Thursday, April 14, 2016 The Fed and the dollar will fall into a financial Armageddon if they reject the offer of Asian gold. prensasionista 04/12/16. The Board of the Federal Reserve and the dollar will be affected by the financial Armageddon if they reject the offer of Asian gold. The family of the Asian dragon has offered to owners of the Board of the Federal Reserve staggering amounts of gold at a discount of 13 % on the market price. the idea is that 10% of this money is spent on a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and send mankind on a path to the exponential expansion of the universe.the ball is now in the court of the US regime in Washington DC. that's why the US president and vice president are having an emergency meeting on April 11 with the President of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen. Sources say the CIA in Asia that a member of the family of the Dragon will also be at that meeting. If the Fed refuse, Asians, BRICS and the Europeans will announce a new currency backed by international gold that could be exchanged for US dollars for a period of three months. After that period, the US dollar will no longer be accepted by at least 188 countries, leaving isolated the regime in Washington and bankruptcy. In this case, to avoid war, military US operations outside the United States will continue to be funded with the new currency. The new regime will inevitably replace the Fed bankruptcy in US It will be free to issue its own currency unlimited spending power within the US .. Besides financial sanctions cgainst the Fed companies delmundo martial arts will be mobilized to end the faction of the Khazar genocidal mob. Chodoin Daikaku, the ostensible head of many of the factions martial arts world, is being relieved of his post and will be replaced by Masaaki Hatsumi, head of the Bujinkan Dojo. the reason for this is that Daikaku, whose real name is Ryosuke Matsuura , it has refused to mobilize societies martial arts under his alleged leadership despite that submitted ample evidence that the Khazar mafia has been trying activamenteasesinar more than 90% of the world population. in other words, has inflicted multiple blows against the human race and, despite a need for legitimate self - defense, do nothing. the evidence he ignores includes multiple attempts to start the third world war, the spread of biological weapons like Ebola, HIV , and SARS, attempts to cause mass starvation by paying farmers to produce fuel rather than food and more. not only that, having failed in these attempts to kill the billions that Satanists announced they were going to kill, it seems they are preparing for an event of mass slaughter. at least a thousand temples of Baal are being built around the world in ancient times children were burned in sacrifice to Baal, also known as Moloch, later as Seth and finally, now, as fact remains the regime of Barack Obama in the United States has not arrested any of the perpetrators or planners of these atrocities. This means that all members of the armed forces, police, agencies and martial arts societies must rise in the chain of command and insistiren measures are taken before they occur more deaths. Fortunately, there is evidence that is taking at leastsome serious action. On the one hand, all the Swiss branch of the Rothschild family is wanted by the police, according to Pentagon sources. The Swiss branch of the Rothschilds, who control the BIS, are considered the head of the octopus by many researchers reported. This is only the start dismantling promise. Several sources agree that an important thing to realize is that the operation "Papers of Panama" is being widely reported in the corporate media is not what it seems . the fact that they are mainly leaders of partner countries to Nazi faction of the Khazar mafia, as the leaders of Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar, Georgia and Saudi Arabia, who have been exposed, gives you an idea of the plot more big. The CIA and other sources agree that actually documents Panama is a huge covert operation designed to attract 31 billion dollars of (all) the world in tax havens to the US .. This is where will be confiscated to help cover the giant black hole in the accounts of the US government, sources say. that is why the pamphlets of corporate media such as Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal are publishing great articles that say Reno Nevada is the only safe place in the world for hot money. that is why they are reporting that the Rothschilds have settled in Reno and are encouraging customers to manage their funds there. More importantly, Papers Panama operation is part of a major campaign to close all tax havens in the world.And British tax havens like the Cayman Islands have lost the ability to hide the money underground or help people avoid taxes due to new regulations disclosure . An agent of military intelligence of the United States he said "Panama was a intelligence operation designed to expose corruption and induce regime change [included in the US]. " the operation is also designed to" blackmail or prosecute members of the cabal who hide their stolen loot in tax havens " he continued. Some of the names in the documents of Panama that have not been made public include the "team" of Hillary Clinton, the Bushes and many oligarchs US politicians and judges, he adds. the TV network Globo TV is trying to induce regime change in Brazil has also been involved with the Argentine president Mauricio Macri and drug lords as El Chapo. in response to Panama, the agent noted "the elite panicked and fired in the basement of the headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service "in a failed attempt to conceal incriminating evidence attempt. the efforts of the FBI to stop Hillary Clinton are also gaining strength. last week President Obama was forced to guarantee the Fox chain Hillary television willnot receive special treatment, "meaning that no plea agreement and there is no forgiveness" FBI sources say.She will be questioned soon by the head of the FBI "by the felony to run a foreign policy and intelligence operation" while on an official position. Hopefully Clinton will also be brought to justice for his crimes against the people of Haiti and embezzling money from the Red Cross that was meant for victims of the attack with nuclear weapons on the seabed and tsunami induced against that country. the papers Panama operation has also been used by Western corporate media to make look as if Russian President Vladimir Putin, participate in shady business in tax havens. However, Russian sources are saying this attack has given them the excuse they need to start declassifying records of the Soviet Union from 1930 to 1989, identifying collaborators in America and Europe who secretly worked with Soviet communism. the Russians also expose families and businesses who worked with Hitler. in addition, the Russians plan to show who is still trying to undermine the West to the US . and the EU. There is also cooperation of Russia / United States in the identification and removal of key agents working for the Khazar mafia in the West and in Russia, sources say. In Turkey, meanwhile, evacuation of US troops with the exception of a special operations team that keeps nuclear weapons there, is directed in part to cut traffic of drugs cabal Bush's Incirlik airbase, say Pentagon sources. the Turkish and Israeli attempts to provoke clashes between Muslims and Christians in Nagorno Kabarakh have been arrested by the Russians. This was a desperate attempt by the Turks to prevent Russia take the offender regime Recep Erdogan in Turkey. In Asia, meanwhile, the news about the Japanese plutonium transported by British ships to a cover for the fact that the government elected fraudulently of Shinzo Abe is being forced to dismantle the arsenal of missiles armed (with heads) nuclear Japan. Many of these missiles have been sent to North Korea to avoid dismantling, so there has been a recent spate of news reports about nuclear missiles from North Korea, they say sources lasociedad White Dragon in Japan. When the battle for the planet earth is over, this writer intends to sue Abe for his participation in assassination attempts against me. This is because the June 30, 2012 apuñalalóon me with a poison needle a North Korean agent called Mutsuaki Okubo. This incident took place in front of many witnesses, and was even videotaped. Despite making official complaints twice in the police, once in the (central) police Musashino, and again police Marunouchi, the Japanese government officially led by Abe has taken no action. This means that Abe is complicit. In addition Chodoin Daikaku has admitted that Okubo was his pupil, and has also failed to take action in this case. Personal gripes aside, the regime Abe has also ransacked the Japanese economy to financially support their masters, the mafia Khazar. Looting as previously reported, it was stolen by putting the money of Japanese pensions and savings in the stock market, where it is transferred to the trust funds Khazar controlled by the mafia. So the Japanese stock market continues to rise, even though foreigners are loss drug money and investment banking fees, the only legitimate source of income. Most big mergers that are being organized by the banksters have also been arrested because they are creating monopolies and oligopolies anti-competitive . the banks of data has started offering mortgages to negative interest rate and consumer loans in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany is a clear sign of the entire system of debt slavery of Babylon it is falling apart. that's because people are realizing that these bankers are creating money out of nothing and using this money to create illusion of debt slaves. Therefore, even if a bank lends someone $ 100, but says they only have to pay $ 90 due to negative interest rates, still means you have to work to earn $ 90 to pay for "money" that created the nothing, pure mirage. humanity is awakening and will not be long before the dominion of Satan worshipers Khazars on human slaves ends forever. on a final note, this writer is now aware that 20,000 tons of gold seguarda in six different locations and are made available to the family of the Dragon for the benefit of the human race and other forms of life on this planet. This is only a fraction of what Asians have. Source and comments develop decisive attacks against Khazar mafia in Poland, Turkey, Washington DC, Japan and other countries The battle to free the planet earth is developing at an increasingly dramatic pace as the slave Khazars of humans are attacked in their strongholds in Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, the USA, Japan and other countries. at the same time as the demolition of the Khazar mafia, high -level negotiations East-West to a new financial system accelerates being carried out in a smooth manner and pleasant, according to multiple sources directly involved in the negotiations. First (talk) about the defeat of the mafia. the main theater of action is now Turkey, which has become a pariah state. There is growing evidence that a short but very intense to end the Turkish fascist regime war is about to begin. the clearest sign was the fact the US military took all the families of the military in Turkey last week. They did while Turkish President Recep Erdogan was visiting the United States, in other words, when the US They could keep himhostage if he tried to prevent the evacuation of Americans from Turkey. The fact that no agent of the US government would meet with Erdogan of Turkey, on the surface the president of an important NATO ally, while visiting the United States is a very visible sign his regime will not be protected if Russia attacks. a clear sign that Russia will attack is the fact that Russia has officially asked Syria's border with Turkey is closed. Such a request is a warning that will continue the war if it is not addressed. Israel, a country with an impressive record of evacuating its citizens immediately before serious violent incidents has also evacuating its citizens from Turkey.Agents of the Russian government , meanwhile, have blamed "a third force" to provoke clashes between Christians and Muslims in Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as fomenting trouble in the Middle East and in all other parts of Central Asia. in / politics / 866824 Since the troops and Turkish agents have been seen in most of these spots, it is obvious Turkey is deeply involved with this "third force" which is almost certainly the Khazar mafia. Egypt has also asked Israel do not let Turkey take positions with military activity in the Gaza Strip or in the Sinai peninsula. The regime Erdogan has criticized the government of Egypt (saying it) illegitimate after having expelled the Khazar mafia supports the government of the Brotherhood "Muslim" there. Http:// 03/29 / egypt-ASKs-israel-to-keep-turkey-away-from-gaza /the general isolation of Turkey and its impossible military situation means that the "ISIS" campaign to seize the $ 2 billion in annual revenue of oil from the Middle East has failed. the illuminati Gnostics, the first organization mentioned ISIS public, seeing his campaign ISIS in chaos, has released a new series of warnings. According to the Grand Master Illuminati "Alexander Romanov," the Illuminati do not renounce their plans to reduce the world population by 90%. to give clues publicly about his plan, the Illuminati just relaunched its Internet website for the first time since its creation ISIS announced. http: // armageddonconspiracy. the site features an image of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, a video random violence against people who seem Europeans, arcane mathematics and hints of nuclear terror. "Romanov" says the Illuminati still have a nuclear weapon 500 kilotons stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk at their disposal and are deciding where to use it .because apparently felt he had many places to choose from , it is clear that his faction still has at least one submarine at its disposal. in addition, since Romanov hinted to the summit of G-7 22-28 April in Mie, Japan as a possible target, is a good bet that the submarine is near an isolated Japanese island, possibly Mageshima, / wiki / Mageshima The place is an abandoned oil installation. Mageshima is within walking distance of the headquarters of the summit Mie. An attack on this summit could be the "trigger" for war that Finance Minister Taro Aso recently suggested. In any case, such an act of terror, although attributed to North Korea would not be sufficient to cause third world war and the artificial Armageddon illuminati planned Gnostics.This is because the Russian military, Chinese and Americans know the recent nuclear threats from North Korea being touted in the media of Western propaganda not come, in fact, North Korea. All they need do is check the website official North Korean news whenever stories nuclear threats from North Korea out in the media Western corporate propaganda to confirm this. You will not find these threats on its official website. The problem of Korea True North it is actually a division between factions of Japanese and Korean royal families that ruled Japan and Korea until the end of the 2nd World War and controlled by the US occupation forces after the 2nd World War. the division that began last summer in the Yamaguchi-gumi, the largest group (legal and illegal) of the Yakuza mafia Japan, it reflects the division between these two factions. the faction "of North Korea "Yamaken based in Kobe depends on a large part of the income of amphetamines manufactured in North Korea. Drugs such as amphetamines and medicinal herbs such as marijuana they are available without a prescription in North Korea. the Kodokai faction based in Nagoya she stays away from drugs and rely more on public works commissions, infiltration of the major banks and the like. Support the imperial family who now occupy the Chrysanthemum Throne. The White Dragon Society has proposed to reveal the truth about the situation of the royal family in Korea and Japan as a good first step to step of reconciliation. This could be followed by some kind of strategic marriage union between imperial factions in North Korea and Japan, if these families want to fulfill their plans to unify the Korean peninsula with Japan. Chinese government agents say they would not object to such a union but add that it's not really his problem. In Malaysia, meanwhile, the international investigation into the disappearance of Flight 370 airline of Malaysia is now investigating the involvement of JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank and Edmond de Rothschild Bank and Goldman Sachs, say sources close to the investigations. in nearby Indonesia and the Philippines, meanwhile, we learned that Nathan Rothschild has been expelled from their investments coal Indonesia after being cast in missing 300 million, say CIA in Indonesia. This may or may not be related to the fact that last week a tug of Indonesia with 7,000 tons of coal was pirated in Indonesia Muslim rebel "Muslim" Abu Sayyaf linked to ISIS Filipinos rebels pseudo-Muslims are likely to be taken out (of the stage) action soon. Also in Europe, the Khazars agent are in serious trouble. The Ukrainian government controlled by the Khazar mafia is now bankrupt, isolated and negotiating surrender. In Poland the government is investigating the 2010 plane crash that killed most of the Polish government, including then President Lech Kaczynski, twin brother of political leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski. -crash-tusk-Blamed /Almost immediately after this accident decapitate the Polish government, Donald Tusk, the current EU president, he helped pass laws that forced Poland to adopt the euro. The suspicion is that Tusk was awarded the EU presidency for helping make the plane crash to happen. Http:// / in the US, meanwhile, the data dump large companies involved in the "Papers of Panama" and mechanisms of tax evasion mean that Panama has followed the Cayman Islands after being closed as a refuge for billions off the books of the Khazar mafia. This means that all the money in tax havens Khazar focuses right now in Reno, Nevada. This may be the reason why important honchos (brass) Khazars as Henry Kissinger have been trying to meet with senior Chinese government agents recently. Sources Chinese government say that Chinese leaders are "avoiding them ." this is the backdrop came the "nuclear security summit", held in Washington DC last week by the spokesman of corporate governance in the United States, Barack Obama week. the fact that Russia, arguably the No. 1 nuclear power in the world, was not present makes it pretty obvious that this was not really a nuclear summit. Sources of the US government and Chinese agree that the real summit was between China and the US, and the main topic of discussion was the new financial system. Economically speaking there is now a Mexican standoff between East and West. The East has gold, while the West has dollars, yen and euro can be spent here and now to buy "stuff." Right now East (mainly China) is saying "we will not recognize their role", while the West he says "boycott their gold".That is why world trade has plunged by double digits since the beginning of this year. Fortunately, itseems that negotiations on the financial system have gone well. The essential agreement that has been made is that gold will flow to the West and the money will flow to the East. Westerners use their gold to buy "stuff" East and Eastern use money to buy "stuff" of the West. More importantly you will be deducted 10% of this exchange East-West to finance a major campaign to fix this planet . To give an idea of the scope of things that will become possible if this agreement is consummated, take a look at China's proposal to invest $ 50 billion in a power gridget an idea of how revolutionary this is, 50 billion is 500 times more than the capital of the newly founded Bank Infrastructure and Investment Asia (AIIB) and about 3000 times what the World Bank lends annually. The Chinese have also ambitious Similar plans for transport networks worldwide, research and development facilities, etc. the White Dragon Society and its Western allies also have grandiose plans to convert deserts and Arctic regions in orchards, replenish the oceans, explore the universe, etc. it is not castles in the air, these are very realistic, well planned projects that can be carried out by the private sector, in collaboration with future planning agency staff meritocratically chosen. Existing multilateral organizations and corporations all enormously from the resulting bonanza. Would benefit Source and comments by victoriakent33
The Fed and the dollar will fall into a financial Armageddon
Thursday, April 14, 2016 The Fed and the dollar will fall into a financial Armageddon if they reject the offer of Asian gold. prensasionista 04/12/16. The Board of the Federal Reserve and the dollar will be affected by the financial Armageddon if they reject the offer of Asian gold. The family of the Asian dragon has offered to owners of the Board of the Federal Reserve staggering amounts of gold at a discount of 13 % on the market price. the idea is that 10% of this money is spent on a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and send mankind on a path to the exponential expansion of the universe.the ball is now in the court of the US regime in Washington DC. that's why the US president and vice president are having an emergency meeting on April 11 with the President of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen. Sources say the CIA in Asia that a member of the family of the Dragon will also be at that meeting. If the Fed refuse, Asians, BRICS and the Europeans will announce a new currency backed by international gold that could be exchanged for US dollars for a period of three months. After that period, the US dollar will no longer be accepted by at least 188 countries, leaving isolated the regime in Washington and bankruptcy. In this case, to avoid war, military US operations outside the United States will continue to be funded with the new currency. The new regime will inevitably replace the Fed bankruptcy in US It will be free to issue its own currency unlimited spending power within the US .. Besides financial sanctions cgainst the Fed companies delmundo martial arts will be mobilized to end the faction of the Khazar genocidal mob. Chodoin Daikaku, the ostensible head of many of the factions martial arts world, is being relieved of his post and will be replaced by Masaaki Hatsumi, head of the Bujinkan Dojo. the reason for this is that Daikaku, whose real name is Ryosuke Matsuura , it has refused to mobilize societies martial arts under his alleged leadership despite that submitted ample evidence that the Khazar mafia has been trying activamenteasesinar more than 90% of the world population. in other words, has inflicted multiple blows against the human race and, despite a need for legitimate self - defense, do nothing. the evidence he ignores includes multiple attempts to start the third world war, the spread of biological weapons like Ebola, HIV , and SARS, attempts to cause mass starvation by paying farmers to produce fuel rather than food and more. not only that, having failed in these attempts to kill the billions that Satanists announced they were going to kill, it seems they are preparing for an event of mass slaughter. at least a thousand temples of Baal are being built around the world in ancient times children were burned in sacrifice to Baal, also known as Moloch, later as Seth and finally, now, as fact remains the regime of Barack Obama in the United States has not arrested any of the perpetrators or planners of these atrocities. This means that all members of the armed forces, police, agencies and martial arts societies must rise in the chain of command and insistiren measures are taken before they occur more deaths. Fortunately, there is evidence that is taking at leastsome serious action. On the one hand, all the Swiss branch of the Rothschild family is wanted by the police, according to Pentagon sources. The Swiss branch of the Rothschilds, who control the BIS, are considered the head of the octopus by many researchers reported. This is only the start dismantling promise. Several sources agree that an important thing to realize is that the operation "Papers of Panama" is being widely reported in the corporate media is not what it seems . the fact that they are mainly leaders of partner countries to Nazi faction of the Khazar mafia, as the leaders of Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar, Georgia and Saudi Arabia, who have been exposed, gives you an idea of the plot more big. The CIA and other sources agree that actually documents Panama is a huge covert operation designed to attract 31 billion dollars of (all) the world in tax havens to the US .. This is where will be confiscated to help cover the giant black hole in the accounts of the US government, sources say. that is why the pamphlets of corporate media such as Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal are publishing great articles that say Reno Nevada is the only safe place in the world for hot money. that is why they are reporting that the Rothschilds have settled in Reno and are encouraging customers to manage their funds there. More importantly, Papers Panama operation is part of a major campaign to close all tax havens in the world.And British tax havens like the Cayman Islands have lost the ability to hide the money underground or help people avoid taxes due to new regulations disclosure . An agent of military intelligence of the United States he said "Panama was a intelligence operation designed to expose corruption and induce regime change [included in the US]. " the operation is also designed to" blackmail or prosecute members of the cabal who hide their stolen loot in tax havens " he continued. Some of the names in the documents of Panama that have not been made public include the "team" of Hillary Clinton, the Bushes and many oligarchs US politicians and judges, he adds. the TV network Globo TV is trying to induce regime change in Brazil has also been involved with the Argentine president Mauricio Macri and drug lords as El Chapo. in response to Panama, the agent noted "the elite panicked and fired in the basement of the headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service "in a failed attempt to conceal incriminating evidence attempt. the efforts of the FBI to stop Hillary Clinton are also gaining strength. last week President Obama was forced to guarantee the Fox chain Hillary television willnot receive special treatment, "meaning that no plea agreement and there is no forgiveness" FBI sources say.She will be questioned soon by the head of the FBI "by the felony to run a foreign policy and intelligence operation" while on an official position. Hopefully Clinton will also be brought to justice for his crimes against the people of Haiti and embezzling money from the Red Cross that was meant for victims of the attack with nuclear weapons on the seabed and tsunami induced against that country. the papers Panama operation has also been used by Western corporate media to make look as if Russian President Vladimir Putin, participate in shady business in tax havens. However, Russian sources are saying this attack has given them the excuse they need to start declassifying records of the Soviet Union from 1930 to 1989, identifying collaborators in America and Europe who secretly worked with Soviet communism. the Russians also expose families and businesses who worked with Hitler. in addition, the Russians plan to show who is still trying to undermine the West to the US . and the EU. There is also cooperation of Russia / United States in the identification and removal of key agents working for the Khazar mafia in the West and in Russia, sources say. In Turkey, meanwhile, evacuation of US troops with the exception of a special operations team that keeps nuclear weapons there, is directed in part to cut traffic of drugs cabal Bush's Incirlik airbase, say Pentagon sources. the Turkish and Israeli attempts to provoke clashes between Muslims and Christians in Nagorno Kabarakh have been arrested by the Russians. This was a desperate attempt by the Turks to prevent Russia take the offender regime Recep Erdogan in Turkey. In Asia, meanwhile, the news about the Japanese plutonium transported by British ships to a cover for the fact that the government elected fraudulently of Shinzo Abe is being forced to dismantle the arsenal of missiles armed (with heads) nuclear Japan. Many of these missiles have been sent to North Korea to avoid dismantling, so there has been a recent spate of news reports about nuclear missiles from North Korea, they say sources lasociedad White Dragon in Japan. When the battle for the planet earth is over, this writer intends to sue Abe for his participation in assassination attempts against me. This is because the June 30, 2012 apuñalalóon me with a poison needle a North Korean agent called Mutsuaki Okubo. This incident took place in front of many witnesses, and was even videotaped. Despite making official complaints twice in the police, once in the (central) police Musashino, and again police Marunouchi, the Japanese government officially led by Abe has taken no action. This means that Abe is complicit. In addition Chodoin Daikaku has admitted that Okubo was his pupil, and has also failed to take action in this case. Personal gripes aside, the regime Abe has also ransacked the Japanese economy to financially support their masters, the mafia Khazar. Looting as previously reported, it was stolen by putting the money of Japanese pensions and savings in the stock market, where it is transferred to the trust funds Khazar controlled by the mafia. So the Japanese stock market continues to rise, even though foreigners are loss drug money and investment banking fees, the only legitimate source of income. Most big mergers that are being organized by the banksters have also been arrested because they are creating monopolies and oligopolies anti-competitive . the banks of data has started offering mortgages to negative interest rate and consumer loans in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany is a clear sign of the entire system of debt slavery of Babylon it is falling apart. that's because people are realizing that these bankers are creating money out of nothing and using this money to create illusion of debt slaves. Therefore, even if a bank lends someone $ 100, but says they only have to pay $ 90 due to negative interest rates, still means you have to work to earn $ 90 to pay for "money" that created the nothing, pure mirage. humanity is awakening and will not be long before the dominion of Satan worshipers Khazars on human slaves ends forever. on a final note, this writer is now aware that 20,000 tons of gold seguarda in six different locations and are made available to the family of the Dragon for the benefit of the human race and other forms of life on this planet. This is only a fraction of what Asians have. Source and comments develop decisive attacks against Khazar mafia in Poland, Turkey, Washington DC, Japan and other countries The battle to free the planet earth is developing at an increasingly dramatic pace as the slave Khazars of humans are attacked in their strongholds in Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, the USA, Japan and other countries. at the same time as the demolition of the Khazar mafia, high -level negotiations East-West to a new financial system accelerates being carried out in a smooth manner and pleasant, according to multiple sources directly involved in the negotiations. First (talk) about the defeat of the mafia. the main theater of action is now Turkey, which has become a pariah state. There is growing evidence that a short but very intense to end the Turkish fascist regime war is about to begin. the clearest sign was the fact the US military took all the families of the military in Turkey last week. They did while Turkish President Recep Erdogan was visiting the United States, in other words, when the US They could keep himhostage if he tried to prevent the evacuation of Americans from Turkey. The fact that no agent of the US government would meet with Erdogan of Turkey, on the surface the president of an important NATO ally, while visiting the United States is a very visible sign his regime will not be protected if Russia attacks. a clear sign that Russia will attack is the fact that Russia has officially asked Syria's border with Turkey is closed. Such a request is a warning that will continue the war if it is not addressed. Israel, a country with an impressive record of evacuating its citizens immediately before serious violent incidents has also evacuating its citizens from Turkey.Agents of the Russian government , meanwhile, have blamed "a third force" to provoke clashes between Christians and Muslims in Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as fomenting trouble in the Middle East and in all other parts of Central Asia. in / politics / 866824 Since the troops and Turkish agents have been seen in most of these spots, it is obvious Turkey is deeply involved with this "third force" which is almost certainly the Khazar mafia. Egypt has also asked Israel do not let Turkey take positions with military activity in the Gaza Strip or in the Sinai peninsula. The regime Erdogan has criticized the government of Egypt (saying it) illegitimate after having expelled the Khazar mafia supports the government of the Brotherhood "Muslim" there. Http:// 03/29 / egypt-ASKs-israel-to-keep-turkey-away-from-gaza /the general isolation of Turkey and its impossible military situation means that the "ISIS" campaign to seize the $ 2 billion in annual revenue of oil from the Middle East has failed. the illuminati Gnostics, the first organization mentioned ISIS public, seeing his campaign ISIS in chaos, has released a new series of warnings. According to the Grand Master Illuminati "Alexander Romanov," the Illuminati do not renounce their plans to reduce the world population by 90%. to give clues publicly about his plan, the Illuminati just relaunched its Internet website for the first time since its creation ISIS announced. http: // armageddonconspiracy. the site features an image of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, a video random violence against people who seem Europeans, arcane mathematics and hints of nuclear terror. "Romanov" says the Illuminati still have a nuclear weapon 500 kilotons stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk at their disposal and are deciding where to use it .because apparently felt he had many places to choose from , it is clear that his faction still has at least one submarine at its disposal. in addition, since Romanov hinted to the summit of G-7 22-28 April in Mie, Japan as a possible target, is a good bet that the submarine is near an isolated Japanese island, possibly Mageshima, / wiki / Mageshima The place is an abandoned oil installation. Mageshima is within walking distance of the headquarters of the summit Mie. An attack on this summit could be the "trigger" for war that Finance Minister Taro Aso recently suggested. In any case, such an act of terror, although attributed to North Korea would not be sufficient to cause third world war and the artificial Armageddon illuminati planned Gnostics.This is because the Russian military, Chinese and Americans know the recent nuclear threats from North Korea being touted in the media of Western propaganda not come, in fact, North Korea. All they need do is check the website official North Korean news whenever stories nuclear threats from North Korea out in the media Western corporate propaganda to confirm this. You will not find these threats on its official website. The problem of Korea True North it is actually a division between factions of Japanese and Korean royal families that ruled Japan and Korea until the end of the 2nd World War and controlled by the US occupation forces after the 2nd World War. the division that began last summer in the Yamaguchi-gumi, the largest group (legal and illegal) of the Yakuza mafia Japan, it reflects the division between these two factions. the faction "of North Korea "Yamaken based in Kobe depends on a large part of the income of amphetamines manufactured in North Korea. Drugs such as amphetamines and medicinal herbs such as marijuana they are available without a prescription in North Korea. the Kodokai faction based in Nagoya she stays away from drugs and rely more on public works commissions, infiltration of the major banks and the like. Support the imperial family who now occupy the Chrysanthemum Throne. The White Dragon Society has proposed to reveal the truth about the situation of the royal family in Korea and Japan as a good first step to step of reconciliation. This could be followed by some kind of strategic marriage union between imperial factions in North Korea and Japan, if these families want to fulfill their plans to unify the Korean peninsula with Japan. Chinese government agents say they would not object to such a union but add that it's not really his problem. In Malaysia, meanwhile, the international investigation into the disappearance of Flight 370 airline of Malaysia is now investigating the involvement of JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank and Edmond de Rothschild Bank and Goldman Sachs, say sources close to the investigations. in nearby Indonesia and the Philippines, meanwhile, we learned that Nathan Rothschild has been expelled from their investments coal Indonesia after being cast in missing 300 million, say CIA in Indonesia. This may or may not be related to the fact that last week a tug of Indonesia with 7,000 tons of coal was pirated in Indonesia Muslim rebel "Muslim" Abu Sayyaf linked to ISIS Filipinos rebels pseudo-Muslims are likely to be taken out (of the stage) action soon. Also in Europe, the Khazars agent are in serious trouble. The Ukrainian government controlled by the Khazar mafia is now bankrupt, isolated and negotiating surrender. In Poland the government is investigating the 2010 plane crash that killed most of the Polish government, including then President Lech Kaczynski, twin brother of political leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski. -crash-tusk-Blamed /Almost immediately after this accident decapitate the Polish government, Donald Tusk, the current EU president, he helped pass laws that forced Poland to adopt the euro. The suspicion is that Tusk was awarded the EU presidency for helping make the plane crash to happen. Http:// / in the US, meanwhile, the data dump large companies involved in the "Papers of Panama" and mechanisms of tax evasion mean that Panama has followed the Cayman Islands after being closed as a refuge for billions off the books of the Khazar mafia. This means that all the money in tax havens Khazar focuses right now in Reno, Nevada. This may be the reason why important honchos (brass) Khazars as Henry Kissinger have been trying to meet with senior Chinese government agents recently. Sources Chinese government say that Chinese leaders are "avoiding them ." this is the backdrop came the "nuclear security summit", held in Washington DC last week by the spokesman of corporate governance in the United States, Barack Obama week. the fact that Russia, arguably the No. 1 nuclear power in the world, was not present makes it pretty obvious that this was not really a nuclear summit. Sources of the US government and Chinese agree that the real summit was between China and the US, and the main topic of discussion was the new financial system. Economically speaking there is now a Mexican standoff between East and West. The East has gold, while the West has dollars, yen and euro can be spent here and now to buy "stuff." Right now East (mainly China) is saying "we will not recognize their role", while the West he says "boycott their gold".That is why world trade has plunged by double digits since the beginning of this year. Fortunately, itseems that negotiations on the financial system have gone well. The essential agreement that has been made is that gold will flow to the West and the money will flow to the East. Westerners use their gold to buy "stuff" East and Eastern use money to buy "stuff" of the West. More importantly you will be deducted 10% of this exchange East-West to finance a major campaign to fix this planet . To give an idea of the scope of things that will become possible if this agreement is consummated, take a look at China's proposal to invest $ 50 billion in a power gridget an idea of how revolutionary this is, 50 billion is 500 times more than the capital of the newly founded Bank Infrastructure and Investment Asia (AIIB) and about 3000 times what the World Bank lends annually. The Chinese have also ambitious Similar plans for transport networks worldwide, research and development facilities, etc. the White Dragon Society and its Western allies also have grandiose plans to convert deserts and Arctic regions in orchards, replenish the oceans, explore the universe, etc. it is not castles in the air, these are very realistic, well planned projects that can be carried out by the private sector, in collaboration with future planning agency staff meritocratically chosen. Existing multilateral organizations and corporations all enormously from the resulting bonanza. Would benefit Source and comments by victoriakent33
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