
12 de abril de 2017

If we have to steal, they are others and not the usual suspects

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

If we have to steal, they are others and not the usual suspects

If as voters, not listen to us  as consumers, they will  boicoetemos their businesses.
We took the upper hand. 

As end the SCAM of electrical ... fuck up going from the quislings of bipartisanship

Given the continuous and scandalous theft by power and its abuses in the electricity bill 
I propose ... 
act all together as consumers  hiring ALL  or failing a majority,    another electric company than either of these two (ENDESA - IBERDROLA) and move to another one of the many offers that exist today.

So that it is not them another big to bow to our demands for a fairer and much cheaper rate  or face the consequences of continuing their scam.

In our hand it is to continue this theft or cut their losses so that we do not continue bossing


Indignant Global Song

(pá only great minds   free powder and charges)

If I have to kill it,  one against Trump that is    not a treasonous Obama, who comes behind me. 

These bipartisanship,  anyone and they give

Both rides, rides therefore  be sociata or liberal.

I fed up with his stories  of crises and wars without

When no flag that tape,  the craving for a criminal.

Collateral damage are  innocent massacring

if we did with them,  there would be no more war.

So it happens that happens,  no one is ready and

unless the CIA paid,  as the ISIS MOSAD

To me, I never look for me,  or call me pá fight.

I do not kill for anyone. 

I kill not kill.

Peace of the cemeteries  is peace of capital

If I am red it is because I want  in life, to live in peace.

Today only kills the hunger,  the rich have more 

With the complicit silence,  of toítos others.

We prefer to cover us,  eyes pá not think

Or look pá other hand,  thinking that evil will go away.

Believe that what happens to another,  we must not matter.

Cá hold your candle stick,  we repeat endlessly.

This is the mantra selfish  Rula by society

as if what happens to another,  do not you can go to

Over all, how boomerang back,  back where he started  and maybe ocupes morning,  the site another left.

Thousand poor fatten a rich,  thousand give wages,   few others give their lives  because everything remainssame. 

Not to eat my ear,  I do not think anythin and  their wars, their scams,  or global warming

Just your lies,  hide a truth  that few are up  and down tós others.

Whether you're an atheist,  Christian or Muslim.

Only the elect,  paradise will.

There are alternative means,  yellows many more.

Some redder than others. 

The least Radikal.

Most everyone has their thing,  and all you have to browse

Comparing that have  more general opinion.

Tó what one learns. 

Nobody has the truth.

Be more Catholic than the Pope,  it is no guarantee of nA.

I only believe what I see,  I said to me , Thomas, than blindly driving,  not for tripping.

And the enemy, nor water,  nor ever contemporizar  No doubt, sooner or later  you always the play.

Not to follow anyone  and everyone must listen.

If your conscience guide you,  anything you'll regret.

Glad to see the rich,  sticking by be more m hile in that are found,  perhaps leave us alone.

If you think or not their lies,  they would not care.

To make them for truthful,  it is enough to act. 

Do not tell me any more stories,  that tós me I know already.

It demonizes anyone  who can not stop stealing.

Not enough to be a saint, but be "the saints"

As you get caught,  you will not be worth praying.

They call single thought. 

PA blinkered thinking  rather than the carrot. 

The stick will lag behind.

If you do not believe in dictation,   anti-system and you'll be  much good you do, 

you're going to demonize.

Not to eat my ear,  that to me, not give me.

I know all your stories  and each end.

If Canon want meat,  Pál slaughterhouse out  lookinganother fool, this fool does not go

Has not been seen in TOA history,  another scamnotbeaten.

The mother Toas the crisis,  which created capital and  when so richly, 
or he was not on his couch  Relaxed already covered, inclement and others, 
they cut without notice  tap your mana. 

And leave you without your dreams ,  unemployed and homeless  and pá high and gloating  ofand strangers, go and tell you aswarning  that the red shouldnot be listening  that are worse than the wolf,  the story and much more
and if you go and you vote  Toito they will rob you.

If as voters, they not listen to us  as consumers will.

Boicoetemos their companies  carry the upper hand . 

If no choice but  to allow ourselves to steal  it is another and not always  maybe so, you will learn n
 pá no bread or both chorizo, 
They say, when what is left over bread.

So there is a couple of eggs  pá not choriceen us.

Eladio result image refugees fernandez Sweden

They have to tó,  others, quasi-de-anythin but they are four shits 
and we semos more.

The next revolution  against corporations will be  and if it is not won  
there will be no longer.

Who know understand that you understand  what I say is PA chewing slowly and with good conscience.

My time does not give ... pa more

Armak of Odelot

They say: 

It will not be televised,  the next revolution.

More than anyone he trusts  in  what is said to us today,  spent the whole day,  tumbados on the couch  in front of the idiot box, not to miss the moment  pass the procession  to carry inside tós

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