
23 de abril de 2017


Sunday, April 23, 2017


FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 2017

INCREASED FREQUENCY COSMIC * - Archangel Michael Beloved: as beings of Earth Ascension process, they chose the new line of quantum time, on 14 April, have made another major shift in consciousness. • On that day, he came in different ways, a strong electromagnetic pulse of the planet Gaia. • Behind the scenes, we were working to minimize the effects in every way. At this time, different celestial events are directly affecting the levels of Gamma Light, entering the planet Earth and the human body. • Gamma Light and immediately transforms a higher form DNA, within hours, they recode the genome as a species to another entirely different. • The historical levels of light entering Gaia, are being monitored by their scientific bodies. • We recoding their DNA and recreating inside glass for his return to the original purity of his sublime Being. • This complex process that are going through, is making them go through unstable phases but upon completion, the manifestation of the again, it is magical. To help stabilize internal dissonant impulses and transmute, they can use the following: - Experiment joy and Love; - Laugh; - Feel happiness; - Listen to music; - Dance and sing; - Have fun with friends; - Walk around nature; - Play with your children and pets; - Any other activity that allows them to build huge energy vortexes of Light. Choose to bring them all that positivity and help them multiply powerfully inside, the energetic frequencies of your own light. - In his work with light, find and choose the best moments for themselves and others. - Food intake is critical high vibration also listen to their bodies to discover that they must stop eating and drinking, contribute to physical crystallization, do not force their containers with toxic substances and hard digestions. - Remember that everything around themvibrate, then choose the highest, thus contributing to the needs of his ascension through what makes themfeel better, like colors, smells, sounds, taste, touch and other sensations. - Meditate daily, is a wonderful practice that helps realign the imbalanced internal frequencies, also it allows them to delve inside themselves and connect with their own knowledge. -. However, when making contact with the information from the past, do not forget to process these ancient codes, with their own frequencies and filter out what does not serve you and use what really resound to his true Self Dear, do not lose time and let go of that which belongs to others and not resound them. • In fact, they are removed from the subconscious, the molecular structures of their biological clock. • In this now, these old subconscious impulses are losing power in many of you, since the direction of their souls is allowing them to rediscover themselves, because they are going to be what they are. • In their transitions, your being is migrating from the four -dimensional cognitive frequencies within the Pentadimensionalidad, where time does not affect space and allows them to accelerate exponentially in the zero point vibrational rate. Arguably inside sanitation, they are experiencing the end of time, because all its spiritual aspects are increasing the frequency level to conceive the new being as a whole.• faultlessly, are rebuilding themselves, to bring out the super being who truly are! • This is the time of its Comebacks Being therefore make a serious effort in their internal changes, for the greater good of their souls, so that manifest their Fifth-dimensional Expression and start living aligned well with these frequencies, while remaining anchored to Gaia. • This should be your deepest desire, so be disciplined at all levels of their existing stocks, to adapt to new DNA program, to receive full, the Superior Assistance inner integration of everything new. Build their transcendences of all lower with the opportunities around them , gain all their homecomings, and enter another dimensional corridor that allows them tointeract with other worlds and realities of greater flexibility that empower be yourself. • Focus on the task of reuniting all other Yos space time block them , and install the acceptance and peace, by aggregating all the forces of its various stocks, to achieve self -transformation in its current developments. • As Bearers of Light, we applaud them for their great intention to re-create the following higher elevation in order to achieve the highest version of themselves and experience internally the new being. This April, is a marker key in the Cosmic Plan for human Ascension, so we tell them to put to work and prepare for the super updates of DNA as high frequency waves sweeping the planet Gaia. • We remind youthat are now moving between two lines of very different time and circumstances synchronized with the lower astral are a bit chaotic. • All who have chosen to make this Ascension within a body and are doing their inner spiritual work, to travel faster in the timeline of the New Earth will feel the effects of this chaos in others and the world. However, we remind you to focus on your purposes and act as an observer of what might happen in less time line. • Put your being, out of reach of the main effects of this slower vibration, as it does not resonate with the vibrations of the dimensions of Light. • As Angelic Beings of Light, remain in the here and now, to witness all, sending the frequencies of Unconditional Love and Violet Flame. • Trying to help others to jump to another stage of Ascension will not be possible, so it is essential to maintain their approaches to evolve in the new timeline. • Know that all human beings willreturn home one way or another, each has chosen to make your transition as Wayshowers Ascension increase their frequencies, so that with its light will illuminate at the speed of God, that of everyone else! I AM Archangel Michael By MICHAEL LOVE It is therefore essential to maintain their approaches to evolve in the new timeline. • Know that all human beings will return home one way or another, each has chosen to make your transition as Wayshowers Ascension increase their frequencies, so that with its light will illuminate at the speed of God, that of everyone else! I AM Archangel Michael By MICHAEL LOVE It is therefore essential to maintain their approaches to evolve in the new timeline. • Know that all human beings will return home one way or another, each has chosen to make your transition as Wayshowers Ascension increase their frequencies, so that with its light will illuminate at the speed of God, that of everyone else! I AM Archangel MichaelBy MICHAEL LOVE

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