
7 de abril de 2016


Do not be fooled 

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As we note in the article Why WHAT REALLY HIDES BEHIND THE "ROLES OF PANAMA" ?, The issue of the "Papers of Panama" is darker and more intricate than it seems at first glance.
One of the first questions that arose in many alternative media (and practically went "unnoticed" in the mass media), is the mysterious initial absence of US clients of the firm Mossack Fonseca.
According to US media as Zerohedge, the first leaks about it, talk about 400 US clients, none of which, suspiciously, it can be considered "high profile".
In fact, many people are beginning to ask why, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) does not make public the full list of the leaked files so that everyone can consult it freely, as it has done so far Wikileaks has leaked when compremetedora documentation.
In an interview with Wired magazine the director of the ICIJ Gerard Ryle, he was asked just that.
And that's how Ryle said,
Ryle says that the media have no plans to release the full data set, as does WikiLeaks, arguing that doing so would expose sensitive information of innocent individuals, along with information of public figures who is in the group of journalists he has focused attention.
Gerard Ryle
Gerard Ryle
"We are not WikiLeaks. We are trying to prove that journalism can be done responsibly , " says Ryle.
Ryle says that he advised reporters from all media participants in the matter "acting in the public interest of their country"
This statement inadvertently exposes many of the suspicious factors surrounding the issue and we will go exhibiting in this article.
To begin with , accuses Wikileaks of  "being irresponsible" , characterizing turn the ICIJ reporters (ie, the mass media), as  "authentic journalism responsible" .
And the answer Wikileaks, could not be more accurate and devastating.
Through his Twitter account, WikiLeaks has accused the ICIJ being funded by various foundations that are dedicated exclusively to defend US interests worldwide.
twit wiki 1
twit wiki 2twit wiki 3
That is, this issue is being directly funded by people like billionaire George Soros (through its foundation Open Society), the Ford Foundation and USAID (United States Agency for International Development), a seemingly independent body however follow the strategic guidelines of the Department of State.
So that no one be fooled: this has nothing to do with "pursue more powerful" , "end the privileges of the elite"  or  "lay the foundations for a more transparent world".
Knowing who is funding the case, we can deduce clearly that this media maneuver on a massive scale, serves the interests of certain elites, to the detriment of others (which are perhaps not as "elite"  as we had been led to believe, or as they themselves believed be).
Consider a little the general structure of the whole thing.
The director's own statement ICIJ Gerard Ryle Wired magazine, puts us on the trail of what might be happening in reality.
For starters, the ICIJ is initially refusing to make public all the data filtering for anyone to to peruse.
Are only journalists working for the ICIJ (funded by whom is funded), who decide unilaterally who is exposed to shame and who is not, under the vague pretext of  "not expose sensitive information of innocent individuals."
But no one knows who these are  "innocent individuals".
In fact, do not publish the data, the ICIJ can conceal information concerning influential people and nobody will know that they are doing.
How anyone with half a brain can believe in the supposed "good intentions"  and the "transparency"  of a body such as the ICIJ, directly funded by organizations serving American elites and characters as sinister as George Soros ?
george soros
We also know, as denounced in the article Why WHAT HIDES REALLY BEHIND THE "ROLES OF PANAMA "?, That this leak mainly hurts all tax havens that are in competition with American tax havens, based in the states of Nevada , Wyoming and South Dakota and are promoted by the leading banking mafia world, the Rothschild clan.
Although many people refuse to accept it, moved by his hatred and contempt (justified) towards the rich and powerful and their traps to evade taxes, the fact is that it is becoming increasingly clear that after this whole thing a maneuver is hidden handling large-scale and multiple levels.
A great maneuver vaguely know its main sponsors, but which can hardly meet the conclusive details, because its complexity and depth possibly beyond our control.
Anyway, we can deduce many of its implications.
Then we will show how we see ourselves and invite readers to contribute their own views and critical analysis about it.
We know, as explains the director of the ICIJ own, that complete information on the firm's clients Mossack Fonseca, is not made public and will be a few journalists from different countries affiliated to ICIJ, who will decide unilaterally who are exposed to the open and who is not.
That is, that information can be used arbitrarily as a political weapon to attack certain figures contrary to the interests of the media to publish information (and political powers that really represent).
Thus, if a particular news group acts as media facade of a set of political interests "X" has access to this information, you can use the most convenient to attack only to persons associated with a set of political interests " And "enemies of yours.
These enemies do not have to be only political. They can also be ideological, religious, ethnic, cultural, sports and even personal enemies.
But this perhaps is a little superficial and naive view of the facts.
We can go even further.
Since interested in using this information for their own interests in each country can be many and varied, and even contradictory ideologically each other (as long as they do not go against the powers that have financed the filtration), we can deduce that all this leaked information could have been sold or auctioned as intermediaries to the main means having access to it from the beginning.
If true, the leak itself could in turn become a huge business for its promoters, associates and subordinates.
Imagine, as a caricature, that you are powerful people with a series of political and economic high - level interest and a certain media group that has access to the data from this leak, approaches you and offers them:  "I have information very compromising on your great enemy 'so and so'. If you pay me as much, I will make public the data on offshore business in Panama. And if you pay the premium fee, plus I will start against him a broad smear campaign "
And this at multiple levels within each and every one of the countries where the leaks are published. And, as the scandal advance, the price will increase and multiply in key periods, such as before an election.
So, this could go far beyond leaks by political interests. This could be a big deal to multiple sides and levels, the implications are more convoluted than it may initially appear.
An example: the case of complaints against Vladimir Putin.
Among the large number of filtered data, there were some relating to persons connected with Putin, which have been widely used by Western media to discredit the figure of "uncomfortable" Russian leader.
Clearly filtration, in this particular case, has been used by certain Western powers as a means to attack and discredit Vladimir Putin and Russia in general.
putin confidential
However, when controlled by the Kremlin (as RT or Sputnik), media reported that the sole objective of this massive leak is hurting Putin, what they do is incur a gross oversimplification of the facts, not to say that they are directly using the attack as a propaganda maneuver.
Obviously they have used the leak to attack Putin. But it is also obvious that he is not the only and main reason for the issue, however important the Russian president.
And this leads us to question how many levels of interest could hide behind this whole issue of the "Papers of Panama".
Consider that when an operation of this magnitude starts, never done with one simple objective, but is planned to obey multiple interests and reach different goals.
This case could be stratified by levels of interest and ultimate objectives as follows:
A-  At the lowest level, would the population, responding reflexively to all these leaks with outrage, demanding that justice be done with those involved, without having the foggiest idea of mountain interests hidden after the whole thing (in fact, most people do not just want to know, because he prefers to live in the illusion that  "are unwinding the shenanigans of the most powerful." ..¡santa innocence!)
B-  At a higher level, we have those groups, companies, organizations or individuals with purchasing power leaked information in each country to attack with it their political, ideological, ethnic, religious, etc enemies ...
In this case we have certain powers that use the leaked information on a discretionary basis, obeying their local interests, without too much worry to the initial sponsors of the leak, they observe these small local wars as "indigenous conflict" .
C-  Above this level, we would have to different governments of each country, who see in filtering the opportunity to pursue tax evasion at all levels, to raise revenue for the state at a time of "lean" and justify also increased fiscal pressure and control over all citizens.
D-  At the top level to governments, multinational find the target nuclei of Western power, which aim to harm certain high - level political figures theoretically contrary to their interests geoestratéticos, such as Vladimir Putin.
E-  still above them, is the interest to pursue and eliminate tax havens that make competition to American tax havens for tax evaders so stop depositing their capital in them and produce a large flow of capital fraudulent towards the much more opaque and difficult to control (for now) US tax havens.
At this level are high financial powers as representing the Rothshcild clan and US financial elites, struggling to get the US to become the main (and if you can be unique) tax haven in the world.
F-  And finally as a last interest at a higher level throughout this complex maneuver, we have the ultimate goal of authentic elites: reconfiguring the world economic, political and social level, to lay the foundation of a new global paradigm; what in certain alternative circles is known as New World Order.
At this level, the pursuit of tax havens aims eventually to promote the creation of global bodies charged to control the world as a whole, under the pretext of fighting the"global tax fraud".
One of the key points of this alleged fight against global tax fraud, is to promote the elimination of physical money, replacing electronic money easily traceable and monitorable by banks and governments, under the pretext that in this way,  "fraud is impossible".
The end result of this maneuver is that all citizens be under the control and direct scrutiny and continued banks and governments, which always know how much money they have, how they spend it, when they spend, where they spend and Indeed, where they are at every moment; the same would happen if every citizen take-up microchip inserted under the skin, as a pet.
That is, we are talking about absolute power over all citizens of the planet, which in fact may be denied access to their money when  they "misbehave" , turning as slaves totally dependent on their  "masters" .
And once all global fiscal control agencies created, the natural step is to create a global government, precisely controlled by these elites; a world government whose executive branches will transnational corporations and below them, the governments of the states that directly obey their interests during the transition period until the complete privatization of all public authorities.

All this is what we believe is actually hidden behind the scandal of the "Papers of Panama".
We are facing a conglomerate of interests intersecting at multiple levels, in which the people involved at every level, not just know what interests work ultimately thanks to the technical standard of fragmentation, layering and compartmentalization of information specific to any large-scale operation.
Unfortunately, the street people nor just find out what is happening, as it is manipulated by the media and journalists working in them.
Journalists that in most cases, not even know what interests are served when they hire to vomit all this propaganda, they shamefully describe as "journalistic information".
It is so sad, although many people refuse to accept it.
The worst is that the population will be unable to have an overall picture of the whole thing, as will be confused by the incessant media noise caused by the incessant parade of characters accused in the leaks.
And, speaking in silver,  "the hosts go in all directions".
As we have said, we believe that this massive leak, will be exposed to public ridicule to many people or organizations because of partisan, ideological or economic local, national or international interests and in many cases, these claims will occur after a sale information to their direct enemies, which can even be crossed, ie the enemies a and B paid both by the shenanigans of his counterpart aireen, leaving both exposed to public ridicule (a sweet deal for sellers of information, which in this case would act as arms dealers selling weapons to both sides of a conflict).
At the same time, we believe there will be a large number of public figures who will be presented with the simple goal of generating noise, increase the sense of widespread corruption and justify fiscal control policies to be implemented at all levels.
All fields and strata of society must be exposed: athletes, artists, politicians, religious organizations, NGOs, banks, businesses, etc ...
The ultimate goal of all this is that the feeling among the population (the lowest level of the maneuver) that tax fraud of the richest is generated  "intolerable"  and should be pursued taking the measures necessary (which we indicated at the highest level of the maneuver).
And once the prosecution of fraud to the theoretically more powerful it is applied, the conclusion is inevitable:  "If the wealthy are subject to much scrutiny, everyone should be."
And is that as we have been denouncing for so long, the ultimate goal has always been us: the  "street people".
We know what we denounce in this article is not the most popular right now.
We know that we would be better off if we ignore what we see so clearly and diaphanous, we restricted our view and we were to add to the chorus of demagogues who denounced the  "evil defraudadoras elites" , asking blindly that measures are taken precisely the elites who have assembled this racket, are chasing.
We know that there are people who want to misinterpret what we have said, accusing stupidly fraud to justify the richest.
Could it be that someone denies that most of the billionaires involved are selfish, corrupt, hypocrites, thieves and in many cases psychopaths?
We already knew before they come to the surface "Papers of Panama".
All we do is ask readers to not be manipulated, to open your eyes and see how a general level and not as a plane detail the whole picture.
Unfortunately, this is not what it seems at first glance.
Sorry for all those who believed they were living a fairy tale ...

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