
8 de abril de 2016

They agreed between lower oil barrel to $ 20 to sink the electric car

Multinational oil companies have agreed to lower the price of crude to $ 20 in order to sink the increasing competition from electric cars. Reports commissioned by the oil companies say that in ten years jeopardized its multibillion - dollar global business.
The energy hegemony 130 years maintained throughout the world the "seven sisters", the name by which the major companies that dominate the business is known oil, is about to collapse before the arrival on the market of increasingly efficient electric cars.
the oil cartel that promotes wars around the planet for humanity to continue to rely on fossil fuels and thereby maintain the dominance of the gasoline engine against alternative sources such as electric or hydrogen, has its days numbered .
Reports produced by Shell, Exxon, British Petroleum, Chevron, Total and Sinopec reveal that follow the current pace of development of electric and battery motors in a decade the business of mining, refining and distribution of oil begin to bear losses. Fear among the oil sheiks So far, OPEC decreased global production to keep the price of oil above $ 100. In his last secret meetings convened at the initiative of sheiks of the Persian Gulf, the oil companies have concluded that the rise in oil prices over the years has brought them huge profits, but in parallel has grown an alternative industry to fossil fuel stronger every day. the oil companies have lost the battle of pollution to electric cars undervalued and discredited by the mainstream media controlled by oil communication industries electric car have shown that these vehicles are viable and do not emit any pollution an increasingly sensitive to emissions of toxic gases produced by combustion engines world. the mass production of powerful and efficient electric turbines and means in a significant saving of oil developed countries. That is, billions of dollars that oil multinationals have failed to enter the benefit of electricity. For decades the legal teams of the "seven sisters" bought patents alternative systems to the oil to remove the market and maintain its hegemony .But this situation is increasingly difficult to sustain due to information that circulates on the Internet and the thousands of videos uploaded daily showing engines and alternative to oil systems. this is the case of cars Tesla -name in honor of Serb inventor whose batteries can move an electric motor for 500 kilometers without recharging. In fact, all brands and models have electric batteries with incredible performance and more effective.Even Porsche has just introduced an electric model with a range of 450 kilometers with only 15 minutes of charging. Given this evidence politicians are more difficult to defend before their electorates oil use. Apple works secretly making your electric car To make matters worse, the apple company, Apple, with liquidity of billions of dollars home two years ago secretly developing an electric car. The project has hundreds of specialized engineers at any time announce a totally revolutionary vehicle. If the electric car wins in ten years gas stations obsoleted The successive reductions in the price of a barrel of oil is not only due to excess production and the slowdown of the Chinese economy. Part of the strategy of oil to avoid that in ten years the distribution networks fuel is obsolete, as happened with companies of street lighting by gas lamps that after the invention of the light bulb by Thomas Edison in 1879, fell bankrupt because it did not believe in electricity and spurned the invention.Objective: Go down to $ 20 a barrel Arab sheiks are the only producers who can provide the crude market surplus and the price of oil falls to $ 20, as a measure to stop the development of alternative energy and research into electric vehicles is not economically viable. According knew MIL21 in Arab diplomatic sources, the US authorities look favorably on the strategy adopted by the oil because it also coincides with the interests Washington: reduce income billionaires Putin's Russia for its exports of oil and natural gas. the maneuver of the "seven sisters" allowed to submit two -noruegos dozens of small producers, Venezuelan, Nigerian, a market -distorting guineanos- traditionally led by the monarchies of the Persian Gulf, with Saudi Arabia to head 

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