
27 de abril de 2017

Pass the Word to Mr. Trump

By Anna Von Reitz
All evidence suggests that Donald Trump is being fed a line of absolutely unconscionable nonsense.  He is being told that the "government of the United States" is insolvent--- and that much is---artificially-- true; what he isn't being told is that all the money he needs is in fact at his command and that the entire insolvency, National Debt, etc., is only an appearance being created by dishonest bookkeeping. 

What he also isn't being told is that he has no need for Israeli debt or Rothschild credit, because these banks are only middlemen.  He can go straight to the source and dispense with all the negotiations and demands and offers of these Third Party interlopers. 

With his help, we can take back what rightfully belongs to America and Americans, who will then naturally assist him in his endeavors to make America Great Again instead of swaggering around beating other innocent nations senseless.

For starters, he can stop trying to drum up business by dropping bombs in Afghanistan and missiles in Syria and rattling sabers against North Korea. 

He can realize that his entire problem is with dishonest banks and dishonest bookkeeping and order--- as Commander in Chief --- a competent external audit.  Once that happens it will be painfully apparent to everyone that the "United States" is not really broke and that vast bank-inspired bankruptcy fraud has been committed instead.  The Puerto Rican Electrical Utility they are bankrupting to use as a pass through siphon is another case in point.

It will also be apparent that the only reason we are having any trouble with Syria, North Korea, and Iran is that they are the only sizeable countries left on Earth that are not hobbled unto death by a Central Bank in the Vatican Bank stable.

Yesterday, in "The Fruits of Endless War-- How Insurance Fraud Funds "Your" Government(s)"  it was fully explained how you are being defrauded and how insurance fraud related to insurance annuities and generation skipping trusts and false claims of guardianship are used by crime syndicates masquerading as governments to pick your pockets clean.  It was also explained how they have made death into Big Business benefiting themselves and why it is to everyone's benefit --- everyone on Earth --- to get rid of this fraud and those perpetuating it.

As long as death by any means equals profit for anyone, we will have motive for crime that results in death---- whether it is poisoning the food or the water, vaccinating us with poisons, polluting our air with chemtrails, or causing senseless wars. 

So Job One for Mr. Trump, the Pope, the Queen, and every other muckety-muck you can lay your hands on, is to put an end to the entire insurance fraud industry and the entire motive to profit from the death of innocent people by any means at all.  

We also explained how all this graft is creating cancerous growth of government and layers upon layers of government employees and government dependents that are sucking the entire world economy dry without producing anything but more government.

Tell Mr. Trump the truth.  Make him responsible for knowing it, whether he acts upon it or not. Tell Mr. Putin, too.  And Prince William.  And the Lord Mayor of London.  And your local police chief.  And the commander at your local Air Force base.  Tell the local Cardinal Archbishops and the Pope.  Just give them a copy of "The Fruits of Endless War -- How Insurance Fraud Funds "Your" Government(s)" and suggest that it is time to find another way of living, being, and operating a government. 

It's time for all the fraud, deceit, and cooked books to end.  It's time for the motive to murder for profit to end.  In fact, full stop, it's time for a whole new world to begin. 

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