
9 de abril de 2017

Turkey Farming in Colorado

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Turkey Farming in Colorado

By Anna Von Reitz
I told the Colorado Grand Juries not to do these things which have resulted in their members being arrested---and I thought they understood the reasons why--- but turn your back for five minutes.....

So, here they are facing a lot of unnecessary unpleasantness and giving those of us who are proceeding lawfully a bad name. 

To explain the situation by analogy: a bunch of Irish nationals got confused and thought that Spanish courts and Spanish elected officials were doing something wrong because they were not obeying Irish law. 

The sane person asks--- why should Spanish people be obeying Irish law?  What are these nutcase Irishmen doing crossing over the border and threatening Spanish judges and elected officials for? 

The only difference is that people of the land jurisdiction crossed over and attacked persons operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  It's the same sort of situation.  Land is land and sea is sea, just like Irish is Irish and Spanish is Spanish.  The ways, means, and assumptions of one don't carry over to the other.

These particular Common Law Grand Juries were so ignorant they thought that all courts had to obey Common Law practices and premises.  They didn't study to make themselves approved. 

The Admiralty and Administrative Courts  and the Territorial and Municipal United States were in fact approved under the same Constitution that these men claim to hold so dear ---but if they had studied and thought about The Constitution deeply enough they would have known this, with or without me telling them. 

If they had had the right attitude, once I explained it, they would have looked and seen for themselves.  Instead, they just bulled ahead and did whatever they thought was right.

So in a way, these people are hypocrites ---- trumpeting about The Constitution out of one side of their mouths, but not bothering to earnestly study it and the history leading up to it, so that they make mistakes like this and get in trouble. They want their guarantees honored, but don't want to respect the guarantees granted to others by the same agreement.

I tried to warn them for a period of over two months and nobody was listening. They thought I was a traitor to the cause because I wouldn't go along with their vengefulness and their errors and their methods.  The other night they were on the radio calling me names and blaming me for their own stupidity and the trouble it has bought them. 

Yes, I told them what to expect and I told them why they would get arrested if they did these things -- which is simple logic if you know The Constitution and know the law and the history-- but because I "knew" they would get arrested they now think that I had to have some kind of insider knowledge.....sigh.

Not all turkeys come in out of the rain.  Some just stand under a drain spout and drown. 

It is fair to say that I am extremely disappointed with the Colorado Grand Juries' performance, their stubborn error, their willful ignorance, and their back-biting toward all those who tried to warn them.  They just compound their errors and make a bad situation even worse by alienating those who would otherwise try to help them.

This is not the first time that I have seen patriot efforts go astray as a result of ignorance and vengeance-seeking.

It is absolutely true that a great many Americans have been abused by their own employees and by the usurping foreign federated courts presuming upon them and their private assets.  They have a right to be angry and they have a right to seek redress by every lawful means possible.  The key word is "lawful".  

That includes staying in our own jurisdiction and learning to use the abundant means that are available to us to guarantee change and redress of wrongs. 

We have otherwise made excellent and relatively unimpeded progress toward restoring the land jurisdiction government. More and more jural assemblies are forming under the able tutelage of the Michigan General Jural Assembly and serious-minded Americans are studying their history and law in ever-increasing numbers. 

I look forward to the day when misunderstandings like this are a thing of the past. 

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