
6 de abril de 2016

5 countries that may disappear in 20 years

Five countries that could disappear in the next 20 years
Political stability is not very present in some parts of the world feature, but even in supposedly stable regions collapse can occur at any time. There are a number of countries that could disappear in the next few years and for sure will surprise you that are not exactly the more unstable, small or weak countries world. Major powers could disappear or be divided because of political conflict and today here in Ojo Curioso see some of them.
# 5 The United States of America
If we know something of the history of the United States of America we know that the motives civil war were cultural, social and economic. Some of these social cleavages remain in effect, simply see the recent conflicts of racial types that have resurfaced in recent months. Until 2012, 50 states increased requests for independence in total reached 675 thousand signatures. Currently the States most thriving for independence are Alaska and Texas. To continue this type of conflict, the US could begin to gradually separate until completely disappear as a nation.
No. 4 North Korea
The political situation in North Korea is one of the most committed: in the coming years the country should open its borders because it is running out of resources and then to do the political power of the regime of Kim Jong-un collapse. In the 80s China used the economic opening to maintain the unity of the communist state, but that will not be the fate of North Korea as it does not have the resources or sufficient legitimacy.
# 3 The United Kingdom
Last year Scotland held a referendum to separate from the central power of the United Kingdom that, in fact, is in England because it is the country 's most powerful kingdom. The vote was negative, citizens chose to remain attached to the Queen, however separatist groups will not stop until achieving independence. With the separation of Scotland, the other countries of the kingdom, which also have separatist movements, they could also achieve independence and leave England isolated.
# 2 Belgium
Belgium is a unified State in which live two nations with different ethnic identities. The country is divided into two: the Flemish north (Flanders region), who demand independence, and the Walloons south (Wallonia region) claiming independence or union with France. Belgium's economic prosperity is not sufficient to achieve national unity and is likely to divide the country and its name disappears from the map.
No. 1 Spain
As in the UK and Belgium, in Spain there are different nations who claim their independence from central authority . Two of the regions of Spain are about to achieve independence through political and economic pressure exerted: Basque Country and Catalonia . Respectively In 2014 , as in Scotland, the autonomous community of Catalonia carried out the process call gave participatory process on the political future of Catalonia. In this case the result was favorable: the 80.76% of the Catalan population was expressed in favor of Catalonia is an independent state . Still, the central government did not recognize the results of the election and Catalonia is still tied to the central Madrid government. The separation of Catalonia would not disappear Spain automatically, however, given the deep economic crisis facing, Spain could be seen in serious difficulties to hold together the rest of the autonomous communities within it.

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