
5 de octubre de 2018

El final de la Cábala


4 de octubre de 2018

La prueba de alerta presidencial de Trump fue mucho más de lo que parece.

Fue una exhibición pública de la Alianza y una forma de informar discretamente al público de lo que está por venir.

La operación que involucra el RV ha terminado.

El momento de la RV ya no es una preocupación de seguridad.

El voto de confirmación de SCOTUS es esencial para la sincronización del RV a través de los términos negociados bajo la ley GESARA.

Tribunales militares masivos seguidos por un colapso del mercado de valores ahora es inevitable.

Será el "quiebre en el sistema" requerido para activar el QFS y liberar el RV.

Suiza incluso está expresando públicamente su voluntad de participar en el QFS.

Como dijo Q, prepárense, unidos nos mantenemos firmes juntos.

Esto es octubre rojo.

El final de la Cábala.

Life Tapestry Creations: Just You

mike quinsey eraoflight
Dear Ones,
Do you feel lonely, hurt, or angry? Such is so because you are saying goodbye to your global 3D victimization and caretaking roles.
You counter that you have already said goodbye to both. So you have in your personal life, but not the earth community as a whole. Your fury of the past few days has been about discovering you no longer need to follow global have tos. That you are a sovereign being without a need to do as those you label leaders dictate.
Such bravery is frightening for it has been eons since you declared or even thought of yourself as a sovereign being while of the earth.
You are stepping into new and frightening territory. Who will tell you if you are right or wrong? That is the crux of your current anger, fear, and hurt feelings as you realize that “the king and/or queen wears no clothes.”
You have already noted so in your immediate family and community, but you had hoped – most likely hidden from yourself – that someone would rescue you, that someone would tell you and others what to do and when. You are instead discovering that the world leaders you depend upon are failing or losing their ability to lead.
Of course, you are frightened for that means there is no one but you to follow. The big picture of global security or knowingness no longer exists. There is just you. A frightening thought indeed. A bit as if your parents abandoned you before you believed you were prepared to live on your own.
These political, governmental, security issues are pushing your buttons in ways you did not envision when you first declared your sovereignty. For you believed such meant you would be a unique individual under the caring umbrella of a wonderful world leader.
You are not sovereign if anyone is telling you how to live. The enormity of that statement is quite frightening for you have no idea how to live without overriding rules and have tos. Who will set up the legal, political systems or any systems? Who will tell you what to do?
You cannot yet envision a time in which rules are not required for you have never been on earth without rules and leaders.
You accept that once you transition from earth, you are free to function in any dimension or environment you wish, yet you cannot envision that same freedom while of the earth.
So it is you are frightened and worried that you will not fulfill your dreams of a unique path. For your unique path was conceived of by your earth being as a path within the guidelines of some outside force informing you of your rightness or more to the point, that others were right or wrong. That you had the freedom to explore your path because someone outside of you was taking care of the rest of the world.
Such is not to be. You are your keeper. Not your brother or sister’s keeper, you are your own keeper as is everyone. And even though you cannot yet imagine how earth without world leaders will function such is your drive.
Just as when you initiated your transition months, years or decades ago, you could not understand how you would evolve, that the you of now would exist. So it is now. Those who wish to heal the environment will do so. Those who wish to be part of any other function or department of global maintenance will.
Earth governments are rapidly evolving from country needs to Universal cooperation. A cooperation difficult to describe at this point but something fully and wonderfully workable, allowing each earth being to be part of those elements most interesting – and therefore, most joyful – for him or her.
New Earth is not about being better than another country or area, but instead playing together as one in peace and yes, joy.
What gives you joy is your road to happiness and peace. As is true for all who wish to be of New Earth.
Fear is no longer the overriding element of security. Nor is the joy that your country (team) is the best. For best is now defined by uniqueness, peace, and joy instead of competition.
A difficult concept to understand unless you are enmeshed in it. Just as was true before you actualized personal freedom.
Many wonder how much emotional pain is required to clear the control of leaders. Even though there will be some pain as is true of any change, the overriding relief will counter any pain you might feel.
If you are among the early forerunners who have transitioned for decades, you perhaps wonder if you will be of the earth in this lifetime when such happens. Most likely you will, for all who transition become less fearful, creating less harmful activity within their cells.
For eons, your cells have performed miracles in continuing your being despite ongoing ravages of fear which is little different from cancer or similar illnesses. As those fears dissipate so will the need for your cells to continuously scrub themselves clean of debris. Aging is more about your cells being coated in fear and anger, then the inevitability of aging as you now believe.
But aging is a topic for later discussions. Suffice it for you to know that the world governments you now depend on to lead your life are disappearing one by one – more rapidly than you can now conceive.
For it is time for the unique being you are to shine your light of freedom brightly. So be it. Amen

la vida tapiz creaciones

mike quinsey eraoflight

: sólo tú  queridos, ¿te sientes solitario, herido, o enojado? tal es así porque usted es decir adiós a su global 3d victimización y caretaking roles.

Usted Contador que ya ha dijo adiós a ambos. por lo que tiene en su vida personal, pero no la tierra comunidad en su conjunto.

Su furia de los últimos días ha sido sobre el descubrimiento de que ya no necesita seguir Mundial han tos. que usted es un soberano están sin necesidad de hacer que los que la etiqueta líderes dictan.

Tales valentía es alarmante para que se ha eones desde le declaró o incluso el pensamiento de sí mismo como un soberano de ser, mientras que de la tierra.

Usted está intensificando en nuevos y aterrador territorio. ¿quién le dirá si usted está derecha o mal? que es el quid de su actual ira, miedo, y el daño sentimientos a medida que se dan cuenta de que "el Rey y / o la Reina lleva desnudo."

Ya ha señalado así en su familia inmediata y la comunidad, pero tenía la esperanza - más probable es ocultos de ti mismo - que alguien rescatarían ti, que alguien diría usted y otros qué hacer cuando. usted está en lugar el descubrimiento de que los líderes mundiales que dependen no están o la pérdida de su capacidad para conducir. por supuesto, usted es asustado por eso significa no hay nadie sino a seguir.

 El panorama general de la seguridad global o knowingness ya no existe. Hay sólo usted un alarmante pensamiento en efecto. un poco como si tus padres abandonado usted antes de que usted cree que se prepararon para vivir por su cuenta.

Estas políticas gubernamentales, los problemas de seguridad están presionando el botón en maneras que usted no prevén primera vez que declaró su soberanía. para que usted cree tales significaba que sería un individuo único bajo el cuidado del paraguas de un maravilloso líder Mundial.

Usted no es soberano si alguien dice que la forma de vivir. la enormidad de esa declaración es bastante aterrador para que usted no tienen idea de cómo vivir sin primordial reglas y han tos. que establecerá legales, sistemas políticos o cualquier sistemas? ¿quién le dirá qué hacer?

Usted no puede todavía imaginar un momento en el cual las normas no son necesarios para que usted nunca ha sido en la tierra sin las normas y los líderes.

Usted acepta que una vez que la transición de la tierra, que está libre de la función en cualquier dimensión o el medio ambiente lo desea, sin embargo, usted no puede imaginar que mismo la libertad, mientras que de la tierra.

Así es que usted se miedo y preocupado de que usted no va a cumplir con sus sueños de un único camino. para tu único camino fue concebida por su tierra ser como una ruta de acceso a las directrices de algunos fuera de la fuerza para informarle de su exactitud o más hasta el punto, que otros se derecha o mal. que tenía la libertad para explorar sus trayectoria porque alguien fuera de que usted se cuidando el resto del mundo.

Tal no es para ser. Eres tu Keeper. no su hermano o hermana del marcador a usted es su propio Keeper como es todo el mundo. y a pesar de que usted no puede todavía imaginar cómo tierra sin que los líderes mundiales funcionará tal es la unidad.

Al igual que cuando se inició su transición meses, años o hace décadas, que no podía entender cómo usted evolucionar, que el que de ahora que existen. por lo que es ahora. aquellos que deseen sanar el medio ambiente lo harán.
Aquellos que deseen ser parte de cualquier otra función o departamento de global de mantenimiento voluntad.

Tierra gobiernos están evolucionando rápidamente a partir de necesidades de los países a Universal de cooperación. una cooperación difícil para describir en este momento, pero algo completamente y maravillosamente viable, permitiendo que cada una tierra está a ser parte de los elementos más interesantes - y por lo tanto, la mayoría de Alegre - si desea él o ella. nuevo la tierra no es acerca de ser mejor que el otro país o zona, pero en lugar jugando juntos como uno de la paz y sí, alegría. lo que le da la alegría es su camino a la felicidad y la paz. como es cierto para todos los que deseen ser de nuevo la tierra.

El temor ya no es el primordial elemento de la seguridad. tampoco es la alegría que su país (equipo) es el mejor.

Para mejor ahora está definido por la singularidad, la paz y la alegría en lugar de la competencia. un concepto difícil de entender a menos que usted está enredado en ella. sólo al igual que la verdadera antes de que usted actualizada la libertad personal. muchos pregunto ¿cuánto dolor emocional es necesario para borrar el control de los líderes.

A pesar de que habrá algunos dolor como es verdad de cualquier cambio, la primordial alivio a contrarrestar el dolor es posible que se sienten.

Si ustedes se encuentran entre los primeros precursores que tienen la transición durante décadas, que tal vez se preguntan si usted va a ser de la tierra en este curso de la vida cuando dicha pasa. más probable es que usted, para todos los que la transición convertido en menos miedo, la creación de menos perjudiciales actividad dentro de sus células.

Para eones, las células se han realizado Milagros en continuar su ser a pesar de curso estragos de miedo, que es poco diferente de cáncer o similar enfermedades.
como los temores de disipar así que va a la necesidad de que las células de forma continua de matorral sí mismos limpio de escombros. envejecimiento es más acerca de sus células están recubiertas en el miedo y la ira, a continuación, la inevitabilidad de envejecimiento a medida que ahora creo. pero el envejecimiento es un tema para más tarde discusiones.

 Basta para que usted sabe que el mundo de los gobiernos que ahora dependen de conducir su vida están desapareciendo uno por uno - más rápidamente que ahora puede concebir.

Para ello es hora de la única que se está a brillar su luz de la libertad de vivos. así sea.


Optimizing October Energies Your Guide to the Month

creator writings eraoflight

by Selacia        
October is one of those months you will look back on years from now, remembering key societal markers involving revolutionary change. Notable developments include an unprecedented unmasking of the patriarchy and the light shining in a very public way on deep wounds felt by both the oppressed and oppressors. Imbalances of all sorts will take center stage, a spiritual cleansing taking place. You are part of society, of course, so be prepared to look inward for your own balancing. Continue reading to better understand what this means and your role.
The shadow of humanity is coming up for healing in a big way. This is a needed element in shifting our planet into one of love. We can't move forward without seeing the larger picture of what keeps our society divided.  
We've been in this process for quite a while. It's not surprising that people often feel weary about this, impatient about how long this is taking. What I can tell you, though, is that progress is being made and we must be persistent and determined in our quest to shift this planet into love. It will happen. There already is so much love here, even if it appears sidelined by the division and polarization.  
Daily we must come back to a focus on the love, and express that love as best we can. We must be courageous in standing up for what is right and good. This is our role as divine changemakers.   
"You came to Earth to have a front-row seat as the Earth ascends into a higher conscoiusness. Your movement into higher levels of being won't always feel comfortable. Sometimes you will question whether you can go on, but do not worry. The eternal you has no doubt that you can take the leap that you came to take." - from my book Earth's Pivotal Years.  
I repeat that here knowing that sometimes we need to be reminded of the long view. We are not lightweights. We are not quitters. We are vast quantum beings with a long history evolving on this planet before this life. That perspective is very important right now.   
October Transforming Energies
A number of transforming energies will be impacting us in October. I'll outline a few of them here, and what you need to know to optimize benefits.
First is the Libra balancing energy of October. The sign Libra is about striving for balance between polarities - it seeks harmony, justice, and relationship. As this balancing energy plays out in society, do your own inner work. Explore what may be out of balance in your personal life, your relationships, and your work. Be open to discovering new ways to look at old problems, new ways to look at others, new ways to look at yourself.
Energies as October begins will catalyze a deeper look at relationships and how people publicly and privately engage with one another. Strive to be kind and open-minded. Remember that there are two sides to every situation. You don't need to agree with the "other side," but applying openness in dialogue can engender compassion and a move towards finding common ground.    
Second is the Venus retrograde starting October 5 to November 16. The sign Venus is about love, beauty, values, and relationship. When Venus goes retrograde, old unresolved issues in relationships can come up for healing. Sometimes this is with a current partner, an issue off the radar becoming visible and needing resolution. Other times, it may be a very old wound involving a partner no longer in one's life - coming to the surface now because it's a block to love with others. In still other instances, the retrograde may mean an old lover reappears in one's life, bringing up something to look at.   
In my 1-1 DNA healing sessions focused on love relationships, I find it's common to be blocked in manifesting a new partner when there are unresolved issues with a previous person. Identifying and healing those old issues at a DNA level is key to moving forward.  
Other effects of Venus retrograde involve values. Don't be surprised if you feel called to reflect on what's important to you, on many levels. The energies will support taking a deeper look at what you care about, what you enjoy, and what in society you value. Begin reflecting on these things now. Remember: we individually and collectively create our world by our presence, focus, heart, and mind. We can have the most impact by being present to what we value and what we want to preserve about our way of life. If something is important to us, we can stand up for that, becoming an active conscious voice.  
Third is the Libra New Moon of October 8-9.  This provides the opportunity to give your relationships a tune-up - observing what's out of balance and making needed course corrections. It's also the best time to begin something new. If you apply that as a RX for a stale or troubled relationship - e.g. starting an exercise routine you enjoy together - this could be a plus. Sometimes what a relationship needs most is variety and a change of routine.    
Fourth is the Taurus Full Moon of October 24. Energies of this moon will catalyze a deeper look at things in your life that are blocking your progress. This could be anything from destructive habits and things you no longer need to negative character traits like judgement, self-pity, and pride.   
Fifth is a balancing of your inner male and inner female. Regardless of whether you are male or female, the two need to be in balance. Events unfolding in society will give you clues about what to focus on.   
In my "Predictions 2018" eBook I wrote about the cultural shift involving women and how the balance between men and women is up for a big review this year. In 2017 we had the #MeToo movement, and this year mistreatment of women is getting an even larger spotlight during the Supreme Court nomination hearings in the US Senate. Both of these will set the stage for many more changes in our society over the coming decade.  
In my eBook I said: "The cultural shift is not about punishing men or pushing them off into a corner. The foundational issue is the abuse of power - the kind of ego power that dishonors and hurts others. Both sexes house the divine, and each has a beneficial role to play."
Remember as you witness events to keep a higher view and an open mind. We are all in this Earthly experience together. We must stay strong to help ourselves and others. Our love and our light-filled actions are what will make the difference. Trust this.
 Copyright 2018 by Selacia 

Optimizando las Energías de Octubre Tu guía del mes

por Selacia

creator writings eraoflight

Octubre es uno de esos meses en los que recordará los años, recordando los marcadores sociales clave que involucran el cambio revolucionario. Los desarrollos notables incluyen un desenmascaramiento sin precedentes del patriarcado y la luz que brilla de manera muy pública sobre las heridas profundas que sienten tanto los oprimidos como los opresores. Desequilibrios de todo tipo tomarán el centro del escenario, se llevará a cabo una limpieza espiritual. Usted es parte de la sociedad, por supuesto, así que prepárese para mirar hacia adentro y buscar su propio equilibrio. Continúa leyendo para comprender mejor lo que esto significa y tu rol.


La sombra de la humanidad se acerca para sanar a lo grande. Este es un elemento necesario para transformar nuestro planeta en uno de amor. No podemos avanzar sin ver el panorama más amplio de lo que mantiene a nuestra sociedad dividida.

Hemos estado en este proceso durante bastante tiempo. No es sorprendente que la gente a menudo se sienta cansada por esto, impaciente por el tiempo que lleva esto. Sin embargo, lo que puedo decirles es que se está progresando y debemos ser persistentes y decididos en nuestra búsqueda para convertir este planeta en amor. Pasará. Ya hay mucho amor aquí, aunque parezca marginado por la división y la polarización.

Todos los días debemos volver a centrarnos en el amor y expresar ese amor lo mejor que podamos. Debemos ser valientes al defender lo que es correcto y bueno. Este es nuestro papel como creadores de cambios divinos.

"Viniste a la Tierra para tener un asiento en la primera fila mientras la Tierra asciende a un nivel superior de conciencia. Tu movimiento hacia niveles más elevados de seres no siempre se sentirá cómodo. A veces te cuestionas si puedes continuar, pero no te preocupes. El eterno no tiene dudas de que puedes dar el salto que viniste a dar ". - de mi libro Earth's Pivotal Years.

Lo repito aquí, sabiendo que a veces necesitamos que nos recuerden la visión a largo plazo. No somos pesos ligeros. No somos los que dejamos de fumar. Somos grandes seres cuánticos con una larga historia que evoluciona en este planeta antes de esta vida. Esa perspectiva es muy importante en este momento.

Octubre transformando energías

Varias energías transformadoras nos impactarán en octubre. A continuación, describiré algunos de ellos y lo que necesita saber para optimizar los beneficios.

Primero está la energía de equilibrio de Libra de octubre. El signo de Libra es buscar el equilibrio entre las polaridades: busca la armonía, la justicia y las relaciones. A medida que esta energía de equilibrio se desarrolla en la sociedad, haga su propio trabajo interno. Explore lo que puede estar desequilibrado en su vida personal, sus relaciones y su trabajo. Esté abierto a descubrir nuevas formas de ver problemas viejos, nuevas formas de ver a los demás, nuevas formas de verse a sí mismo.

Las energías cuando comience octubre catalizarán un análisis más profundo de las relaciones y de cómo las personas se relacionan entre sí de manera pública y privada. Esfuérzate por ser amable y de mente abierta. Recuerda que hay dos caras en cada situación. No necesita estar de acuerdo con el "otro lado", pero aplicar apertura en el diálogo puede generar compasión y un movimiento hacia la búsqueda de puntos en común.

El segundo es el retrógrado de Venus que comienza del 5 de octubre al 16 de noviembre. El signo de Venus es sobre el amor, la belleza, los valores y la relación. Cuando Venus va retrógrado, los viejos problemas no resueltos en las relaciones pueden surgir para la curación. A veces esto ocurre con un socio actual, un problema fuera del radar que se hace visible y que necesita resolución. Otras veces, puede ser una herida muy antigua que involucra a un compañero que ya no está en la vida de uno, y que ahora sale a la superficie porque es un bloqueo para amar a los demás. En otros casos, el retrógrado puede significar que un viejo amante reaparece en la vida de uno, trayendo algo para mirar.

En mis 1-1 sesiones de curación de ADN enfocadas en las relaciones amorosas, encuentro que es común estar bloqueado al manifestar una nueva pareja cuando hay problemas no resueltos con una persona anterior. Identificar y curar esos viejos problemas a nivel de ADN es clave para avanzar.

Otros efectos del venus retrógrado implican valores. No se sorprenda si se siente llamado a reflexionar sobre lo que es importante para usted, en muchos niveles. Las energías lo ayudarán a profundizar en lo que te importa, lo que disfrutas y lo que en la sociedad valoras. Comienza a reflexionar sobre estas cosas ahora. Recuerda: creamos individual y colectivamente nuestro mundo por nuestra presencia, enfoque, corazón y mente. Podemos tener el mayor impacto al estar presentes en lo que valoramos y lo que queremos preservar sobre nuestra forma de vida. Si algo es importante para nosotros, podemos defenderlo y convertirnos en una voz consciente y activa.

El tercero es la Luna Nueva de Libra, del 8 al 9 de octubre. Esto brinda la oportunidad de mejorar sus relaciones: observar lo que está fuera de balance y hacer las correcciones necesarias en el curso. También es el mejor momento para comenzar algo nuevo. Si aplica eso como RX para una relación obsoleta o problemática, p. Ej. comenzar una rutina de ejercicios que disfruten juntos, esto podría ser un punto a favor. A veces, lo que más necesita una relación es la variedad y un cambio de rutina.

El cuarto es la luna llena de Tauro del 24 de octubre. Las energías de esta luna catalizarán una mirada más profunda a las cosas en tu vida que están bloqueando tu progreso. Esto podría ser cualquier cosa, desde hábitos destructivos y cosas que ya no necesitas hasta rasgos de carácter negativos como el juicio, la autocompasión y el orgullo.

El quinto es un equilibrio entre tu interior masculino y tu interior femenino. Independientemente de si eres hombre o mujer, los dos deben estar en equilibrio. Los eventos que se desarrollan en la sociedad te darán pistas sobre en qué enfocarte.

En mi libro electrónico "Predictions 2018", escribí sobre el cambio cultural que involucra a las mujeres y cómo el balance entre hombres y mujeres es para una gran revisión este año. En 2017 tuvimos el movimiento #MeToo, y este año, el maltrato a las mujeres está cobrando cada vez más atención durante las audiencias de nominación de la Corte Suprema en el Senado de los Estados Unidos. Ambos establecerán el escenario para muchos más cambios en nuestra sociedad durante la próxima década.

En mi libro electrónico dije: "El cambio cultural no consiste en castigar a los hombres o empujarlos en un rincón. El problema fundamental es el abuso de poder, el tipo de poder del ego que deshonra y lastima a otros. Ambos sexos albergan lo divino, y Cada uno tiene un papel beneficioso que desempeñar ".

Recuerda cuando presencias eventos para mantener una vista superior y una mente abierta. Estamos todos juntos en esta experiencia terrenal. Debemos mantenernos fuertes para ayudarnos a nosotros mismos ya los demás. Nuestro amor y nuestras acciones llenas de luz son lo que hará la diferencia. Confía en esto.

Copyright 2018 por Selacia

Aspartame: Putting the DIE Into Dieting Since 1981

sharewhatyouknow eraoflight colors
Pushed globally as a beneficial to dieters since its approval in 1981, accumulating research indicates that aspartame may actually damage the brain and cause cancer, to name but a few of a wide range of adverse health effects consumers risk by using this ‘no-calorie’ sugar alternative. Google “aspartame” and you will find on the first page search results.  Billing itself as an ‘Aspartame Information Center,’ this website opens with “The Benefits of Aspartame,” discussing how as a ‘low-calorie’ sweetener aspartame helps consumers with weight control, diabetes and the prevention of tooth decay.
The website is the creation of an organization calling itself the Calorie Control Council (CCC), a non-profit association established in 1966 whose public mission is “…to provide an objective channel of scientific-based communications about low-calorie foods and beverages, to assure that scientific and consumer research and information is made available to interested parties.”
Ironically, contains virtually no reference to primary scientific literature, rather, opts for an appeal to authority, listing a series of “Expert Opinions” on the presumed safety of aspartame.  Examples include “Science Experts,” e.g. American Diabetic Association, “Consumer Experts,” e.g., “Regulatory Experts,” e.g.  FDA, and even lists its own sponsoring organization – the CCC – as an example of an “Industry Expert,” even though its mission statement clearly identifies itself as a propaganda arm of the global low- and reduced-calorie food and beverage industry:
“The Council’s mission is to foster industry growth and vitality by reinforcing and expanding the Calorie Control Council’s role as a globally trusted authority on the safety and benefits of ingredients, foods, and beverages to facilitate the control of calories.” [emphasis added]
Of course, there is no mention of the dozens of adverse health effects linked to aspartame in the peer-viewed biomedical literature itself, and which indexes and provides free access to in order to provide a non-industry sponsored Aspartame Information Center.
Before we look at some of the science on aspartame’s toxicity that the industry would like consumers to overlook, let’s first debunk the primary claims put forward by the CCC’s website about aspartame’s presumptive health benefits.

Is Aspartame a Boon for Diabetics and the Overweight?

According to the CCC’s website, aspartame is good for maintaining a healthy weight and for satisfying the diabetic’s sweet tooth “without affecting blood sugar.” And yet, one of the characteristic issues with all non-nutritive sweeteners is that when you separate caloric content from the taste of sweetness you ‘short circuit’ one of the most ancient, hard-wired physiological pathways in the human body. After millions of year of evolution, our bodies were designed to anticipate the immediate availability of a simple carbohydrate (i.e. “sugar”) following the sensation of sweetness, and indeed, it automatically produces gastric secretions when tasting sweetness in what is known as the cephalic phase (cephalic = “head”) of the act of eating, the initial phase before food enters the stomach involving taste, smell, thought, etc., which accounts for approximately 20% of the gastric secretions associated with eating a meal. This means that aspartame’s intense sweetness will cause the release of neurochemicals such as dopamine and pancreatic hormones such as insulin, that latter of which signals the cellular upregulation of glucose intake. If no glucose is available, this could result in hypoglycemia and/or elevated levels of insulin, further stimulating appetite and molecular processes associated with fat-storage. This same effect may help to explain why Splenda (sucrlose) was recently found to have diabetes-promoting properties. [1]
Non-nutritive sweeteners, therefore, are not ideal weight control or diabetes aids. They could be considered endocrine disrupters, due to the way in which they disrupt the normal release of hormones like insulin, and likely contribute to insulin resistance, as well as stimulating the release of various neurochemicals that could produce addictive behavior and/or over-eating.  In fact, a 2012 study published in the journal Appetite actually found that saccharin and aspartame, compared with sucrose, induce greater weight gain in adult rats, at similar total caloric intake levels.[2]

Is Aspartame Good for your Teeth?

One of the primary reasons why consumers seek out sugar alternatives is because of the well-known increase in dental problem such as cavities in those who consume sugar-sweetened products.  While aspartame is less cariogenic than sucrose, recent research published in the journal Archives of Oral Biology indicates that it does in fact contribute to the demineralization of enamel through both stimulating acidity and bacterial biofilm formation.[3]  There is, therefore, no real scientific credibility to the CCC’s website claim that “Aspartame Does Not Promote Tooth Decay.”
Now that we have debunked two prevailing myths associated with aspartame’s perceived “benefits,” let’s move to a few of its known harms.

Aspartame Is Carcinogenic

In 2006, the Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center of the European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences released a study which revealed that aspartame can induce a wide range of malignancies in rodents, including lymphoma and leukemia, concluding that aspartame is a potential carcinogen at doses much less (20 mg/kg bw) than the current acceptable daily intake (ADI) for humans in Europe (40 mg/kg bw) and in the United States (50 mg/kg bw). .[4]
A follow-up study published in 2007 confirmed and reinforced aspartame’s “multipotential carcinogenicity” at a dose level close to the ADI for humans, including the discovery that fetal exposure results in increasing its carcinogenic effects later in life.[5]
More recently, a 2012 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutritionwhich assessed dietary pattern data from the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) and Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (HPFS), found that men who consumed 1 or more servings of diet soda a day had on average a 31% increased risk of non-Hodgkins lymphoma and 102% increased risk of multiple myeloma, in comparison to men without diet soda consumption.
Finally, this year, a study published in the Polish medical journal Folia Neuropathologicadiscussed a commonly overlooked aspect of aspartame’s carcinogenicity. Aspartame, which the researchers describe as a “highly hazardous compound,” produces a metabolite known as diketopiperazine, which they described as contributing to the formation of tumors in the central nervous system such as gliomas, medullobastomas and meningiomas.[6]  Indeed, the hypothesis that increasing brain tumor rates in the US may be linked to increasing aspartame consumption goes all the way back to 1996 in the biomedical literature.[7]
The reality is that all the peer-reviewed and published scientific research in the world either for or against aspartame’s safety will not take away the most fundamental fact of toxicology: 10% of aspartame breaks down into methanol, a highly toxic compound, which itself is oxidized to the carcinogenic substance formaldehyde. It has also been hypothesized that oxidative stress caused by hydrogen peroxide release during catalase-induced metabolism of methanol to formaldehyde may contribute to aspartame’s  carcinogenicity.
For an excellent analysis of how the aspartame metabolite methyl alcohol (methanol) causes far greater bodily harm than previous animal research has demonstrated, read “Toxicology Expert Explains Why Aspartame is so Dangerous to Your Health” on

Aspartame is Neurotoxic

One of the most well known problems with aspartame is that it contains 40% aspartic acid by weight, which after being ingested, metabolized and released in its free form, can generate excitotoxicity, meaning it is capable of stimulating neurons to the point of cell death. Plenty of animal research has demonstrated that aspartame caused brain damage and cognitive issues,[8] and preliminary human research indicates that fibromyalgia patients may see improvement when removing this excitotoxin from their diets.[9] [10]  For more information on the brain-damaging potential of aspartame read our article: Aspartame: Safety Approved in 90 Nations, But Damages Brain.


Beyond cancer-promoting and brain-damaging properties, aspartame like any chemical that does not belong in the human body is just another avoidable chemical exposure that we should go to great lengths to eliminate, as it will likely contribute to the entire gamut of diseases that commonly afflict opulent societies who rather than reduce the over consumption of nutritive sweeteners would rather attempt to trick and/or poison themselves with non-nutritive ‘alternatives.’  For more information on aspartame’s adverse health effects go to our research page on the topic:
When it comes to dieting, stick with the moderate consumption of naturally sweet foods, especially high-quality, organically-produced fruits. There are also sweet substances, such as honeyxylitol and even stevia, that may provide a natural alternative to synthetic/artificial sweeteners. But be forewarned, even natural low- or no-calorie sweeteners may participate in unintended, adverse consequences of divorcing caloric content from the sensation of sweetness, subsequently stimulating appetite ‘back lash.’
As long as we remember that no form of dieting is worth dying for, and try to stay away from ‘tricking’ our body into thinking its getting something its not, we should be able to reach our ideal weight by exerting a good balance of patience and discipline with ourselves.


[1] M Yanina Pepino, Courtney D Tiemann, Bruce W Patterson, Burton M Wice, Samuel Klein. Sucralose Affects Glycemic and Hormonal Responses to an Oral Glucose Load. Diabetes Care. 2013 Apr 30. Epub 2013 Apr 30. PMID: 23633524
[2] Fernanda de Matos Feijó, Cíntia Reis Ballard, Kelly Carraro Foletto, Bruna Aparecida Melo Batista, Alice Magagnin Neves, Maria Flávia Marques Ribeiro, Marcello Casaccia Bertoluci. Saccharin and aspartame, compared with sucrose, induce greater weight gain in adult Wistar rats, at similar total caloric intake levels. Appetite. 2012 Oct 19. Epub 2012 Oct 19. PMID: 23088901
[3] Rodrigo A Giacaman, Pía Campos, Cecilia Muñoz-Sandoval, Ramiro J Castro. Cariogenic potential of commercial sweeteners in an experimental biofilm caries model on enamel. Arch Oral Biol. 2013 Sep ;58(9):1116-22. Epub 2013 Apr 28. PMID: 23631998
[4] Morando Soffritti, Fiorella Belpoggi, Davide Degli Esposti, Luca Lambertini, Eva Tibaldi, Anna Rigano.First experimental demonstration of the multipotential carcinogenic effects of aspartame administered in the feed to Sprague-Dawley rats. Environ Health Perspect. 2006 Mar;114(3):379-85. PMID: 16507461

Aramda: The Storm is Created by Consciousness

aramda eraoflightdotcom
I Am Aramda!
I appreciate these times that I can be with you, that I can share, that I can open up my love, my understanding, to be here with you. To bring back those times from long ago, where I did know many of you. Many of you knew me. Just as we are now, we were one then as well. We are coming back into a complete knowing of that oneness. Never to be separated again. Separated yes in physical distance, but never to be separated from one another as brother and sister, the connection to the All That Is.
For as I found my self, I above you even now as I speak through this one James. I am up on my ship, looking upon the Earth, and seeing the consciousness changing as a result of all of you, all of you, those of the lightworkers. Those of you that are bringing these changes, or helping to bring these changes about. Hoping to bring this shift of consciousness. Preparing the way for this wave of consciousness, a pulse of energy, known as the Event. Or even the Changeover. Changeover from one paradigm to another. From the old age, into the new Golden Age.
I am here to witness this, just as you are here to witness this. I am here participating in the ways that I can, just as you are all participating in the ways that you are able.
Know that as the turmoil continues to evolve, across the planet, or as has been said, as the storm moves across the planet. The storm is created by consciousness, just as consciousness, collective consciousness is creating these very physical storms. The earthquakes, volcanoes, that are happening across the planet. And as consciousness raises and continues to raise, these storms will subside. There will be no more. You will find life as you know it now, will be forever changed. Because that is the only thing that can happen.
There must be a complete and utter distruction of the illusion that you have found yourselves in for so long. In the distruction of that illusion, there is a time, not of tranquility, but of turmoil, that will ensue. This is why you prepare, it is why you are preparing the way, being the Wayshowers. This is your mission, and missions, that you are all here for.
I as Aramda, and Sananda, and Ashtar, all the Archangels, the Angels, ALL are here to continue to participate in helping you, not in doing it for you, but helping you bring all of this, all that you have been working for, to fruition. To bring the old tumbling down, and to be ready to forge the new. The new Golden Age, that you are even now, in this moment, and in every moment, hereafter, are creating.
You are creating the future. For yourselves, for your loved ones, or all of mankind. Though in knowing that, continue to create the best future that you can. By right now, living in the present moment, being in the present moment. Doing all that you can to share those moments of joy, with all of your brothers and sisters.
I Am Aramda. I leave you now, but only for a short time. For as I watch from the vantage point of being on my ship, and a part of the Ashtar command, a part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, so too will you, the Earth become one of the members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Even now as I speak, it is all ready beginning, all ready in process. All my peace and love be with all of you. Aramda, out!
» Source » Channel: James Mcconnell » Transcribed By

Aramda: la tormenta es creada por la conciencia

aramda eraoflightdotcom

¡Soy Aramda!

Aprecio estos momentos en que puedo estar contigo, que puedo compartir, que puedo abrir mi amor, mi comprensión, para estar aquí contigo. Para recuperar esos tiempos de hace mucho tiempo, donde conocí a muchos de ustedes. Muchos de ustedes me conocieron. Tal como somos ahora, también éramos uno. Estamos regresando a un conocimiento completo de esa unidad. Nunca estar separados de nuevo. Separados sí en la distancia física, pero nunca separados entre sí como hermano y hermana, la conexión con el Todo lo que es.

Porque cuando me encontré, estoy por encima de ti, incluso ahora, mientras hablo a través de este James. Estoy arriba en mi nave, mirando la Tierra y viendo cómo cambia la conciencia como resultado de todos ustedes, todos ustedes, los trabajadores de la luz. Aquellos de ustedes que están trayendo estos cambios, o ayudando a traer estos cambios. Con la esperanza de traer este cambio de conciencia. Preparando el camino para esta ola de conciencia, un pulso de energía, conocido como el Evento. O incluso el cambio. Cambio de un paradigma a otro. Desde la vejez, a la nueva Edad de Oro.

Estoy aquí para ser testigo de esto, al igual que usted está aquí para ser testigo de esto. Estoy aquí participando de la manera que puedo, del mismo modo que todos ustedes participan de la manera que pueden.

Sepa que a medida que la confusión continúa evolucionando, en todo el planeta, o como se ha dicho, a medida que la tormenta avanza por todo el planeta. La tormenta es creada por la conciencia, al igual que la conciencia, la conciencia colectiva está creando estas tormentas muy físicas. Los terremotos, volcanes, que están ocurriendo en todo el planeta. Y a medida que aumenta la conciencia y sigue aumentando, estas tormentas se calmarán. No habrá más. Encontrarás la vida tal como la conoces ahora, será cambiada para siempre. Porque eso es lo único que puede pasar.

Debe haber una completa y completa distracción de la ilusión en la que se han encontrado durante tanto tiempo. En la distracción de esa ilusión, hay un tiempo, no de tranquilidad, sino de confusión, que se producirá. Esta es la razón por la que te preparas, es la razón por la que estás preparando el camino, siendo los Wayshowers. Esta es tu misión, y misiones, para las que todos están aquí.

Yo como Aramda, y Sananda, y Ashtar, todos los Arcángeles, los Ángeles, TODOS estamos aquí para continuar ayudándote, no para que lo haga por ti, sino para que traigas todo esto, todo por lo que has estado trabajando. , Fructificar. Para derribar lo viejo y estar listo para forjar lo nuevo. La nueva Edad de Oro, que ustedes son incluso ahora, en este momento, y en cada momento, en el futuro, están creando.

Estás creando el futuro. Por ustedes, por sus seres queridos, o por toda la humanidad. Aunque al saber eso, continúa creando el mejor futuro que puedas. En este momento, viviendo en el momento presente, estando en el momento presente. Haciendo todo lo que pueda para compartir esos momentos de alegría con todos sus hermanos y hermanas.

Yo soy Aramda. Te dejo ahora, pero solo por un corto tiempo. Porque mientras observo desde el punto de vista de estar en mi barco, y una parte del comando Ashtar, una parte de la Federación Galáctica de Mundos, usted también, la Tierra se convertirá en uno de los miembros de la Federación Galáctica de Mundos. Incluso ahora que hablo, todo está listo desde el principio, todo listo en el proceso. Toda mi paz y mi amor estén con todos ustedes. Aramda, fuera!

»Fuente» Canal: James Mcconnell »Transcrito por


St. Germain through Dancing Dolphin
**RV/GCR SitRep--It's ON!**

Received Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Yes, it is I, St. Germain and I indeed have a message for the Lightworkers of Earth tonight.

Today was a very big day for the emergence of the RV/GCR. Today was very important. Yes, I am speaking of Wed. Oct 3, 2018. The day when the world stood up and said “We're not going to take it anymore” to the Cabal! We gave them a final warning shot across their bow and they have seen that we are serious. They know that if they do not surrender at this point that Mother God has declared that they may and will be 'taken out' to say it crassly. They will be removed from this Earthy plane by White Hat military personnel who are trained in this regard. No trials or court hearings for them. They have had their chance to turn to the light and to be evacuated in a peaceful manner. But they are hard core 'fanatics' as you say and will not give up. This saddens all of us greatly. We have extended this event as long as we could. We were all praying for some love to enter into their hearts so they could be saved. But, alas, it was not to be.

So, you are asking for the status of the RV? I tell you, dear heart, IT'S ON! We're ramped up and ready to go! Please do tell your Lightworkers to be ready. I know they've been ready for years, but I mean REALLY READY. Not only for their appointments, but for the Post RV celebrations, then to get down to business and the play and fun that Mother just described to you about working with us. (Note from DD, he is referring to this post). 

By the way, ENJOY YOURSELVES during your appointments!!! No need to be nervous!!! We will be there with you to be sure. We love you and adore you all.

I'm not just telling you all to be ready for your exchange/redemption appointments because I think you all are ready for those. What I am telling you is that you must give yourselves time to adjust post RV. We want to courage you all to go slow because the adjustment to your new lifestyle will be massive. But we also know that many of you will feel overwhelmed as there are SO MANY needs to be met! As Mother said, CALL ON US! We can send you an idea as a thought-form that will just pop into your mind. Say you have a list of 5 projects that are vital to your community. Which to start first? ASK US. We have a 'higher' vantage point you might say and and help you make those tough decisions.

Are you ready to save the world? Are you ready to fight and love and give the best you have to give? Are you ready to be Leaders in your own communities? Lead the way with Love. You do not need to be walking through the streets with a bullhorn leading like an Army general. Lead by example. Lead with love in your hearts. If you wish to stay anonymous, imbue your top executives with LOVE AND YOUR VISION.

I felt your excitement today, dear hearts as you received the alerts on your phones. Many, many of you were thrilled because this was the first time that something predicted actually happened! Am I right? (Yes!!) I felt your joy! Get ready to enjoy more of that joy for it's coming, dear hearts! And you all are in the front seat of the roller coaster of love! You've got front row seats to the best show in the Universe! Not bad, eh?

And when you are finally flush with prosperity and can begin your LOVE WORK in the physical, your hearts will overflow with joy. I KNOW YOU ALL! I know what's in your hearts. I know that you want to help others and take away their pain. To help them to prosper and thrive and enjoy their new found freedoms! (Yes!) Well, it's coming!

I AM ST. GERMAIN and just had to pop in here and share this wonderful news tonight! Love to all! WE WILL CELEBRATE SOON!

Please feel free to share!
Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

4 de octubre de 2018

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Dear Ones, you are constantly evolving and every moment is a new opportunity to connect with the Divine Light within you. 

When you are aware of the big picture of your journey, it is easier to connect to the Divine Light within you: 

You came forth into this lifetime to discover and expand your Divine Light to create an improvement of your reality.

Every experience you have gives you the opportunity to improve your reality further into a more light and love filled one.

In our dimension, we are existing only with love and light, peace and harmony.

The more you are filling your reality with love and light, peace and harmony, the easier it will become for you to connect with us.

We are offering you assistance, which your Higher Self is orchestrating. 

Only with your request, are we allowed to connect with you.

Sometimes this request is being made by your Higher Self without you being aware of it, sometimes you are.

Nevertheless, when you are experiencing our presence in some way, remain in your heart and simply ask "Who are you?" "Where are you from?" or "Why are you here?"

We are most happy to begin a dialog with you.
We are holding the vision of the New Earth with you and from our 
vantage point it is glorious. 

We are with you, every step of the way.

You are loved beyond measure.

We are with you... always. We love you.

We are you. Namaste."


Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...