
6 de abril de 2016


It is a reality that every day we see on the news and makes us angry.
Unscrupulous murderers, murderers of all kinds, cruel and despicable rapists and fraudsters are judged unaccountably later released. Sometimes it is because of errors in the procedure, others for lack of evidence or contamination, and sometimes just seems that to the judge on duty the pot has gone completely.
And it is especially bleeding cases in which, moreover, is a recidivist criminal. When it comes to a person who, despite not being rehabilitated in any way, is released and a few days comes the news that has found a new victim to that attack, kill or rape.
All this leads to say to many people, and with a point of reason, that the Spanish justice is too soft, that is too garantista . Our legislation tends to protect the criminal and leaves too completely helpless victims and their families. And in fact, all now come to mind the image of a desolate Sevillian family has spent years waiting for justice for the murder of his daughter.
But there is a question to ask ... our righteousness is as guarantor for those who break the law?
Recall that persons have been sentenced to prison for writing tweets of 140 characters for refusing to demolish their house or even steal a chicken (true) in Spain. People like Miguel Montes Neiro, who have spent 36 years in jail despite having no violent crime, or the creator of a website sentenced to 6 years in prison for "violating intellectual property" downloads.
The Spanish penal code, contrary to what many people think, is one of the toughest in Europe. So the problem is not that the law is too soft. The problem is in  how it is applied . And besides, itseems that justice is particularly lax only in those cases highly  media  and spread terror among the population when dealing with murderers, rapists or child molesters.
But why does this happen? Are our judges are idiots, or they feel sorry for criminals and a strong commitment to human rights?
Let's stop for a moment. What happens when someone with serious crimes has been released?
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The first effect is that we think that "justice should be tougher." It comes to mind that should open more prisons, that the penalties should be longer, and even that torture is necessary to obtain certain confessions and that should allow the death penalty.
This is a first psychological reaction of the population. But then comes the second effect ... and that is, obviously, to be released very dangerous people indeed increases insecurity in the streets, or at least perceived by society as well.
What they never tell us is that this is a propitious for subjecting the population to a new level of vigilance and alienation, under the pretext of "security" culture. If in our peaceful city released suddenly a murderer vicious serial wreaked havoc decades ago, if every day we see in the news cases of people assaulted or raped in the street without the guilty tread jail ... who is not afraid ?
It is the perfect strategy to slowly lead to the sheepfold. If we have so lethargic, so inefficient and so liberal justice that leaves dangerous criminals on the streets ... We'll have to do something to protect us , right? And here comes into play juicy and profitable billion dollar industry of  private security .
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And we do not know to what extent can the intrusion of private security in our lives ...
In a few years, everyone, regardless of age or social class, all have cameras recording in our own homes that will monitor everything we do at all times, for our  safety . Unknowns looking across the target what you do in your most private moments , that are not your guardian angels but employees of a company to which your security actually gives a horn and you're looking to make a profit ... And if you have to sell the information from the cameras to another company to send you advertising, a scammer to know your habits or any state agency to monitor a possible dissenting attitude on your part ... neglected, it will. Money calls to money.
The worst thing is that this big brother who will look at us from every corner of our house we have not installed to force the minions of a totalitarian dictator ...  What we have done by themselves , so confident and so happy!
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Like so confident we climbed our most intimate and confidential one thing files called "cloud" ... Curious name for what are actually  other people 's computers , as such, can hack and spy on their contents.
Repression does not come as a dictator gives a coup and boots of their soldiers tread the head of the terrified citizens ... The repression comes when, through  psychological warfare , citizens we are manipulated to  ask for more repression , and it is then slowly cold and we provide small doses of censorship, surveillance, control ... until the drug safety has completely killed that free human being that we all have inside.
Everything indicates that the future is so ... And in the meantime, what can we do? For the moment, do not fall into their trap: stop thinking that justice works so badly by pure chance or clumsiness of judges and start asking who gets benefits with this. And as someone continues to derive benefit, Neglect: that nothing will "harden" the laws or including life imprisonment in the penal code.

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