend in Berlin to the principle of separation of powers that supposedly does not exist in Spain. Those statements have not even deserved a diplomatic note of protest to the Spanish government speaks German degree of incompetence Rajoy and his team.You must have all concentrated on plugging it from the master of Cifuentes energy and the degree of academic corruption that seems to be in "their" University Rey Juan Carlos (gafe name if ever there).
Teresa Freixes observations:
I expected almost anxiously to see if he could understand the reasoning of a court tells us that the incriminating behavior, so it could be likened to the" high treason "of the Criminal Code German (equivalent to the crime of rebellion in Spain) does not have a sufficient degree of violence.
What catches my attention the case are two circumstances: - First, I had to read I do not know how many times because I have the feeling that the court of the land intends to stay with me, is the assertion that this court made on it must be concluded that there is no dual criminality within the meaning of the EAW, because "there is no German law criminalizing participation in a rebellion in Spain". - The second, apart from what I said about the "speed" to reject the equivalence of the rebellion and the "need for more evidence" in the case of embezzlement is the element of comparison, based on the jurisprudence German Supreme Court to consider that there has been enough violence.
Compare the court of the land, a violent occupation of the airport runways that was intended to prevent the installation will expand with the acts of violence that could be produced in Catalonia in order to declare independence. It does not take into account that in one case is the performance of a particular group and the other of the performance of public institutions that are also State (the president of an autonomous region is the ordinary representative of the State in the Community). Does not consider, either, that the chargeable offense in each case may not be the same (it is absurd to consider rebellion or treason occupation of airport runways to prevent expansion), so that the degree of violence necessary in each if it not has to be measured in the same way.
It is "measuring the degree of violence." No question, the German court, which has not been violence, but needs more violence. Up to what point? Well, according to his interpretation, you must have a result: break the will and action of the attacked. That is, that in the German case would have had to get to the airport will not be extended and in our case it would have to consummate the rebellion.
Anecdote: the court of the German land seems to have misunderstood the charges weighing on Puigdemont not know the Spanish territorial structure and correctly referred to judicial organs in your car (I hope it's not a translation problem, which could also be ...). So he says that is charged with the crimes of rebellion and embezzlement "in the form of disobedience" (sic.), Which does not have, legally, heads or tails. On the other hand, he speaks of "protracted conflict, in general terms, about the legal status of Catalonia in relation to the Spanish central government," which is surprising coming from a court. And it refers to the "Supreme Court of Madrid" when we have never had a Supreme Court "Madrid" but a Supreme Court of Spain.
For more "pearls":
The picture, as I said, is worth a thousand words:
Workers in Catalonia: Lula itself is our political prisoner!
1) Edited by publishing Alliance in 2007 (several reprints: I used the 2015). I quote Paco Puche, who, incidentally, had the kindness and generosity of entertain me with the book.
Rebellion has posted this article with the author 'spermission through a  license Creative Commons , respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere.

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